medium | . Suitable weight | and Se ate Oreen - $3.00 Mr ttt : isa , dressy pant wl is a favorite with men vies want to be well dressed, rng at the same time have warm, comfortable toy - The material is ~ made in England, of fine ine, Ak wool, and is woven in dark grey 5 stripe. «+ They are tailored and yi in Vira style, 'and come in all sizes. Brown, or Grey. al ot Gr lack, Toy and | Per yard 85c. 36 in Dress Velvet : Velvet i i8 very popular this sea- son for dresses, over blouses, etc. We are showing a line twilled back velvet in Black, Price per yard $3.00 $1.50 Yard This line comes in N avy and Black only, pd is woven of pure wool y in a fine twill. Itis 56 i mm wide, and is heavy enough for Suits or Skirts. Price per yard $1.50 Fancy Silk Trimming $3.50 Yard Fancy Paisley trimmings add much to the style of the dress. We have a line of heavy fanc silk in a ¢repe weave, and ric Paisley olorings. 39 inches wi Price Per Yard, $3.50" Price per pair $6.50. EN'S HEAVY WOOL SWEATER COATS $2.50 Men's Sweater Coats made of a Neuve union yarn, heather mixture. Coat is made up with shawl collar, and knitted in a plain rib. = All Sizes. Price $2.50. "WINTER BUTTERICK 2c. REAL ESTATE Box 1 Myrtle Station quickly and satis- 4 net} ht, sold and ex- bug EE terms. Bell Phone 120 r 2 Sagan ~ No name is more iihiversally {used to express efficient service "at reasonable cost than 'Ford hs 0 | Where highway transportation is considered, lor the wheels of industry are to be turned on | | the farm, there you may Satisfactorily use e the "Ford." If you wish luxurious comfort, you can get it in the "Ford" Coupe or Sedan, If you wish a family car, with endless wear in it, you find it in a "Ford Touring Car. If you want a reliable car for. personal use, it can be secured in a "Ford" Runabout. New Overcaats se, buy a "Ford' Trick ish to lighten your: labour on the ning better ana °F ordson" 'Tractor Per ib. $1.00. F. W. MCINTYRE November Delineator PURE WOOL FACTORY YARN $1.00 per Ib. . This is a remarkably low price for the quality of I rn offered. It is made of lack, White, Fawn, Brown, White. ure wool and comes in rey, and Mixed Black and Price 25c. THE RADIO SEASON is approaching. Before purchasing or installing a set, consult me. COMPLETE SETS FOR SALE Marconi Receiving Set, Detector, and two stages of Audio Amplification. Westinghouse R. C. Receiving Set, Detector, and Y [We stages of Audio Amplification. Complete $180 Complete $120.00 The above prices Tneiuge all necessary Squipment, and coverf, the installation in your hoipe it good Other working order. ets can be supplied, but the two here listed are the best value, for the money on the market We shold be pleased to quote you prices on BELL PIANOS, if you are interested. C. A. UNDLE :: PORT PERRY i A Real Money-Maker minim yr odd Prince or Ont (C. Fincham's House) TEN FREE LESSONS ve with every guitar bought from us. The price of the guitar is very rea- sonable, the instrument is of good quality; but we are doing this to ad- vertise both guitar lessons and the guitar. If you are interested for further particulars at the home of Mr, Allan Goode or at the Star Office. 4 Classes Wednesday of each week. HARRY WAGNER Associate of the Ottawa School of Music and Peterboro Conservatory. Only complete guitar musically 'cor- rect course given to-day. W. E. HARRISON Blong Block, Port Perry. Manufacturer of Hand-made Harness and dealer in Robes, Blankets, Whips, Mitts and Gloves. Club Bags, Suit Cases, ete, EE ---------- DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block : Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone $8 a Mrs. Campbell (nee Florence Teacher of Piano and Theory 2 Pupils prepared for -examinations..-- 3 Phone 100 r 1-5 PROPERTIES FOR BALE $3,000 buys 98 acre farm in the Tp. Reach, fair buildings, good hardwood bush, splendid lot of fruit. $1500 cash handles this proposition. Several up-to-date and beautiful homes in annd near Port Perry for sale. Can be bought for less than half what they would cost to build i today, For particulars apply to ol MORLEY CAMPBELL, Port Perry 5:5 W. A. SANGSTER of DENTAL SURGEON ce Hours--9 a.m. to Office over Archer' A dal PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ET --------E----CTTTETEY TUX of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- [ also sell bottles of 24 and 100. the trade mark (registered n Bayer Manufacture of o® Balicylicacid. that Aspirin 5 to assist The Place for God: ™> emp- Appetizing Meals JAS. RUDDY, Proprietor. Bell Phone 58 HARRISON-GASCOYNE The marriage of Olive Irene, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Gascoyne, of Whitby, to Mr. Frank Clayton Harrison, youngest son of the late James Harrison and Mrs. R. S. Long, of Myrtle Station, took place quietly at the Presbyterian i Manse, Whitby, on Wednesday, Oe- wil tober 24th, at 4 o'clock, with Rev. 5 Mr, Turkington, officiating. The bride was attended by her sister Miss Af: jou wish a truck that will stand up well T efficiency. 1} | Town Council, a motion Alice Gascoyne, while Mr. William McCarrol, assisted the groom. The bride looked very becoming in her travelling suit of navy tricotine, with grey hat with flowers and plume to match, and carried a bouquet of ophelia rose. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison left immed- iately after the ceremony for'a short honeymoon and on their return they will reside at Myrtle Station. ree QO Qs + The case of Whitney versus Bas- sett was dismissed in the Court. of Assises this week in Whitby by the Petit Jury, after a short deliberation according to the evidence. On July 3rd last, at a entitle of the Wilthy