Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 17 Jan 1924, p. 4

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$2.26 toward the Sick Children's. Hospital. ; A . Tours, rort Perry, has in- stalled a phone--J48 r 1-8. 'That 138 is nothing to dao with luck espec- aally it you need a; g in wooden pumps. or the ous racks, trouhs, _ boxes, yokes, etc, needed on the farm. reters can turn them out well _ av-»easonable price. Call up 148r1-3. Arrangements are being made to try and have the band at the rink on ¥riday night of this week. At the regular meeting .of the Ladies' Aid of St, John's Presby- terian Church, it was decided to Have their usual tea on St. Patrick's night. particulars or which will be given later. ~~ We are glad to see Mr. George ~ Jackson out again atver his recent Ulness, Muss kistelle Bull has returned from noloaylng at her home in blovmlield, anu has resumed her MUSIC classes. Mr. Jonn bradley has been quite ill, but 18 Quing nicely now. NARI het A BLACKSTOCK Miss Florrie Yarr has gone to To- ronto, tor an indefinite period. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaham on the birth of their _ baby daughier Jessie lrene), on Sat- uraay, January 12th. 'I'he deep sympathy of the com- munity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Uscar Graham, in the death of their intant daughter, on Sunday, Jan. 6. Lhe following is the standing of the stndents of the Continuation Class at the December examinations. Names in order of merit: Verne Trewin, Laura Bailey, Elva Dickey, Harold Swain, Susie Vancamp, Helen Fowler, Clara Crawford, Georgina Fowler, Erma Bruce, John Venning, Radios have been installed in the homes of Rev. R. G. Carruthers, Mr. Russell Willan, and Mr. 8. A. Devitt. RE I DIED Coates--At No 8 Apartment, Lake- \ view Mansions, Toronto, on Wednes- day, January 9th, 1924, Etta Martin, beloved wife of Murray S. Coates. At Port Perry, on Tuesday, Jan- 'uary 15, 1924, Harriet Finlay, widow years, 9 months. Funeral service at 'the home on her son-in-law, Mr. C. 'Switzer, on Thursday, 17th inst. at J. H. BLONG The death of Jonathan Henry Blong his home, 116 Macpherson Ave, To: ronto, from heart failure. Mr, Blong a son of the late Jonathan Blong , where he lived before ne of his death he was an employee of the civil service at Station F Port He is survived by his wife, 'Martin Blong, his mother, phia L. Blong, of 65 Woodlawn a son Gaston, eight years old; 0 Robert C. Blong, and a ! i bigahmighradpigui di 1 sous eves sae Hothiring you us. You may impair your eye- nervous disorders or 'some ser- ious trouble. ! We do not mean to scare any- one, but your eyes are your best friend--use them well, for you need them often and for a long time. We will gladly examine your eyes and if you need" glasses we will furnish the kind you need "to correct your particular trouble and save your eyesight, We make "quality" right; then the "price" right. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMELRISL PORT PERRY, ONT, £) W.C.T. U. The W.C.T.U, held a very interest- ing eeting at the home of Mrs. Robt Murydy, this being the last meeting betore Christmas it was decided by the members present that we remem- ber the sick and shut-in friends, as a result of this fourteen boxes and one large basket of fruit, candy and other good things obtainable at this time of the year was sent out. The basket going to Whitby to a former member ot the Society. Our society is increasing in mem- bers, three new ones being added to our list, this goes to show that others are interested in the good work being done by our local W.C.T.U. workers. a TR I. rr t" NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY Some new books have recently been placed in the Port Perry Public Lib- rary. Seventy or more of these were donated by Mrs. Robt. G. Disksen, 'these books were all by popul sight and besides it may lead tof] Port Perry and Uxbridge at Uxbridge on 'f'uesday, January 22, We can take} two sleigh loads at.a fare of Tbc each. Also convenient transportation for private parties. Be on hand to root for Port Perry. Book early. Leave town hall at 6 p.m. sharp, Tuesday. E. JENNINGS Phone 108r8-1 Port Perry. A wibgLY KNOWN MEN 40 CHOUSE S1ONES Lord Byng and ex-President Wilson Lend Aid to Oshawa Memorial 'Wo Miss Kathleen McLaughlin, daughter of Geo. w. and Mrs, Mc- Laughlin, will go the honor ot making the first contribution to the memorial. . monument tor Oshawa's soldiers who ell in the Great War. Recently Miss mcLaughiiny who is a pupil of the High School, won one hundred dollars as a scholarship prize, and this sum she has turned over to the Memorial Committee. His Excellency Lord Byng, has consented to choose the stone that shall form the tablet in memory of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, and ex- President Woodrow Wilson, of the United States, has expressed to the commiittee his willingness to pro- vide from his own State the tablet that shall represent Canada's Am- erican ally, and will endeavour to be present at the unveiling of the monu- ment. It is known also that the Consuls of several of the other allied Saumsiess resident in Canada, have authors, and were well suited Fd library purposes. The Library Board is gratetul to Mrs. Dickson for this generous gift. Among the books ad- ded by the Board, one or two are of outstanding importance. The first of these is the Encylopedia of Food by Artemas Ward. This work is thoroughly modern and reliable and is profusely illustrated. It has some eighty full page colored plates, and many illustrations in black and white. The book is in the Reference Section. Papinni's Life of Christ is a mosh remarkable work, one of the outs standing books of 1923, and should be read by all thoughtful persons. Edward Bok's autobiography is wonderfully good reading, and should be an inspiration to any who follow him through from his arrival as a little Dutch boy, until as editor of the Ladies' Homé Journal, he influenced mililons of lives, "The Cowardly Lion" will be an- other treasure to the admirers of the Oz Books: Locke's Builders of C is a fine commentary on the great figures in Canadian National life. Emily of New Moon is a new book by L. M. Montgomery. Oppenheims "Mystery Road" is good reading and you will thoroughly enjoy "Doctor Nye" by Joseph C. Lincoln. Gibbs' "Middle of the Road" is one of the famous books, and "Main Street" by Lewis has been added. Some new Wouks have been added for the boys. BS a METHODIST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY The anniversary Service of the Port Perry Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, January 27th. The Rev. Dr. A. J. Johnson, Professor in Victoria College, Toronto, is the special preacher for the occasion. Special music is being prepared for the occasion. 1th ere Oe SONYA © - have own visiting with friends, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Leask| d their -intenti of being | Peer ti at the unveiling, so that, ac- cording to present plans, the flags of all of Britain's allies will she repre- sented in Oshawa on the day of the unveiling. ; At either end of" the wall which will form part of the memorial it is proposed there shall be two large electric torches, emblematic of the late Col. John McRae's immortal poem, "In .Flanders Field." --Toronto Globe Conse von FOR CEDAR d will be r d by the ---- until the 81st of January 1924, for supplying the following cedar, 60 pieces of b inch covering, 18 feet long (about 3000 feet.) 20 pieces 8" x 8" x 18 feet long. 20 pieces 8" x 8" x 12 feet long. to be delivered at Greenbank or Man- chester on or before the 16th day of March next. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. F. DOBSON, Manchester, Ont. Tp. Clerk Sm pL FRACTURED HER HIP We are sorry to learn that a Aileen Thompson, of Manchester, had the misfortune to slip over a rug in one of the rooms of her brother's house and in the fall her hip was fractured. eas (J) (rer. PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING The annual meeting of the Public Library will be held in the Reading Room, on Friday evening, January 18th. All members are invited to attend, -- ten) () (re. UTICA NEWS 52 oriodk: followed by a good pro- os Norine 'Hortop is eding a], Chutch Community Club ; meeting. Mr. J. McLaren, of Guelph, 'addressed _ the Our Club has been invited to a May Fisher, 'whe' 'has been West for about a year, arrived home this week. ; Miss Agnes Balfour, of Fenwick, is the guest of Mrs. Jas, Balfour. their Horses at Some of the this week hauling home their wood. PRINCE ALBERT Mrs. Stephen Smith of High Point, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Howard Martyn. = Miss Mary Williams is back in the office again, after spending a few days in the City. « » Mrs. Belknap is caring for her daughter, who 4 still seriously ill in Lindsay, at time of writing. Mrs. Chas. Fallis has been ill, and we are sory to learn that she is hot improving in health as we would wish. Mr. Arthur Jeffrey is attending the Guelph Agriculture College. Mrs. Spencer, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Worden, has gone to Richmond Hill for & time. ; tl. Frank Stanton, of Raglan, has Rev, Mr. friends in the Village. Everfon' was in Green- a on' Sunday, 'and his work was uken here by Rev. Mr. Tyler. .. and. Mrs, lo of f Peer _-- 'were the John Johnston, heiviol Hi Mr. Lloyd Hunter has retuimed fo school for the winter months, Mrs, Washington has ret: the City for a time. Dr. St r, who was visiting at his uncle's, Mr. Worden, has returned to his home in Kingston. Mrs. Wannamaketr, who has heen visiting with her, sna, has return home. Mr. Robert Beyant, who was visit- ing with Mr. Butson, has re» turned to Sault Ste Marie. Mr. W. F. Weir been elected to the Scarboro Coutitdl. We were very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. P Christie, © The family have ou atl sympathy. The friends of Ruby Everson will be pleased te learn that she has recovered sufficiently to be ablg to attend school again, de OO -- A a Mr. William ery, Cannington, and Mr. John Darnboro, of Toronto, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs, N. last week. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John McCully at Wick. Fe Mrs. John MéKinnon spent the week end here. The annual of the L.B.C. was held at the home of Miss Gladys d to Myrus Epworth league, on Jdnnary ' J one dollar or more than. twenty dol- | Chief Constable may remove snow, house. 3 A br da was passed "th ; main provisions of which are: That occupants or owners of pre- mises must remove, within ten hours, | all snow, ice, dirt and other obstruc- | tions from the sidewalks abutting their premises, and neglect to comply with the by-law shall render the of-} Tt was : fee hry get wi fender liable to a fine of rot less than lars. In "case of vacant property the ice, or other obstructions and charge cost of such removal to the property. The following pay sheets were paid: Corporation of Port Perry, $213.44. Light and Water, $67.76. The following appointments were made to the Public Library Board: 'Mr. M. R. Arlidge, for one year, F. W. MelIntyre, for two years, Mrs. W, H Harris, for three years. "A by-law was put through to' bor- row money for the current expenses of the Corporation and of the School Board. | Mr. W. H. Letcher was appointed} as High School Trustee. Mr. Stonehouse gave notice that at the next regular meeting of the Council he will introduce a by-law to grant remunerations to the "Reeve and Councillors for services rendered the corporation for the year 1924. FOR SALE Pair of hockey 'boots and skates, No. 7--for $2.00. Apply at Star. We have an Agency for Magazines. If you wish to subscribe for any Magazine or publication of any kind, it, .willjpay you to come In an see what our rates are. We may not be able to save|l you much, but |. there will romething' BoE 0 the ga i great to see Ted Jackson feated their efforts. Finally the break came, Beck house broke out and the noise of throats was deafening. Before long Uxbridge nets. Then there was a Sozen us a 'sort of boys had better mark time, and pay ate. safe. whet the Port players thought. and were in no mood to quit. Just a minute called, Gerrow scored the third goal, properly worn. umpire decided it was won. Tom a sort of furious determination that fhe ¥ are atin pent fire of goal nd n twenty or ee tallow ould is out and pick me Uxbridge d slide it to the other end 0h ou you could qslide. Jackson must have made < had somehow he never could make Brock all fried the same game; but the bridge payers de- rushes Cink iE fy hoes me wae the game Uxbridge disputed this last goal, but the There were a few casualties but no one was seriously "being imposed: eferee M 'faction. _and the game was pretty clean throughout, but few The Line-up was Port Perry Deshane Beck . Jackson Boe Raines Gerrow Subs Art Brosh, D. Anderson Keith McMillan iti i Right Defence "Uxbridge Yeory Crosby 1 ly Walters Willis Subs Hart, Hardy Lal? ? eng These were about evenly distribu y did good work and gave general satis. ¢ This is the time ito buy Chatter Check Books. There is a war on damong the ei ei 2 and prices are -

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