7 ~ greater idea' of carrying mi Director of Hospital 'Music of the Both of these have their place, but so t wards of hospitals all over the State. ing of his or her own free will and # "We are p Turnbull's Natiral Weal Underwear for Boys. 5 This one of our staple lines we have carried for Jeus. It is made of wool, with a small percentage of wool to make it unshrinkable, I$ comes in natural shade, and can be had in separ- ate ents or combinations. . izes to fit boys from four to six- teen years. - '" The * Mow s Combinations Pure Wool $3.00 This combimation is made of pure wool yarn in'a fine rib. are made in full size, ankle length and long sleeves, Comes in sizes to 42. Per Suit 8. 00 garment with | accuracy in every detail, and with economy of material. : Monthly Fashion Sheets We Have just received our allotment of fashion Sheets for November. They distributed free, yf for ' -. . one the first time you are in i the store, or telephone and we will send you one." Butterick Quarterly The Winter Quarterly is now in stock, showing the new styles for Win- ter wear. On.sale now at the pattern counter. Each 25c¢. +44 Ash (0 see %DE LTOR DSnevo you from 50¢to 10220n Oh Your material bys -inp Te how ins "trick ~lay® for perfect cutting. @ Shows how to put to- ther with the ease and of a Professional ~ by pictures. @ pnd Dest ofa of al ~-- the ions Jons that re-gie. fing ae the BUTTERICK DEPARTMENT S68 "Winter Butterick "Quarterly 25¢. F. Ww. McINTYRE Stott retorts +++ 9 e+ N ovember Delineator 20¢] "How did 'I come to be in-such a work?" repeated Mrs. Llison, who is a joyous sort of person. "Well, I be- a i. Bork Sun, Ot 1 1 ) Aig lieve that all the experiences of my in the attempt to restore the ailing life have lead up to the present point. enisad Eafly in my life I wasan opera sing- to Health, ment of ed to Contant. er; then I became 'a nurse. So you, i see I know both mugi¢ and hospitals. HARMONY HEALING IN THE | HOSPITALS ¢ "When. more "than ten years ago, I am familiar with both ethics and' "Edison sent out a woman to demon- aesthetics. Then also I am filled / strate the educational value of the With the great human sympathy with- phonograph, no one dreamed ,that out which my present work would be through his idea would come the far impossible. jc into "At present our association is a the wards of hospifpls. rs. Ina: pathfinder along new and untried ~ Maud Illson has been the message ways. The great artists who fespond bearer in this unusual field, meeting to my all to visit the sick and sing | "the world war on her way, and pre- for them carry love into the wards, siding * over military hospitals under the title of music; the radio is not our work. ! War Department. Right now she is too has the violinist or 'cellist or a carrying music into the tubereulosis 'soprano or a tenor or a baritone, go- that joy and har- offering his best." " ~ mony heal." Mrs, Illson declared in = Mrs. Tilson officially is the associate an interview. When you see tempera- secretary of this music Separtment of atures lower and eyes brighten with hospital service, and Dr. F. D.Bell is _ hope .and" appreciation, then you are' secretary. At present they are giving sure that something good is happen- between forty and fifty programs a (ing. The 'music department is part month, so that almost any big, arrived of the 'healing in the. fight "against artist to-day is likely to be called up 'tuberculof and it is so wholesome on the phone and asked to come on ting, and so ideal that it the program. z attention in every di- ' Mrs. Tilson's office is at 10 East . ~~ Thirty-ninth Street, New York. e musical therapy in You see we.do not take the automatic' W. A. Luke, a prominent local busi- ness man of Oshawa died at his home on Saturday last. Mr. Luke has been a resident of Osh for over t years, being born on a farm near Columbus, 49 years ago, and was the youngest of a family of ten. He was in the" furniture business for many years, Mr. Luke was treasurer of the Oshawa Rotary Club and an act- ive member, and has held all the of- fices in Cedar Lodge, A.F,-§ A.M. and was an Odd Fellow and a Metho- $n The new cement pavement in Ux- bridge is to be officially opened by the Minister of Highways, Hon. G. 8. Henry, on October 22nd. There is to be parade of school children and a community dance. x ; The new Carillon on St. George's Church, Oshawa, were.given a test by the erectors on Sunday and their beautiful tones were heard all over the city. It is expected "the official dedisation will be. on Thanksgiving. 'Mr, Pind ol tprcaentative of the Ontario Plebiscite Committee for South Ontario, has appointed Samuel '| Jeffrey as his financial agent. Port Perry Dominion Store Bargains for the end of this Week The Cold Weather is Coming but. don't worry, for Port Perry Dominion Store can keep you warm with, men's, ladies' and children's winter supplies. Our goods are absolutely first quality, and our prices are very reasonable. Call in and examine our goods and prices, and then you will admit that we are right, ALIX. GILBOORD Drygoods - Ready-to-wear Phone 177. The Standard Garage Has installed a new VISIBLE, air operated GASOLINE PUMP The customer can see that he gets every cent's worth of gasoline be pays for. . ... .. We are now het oo EERLESS GASOLINE. of an 8 on the market. sar nd et more miles RL SOLINE. ® ami d have your you wi one Cab oh _ It bas ths highest Boots and Shoes We pay top prices for new laid eggs Shop at Crosier's Seagrave "QUALITY FIRST" for Jsiurdayd & Monday Bulk Raisins, ....2 Ibs. for 25c. Bulk Syrup, Pink Salmon Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers, per dozen $1.80 Clover Leaf Dinner Plates per dozen $2.25 ' We have a large supply of tires, tubes; oils, grease, and gasoline. Highest price paid for butter and eggs WES. CROSIER SEAGRAVE © ONTARIO LUMP COAL Car of 4 inch lump, and better, of Yougheheny and Ohio block coal, suitable for domestic or threshing pur- poses, at'low prices. C. L.VICKERY Port Perry Ont. Phones: ' Office 73-W Residence 73 FARM WANTED Have good cash payment, to put down on a farm of from ten to fifty acres of good potato land, not par- ticylar about real good buildings if price low. 'Would consider larger farm if "prices reasonable. Apply to Box 30; Oshawa, Ont. Oct. 2 OO - ' HOUND LOST Black and tan female hound, an- swers to the name of "Jeff"; lost just north of Seagrave, on Saturday,' 20th of Sept. Suitable reward. Anyone found 'detaining this animal will be prosecuted. Finder please notify. Thos: Watts, Box 4. Oshawa. | 2700 Ibs. Honey Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor, William D. Dykes, Town Treasurer, of Whitby, was arrested on two charges of theft, amounting to $6000 sworn to by Arthur Nesbitt of Brook- = lin, and. Jonah White, of Brooklin, and at least one other charge is pending against the city official. Im- mediately following his arrest he was admited to bail of $8,000, the Mayor of 'Whitby, R. N. Bassett, be- ing one of his bondsmen in the sum of $2,000. The others are William Davidson, Central Garage, for $2,000; himself for $2,000, and J. M. Kenny, lumberman, for $2,000, all of Whitby. This arrest has been looked for in well informed circles, especially since the conviction of Elmer Rogers, Dykes' partner in a bond business located in Whitby, known as the partnership of Dykes and Rogers. Rogers was sentences to three years in Kingston Penitentiary on October 2nd, when convicted of thefts from the same men who are complainants in this case. Evidence given against Rogers will probably be used against Dykes, who when testifying for the Crown in the Rogers case was severely reprimand- ed by Crown Attorney Grierson for failing to produce to the court certain papers, books, documents, etc, he was subpeoned to produce for the use of the Crown, and which he turned over to W, H, Kennedy, acting for Rogers, % Ts SA RADUA lured A TRA eo] . W_ A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to"5 p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe wi PORT PERRY. ONTARIO A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL LLIOTT Con. Yonge and Alexander Sts., Toronto Invites the patronage of those who desire to get the best train- ing for choice business positions. Write .today for catalogue. Enter any time. 3 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Coal, Coke, Wood The quality of our coal cannot be beaten,neither can the price. SCRANTON COAL TO ARRIVE. Car of Egg which will be sold from the car at $13.76 ton. Ask for prices delivered. ' STOVE COAL. Three cars to arrive which was ordered last month at the same as summer prices, $15.00 at car, $16.00 delivered. i Solvay Hard Coke. Pea $12.00, Nut $13. 50 delivered: DRY HARD WOOD. $4.00 Single cord, art. hardwood slabs $3 0 spiced d cor delivered, 12 inc he Rn SoaL. st Kentue ze, $10.00 to fr