s, Ties, ine of We shall be glad to ghow them to you. 'W. H. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn ' Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 1691 2 Port Perry fi LOST Lost at the Fair Grounds, or be- tween there and Pine Point, a mink caperine, on Fair Day. Finder please notify the Star Office. Reward. DOO FOR SALE 24 second hand Hemlock plank, 10 and 12 feet long, 10 inches wide. Half price of new; better than new bought to-day. J. T. Henderson, Prince Albert. CARTAGE .LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE. RELIABLE SERVICE F. R. BENNETT Union Ave., Port Perry. Phone 210 May 29 Miss Helen Mellow Teacher of Music, Piano, Organ, or Theory. Students fitted for Examination Bell Telephone 17. August 21-24 Whatever you need for your 'HORSES In the way of Harness Blankets Curry Combs Brushes, ete. You can buy now at very low priees from W. HARRISON ~ Blong Block Port Perry Repairing promptly done. work. Prices Reasonable. come again, nthe oppo gone. Some people Day } rons al ty thie lives and own nothil t the end of the chapter. cay can be owned with very little more expense required to pay the rent. More than that you can fix the little alterations about the place to suit yourself. Buy now, while the buying is good. For retired gentleman--1 acre good garden soil, 7 roomed frame house, good cellar, stone foundation, new well and pump, house in.good re- pair. Double garage, new large chicken house, splendid lot ot assorted fruits, good fences, close to school and church. Price $1360. $500 cash, balance mortgage at 6% Good town property--7 roomed frame house on Union Avenue, % acre land, some fruit, stable, good water, Price $1500, as much cash as pos- sible, balance Secured by mortgage at 5%. A good farm property--Lot thirteen, composed of bl acres more or less, well fenced and well watered, Tame house, barn 46x32, stone stables, all Lin fair good repair, close to Port Perry. Price $3600, $1000 cash, balance, mortgage at 5% %. Good for garden or chickens--b% acres, on Simcoe street just outside corporation of Port Perry; 8 room- ed frame house in good repair, all newly decorated and painted inside and out, good stable, drive shed and garage, new hen house, some choice iruit, good water, nicely situated. . Price $3200. Terms to suit pur- chaser. Cheap home with conveniences-- 'A'wo lots on Lilla street, two blocks from Town Hall, 7 roomed frame house newly decorated, with all Hydro lights, good hard and soft water...louble garage, hen house, some small fruit, apples and plums, good garden, Price $1500, = $5600 Cash, balance on mortgage at 6% % A very cheap home--Quarter acre lot on Rosa street, good 6 roomed house, stone foundation, cement cistern in cellar, good well, stable, some small fruit. Price $1000. $400 cash, balance, mortgage at b per cent. This property is in good repair--3% acres good garden land, 8 roomed frame house, stable, drive shed and garage, hard and soft water in house, electric range wired for 220 volts Hydro, 9 apple trees, large asparagus bed, all kinds small fruit. This property is situated on Union Ave, buildings are in good repair, stone foundation, good cellar. Price $8000. $1650 cash, balance on mortgage at 6% An ideal place--nine acres more or less of good land, stone cellar, new barn with good stabling, two good wells, nice lot of fruit, spri; creek in pasture field, Beautifi sind | U shade trees and good fénces. $4000. As much cash as possible. East half of lot 13, concession 38, 80 ares, which overruns considerably, good fences, seven roomed frame frame house, furnace, stone cellar, first class water. Barn 36 x 70, stone stables, cement pig pen, some apples and small fruit, close to Government highway and railway. This is the time to buy property, while prices are low. AD SETS NOW READY Standard Sets new Radiolas are Joady--ihe last in Radio that virtu oS everything that has gre be y revolu- LAL with zinc spelter. mi ly ut gainst § trong st Is Your Heating Problem Solved? WE SPECIALIZE IN STOVES|| AND FURNACES. When you need anything} of this kind, call at our store. EVERYTHING IN KITCHEN|= UTENSILS In all lines we give good service, and our customers find that it is economy to buy from Come in and get acquaint- i ed with our stock. Does Your Roof Need Attention? Don't wait until winter time to find out that your roof leaks. Then it is well nigh impogsible fo fix it. Come in and talk things over with us NOW. Carnegie Hardware Company Hardware--Furnaces-- Plumbing. Telephone 61 _ Port Perry :: Ontario Reliting | from n Business ~ wear,' Ww ey i Colors Rpt and Cadet ULE 3 "All Wool Coating for We have an all wool Coating suitable for 58 inches wide. Colors Cadet, Navy, Specially priced at $1.50. yard... wilh THE BELROBE x Standard Designer , Patterns ~ with the Belrobe kept in stock Women's all Wool | Cashmere Hose "This Tose is made of a 89 Pualty AIR any yarn, wel finished, seamless, spliced Regular $1.00. Sale price 89c - Shaker Blankets Greatly Reduced These blankets are the best i Suali 3 ton and heavily mapped. borders. 11/4 size, regular White regular $3.90. Sale price Men's Heavy Work F Made of good qualit Tan or black. Plain $395 pair. Regular 5. 00, i rib pals, toes an soles. Sizes 8% to 10. grey, with pink or blue e Price $2.60. 12/4 jis Reduced $2.98. whole stock. r with toe cap, $4.50, reduced to DR. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST {ffice upstairs in Leonard Block ours 9 a.m. to 6 im. Phone 93 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO SMITH & SMITH Lindsay, Ont. Land Sutveyors and Engineers, Surveying and Munigipal Engineer- ing, Sewerage, Draiuags, Roadways, i * Dealer in g REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle Station | Proj quickly and satis- | facto iy bought, sold and ex- changed on reasonable terms. Large list to select from. ; Bell Phone 120 r 2 Kathleen Leask A. T. C M and A. O C. M. Teacher of Pi Pupils prepared for examination if desi Nov. 1 _-------------- Fresh Shipment of School Supplies | - SOFT DRINKS ALL KINDS OF CANDIES Daily Star and o and Theory.| - Phone 116 r 3-2] Toronto Star Weekly More Power! More Speed! '--than is really necessary HE Chevrolet valve-in-head motor has a : surplus of power--much more than bt is ordinarily needed. Chevrolet has Speed under favorable circumstances it wil the speedometer to the top figure. True, Chevrolet's maximum power and speed is seldom, if ever, used by the average owner, but it gives confidence to the driver to know that in case of emergency this reserve of power and speed is at his disposal. Moreover, Charolt i ult fo withstand the scan of speed and hard usage. The sturdy chassis; the new, selective type transmission; the improved, semi-floating type rear axle, with spiral bevel ring Eee md ion, se A dong 6 gine oe tan ordinary service 'Because Chevrolet is built to stand the strain, it continues to give economical AHanagortation, even sieryens of service, Ask us about the CHAE Dard Pama in. -------- ---- of a good heavy cot- ng is solid leather,