Son, on Saturday ast: from | bert, re "Albert College, Belleville, She is fo ~ congratulated on - procuring 'the Zaner certificate in penmanship and Sprott's writing certificate," also the Albert College Diploma i in, Shorthand and Typewriting. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Crosier, of Utica; Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Em- merson, of Nestleton; Mrs. William Tordiff, of Brooklin, and Mr. Chas. Tordiff, of Oshawa, were recent guests with Mr, 'and Mrs, Jabes Crosier. Mr. Jas. McKee has arrived home after a three month's vacation with his people near Belfast, Ireland. Misses Tena and Edna McKee and Mr. Cline McKee attended the grad- uating exercises at Wellesley Hospi- tal recently. Miss Florence McKee being in the graduating class of this year, Mrs. Fred Taggart suffered a paralytic stroke on Wednesday morn- ing and her condition at time of go- ing to press is very serious. Miss Estelle Bull left on Wednes- day for her home in Bloomfield, where she will spend a couple of months. Mr. Wm. Nesbitt spent an enjoy- able week at the Police Convention at Windsor. Mrs. Nesbitt accom- "panied him and remains at Windsor for: the present. The 'Rey. Mr. Higgs, of Madoc, has been appointed pastor of the Port Perry Methodist. Church. Rev, Mr. Harrison goes to Degeronto. We were pleased to Teegive a visit last week from Mr. Aleck "Seuch, of Detroit, who is now auditor ofthe Commercial State Savings Bank, of: Detroit; Mich, Mr. Souch is looking well, Miss Ethel Corbman, who has been doing nursing inspection work in the Cobalt district for the past 6 months, is spending her holidays with her brother, Mr. Dorman Corbman, pre- paratory to leaving to take charge of a 1600 mile district in the West. Messrs T. Cook & Son have install- ed a new up-to-date bottling machine. We are pleased to see them prosper- ing. Sunday was a hot day. thermometer is said to have regis- tered 96 degrees in the shade. 94 de- grees is the report from Lindsay. etme) Orme OLD ENGLAND LODGE HAS VISIT FROM SUPREME LODGE OFFICER Last Tuesday night was red letter night for Old England Lodge, S.0.E. it being the occasion of a visit from the D. D. and the Supreme Treasurer, as well as members from Oshawa and Whitby. The Oshawa members put on the work; after which all sat down to 'the banquet table where things good to eat were ready for them. Afger lunch a short program of song and speeches were given. Dees MASONS MEET Fidelity Lodge No 428 G.R.C., A. F. & A. M. enjoyed a yery pleasant' fraternal visit from a number of former members of Fidelity Lodge, now residing in Toronto. The visitors put on the Masonic work and at the conclusion a happy "Fourth Degree" was carried out in which there were song and speech and story. Among the visitors were: W. W, Ash, Joseph Hodgson, A. S. Ebbels, Fred Christie, John Chisholm, Dr. S. B. Graham, George Cawker, Dr, E. Willard, Dr. Russell Parr, J. S. Mc- Kinnon, S. E. Stewart, Harry Brock, all of Toronto, V. M. Hare, and A. St. John, of Uxbridge, and J. Gourley, of Sault Ste Marie. 00 DECORATION SERVICES On Sunday next, July 1st, decora- tion services will be held at the Pine Grove Cemetery at 2.30 pm. Ad- dresses will be delivered by local clergymen. There will be 'community singing. 4 The re (J rere sr JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN . CHURCH The annuab patriotic service will be held in St. John's Presbyterian Church on Sunday next, July 1st at 11 am. The children of the Sabbath | School are asked to meet in the base- | % earsal. | ment at 10.30 am. fo Forme oe "In the evening King Edward Lodge | No. 228 L. O. L. will join with the : congregation in 'worship, When selecting hat. Wedding Present you are. invited to ins pect our Alarm Clocks, Flatware, Hollow- : ware, China, Cut Glass. If your eyes need at- | tention call and have' them examined by us. Our prices are right. Glasses -only supplied where necessary Bring your Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairs to us. . Estimates given on all work. I.R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. Dr. A. H. Naylor has opened an office in the Willard Block, Port Perry, and will commence medical practice immediately. Bell Phone 181 . | e----O QO HIGHLAND: BEACH Mr. Clifford Coulter is to be con- gratulated on his énterprise in clear- ing up and putting into shape one of the best summer resort localities that it has ever been our privilege to see for some time. In the first place the beach is good, and has been cleared »f all debris, The weeds are nearly all gone and there will be a splendid wading and_ bathing beach for all eleven hundréd-feet long, and sloping gradually out to 'deep water. There is a pleasing" sxinge of trees along the whole shore, Bnd many more trees are to be planted Tia gall The natural "layout of the lan Ng a most attractive feature. It rises some fifteen to twenty feet from the water level, and is high and dry, hav- ing a commanding view of the lake which stretches away to the north for many miles, while opposite is Scugog Island, fertile and beautiful. So much for the natural advantages. Other attraction will be a separate and readily accessible entrance to the property; Hydro lighting; a park to which all will have access; a pier for boaters and bathers; and ready ac- cess to the water , front for all cottagers. We fully expect to see Highland Beach become a favorite summer re- sort, and feel sure that it will be a distinct attraction for Port Perry, situated as it is just north of" the "Beechcroft" Rose Gardens which are now justly famous. sete) (eg + L. 0. L. CHURCH SERVICE King Edward Lodge, Port Perry, will hold their annual Church parade on Sunday, July 1st. . Members will meet at the lodge room at 6 p.m. and march to the Presbyterian Church. A special meeting of King Edward Lodge is called for Friday night, July 6th. TO THE ELECTORS AF SOUTH ONTARIO : Please accept my hearty thanks for the support given to me on Monday by means of which I have been re- elected as member of the Legislature. I will endeavor to do my duty by the whole riding. W. E. N. SINCLAIR LL THE BEST I HAVE EVER TAKEN So says Mr. John Brooks, in describ- ing the relief he found in Dreco, the famous herbal remedy Mr. Brooks, a well-known citizen of 82 Chestnut street, Toronto, makes an interesting statement in wi wh raises Dreco highly. Let him tell a hate {akan gp h catarrh in my head, nose without nny I believe it wi condition that caused my get in bad shape. The foo would 'not agree with ay Sour dn in 'my ich he} how this wonderful Y adicine helped } Sat ton deliy Lime and Plaster on hand *P. FIGARY "WOOL Wanted {Highest Price Paid All Kinds of POULTRY Hides, Sheep Skins and Junk We pay the big price I. TURNER Bell Phone 213 Ind. 1800 HOUSE FOR SALE Bungalow for sale on Cochrane St., Port. Perry, 6 rooms and summer knthen,. bathroom and plumbing com- plete, also. hard water in kitchen, garage, henliouse, lovely garden. Ealsily heated. t sell quickly. E. C. Burton, Port Petry." July 19 St. Mary's Cement, Allan Goode. Proprietor. - W.E. HARRISON : Blong Block, Port Perey. : ~ Manufacturer of Hand-made Harness and} |dealer in Robes, Blankets, Whips, Mitts and Gloves, Chub, Bags, Suit Cases, ete. W. J. 'COOK: "+ Dealer in REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle Station Property quickly and satis- factorily bought, sold and ex- changed on reasonable terms. Large list to select from. ' Bell Phone 120 r 2 Seasonable Fruits We have on hand an excellent B | supply of Fruits, including-- Home Grown Strawberries California Peaches California Plums California Cherries Apricots Delicious Watermelons. A good assortment ,of Candies, Chocolate 'Bars, ete. ALEX. NAPLE, ENERAL MOTORS The Oldsmobile Iplete even to the minor details of equipment. You have nothing to buy. "Four" is com- MOFFATT SALES, LTD. Oshawa. Ontario. EERIE Ti TE 3 Oakland is the he est exclusive build- er of light sixes. great value in the | MOFFATT MOTOR | ALES, LiueD orth, Osluwy e seat inside for _| gers and behind it a deep. I { 'ment for suit case, sample kit, ap- "al (leg 5 1 i: paratus or other business equipment 'interior body. 0 carrier 3 a Another compartment in the rear of license holder standard equip- the body has equal carrying capacity." ment." Upholstery is wool b Electric starter snd dem ountable Controls, including clutch and ser- rims are also Standarg Sauipient. on vice brake. pedals, foot accelerator, this ear. _ STANDARD GARAGE | For the June Bride --A Kroehler Suite ~ Never before have we offered a living-room suite combining such unusual beauty with unusual service. For tie home-maker this luxurious suite is ideal. Not only is it # last word in smart design and 'upholostery, but it does away also with the necessity of a guest) room in the new home.