+ Mr. A. G. Walker, of Toronto, assisted the Presbyterian Chit last Sunday, singing "Dream of " in the morning, and "Alone with God" in the even- ing. Mr. E. B. Walker has return- ed home after spending his holi- days in New Brunswick. During Mr. E. Walker's visit to St. John, NE. he saw Mr, and Mrs. W. I. Fenton and Mrs. Tilton, and they were ask- ing after all their friends in Port Perry. See W. A. Hare about your eyes, August 7th, at McKee's Jewelry Store. "Dr. J.D. McMaster and family have returned from their motor trip through Eastern Ontario, where they were visiting rela- tives. Mr. Neil Wilkinson has been visiting with friends in Sonya, recently. Mr. J. S. Price spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Barron, of To- ronto, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crozier for a week, returning home on Tues- day last. Mrs. R. Harper, of Edmonton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Willard. The War Memorial Pictures which the I.LO.D.E. are present- ing to the school in September, will be on exhibition in Mr. W. Emmerson's office window on Wednesday, August 6th and for a few days. Mrs. Karl Dixon and Mr. Wm. Bebout of Cleveland, Ohio, spent a few days with Mrs. Spears, at Marshview Cottage, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall of To- ronto, are visiting in town and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Will Case and daughter Dorothy, of Toronto, and Mr. Edward Moore, of Los Angeles, Cal, spent the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Town. Mr. and Mrs! Secor, and Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Willard, and son, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Willard, on Sunday. nr (Neen Po you really want to get rid of Rheumatism or any Kidney Trouble? Then use O. R. Kidney Tonic, sold by P. G. Morrison, Druggist Port Perry. Mr. A. Clemen, grocer, Renfrew, says, "My mother has been troubled for some time with a swollen knee and though using different remedies it got so bad she could not get about. She commenced taking O. R. Kidney Tonic and is now all right." vars Simi CHAUTAUQUA After all accounts were paid the losses were found to be less : expected, being $50.50. ~ This was independent of the Sunday collection, which was ,00. Of this amount $9.00 was given to the Presbyterian Church, as they lost their Sun- day service, $10.00 was paid to Mr. Hivale, leaving 32000 on 'hand to be disposed of ria H.|Government and the County in our window very commencing Al ny and you will fin a you need. ¥ For speedy service in repair of your glasses, come to us. + I. R. Bentley | Jeweller and Optometrist 'GRAND OPENING AT Port Perry The new street pave- ment will be formally opened on August 7th =a vu = Representives of Provincial Council will be present. Music by the PORT PERRY BAND PORT PERRY ORCHESTRA The War Memorial Committee will provide a good programme. P. FIGARY, Reeve. HAY FEVER Summer Asthma Will spoil your summer and make DT Ye et et TT Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most DD et end yu mon our drug, und your $4 $1 box. dass Hot bring relief. Ab- oh olugaly } harmless. Generous sam le in stamps. Tempistony, i. RAZ - MAH For sale by P. G, Morrison rere () (W(t. CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP DECORATION The fraternal societies, the Women's Institute, the Platoon and the Veterans will hold their annual decoration at the Arm- ouries at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday, August 17, when the service will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Grif- fiths. Afterward the members will parade to the monument which will be fittingly decorated by each society, next to St. John's Cemetery, then to the Union Cemetery, and then to North Nestleton Cemetery, where decoration ceremonies ucted. 2 . of the committee will visit each of the smaller cemetrien. iy verybody cordially invited to] attend these services. of a son, also to Short on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Moon of Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. M. J. Mitchell. erin () () (freee GO FORWARD WITH FAITH Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life in fear, rather look to them with full hope that as they rise. God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them: He has kept you. hitherto, then hold fast to his dear hand, and He will lead you safely through all things, and when you cannot stand He will bear you in His arms. Do not look forward to what may hap- pen tomorrow; the same ever- lasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you fo- morrow and every day; either He will shield you from suffer- ing or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. Setippeetmin English clergyman -- "And when you arrive in London, my dear lady, don't fail to see St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey." Fair American--*"You bet, I'll rattle these off sure, but what I've been hankering to see ever since I was knee-high to a grass- hopper is the Church of Eng- land." . --Tit-Bits. p00 Church of the Ascension. Canon Hart, of Toronto, will conduct services, morning and evening, next Sunday. Com- munion service at 11 a.m, ee OD CONTRACT LET FOR BROCK STREET PAVEMENT IN UXBRIDGE After a session which lasted until two in the morning of Fri- day last, the members of the Town Council adjourned without coming to a decision re the con- struction of a new roadway on Brock and other streets. The first order of business was a communication from the Uxbridge Utilities Commission notifying the Council that the rate for street lighting should be $18.00 per light, to take effect January 1st, 1924, and giving the town a credit of $262.50. This makes a reduction in our street lighting. Tenders for the road were dealt with. Several represent- atives of the different firms were present, and addressed the Council after which the follow- ing motion was put and lost: Lapp-Pugh--That owing to the fact that the season is so far advanced and we are likely to have heavy earl we consider it ad At two o'clock a.m, row moved that the ches ad- Hecture journ to meet on Fri | of the Greenbank | 4 son, "United Empire Loyalists." this splendid} restored to her usual Rev. Wm. Copsey will net) Anniversary nington on Sunday, and Rev. Mr Scott will oceupy.the pulpit of St. Andrew's, Sonya. Mr. Norman Reid with his mother, Mrs. Hugh Reid. ols Lote Dure and Mish ema Mc were gues Mr. and Mrs, J. Stewart Mec- Farlane for the week end. Miss Mabel McTaggart has re- turned to Montreal, where she is with the Victorian Order of Nurses. 7 m--------C) (mmm: AN IRISHMAN'S POINT OF VIEW "Did yez see this, Mike? It says here that whin a man loses wan ay his sinses his other sinses git more developed. Fr instance, a blind mon gits more sinse av hearin', an' ouch, an' "Sure, an' 'tis qille true. Oi've noticed it meself. Whin a mon has wan leg shorter than the other, begorra, the other leg's longer!" --Everybody's Magazine --Ok stn FALL FAIR DATES Bancroft .. ... Sept. 24-26 Barrie .... . Sept. 24-26 Beaverton . . Sept. 15-17 Blackstock .. Oct. 23-24 Bobcaygeon Sept. 25-26 Bowmanville... ..... "+. Sept 16-17 Bracebride ............ Sept. 17-19 Brampton ....i....0... Sept 19-20 Brighton ...... Sept. 19-20 Campbeliford ': Ji Sept. 25-26 Coldwater ..... Sept. 16-17 Collingwood .... . Sept, 22-25 Fenelon Falls .. .¢{ Sept. 22-28 Gravenhurt © 7... Sept. 24:25] Haliburton _......, Js.assss Sept 25 Huntsville ......0..0..... Sept 25-26 Keene. ......... so Sept 30-Oct 1 Sept. 25 + Sept. 17-20 Sept. 6-18 Seed Oct. 2-4 . Sept 18-20 Sept. 23 . Sept. 17-18 Sept. 9-12 Port Hope .......... Sept. 30- Oct. 1 Port Perry: ...8 ii Sept. 11-12 RAMA: Li... 000.0 heais ius Sept. 16-18 Sunderland ............ Sept. 23-24 Toronto ...:..iisss Aug. 23-Sept. 6 Royal Winter Fair ...... Nov. 18-26 ------ Oren GREENBANK The Young P les' Societ; pe Bask Union Ghureh are having a an jugus 6th, at which Mr. R. A. utche- will give a lecture on ome and ces at Can- | fine of Mr. Jos. Strong, on Wednesday, Cenadian National trains make excellent connections with steamboats which serve every part of the district. Complete information and literature may be had irom any Agent of the Canadian National Railways. DIED July 22nd, 1924, Harry John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ard Lee, aged 2 months, 10 ays. : ; ing Cut Price Week, W. McKay, of Port Perry. will give, FREE, one 25c. bottle of Silver Polish with every Furniture Polish. Both polishes are really good. If you are interested, ring Bell Phone 13. OO GARDEN PARTY NEXT 3 TUESDAY Prince Albert Garden Party| | will be held on the church lawn] on Tuesday evening, August 5. Supper wil 1be served from 5 to 8 p.m. followed by a good pro- gram by Port Perry Band, Port Perry Quartette, Miss Marion Goode, and other talent. Rev. E. F. Swayne, will act as chair- man. ? A GREAT SUCCESS Manchester people are de- lighted with the success of their Garden Party at the home of Fs of last week. There was a bump- 101 gard De ea] Eo a en y, and every thoroughly enjoyed the splendid Suber put up by the Manchester Duncan Cowan was at his best, Port Perry Band re- ceived many compliments for their playing ;the Misses Brown- scombe and Miss Croxall, of Ux- bridge, were heartily The proceeds Were al were & bout | See W. A. Hare ab A. Hare A EL the FORMER OSHAWA P On Seugog Island, on Tuesday, ? Dollar Bottle of his| {Ev 2 fa ATER -- You can i the Perry. GARAGE Through the Sebert House Yards Hood Motor Sales Service as Usual W. J. COOK Box 47, Hjrtle Station : y q and satls- facto bought, sold and em- anged 'on reasonable terms Large list to. select from. ~ Bell Phone 120 r 2 es EA Th Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn iii. Temchers of "PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2 Port Perry Dealer in 'REAL ESTATE| C. C. Steahouse. ARCHITECT CARTAGE .LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE. .E SERVICE « F. R. BIT. - Union Ave, ~~ Port Perry. Phone 210 J Hurrah for the Wood Pump Miss Estelle Bull Piano and Vocal Bell Phone 31 STRAYED A female hound strayed to the premises of the undersigned about the 18th of July. Owner [erty "snd Dying' expenses" T perty and paying' * | Carnochan, R.R.2 Port. Pe Perry, Bell Phone 199 2-8. LOST Between Seagrave Store and the 11th concession of Reach, on Sunday, July 27th, wicker 'suitcase, asi clothing, al- so necklace and sunburst. Find- er please leave at Star Office, Port Perry. $5.00 reward for case and contents, ~ COATFOUND - Coat left in the office of Drs. Jischer and Archer, Ci t the | on sll at the Star fall. Apply atl Whatever you need for your HORSES In the way of now at very low prices nt Ww, HARRISON Blong Block Port Perry Bepairiog done.