Girls' Hockey Bals made of good quality box ki "Hines, and with dgkle 2 ; Bizes 2to T. sp, s' Hockey Bals made of good heavy in Sather, ae with ankle supports. 'Sizes 1 to 5, Price $4. pair. Ladies' Silk Hose make Good Christmas Gifts. We have a good assortment of the "Mercury Line' 'Full Fashioned Hose knitted from high silk. This number is our best value. Colors Black, White, Sponge, Fawn, and Brown. Prices $1.90 Pair. Girls' all wool Cashmere Hose in Sport Rib style. = This is a well mad * hose manufactured from extra quality yarn, in the Stractive Spore Ribbed patterns, Sizes 6 to 7%, 5c. ; Ts 8 to 9%, 55e