the course given at the 8th Canadian Glllwell Camp at Ebor Park Farm, Brantford, July 4th to 13th. The camp was in charge of Assistant Pro- * vinolal Commissoner Frank Ci Irwin of Toronto, assisted by Scoutmaster Rev. 8. A. Macdonell of Stratford, Field Secretary Barle H. Davison of Ontario Headquarters and Field Secre- tary Hdgar T. Jones of Dominion Head: quarters. Field Secretary Harry Lis- ter of Dominion Headquarters offic ated as Camp Quartermaster. The camp course covered all bran- ches of Scout work, particular stress being placed on such outdoor subjects 88 Campcraft, Ploneer and Bridge building Work, Nature Craft, Scouting Games and Pathiinding. One of the "high spots" of the course was the day on forestry work which was in charge of Mr. Arthur H. Richardson, M.A, M.F, of the Ontarfo Forestry Branch. The Bridge Building work was in large of Mr. Roger Lee, a prominent er of Brantford, Ontario. man in the course particl- ated n the big 14mile hike which lasted over 24 hours. This was con- ducted in the form of a game, each patrel working to achieve a certain objective, but to do so without being observed or intercepted by members of the other three patrols. During the game each patrol prspared at least three meals and spent the night of the Visitors to the Training Camp in- cluded - several men who had gone through similar courses at other camps Vice-Presidents Bartram and Shuttle- seni: ain 5 occurring ng to each su bee oy Ee indeipnia, Jas an a, an ctically the same ratio prevail ntario. The number of of cases, accordi If You Are Tired Out When You Arise in the Morning Read This. The woman who is tired out, who aches all over when she arises in the morning, who féels depresséd most of the time, needs the help that D=, Williams' Pink Pills can give her -- new blood and strong nerves. The number of disorders that are caused by thin blood is amazing and most women are carcless about the condition of their blood. Quickly the nerves are affected and the patient be comes irritable, worries over trifies does not sleep as well as formerly and is not refreshed by. rest. There may be stomach trouble and headache. This is a condition that calls for Dr. Williams' - Pink Pills, ; Give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and the first sign 6f new lite will be noticed in your appetite. You will be hungry by meal time. As the blood becomes enriched it feeds and soothes the irritated nerves, sleep be- comes sounder and more refreshing, your worries. become less, your work tighter, These are some of she things that these tonic pills do. Try them for any trouble caused by thin blood. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from 'The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville: Ont. a ine The Shield. God, give me laughter for & buckler Lest to the blows of Life I yield, ~ When my head is' bowed to' press of foemen Lord, give me laughter for a shield. Grant me will to fight if not to con- quer, Btrength to keep my spirit from And let me hold at midnight and at neonday The shield of laughter on unshaking lips. There 1s none so strong can overcome it, ¥ Magic lives in weakliest defenses-- Ever in a little twisted smile, In the dusk and through the murk of conflict Poles ys Fighting on against the driving spears, More flags will rally round to laughter Than ever owned the soverefguty of tears. Though I have no armor that is trusty And nothing but a wooden. sword to craven he Black rage, red seorn or serpent guile, J every hour is precious in the adminis- tration of antitoxin, so when children develop sore threat ol 8 lowed reven . ron Salling in a doe- fe 2 EASY TRICKS No. 87 » One You Can't Do tor] es SITORS, sult Ste. Mari¢ during Discovery Week, August 4th to 11th, ubt find time to visit the first lock built in North America. LEBER SE 'S Was resto y Fo H. e in 3 € 0) os fun § to step down their canoes and batteaux at the rapids where the fall is 20 feet. very week is to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the Sault by Etienne Brule and Grenolle, - Ojibway Indians will play Hiawatha on two afternoons, General Sir Arthur Currie; will unveil a memorial cairn to the discoverers and a program of gaiety for the whole week has been arranged which will attract visitors to this old part of Canada from all over the continent. am - Cholera Infantum is one of the fatal | igars that cost from $75 to $375 a ailments of childhood. It is a troublo jung. There are sugars for which that comes on suddenly, especidlly : such prices are asked, and which peo- during the summer mnths, and unless ' 1. '1,v The most expensive of them prompt action is taken the little one', neq dulcitol, and brings $375 a may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own 1 pound. By comparison the other sugars Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward. | seem cheap. Mannose, for example, ing off this trouble. They regulate the ! costs only $140 a pourd. Mannose is bowels and sweeten the stomach and i made from the scraps that are left thus prevent aif'the d ed summer over in the making of vegetabla ivory Costly Sugars Due to Ex- cessive Care. There are, incredible as it may seem, This puzzle or trick is intended primarily for the confusion of that friend who prides himself upon his ability as a puzzie solver. You may, yourself, get some fun out of trying fo prove that what is said about this trick-puzzle is not true, 'The diagram A is composed of 16 lines. For your guidance they are numbered in the diagram but you need not number them in the dla- gram you draw for your friend. The idea is to draw ome contin- uous line which will cross each of the sixteen lines once and once only. It doesn't seem to be a dif- ficult problem, B shows a solution that seems at first glance to be cor- réet. A closer examination will show that the line fails to crosi liné number 10. . You may try as long as you like, but you will be unable to cross all of the 16 lines, Until you have tried several times, however, you will not realize how fascinating is this puzzle "which cannot be solved," . , {Qlip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a sorapbook.) emesis Peculiar Policies. The $67,600,000 life insurance policy Just issued to cover the entire Philo | delphia police department is surely (the largest group policy ever taken out. In that respect it is remarkable, Other and more remarkable insur ance policies, however, have been fis sued within recent months. A surprise was occasioned in London when it be came ki that a prominent com- pany had granted a policy to one man Ansuring against the suicide of an other who owed him money, Wiliert Mme. Cecile Sorel, the famous: actress of the Comedie Francaise, sailed for America, she took with her the fervent benedictions of the under writers and a unique insurance policy. The policy would have gained one millon francs for her had she lost her hat during the crossing! Mme. Ceclle's hat was a wonderful creation studded with diamonds and emeralds; Lloyd's granted the policy only on con- dition that when the hat was not be it should be kept under laing They are an absolutely buttons. Sole inadiciue, deine Flaranient 3) » Another sugar, mannite, is made opiates or ties or other eal from manna, the nutritive gum with drugs. he , not bly do ba { which the children of Israel were fed * possibly do hain 4, ne wilderness. Manna forms in --they always do good. Tho Tablets jioq fiakelike scales which the wind a lies Sepia or ili blows into the air and carries to the Hams' Medicine C X : "| ground some distance away. It has 8 ne Co. Brockville, Ont. tne gelicate taste of a sweet wafer. Still another of the sugars, called xylose, is made from corncobs, and is priced at $120 a pound. The costliness of these sugars is the result of the excessive care that must be exercised in making them, for the presence in them of any impurity or of any other kind of sugar unflts them for the important uses to which they are put. Every bacteriological laboratory has them. One is particularly useful in de- tecfing typhoid; the organisms that cause the disease are so fond of it that they pounce upon it at once, and there multiply so fast that their presence is easily detected. Others are invaluable Blped Game Scarce . in detecting cholera germs. "They're hunting. llons in Central Africa with.automobiles." "Is the supply of-pedestaians-gotting low?" ©. wi : F rench Court Gives Ruling After 50 Years. After considering the question for fifty-one years, the French courts have finally ruled that wife-beating is mot legalized In France. A domestic quarrel in May, 1872, re- sulted in a beating for a Parisian wo- man who Immediately lodged a com- plaint with the authorities at Cham- bery. If the husband who did the beating were now alive he might in principle face a jail term. Both litl- pants are dead, however, but the Su-| The best thing to do in a hurry is preme Court of France ground out the | --nothing. decision just the same. Ess ape A man's producing years are only twenty-five or thirty at most on the average, and so no time can be wasted, lost, or spent to poor purpose. LP a --. Mi.ard's Lintment for sale everywhere reef rrp The Poor Fellow. Two Irish women Were discussing a railroad accident. One asked the other if any were killed in the terrible crash. She replied: "Shure, twinty-sivin Oitallans and wen Irishman," whereupon Mrs. Dooley with a long sigh, came back with, "0, the pore-feller." ----en The eye doctor learns never to judge by appearances, for while the cross-eyed man may be straight, he never looks that way. America's Ploneer Dog Remedies Bool on DOG DISEASES Le And How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad: dress by the Author. =. Jar. Glover Co. Ino 129 West 24th Stree New York. U.B.A . He who runs into debt has run out of sense. Aspirin _ UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Rheumatism Neuritis It Is said that a fortune awaits the Individual who shall invent a flexible, unbreakable glass. "Armored glass," 80 called because it contains a netting of galvanized wire and is not easily broken into small pleces, is too heavy and too nearly 'opaque for most uses. There is a glass of comparatively re- cent invention called "three ply." Al though it is neither flexible nor un- breakable, #t has certain advantages over other kindd. It is composed of | two panes of glass with a thin sheet of transparent celluloid pressed be- tween them and made to adhere by hydraulic pressure. It ie sald that a blow hard enough to shatter ordinary glass and to drive the plecés for some distance merely cracks the three ply glass. -------- While practice makes perfect, one can drop a hot potato as gracefully the first time as he can the tenth. A sprinkling of untruth leads al- most certainly to a hurricane of lying. 35-LB. GAIN MADE BY MRS. ROBERGE "I've gained thirty-five pounds by | taking Tanlac, and just think it's the greatest medicine in the world," de | clared Mrs. Caroline Roberge, highly | esteemed resident of 224 Prince Edou- ard St, Quebec. "For the past two years I suffered from a bad cage of indigestion. I had no appetite at all, my. stomach was always sour and I had a bad taste in my mouth all the time. Nothing I ate would agree with me, and I was so weak and dizzy all the time it seemed that I had no energy at all, "Well, Tanlac wts the first medicine that did me any good, and it surely has been wonderful for me. I am eating as much as anybody, everything digests perfectly, never euffer from sour stomach any more, and my strength and energy have conte back s0 completely I just feel fine In every way. Tanlac is simply grand." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- "gists. Accept no substitute. Over | 37-million bottles sold. | Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Nature's | own remedy for constipation. For sale | everywhere. 1 BEFORE MY { Was Greatly Benefited by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sydenham, Ont. --*'I took your medicine before my baby was born,and it was a great help to me as I was vel ly until | had Started to take it, fost elt as though I was tired out all "the time and would have weak, faint lls. My nerves would bother me un- I could get little rest, night or day. was told by a friend to take Lydia E. kham's Vegetable Compound, and I only took a few bottles and it helped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. = I am doing what I can to recommend this medicine. I lend that little book you sent me to any one [can help. You can with the great- ee Cooapound. Jf 1 wii het und if it wi p Sinore aie it."---Mrs, HARVEY MiLLI- GAN, Sydenham, Ont. 5 wv It is remarkable how many cases have been reported si to this sue. Hung Attractive Proposition SORE SHOULDERS Pup--"Poor fellow, he must have fleas too. He's all covered with bites!" re fer The happy mean is between too great contentment and too great am bition. ¥ - ---- Laughter cultivates the soil of the soul. a. For mun with all round weekly new _axpérience and §400 or Bs Box 24, Wises Publishing Co. Ltd, 78 Adelaide Street West. " ON HORSES ! Ps or. AN BABY CAME °