; by. | pecial method they produced a dry fish of 7 pearance, and that with the same care the Nova Scotia product 'be made just as attractive to the Cuban buyer. St. John, N.B.--Premier Veniot pre- . dicts that the lumber industry in New Brunswick will be revolutionized in the next ten years by reason of the establishment of pulp and paper mills in the province, and also the lishment of mills in which hard woods will be manufactured. Montreal, Que.--The Western Que- bec Paper Mills, which has been in the course of construction for the past! year, has commenced production. The mills are located at St. Andrews East, Quebec, and the company was organ- {zed to manufacture the higher classes of light weight papers, most of which. are still being imported. It is inter- | esting to note that this mill is situ-; ated almost on the exact site of the first. paper mill erected and success- fully operated in Canada, in 1803. { "New Liskeard, Ont.--The building of g woollen mill in this town, which has opened for business and is manu- facturing yarns, blankets, ete., ap-' pears to be the beginning of a new in-| dustry fors Northern Ontario. The, output of blankets has already been! sold to the mining camps for many, months to come. A number of the farmers in the district are going in for the raising of sheep, which is particularly adapted to the industry, Winnipeg, Man.--Manitoba's Hun-| garian partridge, released last spring, in the vicinity of Warren, Man., have! scattered over a radius of from 15 to 20 miles. About 120 birds were orig- nelly released, and they have multi- lied rapidly and taken to their Mani- ba homes. As yet they are immune from hunters. Another importation will be made from Alberta this fall. f-- I i Chinese refugees in the war zone are shown moving their belongings into safer areas, using sampans as a means of transportation. Shanghal harbor. H.R.H. WELCOM H. WELCOMED AT CANADA'S CAPITAL | Prince of Wales Sails for Eng- land on 8.8. Olympic on October 25. A despatch from Ottawa says: -- oe Prince of Wales arrived here at o'clock on Thursday evening and his train had barely come to a standstill when he stepped off and hurried for- ward, hat in hand, to receive the greetings of His Excellency the Gov- or-General, Hon. George P. Grae- acting Prime Minister, and Hon. 'Martin Burrell The Prince, who was wearing a ht tweed overcoat over his evening hes, walked down the long plat- chatting amiably with the Gov- or-Gene: and lifting his derby to the saluting police and guards. His Royal Highness and Lord yng entered the station a tremen- ous crowd, held back by a special de- ' nt of Royal Canadian Mounted cheered again and again, while official party passed through to station . Outside the station crowds lined the sidewalks for block after block, and! ing he pan prose x Gov : A : ded to Gov-| . House, where an official | was given by Their Excellen- | daughter of the Belgian King and |1422 CANDIDATES FOR ing possibly some 3,000 colonies of bees. The number. of colonies from one to forty { ) the record of 105 kept by two apiar- ists. re ey Lethbridge, 'Alta.--Ne's Peterson, operating a dry farm east of here, has] completed the threshing of 56 acres of his land summer fallowed "two years ago and when seeded a ye: ago this spring, yielded 69 bushels to the acres in 1928, ' This spring it was stubbled and the returns from the 1924 seeding are 40 bushels of wheat to the acre. This makes 99 hushels of wheat| an acre from a single plowing. Victoria, B.C.--The liger Empress of Canada has brought 166 Russian refugees from Harbin bound for the irrigated area in Southern Alberta to engage in farming. : rr Thrones of Belgium and Italy to be United A despatch from Rome: says:--The newspapers here have confirmed the engagement of Crown Prince Hums) bert of Italy and Princess Marie Jose, Queen. The engagement of Crown Prince Leopold of Belgium and Prin- cess Mafalda, daughter of the King and Queen of Italy, is expected to be announced either Nov. 4, or on the King's birthday, Nov, 11. Observe Armistice Silence on Tuesday, Nov. 11 A despatch from Ottawa says: -- The usual Armistice Day two-minute silence will be observed on Tuesday, Nov. 11th, at 11 o'clock, throughout the British Empire. This is in addi- tion to the observance of Armistice Day and Thanksgiving Day on Mon- day, Nov. 10th, total currency, will amount to 'about 8,500,000,000 masks, exclusive of he oumnarks, | which ate regarded as having a larg-| er 'gold covering than any of bank issue in Europe. ey . Probably the whole billion will be i paid out in' Germany for deliveries in Tkind; so that the Agent-General un- likely will have 'any cash transfers to 'make during the first 12. months, The! BE ; Tek Reparation. Commission has been H.R.H. the Prince of Wales ready for the hunt at his recent visit to Toronto. TWO U.S.WARSHIPS ORDERED TO CANTON British Garrison at Chinwang- that, if the present proportion is con- " | tinued, total orders for deliveries in kind will reach a billion marks early in the spring. : : About 80 per cent. of this billion reparation account will be spent by Britain, France and Bélgium on the occupation expenses of their armies. Deliveries in kind will yield cash in PRINCE ACCLAIMED BY * MONTREAL CROWDS H.R.H. Offered Official Wel- come and Cheered by the The scene is SEATS IN PARLIAMENT Stanley Baldwin Elected by Acclamation--227 Tri- angular Fights. London, Oct. 19.--Final figures made known to-night show that 1,416 candidates were nominated for Par- liamentary honors in Great Britain Baturday, including 82 unopposed, Hong Kong are crowded with refugees. making with the previous nominations for the Cambridge and London Uni- versities, a total of 1,422 candidates, comprising: " 582 Conservatives. 601 Labor. 842 Liberals. 12 Independents. 9 Co-operatives. 8 Communists, 7 Constitutionalists, 7 Republicans. { Sinn Feiner, Prohibitionist, Nation. alist and Christian: Pacifist, one each. Tha only Raty leader do bn. Fete: . unopposed is ormer Conserva- tive Premier, Stanley Baldwin. Fif- teen other Conservatives will not have to fight for their places. Nine Labor- ites, six Liberals and "Tay Pay 0' k ones, \ Liberal headgyarters predict they will defeat at least three of the Labor chiefs--Prime Minister MacDonald. from New York says:-- | ; "BR Ciines, Government leader in ' of "Wales will sail for tne House of Commons, and Arthur. Olympic 3 Home Minister. Henderson to win his seat at a by-election. 000 central Chinese Government troops their protection. tao Pervented Landing of Central Chinese Troops. A despatch from Washington, D.C., says:--The United States gunboats Sacramento and Pampaugo of the' south China patrol have been ordered : to proceed to Canton, owing to dis- | {08- oh micsenigtives the rovines turbances there and were due to ar-' the city gnd the local Bon. rive on October 16,it was reported to 4. the official greetings at Byer: the State Dept. by Consul General ture Station, but as soon as the Prince Douglas Jenkins, in Canton: pm me sight . of the. segembled Casualties in the fighting so far are "TW : Te were goon xg %. Lhe estimated at about one «thousand. | and ¢ To iN 1 He Pa te Can: These include both those who perished; street. onl Hail TalNg oiled Trito in the 'fire which had swept three. 2dian Na Ap 45 he lace had quarters of a square mile of the city, the sta ons yy J i" pags ue and those killed by bullets of soldiers Deen rese F tie airiy h posted as snipers on the roofs of Frince and there Were present only houses. the official guests. As he train samt Mr. Jenkins described the situation! to a stop His Royal Highness steppe in_ Canton as "critical,. though no! to the Plstforss ang exchange 4 grec actual disorder has occurred since | P&S Wit rtlehry rnton, 18.4 1 October 10." president o Je nadia dona, ; = : | who at a later hour was host at a Shanghai, Oct. 10.--landing of 7, ' dinner to the Prince in the Mount, Royal Club. Lieutenant-Governor Perodeau offered the greetings of the. : i d | British garrison there, according to province and: Prémier Taschereau ani a despatch to Japanese news agency.. Mayor: Duquette added their official The despatch said that the con. | Welcome. 5 Gun + : mander declared such a landing would| ae an emt pres Prines.| Yo Incompatible with the protocol of add the long line 'gt constables had a] The final protocol made between | PUSY time holding the weight of the China and eleven powers in 1901,| crowd, but they Yithstoed the pres. closing the situation * brought about| Sure and maintaingd a oar way. for; | Jy Tr -- by the Boxer rebellion, provided in jhe oye] visitae and the accompany- Over the action "of "Patrick Pa $ Sor pe Sosapation of Chinwing- As the Prince was driven up Wind-| Hastings, attorney-general in the Labor tenance of open communication be-| 80T Street, preceded by a squad of) Eovernment ot England, i. Hie.case of tweerr the capital (Pekin) and the' Police motorcycles, the Jeonls along James R. Campbell, communist editor, sea." the sidewalks cheered, and as the cars: the ,storm broke which. resulted: in Hong Kong, Oct. 16.~Foreign mig: 4reW up even with Bt George's MacDonalds fall sionaries and hospitals have called re rhe sraine of ao Save the f ree the United States Co, e o red he phe alate - before his hotel'was reached there. was French Adopt Childr en : a momentary halt and the crowd was to Cut Inheritance Tax Looting by . the! 1 ; ¥ "Reds" is said to be going on continy.' 4Uick to recognize His Royal Highness 2 . ously, and further serious trouble js DY ® cheer and the raising of men's| A law was passed {n France recent making the legal adoption of child- . The Prince "acknowledged "the 1y expected. Steamers from Canton to salutation by raiding his hat and ren relatively A 5d Bg pier and the new measure is resulting in bowing. loss of revenue to the government. Populace. Montreal, Oct. 19.--His Royal High- {ness the Prince of Wales received both an official and popular. welcome. on his a¥rival in Montreal this even: "| thelr own currencies to the receiving Governments, because - deliveries . of; coal, dyestuffs, etc., will b& sold for cash by the governments to their own people. : : "i {a at Chinwangtao was prevented to-day by order of thé commander of the FE andes Nothing brings people nearer to big things than a little humiliation.~~Gen. Smuts. ; ; --_----e The soil of Siberia is sometime: rozen, to a depth of BS feet, ortune of 1,000, > Ww. who inh K: to by e pe ia pays only 123,000 frav "Adopted children rank as reals ren, 50 It has become. the' habit f testatons to adopt distant relatives triends to whom desire 101 they - money. to Connor, Nationalist, are the other . 5 ved! 78 beaten at the last election and had |45e ie rolls, | & | BI $10; culls {fed and watered, § rin NO. 2, 3b to 10 60 Toor cartohs, 40 sconds, 84 to 85¢. Live poyltry--Hens, bhai rh ol : Joo Ts, 12¢; ducklings, 5 Dressed authorizing deliveries in kind at do, 4 a rate during September and October "18¢ ; spring chi; and up, 2 t . Beans---Can., hand-picked, 1b, 8%c; primes, 6c. : - Maple products--S. imp. gal, 0 per 26¢. 1b.; ¢ $2.50; per opal. dh, gal.; maple sugar to 20.1, tins, 13e per 6-1b. tins, 14 od 18% , tins, c; s, 15¢. / ts--Hams, med., an ams, 88 to 40c; smo rolls, 21 to 3 to hb, tin hy oo 18 o 20¢ rolls, 200: 24c; breakfast Bacon, Su } cial brand breakfast bacon, 29 to 8ic; ks, boneless, 38 to ase. Hh 5 on, 00 Tha, 16.80; 0; Hghtwe Leavywei t Lard---Pure, tierces, 17% to 18¢ tubs, 17% to 18%c; pails, 18 to 18%e; prints, 20% to ¢; shorten! tierce, 16% to 16¢; t pall o% to 17c; f Stears,, ¢ ood, $6.25 to $6.75; ce, $6.25 to $6.50; do ; do, com. to f: ' Cured meaty Lon to 70 1bs., $17.50; 70 90 lbs, and 3. do, calves, choice, $10 $11; d, $7.50 to $9.50; do, | oe $ a | centres, particularly, prices" have that theo; land, amounting to. approximately 608,911 "miles, seem hat thors' mousd be Ponty. tor everybody, at reasonah ces, settlement of certain portions and its use for business ses has greatly increased its we. * In business reached such a height that the neces- sity 'for accurate surveys shows the importance of this work, and while, to the unthinking, the mattor of a dif- ference of a foot more or less need hardly be considered, a few years--a comparatively brief space in the life of a nation--may mean the establish- ment of & community that will rapid- ly become a lis, and a conse- Guent ape of values to un- believable heights, , It is but 181 years since Governor Simcoe, 'the first governor of Upper Canada, removed. the seat 'of govern- rent from Niagara across the lake to a tent pitched on @ site just east of : the present city of Toronto, Land in QW provincial capital could no doubt have been obtained at that time ia evidenced by a re- assessment commis- f to, which shows that proper ty located on the corner of King and Yonge Streets is now assessed at $18,000 per foot frontage, or $1,500 per inch. Who could have foreseen - tent of Governor Simcoe. in" 1! would be a city of 'ib0,000 people in 1924? With the extension of railways, ard i 'the opening up of new areas, what is di farm land to-day may early become good|a city, and what Jn western Cand ls, $8 $10.25; "do, off cars, © MONTREAL. 3 Ihe Tien" Man. 5 heat pats., 1sts, to $9; 10.85 0 country $11.25; select lnk um, Rolled oats--B » $4 to : Bran, $30.25. Shorts, $3825. Mid. dlings, $38.26. Hay=-No. 2, per ton, car 'lots, $16 to $16.50. eh hat Pie Batt Taneurises. 0% te 36h; | Sag is ber the may to-dmy be bare prairie in a com: paratively few years may be another "nnada's . greatest natural resourco "and" It 'would = ¢