Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 18 Dec 1924, p. 4

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with the bond robbery at erry, and the Oshawa police investigating the connection be- tween the recent safe blowing at the 'Dixon Coal Yard and the men now under arrest: Toronto Police credit the prisoners, and Charles Laing, re- 'cently sentenced at Whitby to a term of three years with numerous rob- beries in York and Ontario Counties during the summer and the blowing of the railway station at Brooklin. Since the Laing trial, Andrew Sin- clair, of Toronto, has been arrested "by Provincial Inspector Stringer, Pro- . wineial Constable Taylor of Whitby and Detective Sergeant Black of To- ronto. 'Police officers said they had just * touched the fringe of their investi- gation in connection with the arrest. Today they will begin anew on nu- merous cases of safe-blowjng Which "took place in York and Ontario Coun- "ties during the fall. Among the "points at which robberies took place were Port Credit, Newmarket, Mark- ham and Stouffville, Brooklin and Oshawa. At each place there was evidence that safe-blowers had been on the job. Following the conviction of Laing on Friday, Provincial Constable Tay- for of Whitby came to Toronto and consulted Deputy Commissioner Al- fred Cuddy regarding the further ar- rests. Sinclair is now in Whitby Jail on remand. "Laing and Sinclair are well known to the Toronto Police. Inspector Stringer is confident that there will be developments in connection with the long list of robberies which took place about the time Hogg & Lytle warehouse was enterea. When arrested, Sinclair was play- ing' billiard in a Toronto pool room. Sinélair told the detectives he had in- formation: they were trailing him. Questioned concerning his movements in and out of the city during the past couple of months, he steadfastly de- clined to say what he had been doing. The police say that certain informa- tion furnished the Provincial Police * establishes the fact that Sinclair was 'seen in Port Perry. Another arrest has been made in Toronto in connection with the affair . today and a parrant for a fourth 'man has been taken out but as yet 'has not been executed. * ~--Oshawa Telegram. ai ------ (rand There are 25,000 miles of concrete _ road in the United States. Cali- fornia has 3,288 miles, the largest mileage of any state in the Union. i Te % Fox raising is becoming one of the most important industries of South- Alaska, where many fox farms have been started. One of the and "board, in comfortable two. School girls who will done. We have some beautifull presents in China, Cut Glass, Brassware, Silverware, Watches, Clocks, Ivory, Ebony, Candle Sticks and Jewellry 7 Special prices on Pearl Beads HOCKEY NOTES The O. H. A. grouping for the In- termediates in this district is as fol- lows: Group 4--Lindsay, Uxbridge, Cannington and Port Perry. These teams will "arrange the schedule at a meeting to be held in Port Perry, with Jas. Boe, convenor, Peterboro has entéred the Senior group with Parkdale, Aura Lee and one other, This year so far the St. Pats beat Boston and Ottawa, but have them- selves been defeated by Hamilton and Montreal. There was a great game at Boston on Monday night between Ottawa and Boston Bruins, when the Ottawas won by 10-2, making 6 straights in the first period. asta} () pba CURLERS ORGANIZE Port Perry Curlers met on Tuesday night for organization and elected Mr. Madison Williams President, and Mr. John Nasmith, Secretary-Treas. The season's fee will be $5.00 per member. A Conditions were never more favor- able for curling. Both ices are now in the eourse of construction, and as the ground has been both drained and leveled, everything has been done to ensure good ice at an early date. ------ Brivis Friend--Hello, Pat! 1 scarcely knew you with your whiskers off. Pat---The same wit me, me bhoy, 1 didn't know myself when I looked in the glass, except by me voice. * * * Prohibition is likely to result in the sale of the Middlesex County Jail in' Lowell, Massachusetts. The build- ing will probably be sold and the money turned into the County Treas- ury. If the present standard of living continues, the maximum number of inhabitants the earth can support will be reached in 300 years." America's limit is about 600,000,000 people. pA RENT ar LOST Between Brooklin and Port Perry, one 81 x4 Pensylainia cup cord tire. Finder please leave at Beare Bros, garage. | * * \s One kilowatt hour of electrical energy will perform the following duties: Drive a sewing machine for 20 hours, clean 15 steel table knives for a year, clip 5 horses or 26 sheep 2 and churn 440 pounds of butter. Get Your Auto Painted. Now is the Time and the price is right. Get your car painted up to look like new. Ward can do it. and Water Streets, opposite €.N.R. Station. P.O. Box 97, Port Perry. Oi HOCKEY PICTORIAL Second Edition The second edition of the Hockey Pictorial is on the market, more com- plete and up-to-date than the original edition, which was received with such acclaim by followers of the the great winter sport. Most favorable com- ments have been passed upon the publication by sport writers the con- tinent. over, and the general opinion as expressed by players ahd scribes is that no 'more comprehensive or handsome 'book in the sporting line was ever printed. =A feature that should possess a marked appeal not only to 'puck-chasers of the present, but to old timers, are the many group pictures of champion teams, dating back to the early history: of hockey. The new edition hot only contains the history of hockey in Canada, but covers the history of the game in the United States also, with 800 hand- some engravings of Canadidh and American teams, and 'is right up to, the minute in every respect. Any further information pertaining to the book c¢an be obtained by writing to the Hockey Pictorial, 84 Victoria St. Toronto. eA RRR NO 7 SKATES FOR SALE Skates 'and boots, men's size; also Souveni Cook Stove, wood or coal. Apply to A. Taylor, (back of Mr. T. Brent's,) Port Perry, mn) (means "Sickness Stalked Into This Happy Little Home" When Jim Harrow moved into his pretty . white-washed =~ cottage he thought he had réached the height of happiness. is wife and his baby boy loudly + volced their pleasure, too. Everything seemed to be "breaking right' for Jim. But the happy days didn't last long. Sickness fell upon Mrs. Harrow. "It's just a pain in my back, maybe rheumatism," she said. But Jim knew how a previous attack of pleurisy had weakened her, 80 he called in a doc- tor The doctor hinted at "lung trou- ble" and advised a lete examin 'too fe to a spe- ulekly gonfirmed the first ition," he sald. Hus- ed at each other in 'but cheer was forth- t nul maid. the: doe- ar's treatment at the Mus- or Consumptives wit] 8. hile Ji raelf. 1saves a letter nd nursed, and a0. their utmost health that be- v.. Shortly the for she fi almost 'to the little white h to liave & hand in: work ns thik please Shop at corner of Mary PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. A. E. Thornley, Pastor. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th Morning service at 11 a.m. School and Bible Class at 8 p.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. The Ladies' Aid met on Monday and held their annual meeting at which all the officers were re-elected. The members of the congregation through the Missionary Society have made a number of donations to Llewelyn Hall, Oshawa. - This is the home for the children of Missionaries, and is worthy of the kindest remem- brance. Church "Union Debate JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Friday Dec. 19th at 8.00 p.m. FOR UNION Dr. E. A. Henry, Minister of Deer Park. Presbyterian Church, Toronto. AGAINST UNION Rev, J. A. Hilts, Minister of Daven- port Road Presbyterian Church, To- oronto. Your are cordially invited to hear these able speakers discuss this vital subject. 4 A collection will be taken to cover the expenses of the meeting, ST. EMS al ANA] COUNCIL APPOINT NEW COMMITTEE Geo, A. McMillan, John Forgie, and D. W. Walls were appointed a special arbitration committee by the County Council to receive for the County the award of the arbitrators, and to direct necessary payments. The, arbi- trators before handing over their "they go after by prove profitable. salesmen dre said A well-defined plan by Long Di A salesmen with "telephone initiative'" handling it, may be just what you need to increase sales. s crs de Why not give it a thorough trial? Read W. A. Hare's advertisement on local page. snmimsnied() () (peers. , "She Was Too Sick © To Try Entrance Exams." Jeanne was one of the many chile dren in New Ontario who travel miles each day to school, Fair weather or foul, 'they trudge along the rough roads eager for the little bit of edu- cation possihle years had paskéd since Jeanne's birth a ed the best of health during tRat time. Bix of thése years she ha to school, helping® around the house and at*odd times working here an there to earn a little money. | g One day she was caught in a sleet storm on her way home from school, Before long: a terrible cough set in, which finally ended in Consumption. Of course, it was impossible for her to try the entrance examinations. "An- other year, perhaps, but certainly not now," sald the do-tor. : Now she is resting at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. Her pléas- ing shyness still remains, her curly, fair hair refuses to behave, while her blue eyes with ane aid x hep _ia radiate cheer and hope. "Su Jeanne, "I'm going to Hi "School: Why not? and we echo, "Why not?' and the doctor says "Why not?" be- cause Joanne is on" the road to Wellville. i 4 ies Will you help her and others to reach the goal, by contributing to the hospital funds? Gift€ may. be sent to Hon, 'W. A Charlton, President, 233 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. ee (J Qe : ONIONS FOR SALE Lik Thoroughly dried. Apply to Williams, Prince Albert, "Phone 174rl1-1 finding must be paid their fees and |! expenses, The council were of the opinion the award should not be made until the next equncil is elected as an appeal might be considered ad- visable by the county if unsatisfac- tory, this also effects the city in the same manner, ------V Orr Ontario County' Hogs Grade 32.1% Select During the Past Year. According to the weekly grading statements received by the Ontario Department of Agriculture from the Dominion Live Stock Branch, of the number of hogs marketed at the To- FOR SALE Ny Ten head Polled Angus Cattle, 7 two year olds, and 8 cows. . Apply to Frank Johnson, Manchester. ronto Stock Yards. some 48,985 hogs | were marketed, from this County, 82.1% of which graded selécts, while 52.4% graded thick smooth. The other 15.5% was made pp pricipally of Lights and Feeders, and shop hogs with a comparatively small number | of Heavies and sows. | P. B: Luke, 167 Yonge to b for them. Fifteens} , spent In going } 'modeling done. pply Mrs. Spears, Phone 101 r 2-8, Port Perry. . at his store, Port Perry, to lot 28, con. 2, Reach ' a two year old red and Owner can have same property and paying ply Aylmer Byers, R.R.2, HOUSE AND LOT FOR Hous R stock to Toronto and will conti possible. co-operative system. In this | shall beable to take continual « Perry. PARLOR HEATER of your stock shipments, * Jn . NORMAN EWERS, Bell Phone 201 Port Perr This stove is in first class condition : and can be bought at a bargain. Owner leaving town. Apply at Star | To; SRR ass BRE WER NL

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