Hand & O'Neill , | Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Publics Street PORT PERRY :: ONTARIO Bell Phone 185 al (In office formerly pustpiaiby Mr. H. L. Ebbels. i -f vi Yueds, Fire Inspector of thé T. Eaton Co. Toronto, was in town last week. He tells us that there is continuous inspection of the ~~ mignt ard that it takes five weeks to cover the ground. The fire pro tection system is very complete, in- _ cluding immense water reserve in the basement. The Canadian Bank of Commerce is authorized to accept subscriptions for Red Cross Relief Work in Japan. i ------)() (rr. ENTERTAINED BY COUNCIL Hon. Geo. S. Henry and Mrs. Henry were the guests of the town at dinner on Friday. Dinner was pleasingly served at the Sebert House, and a small number of per- sons representing the town, the Board of Trade, and Port Perry Fair, were present at the dinner to wel- come the distinguished visitors. During the afternoon, a visit to the Mr. Kent's gardens was enjoyed, and Mr, and Mrs. Henry left with most delightful impressions of Port Perry. Hope AUTO ACCIDENT Several rumors were flying around last Sunday as to an auto accident in which Mrs. W. Tennyson was hurt. Fortunately the accident was not serious, although Mrs. Tennyson's face was rather badly cut and bruised. Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson and family were motoring to Oshawa, Mr. Learoyd Tennyson driving. As they _ ~--approached the cement culvert on the Oshawa road near the Bushby farm, another car was standing, but sud- denly moved forward without warn- ing across the road. Mr. Tennyson in attempting to give the other car room in order to pass turned out a little too far and one wheel went over the cement curbing of culvert break- ing out several spokes. Mrs. Tenny- son was thrown forward against the windshield, and her face was cut. No += -other- person in thie pajty was "hurt. They returned to Port, Perry; Mrs. Tennyson's face was \stitched and dressed; they secured a new car and resumed their journey to Oshawa. anf) Ooo et HOWARD MARK DIES We regret exceedingly to report + the death of Howard Mark, youngest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mark' Death resulted from congestion of * the lungs and heart trouble, an after effect of scarlet fever. The family have had serious. illness for nearly a year, One would hardly recover be- "fore another was taken ill, and the culmination has been the death of their son Howard. The community feel deeply for Mr. and Mrs. Mark and their family in their bereavement 000m HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY Tuesday, October 2nd will be the ~ Port Perry High School Field Day. A splendid program of sports, basket- ball, and baseball is being arranged. The admission fee in the afternoon will be 25 cents. The public are "asked to be present to help the boys and girls of the school and to spend a pleasant half-day. eee) () Pores MUSICAL EVENING If you enjoy music, don't miss be- g at the Town Hall, Port Perry, on day evening next, when a de- tration is to be given under the of the Schools and the of Education. Miss Mae Skil- of the Columbia Graphophone is to do the demonstrating, who have heard her know treat is in store for those this 'musical evening in hall. There will be no ad- fee. W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over Archer's Hardware PORT PERRY, ONTARIO RUDDY'S LUNCH The Place for Good Appetizing Meals JAS. RUDDY, Proprietor. Bell Phone Foie ( ; We carry a very nice range of pevuVuiuta to; oult your find, . Eversharp Penolls always have been good 'Have you got 'one? Press $300. and upwards. Re-fils carried if stock. Cy a See Our Window for real bargains in Silver Hollow Ware. If you need any in the near future it will pay to purchase now. CALL AND SEE US WHEN YOU ARE AT THE FAIR ON SEPTEMBER 14TH. I.R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. layer felt mattress. Special Offer, 3 Fees? 526. 00) wire 8 ring, o or coll spring, "and a. Correct Glasses-- ; Correctly Fitted * W. A. HARE, Optometrist ~~ OSHAWA- Over Mitchells Drug Store. $2 AT McKEE'S JEWELRY SION, - PORT PERRY Every other Thu NEXT VISIT ETRE 4 Goode's Creamery at Port Perry fat. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor. JOHN BELDON LUNDY L.D.S.. D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sus. geons and University of Toronto. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment, Bell Phone office 68, ring 2; residence ring Office over Morrison's Drug Store COAL COKE WO0O0D Coke is fast becoming a popular feul. We have a good suply on hand at $15.00 a ton delivered. Pea Coal of good quality the same price: Pocohontas Smokeless Coal, nut and Stove, $15.00 a ton delivered. Steam Coal, $11.00 a ton at sheds. ..Dry Hard Wood, mostly maple, at $17.00 a cord of 128 cubic feet of 12 inch wood. Dry mixed slabs, $4.00 a team wagon load delivered. .Cut in 12 inch lengths and less. P. FIGARY Port Perry * Ont. The Rhondda Welsh Male Chorus, winners of the great International Musical Festival recently held at Pittsburg and also the $1000 cash offer for the world's best chorus will give a recital in the Regent Theatre, Oshawa, on Tuesday, October 9th, under the auspices of the Oshawa Rotary Club and the Local Council of Women. Tickets $1.00 and $1.50. Following their concert in Oshawa this chorus will appear in Massey Hall, Toronto, for two nights. It is an exceptional opportunity for music lovers to hear something first class. rte (reser. HYDRO COMMERCIAL RATES REDUCED Commercial rates have been re- duced to a mininum bill of $2.00 per month instead of $3.00, for the Vil- lage of Port Perry. For small commercial users $1.00 per month of not more than 150 watts is installed. This reduction takes effect from September 1st. No further reduc- tion has been announced by the Hydro Commission to date. ae ()() (man. - ALBERTA COAL A monster petition is being for- warded to the Premier of Canada and the. Canadian National Railways, asking for a lower freight rate on Alberta coal. The Reeve has been requested to get a petition signed and forwarded to Toronto by the 25th of September. This petition may be Star Office, Post Office, Sebert House, Is paying 86¢c. per 1b. for butter signed at the Treasurer's Office, the| uous Re] Car, WEEKLY PURCHASE, P on the / inaugurated by the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. Enrollment Cards just re cei ~~ Come in and ask us for particulars. { 4 § i