"Sixty cents seems very bi ib 2 oss. SHITE yo any cheap-| ry Parmer--No, mash, i srry I 1 haven't. You see it's very 18 & whole. work a ss 2 'Scouts In Safety Work: The Boy Scouts~ are co-operating wie she Ontario Safety League in ac- bat a ety 1 A recent in- Safety League warning about Ls the dagger people, particularly | 0 ' children, were HS od Tare to in climbing out on the great ice hum- _ mocks formed along the shores of the ~ @reat Lakes this winter. At some points Scouts with lariat ropes patrol: Jed the shores where these formations 'were parteylarly attractive to the Yo" As He | Understood. i Patrol Leader--"Heat expands and cold contracts. Give me an example." Tenderfoot--"In summer the days ave very long; while in winter they are short." . 'What Scouting Is, . Baden-Powell says: "Sceuting is a game in which elder brothers can give their younger brothers thy en- {oC vironment and encourage them to Realihy: yeti itis Lol as will help 'to toviion citizens! stron As Nature oc Badge, appeal 'through Study and Woodcraft. It deals . niin ar on Je as porn 'physical or purely moral . qualities, At first it used to aim for these ends--now by experience it is Soja 8 ats where. properly. 'handled, HE will you have it--too large or too small?" we . Two Cradle Songs. Some of the greatest poets have net * disdained to write Tullables. Here are | 8004 "two cradle-songs, the first by Sir Wal- "ter, Scott, 15 mecnd by Lord: apy sont or 8 lady, ses bilo Ra adh LL DR from the 'towers which we see, Thor all ao bolongias, dear bable, to repose Nows' would be bended, thelr 'blades would be red, a foeman drew near to sioep shall be broken by isp t and drum; : i iis. take rest | For wits ce Fh 'manhood, aod | 'National Exhi- in full swing last Fall, a ry arcing strange: } had he Provin Board- of ne he Provine Government Ea EL : wi Siuesled and visit to his son. Tn T, not a otto said he e - this t seo of ma Ito Shin great to origin of "cancer was still. unknown, but. there were many seientists cientists to-day who were be: ginning feel that our plese resent cus- tural ing onde 20k ot Fhgiz 3 na the cause of 4 something and he 'cancers. Prolonged irritation of the bowels due to constipation or to testinal stasis may have a ee haa 'cause to ne oie while the opinion that 'be hold to to some east i% by the atas resulting testinal stasis being shioind wh othe blood. i of Surge is mi 'erence of opinion on these but consideration of them will not 0 any harm, from whatever i na 8 the air had a sug- gestion and an seat Wondered If the nersased eally ey to do "the supposed ingrease of eancer in late years. On this point I was unable to | TEETHING TROUBLES Baby's teething tim time is a time of worry and anxiety to most mothers. The little ones become cross; peevish; 'their little stomach becomes deranged fand constipation and colic sets in. To | make the teething period easy on baby the stpmach and bowels must be kept by the use of Baby's Own Tablets-- the ideal laxative for little ones. The Tablets are a sure relef for all the minor ailments of childhood such as' constipation, colic, indigestion, colds and simple fevers, They always do --never harm. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at. 26 cents a box from The is wiijom; Medicine Co,, Brockville, On A year ago an employee in an ordin- Lary position in a large concern:said to 'himself, "There's something better in me than this, ad ep going to get it to 'work for me!". He didn't wait for his resolve to weaken or his enthusiasm to grow cool, and although a wife and two children were 'dependent upon him threw up his job them and there and started out for himself. To-day this man 1s doing splendidly in a business | of his own, all because he had the faith to act on the belief that there was something better in him than he had heen called upon to ase fu his de- a 1.08 BN ordinary. am a of bright, ambitious' em. ployees know perfectly well that there 1s something better in them than they : but Aanbts and fears, the of his own to' at least sweet and. regular, * This can be done | yer any naaviih ingormation, ey ect, re to associate § the one with the other as cause and eff "T .ob- , tained the inion 5 rominent A phy. sician who was aa in the subject of cancer, and hegre his opinion as follows: --First: There is considerable difference of opinion he that cancer has was much but even yr it were so it auld be im- any one interested in finding out all the lat- ible to attribute this to about. the cause, treatmen pros since the cause of cancer is as been sug- unknown. - Second: It increase of gested that the alle cancer coincided with intensive production by machinery, commonly | oy associated, as it is, with a compara- tively sedentary life of the operators. th Third: One might hazard such an- other suggestion as the poisoning of the air of cities by carbon monoxide 'fumes from the exhaust of motors with its deterioration or lowering of health. Fourth: The rearing ou of our body cells intensity of modern life Inducing a much earlier mre-selile, state ich we know is conducive 'to malignant disease. Fifth: Notwithstanding that serums and vaccines have been for more than thirty Years, no sh le case has been repo associating their use with cancer. Sixth: Cole pluid, a as you know, has been used for ish Shirey years for the treatment of sarcoma. So i it would seem as far as our Jiresent ¥nowledge goes that serum inoculation is not associated in any way with the cause of cancer. dread of uncertainty, the fear of ridi- cule it they should fall, hesitation to ibility, to take the risk of starting out for themselves, pulling up stakes and risk- ing everything on the chance of suc- ceeding--prevents them from acting on thelr belief that there is something better in them. So they hamg on to their jobs, hang on year in and year out, every year thinking that the next they wil surely start out for themselves, but the years go on and before they realize it they are in the clutch of a habit which, day by day, grows stronger and stronger until they find it practically tmpossible to break 'away. Just think this over, and See If it isnt true in your own case. If yow "eel that: therels something bigger and | better in you, than you bave been ue. ing; it you feel that you have not yet done the best thing possible to you, why don't you have a heart to heart talk with yourself and see what is holding you back? Why don't you find it? Don't wait until it ls too late. Now 4s the time to find 'and bring out the larger man or woman within that is io Sumer for bxpression--0. 8. WEE TH BS EST TEA The tes. plant CROWS: the well drained side of a mountain in a country where there is plenty of mols- ture and a warm sun. Certain parts of Ceylon, India and Java are ideal for the growing of delicious tea, hernice from these countries come the finest) varieties. "SALADA" isa blend of the.| | choicest qualities grown, in these, the tea-growing 'three most famous tries in the world. coun- on the, jo vb t would be diff. used | in building up strength after fevers 8| with great advantage is Mrs. Helena | tion. - The so-called: sun spots are pro- 'sun he has found kcool, Jew. hn id 'sound judgment, d these are | they are look- ing tor. The lack of amiability has stood inthe way of advancement of many an empl ho has wondered Ailing People Made Strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' do one thing, and do it well. They build up the blood, increasing the number of red corpuscles. As this is done the blood becomes a richer red and Is able to carry more oxygen, the great sup- r of human iife. As the blood im- proves in quality the tissues of the body are better mourished and the functions of the body are better per- formed. This is the reason Dr. Wil- T| lame' Pink Pills have been so suc- cessful in the treatment of diseases due to peor, thin blood, and it is also the reason why they are so successful and acute diseases; Among those who have used Dr, Williams' Pink Pills B. Taylor, Hanover, Ont, who says: "Not long ago I was critically ill. The trouble started with anaemia and a run-down. system, and ended with pleurisy. I was confined to my bed for three months and three doctors were in attendance at different times, My life was despalrea of, and I was practically living on doctors' medicine, b 1 could mot eat. My friends did not expeet me to recover. During my girlhood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had brought me through a severe at- tack of anaemia, and, my mother urged that I should try them again. The doctor could not understand why we wanted to try these pills, but we de- cided to do so. After taking six boxes a decided change was taking place. I was. actually getting hungry and anxi- ous to live. After using twelve boxes a miracle was worked. I could walk and felt my strength. coming back and people on all sides were asking what was helping me, and we were not slow dn telling them i was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. With health fully re- Yt through the of these pills Iam a striking example of what this wonderful medicine can do, and now I never see a pale or sickly-looking girl' or woman that I do not feel Hke going up to her and asking why she does not take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can.get these fills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60 cents @, box from The Dr. Willams' Medi Co., Brockville, Ont. Bill Sparrow--""Great ti I'd like to see the bird that eats those worms!" n---- ---- Hearthside Hint. 1f you stir an open fire in a grate and bring fresh coals to the front, it gives out a warmer glow. It is the same way with the sun, says C. G. Abbot, in charge of the astrophysical laboratory of the Smithsonian Institn- du by a stirring of the sun's outer radiation with the sun on in heat radiated 'or are brought dbledigk of the sun by. rolation. mre sea is said to be 32,088 ft., about 40 three. years for A407 Co Remove the royal flush in dia- mounds from a pack of cards and tuck them under your belt at the rear, Give the remaining cards (do not suggest that the pack is not complete), to a spectator and ask him to shuffle them. Then hold them behind your back. Ask a spectator to mention which color he prefers. If he says "red" ask him which sult he pre- fers. If he says "diamonds" you are ready for the rest of the trick. However, if he says "black," you will have to say: "Then that leaves the red cards for the trick, Which of the red suits, hearts or diamonds, do you prefer?" If he says "diamonds" you are ready for the rest of the trick, If he says "hearts," you will say: "Then that leaves the diamonds for the trick." You will observe that the spectator really bas no choice--although it the thing is done in a snappy manner he will not suspect this. While you have been talking you have taken the royal flush from under your belt and put them on the:top of the pack. Ask the spectator what hand, if he were playing poker, he would most like to have. The answer In- variably will be "The royal flush, of course." As he speaks, hand him the five cards Jou had hidden with the comment "Well, "here it 1s!" (Oltp this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) Miss Millionbhucks -- penniless." Cholly Redcent--"But if you marry me I'll have a hundred dollars at least. I have a bet of that amount you'll mar- ry me" "But you are Sm Ask for Minard's and take no other. The greatest known depth of the miles north of one of the Philippine Islands. At this point the ocean bot- tom would be about eleven and a half miles lower than the top of Mount Everest. - In ourselves we suffer for the sins we commit; in our communities we suffer for the sins we permit. If you will not give up you cannot) be beaten. ASPIRIN Beware of Imitations! VET \E Tm » am Ea The Vanishing White. "I'm afraid there will soon be no white people in Europe." "You're joking--why?"' "Because all those who haven't turned Red are decidedly blue." ee sme Little green spruces Are counting on their fingers, On a million fingers Gemmed with early dew, Al their fragrant uses, Blessed joy that lingers Summer time, winter time, The whole year through. Breathe a million praises, Little green chorus! Shake your splcy thankfulness Through the golden aid! Eve-living phrases Echo in and o'er us, Telling us our blessedness, Urgiyg us to prayer, ~-Abble Farwell Brown. arp Love does not always want to please, sometimes it wants to hurt. The enemies of life are pettiness, narrowness and selfishness. Reader Takes Newer Form of Iron-<Feels Years Younger "Six weeks ago I saw a special offer in the paper telling how thousands of peo- ple grow old in looks and energy long before they ave really old in years, be- cause, as examinations by physicians have shown, an enormous number of people do not have enough iron in their blood. I have been taking Nuxated Iron for two weeks: the results are simply astounding. The roses have come back in my lips and cheeks, and I can consclously say that I feel ten years younger." The above is a typical hypothetical case showing the results that have been achieved by a great many people since we started this "satisfaction or money back" offer on Nuxated Iron. We will make you the same guarantee, If, after taking the two weeks' treat- ment of Nuxated Iron, you do not feel and look. years younger, we will promptly refund your money. Call at once for a bottle of Nuxated yer. By comparing measurement of | otographs of the . there is an in- | Unless 'you. see tho mame "pager | Cross" 'on package or ou tablets you, i 16 | ave not getting the genuine Bayer As: | pirin. proved safo by millions and: pre | | eeribed by physicians over twenty. | 'Headache Lumbago Rheumatism Iron at any good drug store. How to Purify the B'ood + "Fifteen to thirty drops of Ex- tract of Root, commonly called Mother Selgel's Curative Syrup, may be taken In water with meals and at bedtime, for Indi. gestion, constipation and bad blood. Persistence in this treat- ment will give permanent relief in nearly every case." Get the . genuine at your druggist. -------- CUTS! Minard's eases-- Inflammation, soothes heals cuts and bruises. 3 : ® The Dizzy Whirl. We commend to the natural philoso. phers this original view of a common phenomenon. It was found in the ex- amination paper of a youthful scholar who was ambitious of being admitter to the upper class in high school: "The earth revolves on its own axis three hundred and sixty-five times in twenty-four hours. This rapid motion through space causes its sides to per- spire; this moisture Is called dew." EE ES Classified Advertisements OOLGROWERS--COTTS AND Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. URINE Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful 'Write Murine Co., Chicago, for Eye Care Book If you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness, itching and burning, "which diefig- ure your complexion and skin, Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment will do much to help you, Always include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet rations. 25¢. Otntment25 and 50¢. Taleam 25¢. Sold throughout theDominion. Canadian i Smt 344 St. Pasi St. ¥ BEFORE MY BABY CAME { Was Greatly Benefited by Sydenham, Ont. -- "I took you: | medicine before my baby was a an | Jt was a great help to me as I was ve Tota Thad itarted to take it. elt as though I was tired out would have weak, faint 'egetable Com a a few Bottles and it helped me allt § ih a o 1am wha recom ommend 3 medicine 3 wi d that little you sent me one [can help. You can with Een est of pleasure use my name in rej | the Vegetable Compound if it others take it."-- RAH ' GAN, Sydenham, Ont. | ben gic aia 00 or amy. i Ju-down So condi es esse! id that her siren