Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 27 Mar 1924, p. 8

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\RBL ITE FL REIL Like IT FROK 0 Wivte withers, a petit : © HOME PAINTING o ADE EASY W. L. PARRISH Port Perry, Ontario. Telephone gi girls sell govds town can train one or ' two of its own girls (or ! ' --- men) to take telephone Port Perry Dominion Stores A Gy peti ; TE Er ~ ANY.reom of yours g ing loveliness, a dis Cp charm from even Superb new Seite we io One dollar a wn citi or de- 3 - orders on advertised J Jivery in town, we goods, as the big stores : do. BARCAINS FOR THE END OF THE WEEK og Lhe an, again iB BEL ~~ In one store with over Our Sale is continuing until April 1st, and we are Sal Nut Coke, $12.00 a ton at . _ 100 telephone operators, =. offerin t bar, ans. for remaining days of the Sheds, $1300 defivered ae 1A ak fickly rimmed a © echtakestelephone || Sale--Mare 27, 2, an Now booking orders for next of stralchtades fis Bran Es S orders, acting as shop. We wish to Ladud ne we shall be glad tore- | winter's All coal guaran (ren 4 the disorder in the home wnt enpeid : pers for the teléphone ceive telephone orders, and guagitee, prompt teed of the very y best quality. .. s in progress. rir + C customer. In this store delivery. Anything which we have not in stock 4204 oe Jar news ml Fo 8 : e ; as many as 3,000 tele- = phone orders will be ree 5 ceived in one day. also guarantee for delivery at the time, we wil Whatever you need in our : ; within a few days. line, call up Port Perry Dominion Stores-- Phone NOTE--We are clearing out our rubbers - Get Ready for Spring' Ey Some grocers use the game method. May we help you apply it to your business? Every Bell Telépnone ts a Long Distance Station TCT iO (minnie / OFFICE FOR RENT Apply to 'Mrs. Wm. Hooper, Port Pérry, Ontario. Miss Estelle Bull Piano and Vocal Bell Phone 31 Fire Insurance Let us place your Fire Insurance for you. We re- present several very reliable companies. Geo. R. Davey | . pounds besides improving in health. FOR SALE Quantity of cedar fence posts. Apply Box 40, Sonya, Ont. April 3. case Ores. AUCTION SALE Mr. Ed. Lyle will sell his farm stock and implements by auc- tion on Friday, March 28th, at his premises, lot 19, con. 2, in Reach Tp., Sale at 10 clock. Geo Jackson & Son, Auctioneers ee (brine NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In the matter of the estate of "Joseph C. Bell, retired minister, de- ceased, "late of the Village of Port - Perry, in the County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "R.S.0. 1914, Chapter 121 and amend- ing Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Joseph C. Bell, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of January. A.D. 1924, are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Jno. Ww. - 177. and boots. This is your chance. ALIX GILBOORD Drygoods, Boots & Shoes. The Peoples' Meat Market Port Perry, Ont. We sell everything you Will do the rest. palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it geod BERT MacGREGOR want in choice, clean, Ring. up Phone 72. Reg. Prof. Engineer, Ont. Oliver Smith, O.L.S.,, AME.LC. SMITH & SMITH Land Surveyors and Engineers, Lindsay, Ontario Surveying and Municipal Engineering Sewerage, Drainage, and Roadways, Etc. F. T. Webster, O.L.S,, Reg. Prof. Engineer Ont. HE FEELS LIKE A NEW MAN NOW. Mr. Frank Hiscox, of 40 Swansea Avenue, Toronto, has giined fi Constipation was*at the root of all the illness and discomfort experienc- ed by Mr. Frank Hiscox, of Swansea, Toronto, and while he realized this he could find "nothing that would bring genuine relief until a friend re- commended Dreco--the © tonic: and body builder, made from the purest of roots and herbs. Mr. Hiscox, says "My stomach kidneys and liver have caused all sorts of trouble for me. My appetite was poor and what little food I could take would sour and cause gas, belch- ing and the raising of bitter bile. Pains shot through my back, my kid- neys, joints and muscles ached and dizzy spells and bilious attacks would almost get the best of me at timest My complexion was sallow and spots floated before my eyes. Constipation was, 1 believe, the root of all my trouble as I always had to take some- thing to keep my bowels open. I could not sleep and as a result be- came weak and run down, There | Apr. 11 were few things that I could eat with the assurance that they would agree with me. "I tried everything and then Dreco was recomemnded to me by a friend. I am sure thankful for it as it made a new man of me and I can now eat almost anything without suffering afterward, sleep like a child and am much stronger in every way, I have gained five pounds in weight. This is why I gladly recommend Dreco to others as it was recommended to me." Dreco attacks the root of such troubles as Mr. Hiscox had and at the same time its tonic properties build up the entire system. Dreco is health- ful and pure--made fro roots and herbs and contains no mercury, pote ash or habit-forming drugs. Dreco is being specially introduced in Port Perry by P. G. Morrison, and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. re Qe EGGS FOR SALE Bred-to-lay Single Comb White Leghorns and Single Comb Anconas. These birds have laid since last November. $1.00 per setting of 13. J. D. McMASTER, V.8, Port Perry, Ont. Crozier, Solicitor for the E: tors of the said estate, on or before the nineteenth day of April A.D. 1924, 'their name, addresses, and descrip- tions, and full particulars of their claims, and security, if any, held by 'them, duly certified, and that after the said date the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties en- L . R. J. D. Simpson, oe , Ont.; Mrs. Ellen Bell, of iy Fr On Apa. Gt, By simp you can re Coe gus Let This Engine Pump Your Water SEE ELE RL I pied are easily, iol gf the time ahd lahat fa saved--the free THOS. RAINES sons roRt = ONT. P. Figary Port Perry Ont. PHONES Office 94 Res. 214 Goode's Creamery at Port Perry You oan save labor and make more money by sending your! cream to Port. Per Allan C. C. Stenhouse ARCHITECT Houses, Stores and Public Buildings properly designed and supervised. Union Bank Building, Oshawa, Ont. Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2 JORN BELDON LUNDY 1 L.D.8., D.D.8. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto Office hours 9a.m. to 6 p.m. Even- ings by appointment. Bell Phone, office #48 r 2., Residence 68 r 8. .Office overMorrison's Drug 1g paying 43c. per lb. for butter fot.' Creamery . Proprietor. Store. / IY, PALMER GRADUA T HIROPRACTOR a s DHON \ CHIROPRACTIC is a science that will show you proof to support your faith. It has round health by- adjusting | {the a Teton f in. Port Perry * ] ; The Ford is very easy to steer and 1o- 4 helped many people back to [f°] - 'SPECIAL,--1000 Rolls of Bedroom Papers in Chintz and ste tterns in all leading colors, cut out borders. Special price ope Roll 1000 Rolls of Kitchen Paper in neat Stripes, good variety of colors. - 12jc. Roll. All Last Year's Papers Go at 25% Disoount. Floor Oilcloth and Linoleums © A © We have assed into stock this week our Floor Oilcloths and Linoletims, Floor Oilcloths in following widths : A yard, 1, 2, 2} yards. Price bbc. yard. PRINTED LINOLEUMS We have four patterns in the four yards width, in ood, soft Green and Brown es, suitable for rooms, hall, kitchen or dining reoms. « Price per square yard $1. 10 , Simplicity of Operation' : The Ford is remarkably easy to operate. 3 ; "Gear shifting is done automatically by v the feet, The driver's hands are always onthewheel. Hiseyesarealwaysonthe | He can watch traffic constantly. There is no possibility of failure to accomplish a gear shift. Fd geasabeisg : of the planetary type are always in mesh and every shiftis positive und unfailing, - movement of the wheel. Tt will tun in a circle with'a radius of nineteen feet three inches

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