Ds excepted), be- in somewhat greater percentage | of the Teutonic tongues. It's an occu- may be given to the be with perfect safety. 3 : by. medicine dealers, or She broods on wonderful things; jot the: English and sometimes of the). French name, ~~ -- : © BLEEKER ; Varlation--Bleecker, Blakster, de-| man, Bleicher, Bleger. Racial Origin--Dutch, English, Gotman and Danish. = 'Source--An occupatiap. Here is a family name which very well illustrates the common ancestry ig ancient Gothic in modern French | pational name, That is to say, it was used first in connection with the given name to_indicate the calling of the person referred to. The number of generations it took they quickly adopted the superior | such names to lose their descriptive page and civilization of their foes, 'sign'ficance and become mere family naturally did not change their own | "tags" varied with the individual cir- cumstances. It generally depended upon the continuity of oooupation from father to son. iven name in{.*Phe."bleecker" of Holland "was a roots of our Fie i Noi In this country the the name has often been shot ened to Ble¢ker.. Apparently {and his. | tory verifies the observation) the linen of Maynard is Industey as niore fmportant in Hol- land in the middle ages then it was in England, for the imported Dutch name to|is more common to-day than that of English origin, which is Blakster or Blakman. '° "Bleicher" is the German word for bleacher, and "bleger" Is the Danish. Here where tumultuous vines Shadow the porch at the west, Leaf with tendril entwires Under a song sparrow's nest. She in her pendulous nook : Sways with the warm wind tide; I. with a pen or a book Rock as soft at her side. Comrades with nothing to say, Neither of us intrudes, ; But through the lingering day Bach of us sits and. Broads: "| Not upon hate and fear, wd Not upon grief or doubt, _ | Not upon spite or gneer, ~~ These we could never hatch out. Quickening life that belongs To a heart and a voice and wings, nf "But--I'm not 80 surs of my songs! Then in the summer night, When I awake with a start, . 1 think of the nest at the height-- The leafy height of my heart! 1 think of the mother love, Of tke patient wings close feried, ear Of the sky that broods above, x G7 Of the love that broods on the world, . --Bthelwyn Wetherald. Blak Xo - | seemed to tire me so easily. "| proved, I gained in weight and could He a 'wonderful help both for myself : i For these reasons I gladly re- : medicine. dealer or by mall at 50 cents -| Co., Brockville, Ont. 3 ue auher Tin our tie wud © forest are indispensable. They that each and very penditure with personal responsibiiity| for care with fire in the bush, as well as Interest others and do their part in the Daimatan; forests safe for | A Condition Due to Poor Blood * and Weak Nerves. Nearly all women and most men suf- fer at times from fits of depression and low spirits, from which they are un- able to free themselves. They cannot attend to their duties satisfactorily | and are unable to get any pleasure out of life. People who suffer in this way soon lose their energy of mind and body. They lack vitality because their blood is poor and ill-nourished, and. their nerves are starved in conse quence. The only way to obtain new health Is by building up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The new rich blood made by those pills will. carry \renewed health and energy to every part of the body. Your appetite will improve, your spirits brighten and you will be endowed with fresh energy and find a new joy in living. Mrs. G. Reid, Napanee, Ont., tells of the benefit she found through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says: "I have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills on different occa- sions and cannot emphasise too strong- ly the benefits derived from them. I was growing.nervous, my complexion was becoming sallow and my eyes dull and listless. My vitality was poor and 1 did not sleep well. I became despond- ent, losing interest in my work, which I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and af. ter taking six boxes I began to enjoy life again and looked much brighter and felt happier. /My appetite im- sleep without any nervous wakefulness the 'night. I also u these ym 'while nursing my baby and found r making my baby better na. commend them to anyone whe needs a tonic for the rebuilding of strength and energy." You can get these Pills from any a box from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine into the Msc of | fhe soonio us reinforce this money ex-{of 'lone which has any ecent. As a rule, fthe more brilliant the color of a ; power. the less Hkely it'is to be scent (1 wanna know is dis: Is dis Niggah has flowers which are green when ) 'first open and change later to a @ color, Third in the list is the eiranthus mutabilis, of which the m changes from yellow to e, then to red, and ends by be- ng a deep purple. Hven so com- a flower ag the and. then pink, while the forget-me-not changes from a yellow tint to its true and: beautiful blue. ong white flowers only fifteen out hundred have any scent; among yellow and violet each about nine per 'cent. Few blue flowers are scented, the most notable exception being prob- [ably the Roman hyacinth, which, whether double or single, is deliciously fragrant. "Among scarlet flowers there is not Plants with swestamliing flowers are more common in dry than in moigde climates. Thyme, sage and lavender, for instance, bloom profusely on dry uplands and- fill the air with thelr scent, but the wild flowers of low or (swampy ground are seldom highly (scented, and if they are their odors are unpleasant. ------ eta * Insect Bites. The insect enemies of man dre numerous, especially in the tropics and in the North during the summer, and their stings are often extremely pain- ful; fortunately, however, they are sel- dora dangerous. The parasites of man and of his | couch and also the flying bloodsuckers such as gnats and mosquitoes, inflict a painless sting, but one nevertheless that causes swelling and considerable itching. The irritation is owing to formic acid or some other substance that the insect injects for the purpose of thinning the blood and preventing its coagulating until it can be sucked in. The itching ceases when the acid is neutralized by an alkaline applica tion'such as ammonta, soda, limewater, glycerin or soap, The application should be made immediately after the bite, before scratching has abraded the skin and has given opportunity for the germs of inflammation to infect it. Attacks of insects, especially of the flylng ones, can be more Or less pre- vented by the external use of oil of citronella, cedar oil or kerosene. The most serious stings are inflicted by outdoor " insects--ants, bees, wasps, hornets, spiders, tarantulas, scorpions and centipedes. The ordinary ants of temperate regions are not formidable, though black ants may inflict a some- what painful sting. In the tropics some of the ants are vicious and dangerous on account of their numbers, Tales are told of ants surrounding men and animals and actually killing and eat ing them, The stings of bees, wasps, and hor- nets are familiar to most of us. A few spiders, among which are tarantulas, are venomous; so are scorpions and centipedes, Their bite causes an in- flammatory and often painful swelling together with general symptoms such as dizziness, faintness, nausea, blurred tremities and sometimes even slight paralysis. In the cage of children the may be alarming, 'and with Negro. h oy par ii he pulled him over board. "As he crawled back into the she gaid, philosophically: "What t3dis Aish. Nigeria' "m other shrub, the Chinese hydran- | time, first blue | vision, headache, numbness of the ex: | health. I don't: believe there's a healthier woman in Hamilton than I am now, and I can't praise Tanlac enough." Tanlac ig for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 87 million bottles, sold. - Tanlac Vegetable Pills are nature's own remedy for constipation. For sale everywhere. rm sree pment t . -» Concerning Moonlight. It is probable that very few persons are aware of the fact that the full moon gives several times more than twice the light of the halt moon. They may be still more surprised to learn that the ratio is approximately as nine to one. Stebbins and Brown, "taking advant- age of the extreme sensitiveness to light of a selenium cell, red the | We are pv to relate, g his' vl The t insurance was paid with despatch. ---- ett . Magnifies Sound: A sound control attachment for phonographs inven'ed in England that ¢an magnify thelr tones temfold ene ables them to be used in rooms of any MURIN URINE MORNING & EEP YOUR EYES LEAN © CLEAR AND HEALTHY PASE BYE CARE BOOK: MUNIN CO. CHICAGOUAR Attraetive Proposition For man with all round weekly newspaper experience and $400 or $600. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd. 78 Adelaide Street West. amount of light comifg from the moon at different phases, with the result above mentioned. The reason for the remarkable difference shown is to be found in the varying angles of reflec- tion presented by the roughened sur- faces of our satellite to the sun. The moon is brighter between first quarter and full than between full and last quarter; ra este een Miiard's Liniment for sale everywhere Commercial Importance of Walrus. .The walrus furnishes - about 15600 pounds of meat, 1000 pounds of ofl and 6500 pounds of leather, and the white America's Ploneer Dog Remedies Bool. on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- Lg by the Author. oy lover Co, Ino Tio est 24th Btreet New York, U.S.A. MOTHER OF LARGE FAMILY whale furnishes much more. ee ee A ete. The names of all Japanese commer- cial steamers end with the word "Maru." | Live Glossy Hair Follows use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. On retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into the scalp, especially spots of dandruff and itching. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura | | Soap and hot water, Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Taleum 25¢. Sold throughoutthe Dominion Ca , Limited, 344 St. nadian Depot: . | re 1! | Recommends Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound to Other Mothers ' Hemford, N. 8.-- 'I am the mother of four children and I was so weak after my last baby came that I could not do my work and suffered for months until : @ friend induced me to try Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Since taking the Vegetable Com mpound my Neajstioss has left me and ain in back has gone. I tell all my friends . 0 are Foul ed with female weakness 2 take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for I think it is the best medicine ever sold. You ma: oder my letter. "'--Mrs. GEORGE 1. CROUSE, Hemford, N. My First Child Glen Allen, Alabama.-- 'I have been freatly benefited by taking Lydia E. inkham's Vegetable Compound: for bearing-down feelings and pains. I was | troubled in this way for nearly four years following the birth of my first child, and at ee could hardly stand on | my feet. A neighbor recommended the |. Vegetable Compound to me after I had taken doctor's medicines without much benefit. It has relieved my pains and gives me strength. I recommend it and give Ie permission to use my testi« monial letter."--Mrs. IDA RYE, Glen | Allen, Alabama. 'Women who suffer should write to the | Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Cobourg, | Ontario, for 2 free copy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon # Ailments Peculiar to Womgn."" ¢ ~ AspiriN UNLESS you see the nam are not getting e "Bayer" on tablets, you ' Aspirin at all r Accept only an "unbroken package' of "Bayer Tablets 3 "Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out { Physiciags during 22 years and grove safe. by miltons res pia aie Rok a A hs ll a i a ¥ i 2 ¢ Y A 8 AL PSC a 2h oh a a 28 SA 3 Ad 7-9 ASSERT SNA é sen # PATER SAC Le