in dainty sets, "consist- Bowl and Cream Jug. x Nippon China Cake Set $3.25 Seance of Sac Cots '31% 73 ; st a: of Good Sight ) table for heavy teaming x = RES EE -- I, agqn; © ke binder, 6 ft. good. ¢ lift sulky, new. , 18s coutn: cultivator. ' t & Wood Mower, b ft. OTICE 'TO CREDI TORS Moffatt, late of the Village of Perry In the County of Ontario, men, di Suant. to Section 56 of Chapter f the od Statutes of On- is hereby given 'others having te of John ! of Port _ 'Get Facts-About Your Eyes" = ined thought your five Senses. ETE All your ¥nowledgel is Seeing, Hearing, Feeling, Tasting, Sel lin. The most important of these is the Sense of S Jiht You have only two Eyes. If they should fail you. hat then? | A minutes serious thought should convince you of the fraportance of giving your eyes proper attention at the First Evidence of trouble. ~ Correct Glasses Correctly Fitted W. A. HARE, Optometrist "OSHAWA- Over Mitchells Drug Store. AT McKEE'S JEWELRY STORE, PORT PERRY Thursday June 28th > This consists of 7 pieces, 'one large cake plate and six small individual plates. Good quality of china with pretty decoration of violet. FHS Per set $3.26 Hand Painted Fruit Bowl $125 "These sets are very attractive and consist of bowl, small plate and lade, all daintily decorated with hand painted design. | : - Per set $1.26 Berry Set $3.50 This set consists of 7 pieces, a berry bowl and six individual fruit nappies made of good quality china 'and decor- ated with blue clover leaf and gold $2.00 ferent decorations. pa Ww. i TYRE a Prices are Advancing We are sorry, but we are not to blame. The bulk of our stock was bought at the i Howest. price, and we will not advance our prices until we are compelled. : This 1s the time to order your suit we can give you tailor made or ready-to-wear suits. Ask to see our ready- to- wear working pants. We are carrying the finest stock of caps in town. W. H. DOUBT Merchant Tailor PORT PERRY ONT. MORE GOOD FISHING A group of four men from Bramp- ton landed 28 bass and seven lunge in two days fishing. All the fish were of good size. Scugog fishing is show- Price each $2.00 ing up well this year. + We sell everything you palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it goed " BERT . MacGREGOR - Will do the rest. . edging. \ These bowls are 9 inches across and have a hand painted scenic decoration in pretty tinted effect. Several dif- biscuit jars, SONYA Miss Mabel McTaggart, of the Vie- torian Order of Nurses, of Montreal, is spending her vacation at her home her. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Munro spent the week end at Toronto and Niagara. Mr. Langford, of Sunderland, visit- ed at the home of Mr. Jas. Watson over the week end. Don't forget the usual Sunday ser- vices and celebration to be held here July 1 and 2. See bills. Miss M. Ferguson is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ferguson. During the week end Misses "Alice Lunney and Jean Middleton visited with Miss Lorna Dure. Miss Clema McTaggart of Toronto, is at home, The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Miss Ethel McCoy last Wed- nesday afternoon. ' Oakwood and Sonya teams did not finish the league game of baseball on Saturday afternoon on account of the rain. ----r Oi AUTO RUG LOST Grey with black stripes, between Manchester and Utica. Finder please notify C. Truscott, Bell Phone 190-4. . The Peoples' Meat Market want in choice, clean, Ring up Phone 72. he ---- Sr -------- we ---- -- Per set $3.50 We have many other pieces of fancy china such as pepper and salt cruets, bon bon dishes, etc., at from 75e. to $1.50. July Delineator Price 20c MORLEY CAMPBELL Estate Real Farms, Loans, Vai- uations. e list of high- class residental properties for Dr. Fred L. Junkin, OF TORONTO will open an office for medical pract- ice in the Ebbels block, Queen Street, Port Perry, about the middle of June. RUDDY"S LUNCH The Place for Good Appetizing Meals JAS. RUDDY, Proprietor. Bell Phone W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 56 p.m. Office over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY, ONTARIO JORN BELDON LUNDY Grad of Gon. 18 Al SURG tal . ue SR Colo Bn Office hours 9 a.m. Jo 3pm. Evenings Bell Phone she. danse ting) Office over Morrison's Drug Stere Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 16972 . Port Perry DR. J. A. MURRAY at : Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 &.m. to 8 pam. Phone 08 { |Dr. C. T. Harrison | PALMER GRADUATE rac tor oR asi r BNR I aR eA ahh gp cn a a Ee SE lh a am aie it i fr i ME Dg Sf gh