~ Committee met in the Church, on Friday evening | « There were only three of the absent. Two new members roses Rey. Mr. Taylor and Mr. Higgs. Rev. J. T. Hall d The report of the Secretary was read and adopted. Mr. John Rolph, veteran treasurer of the So- ciety gave his forty-sixth annual re- port which was very gratifying. Mr. Rolph has been treasurer of the Port Perry Branch for forty-six years and has always taken a deep interest in the Society's work and much of the local Branch work has been due to his timely advise and faithfulness to duty. His faithfulness is an inspir- ation to-all his associates in the Com- mittee. The following offiecrs were inated for the ing year, to be approved of at the annual meeting in the near future. President--Rev. Mr. Higgs, Treasurer--Mr. John Rolph. Secretary--Mr. W. E. Webster. Committee--Rev. J. T. Hall, Rev. J. L. Taylor, Messrs. T. J. Widden, A. W. Allin, J. Doubt, Jas. Waddell, Norman Stewart and Dr. Lundy. eee () (YP BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thomp- son, Zeiner, Sask., a daughter. Mrs. Thompson was formerly Miss Coad. DIED In Reach Township, on Wednesday, October 17th, 1928, Gideon Vernon/| --O00-------- BEECHCROFT CLOSED The grounds at Beechcroft will be closed to the general public from October 16th until notice is given next spring. Owing to the increased number of visitors much damage is done to the grass and reseceded lawn during the late fall and early spring, when the ground is wet and soft. I am sure the friends in Port Perry and vicinity will appreciate the necessity of this course, so that conditions will be favorable during the summer season. QA nt 14 LB Jt will do you good to hear Archie Swan at the Harry Wagner rt 1 B--" pm ik i Choice 3A A mixed Hone Wm. hb for Se. Pail Bi Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2 Port Perry Private Sale ' Mrs. H. W. Linke will sell by rivate sale a quantity of house- Bold furniture at her residence, Prince Albert Bell Phone 1172-2 The offering consists of; din- ing table and chairs, walnut sideboard, sewing machine, 3 iron bedsteads and springs, wal- nut hall stand, 4 burner coal oil stove and 100 jars of fruit. Ada Wagner is a piano player of note and will give you some choice music at the Town Hall on October 26th. WHITBY TO TORONTO BUS SERVICE There is good bus service from Whitby to Toronto. Bus meets the morning train from Port Perry and arrives at Toronto city limits at 9.30 a.m. Leaves Toronto at 5.30 every week day except Saturday (when it leaves at 4.30 p.m.) and arrives in Whitby in time to catch the evening train for Port Perry. Advt. q Ji TN H. S. WHITE HONEY | FOR -- The Cut Gloss. You Grow to Treasure You never tire of the rich beauty and graceful lines CHINA When you resire a 8 plese of China come in and inspect our beautiful selection of cups and saucers, cake plates, sugar and creams. APEX RECORDS 650 Latest pieces in stock. REPAIRS Promptness and satisfac- tion guaranteed if you will leave your optical or . jewellery repairs with us. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. ~ W.. S. Short's Boot and Shoe sale from the 18th to the 25th of October, is the big sale event of the season. F(a Archie Swan will make you laugh if you hear him on October the 25th. Many folks in autos stop here for a pound or two of our most delicious candies. Our chocolates and bon bons have more than a local reputation; we get orders from afar off, too, Our confections are strictly on a quality basis. We'd rather cut the profit than the goodness of them, Try a box to-day. PORT PERRY on October 26th. It will also help the Rink Fund. (einen ASHBURN Mesrs. Alex McClelland and Ham- ilton Balfour, of Toronto, visited Mrs Jas. Balfour, on 'Tuesday last. Miss Marjorie Haig, was home over the week end. Congratulation to the Ashburn School on receiving 1st prize at the School Fair at Brooklin, on Wednes- day, October 10th. Many other prizes were captured by the pupils. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kerr, in the City. Two highwaymen held up Mr, Bal- lard on Saturday evening and relieved him of cash he had just received at market for his produce. Judging by the hold-ups and the chicken stealing it is about time the vigilent society or police took up the problem of tracing the thieves and bringing them to justice. ERAIKHILEHD ©, | SE -- JUNIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY Girls, 5-6 years Running--1 Mary Naple, 2 Audrey Balfour, 8 Virginia Nasmith. Standing Broad Jump-1\Leah Tin- ~ dall, 2 Virginia Nasmith, 8 Florsie Figary. Girls, 7-8 years Running--1 Alice Hayden, 2 Sarah Naple, 3 Lillian Kight. Chestnut Race--1 Alice Hayden, 2 Dorothy Balfour, 3 Norma Turner. Girls, 9 years and over Running -- 1 Gertrude Druean, 2 Cooney, 3 Grace Read. legged race-1 Patricia Coon- Dorothy Miller, 2 Grace Read 'Gertrude Druean, 8 Gertrude and Noreen Roach. BOYS BOYS--5-6 years. Running--1 Harry Brooks, 2 Allan Turner, 3 Billy Willard, . Standing Broad Jump -- 1 Billy 'Willard, 2 Harold Hall, 8 Harry PORT low prices. isfaction. Before you do 'your Fall and see us. Observer Block PERRY Dominion Store ANNOUNCEMENT We have received our Fall and Winter Goods and are ready to sell every article at very low prices. article we have not in stock we guarantee to deliver in three days, by going ourselves twice a week to the city We can also supply all the hockey boys' suits at very Any Everybody is welcome to inspect our goods and prices whether you buy or not, and we guarantee you best sat- We give first quality goods at lowest prices. and Winter shopping, come WATCH OUR AD. NEXT WEEK ALIX. GILBOORD Port Perry The Peoples' Meat Market ' Will do the rest. We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it geod BERT MacGREGOR Ring up Phone 72. of our choice pieces of Cut | : Glass ; The same thing ready to purchase idl guaranteed. We are agents Our prices on all these lines Sxsentio y low. , In hosiery, we have a splendid id line all ori rib, > wool and silk in popular shades. THE PALACE SHOE STORE For Bargains in Footwear We have 2000 pairs of shoes on sale. Olr sales continue all the year through and our stock is all > new and up-to-date in every way. It is pi from te best lg 3 bn | Canada do est cash prices, ena us ve you applies in rubber aud | When you are our lines. Satisfaction Riise Sma ©. | ton, $15.00 a ton delivered. _ /WOOD body 'wood, $17.00 a cord de- vere. oo Slabs, mised, 32 ig All the above out, Blab, 2 'nh lengths. a half cord. P. FIGARY Port Perry Ont. C. C. Stenhouse ARCHITECT Houses, Stores and Public Buildings properly designed and supervised. Union Bank Building, Oshawa, Ont. ASPHALT ty. Oh Tractor Oil Auto Oil C. A. RUNDLE Dry cedar in i 10 och eng, $600 | LIME AND CEMENT oN HAND. We carry a full line of Brandram-Hende "Paints, White Lead, Oilsand Putty. ROOFING smooth or rock face PUMPS Beatty Bros. and Maxwell Limited, Pumps for wells and cisterns Coal Oil Cup Grease, etc. Transmission Oil SECOND HAND MACHINERY FOR SALE--3 h.p. International Gaso- line Engine, Drop Head New Williams Sewing Machi Engine, new; DeLaval Separator, 800 Ib, capacity, Gents' $n. o Ladies' Bicycle, also 25 clean empty boxes. % hp. 1 PORT PERRY AUCTION SALES Mr. Fred Dowson, lot 19, con. 2, Reach Tp, is selling his Farm Stock and Implements by 'auction on Oct. 20th, at 1 o'clock. See large bills. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. , E. L. Williamson, is offering his farm stock and implements by Auction at the Holtby farm, Man- chester Station, on Monday, October 22nd. Sale at one o'clock. "Joseph Baird, Auctioneer rp QQ FOR SALE Boy's Bicycle, $7.00. Pair of An- gora Rabbits, $2.00, 22 calibre rifle, All in good condition. Apply to N. Burnett, Prince Albert. Hallowe'en Supper and Bazaar The Women's Guild and the A.Y.PAA., are. putting. on their annual Hallowe'en Supper and Bazaar on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, October 81st. The hot aupper will be served from 6 to 8 p.m., and the admission to this part of the pro- am is 60c. for adults, and 3be. or children. There will be a good musical program, and a fine selection of useful and fancy articles will be offered for sale. Money Belts THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - . RESERVE FUND - . PORT PERRY BRANCH, R. B. Walker, Manager. kof Quer Fis if it does not satist THE old wa of carrying your money in gold ig belt, when travelling, ) had neither the advantages of : gd nor comfort. OUR Travellers' Cheques are pay: © ci Bm A Bal pl Bl small amo is ae reti miene and take Tictle space in your pocket. Try them. il 15, 000 i2000000 NEW ISSUE 1 : Twenty-five. year 8% Gold. Bonds PROV INCE oF ~ ONTARIO Due 15th October, 1948 ; | Dengminaians 3300, and $1000