White Flannelette 23c. yd. A heavy quality flannelette woven with soft saxony finish. It.is- 28 inches wide and comes in white only. - N Pa Per ~ Winter 'Butterick . 25¢. 2, an 4 year sizes. The t Velour, Chinchil, Velvet cord § T ind fancy blan upto $12. 00. Sale Price $7. 95. Lined Coats. ~ $21.50 » This i is a rare value for a Coat It is all wool of good weight, and woven in : a dark grey, with a shadow plaid. he coat is made in ulster style, d is lined leather. | of this quality of cloth.' e materidls et cloth' The reg- | with large storm collar, to waist with soft tanne - ~ Price $21.50 Clearance of Girls' Skirts. Fay is crepe armure, and colors are Grey, Brown, { Sizes 6 years to 14 years. and Cocoa. oy in shades: of yd. 23¢. $1.39 Thess skirts are made up in a smart pleated style, with white camisole top. The material § 28 in. Striped Flannelette 20c. yd. A servicable cloth of good weight and woven in a range of pretty stripes Grey, F. Ww. McINTYRE $22.00 ; 8 a coat for town use than for driving. i neat lapel collar. - Sale Price $1.39 Winter Coats for Boys $5.50 . The material is an all wool chin- chilla in navy blue, and is made up in double breasted style, trimmed with brass buttons.' Size 4, 6, and 8 years. Price $5.50 80050000000000000000.8 awn, Pink or I lue. and toe. Per #33 20c. : ood melton cloth in a dark grey shade : on ored in a single breasted style, with fly Smart Tailored Melton Coats Always in style as a dress coat. It is worn more It is made and is i Wi and PRICE $22.00 Special § in Work Socks 45c. Mens Work Socks knitted in a heavy rib from all wool yarn. foot are natural shade with white heel Leg and 60c. Value Per pair 45c. a RRR 5 easaesesaesessassnssessss November Delineator 20c. MISS HARRISON .. DRESSMAKER. * and Missés' Dresses, Suita 'and Coats made to order...Rooms over Morrisons Dray Store, Port | Perry. WA SANGSTE R i _. DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ; Office over McKee's Shoe Store PORT PERRY. ONTARIO tt s Creamery|.. at 5h Perry 436. lb. for butter {os can or lator and make by sending your ' 0, "Port Perry Creamery GOODE BROS. Proprietors - * Wiss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cackburn- - Teachers PIANO AND VioLin Bait Phone 1692 rere Port Povry Real Estate| Madey Compbels Lig [1 Bell Phone 188 'W 6 roomed house, % acre land, Jovd well, large stable, hen house, t, in good repair. Situated on Union Avenue. Price $1,100, $500 cash. balance at 6%; v 8 'Foomed frame house, 3% acre of chorion land, good stable, Jome i 5 vies of Hock Frovisca H utiful sl Allf or $2.00. $1 A200 shade |. el at 6%. Good' 6 roomed frame 'house, house, in Utica, large woodshed, cistern, i hen house, nice Jot of frit, % acre Corporation of. Port framé house, in in good sors repair, dll ly decorated insi out, good ® oe painted shed and arage, new-hen } ouse, some choice it, good - water, nicely situated. _| Terms to suit buyer. ~~ | Magazine ~ Subscriptions Before renewin magazine newspaper subscri tions, engi in new eh serip- "on us. We can is. is in good Eres Er frame house, ways effect some fs ro for you. Star Se 1 orm Ewa Ontario fe Is your Subscription to the 1) PORT PERRY STAR _ Past Due? -----T Ae sins. 5 . Spl he - <p You can see by the label o on your oH] Star. ev. | If the label reads "Sept. 25," that' means that it was time to renew your subscription at that date. The figure on your label indicate the year when your Subscription ran out. ates hones NOTE--Like many others," we have many obligations to meet at this season of the year and a prompt renewal of your subscription Would be helpful and appreciated. CHIROPRACTIC The Drugless Road to Health J. A. HETHERINCTON CHIROPRACTOR Port Perry, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. Mrs. Spears * Dressmaking and Hairwork Residential Work Marcel Waving, Cutting and Shampooing, Combing made into switches. Work called for and delivered. Phone 101 r 2-8 for information. Kathleen Leask A T.C.Mand A.0OC. M. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination if desired. Nov. 1 W. J COOK REAL ESTATE Box 41, Myrtle Station Property quickly and satis- changed on reasonable terms. Large list to select from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 ont specialize | in cut prices on just a es. Every article we have in stock sold at a. close prise Grossius, | Boots, | \ hoes, Mi 'Be ure you get our r week ng circular and Saturday bargains. We mail § "hursday evening for your conven- ience nd hoofs! for these days. op JOHN BELDON LUNDY LDS, D.D.8, DENTAL SURGEON . Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto Office Hours--9 a.m, to 6 pm. Ever- ing by appointment Phones-Office 68r 2. Residence 68r38 Office over Morrison's Drug Store. "GLASSES 5 shed Ti - my next visit. F. E. LUKE, Optometrist and 'Optician, 167 Yonge St., Toronto, (up-stairs) : oppossite Simpson's ir work to suit lt me at A. J. Store on what "will be | | Phone 116 r 8-2 factorily bought, sold and ex- Now: that t the election is over the next excite- ment? { Mrs, Bateman who has Spent: (the past two months with her daughter ie P. Montreal, has returned to her: home here. . The open weather is giving the farmers a chance to get. caught up with some of their delayed fall work. : Mr. Richard Ball, who has ers garner in the crops returned home on Saturday and reports that there is still a lot of grain to be threshed in certain parts. The boys of the neighborhood behaved very well on Saturday night. A few gates and other moveable property changed hands for a time, otherwise it was quiet. pram TT Se FOUND On Saturday night, a ladies' wool scarf in Port Perry. Own- er can have same by paying for advt. and applying to H. Lucas. indir QO mss? AUCTION SALE Mr. Cecil Thompson is offer- ing his farm stock snd im=la. ments for sale by auction at his premises, lot 1, con. 6, manvers, (at Burton), on November 24th. Mr. 'Thompson has leased his 'farm and has no more use of the Fgoods offered. See bills for the terms of sale, etc. Geo. and Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. Overcoats Overcoats A strictlynew and up to date line of Overcoats, lined and unlined, and I can get any- thing want. Prices $15.00 and up. Now is the time to get a new Schell on that lady's or - "tman's Fur Lined Overcoat. We love to clean and press (up that old suit and make it look like new. Remodelling, jee and W. H. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Cleaning, epairing, '. Scranton Coal 'A BLACK BUSINESS HANDLED WHITE--2000 Ibs. ONE TON We still have quite a stoek--of HARD COAL on hand, but it is being shipped out rapidly and if you would be sure of your supply for the winter it would be well forr you to 'place your order before' this is all used up, as there is no prospect of any Hard Coal being available for the next two or possibly three months, At present we can supply as follows: : NUT COAL, Large Size PEA COAL SOLVAY NUT COKE SOLVAY PEA COAL SOFT COAL STEAM COAL We also have a good, supply of Wood. : Hemlock Slabs, ~ Your orders will be "appreciated FOR SALE 2 Bob-Sleighs, at $5.00 each. 1 Light Sleigh, at. $10.00. 1 Light Waggon, at $10.00. 1 Heavy ry Wagork at vind s Pherill of been helping the Western farm- . . $3.00" % cord; Hardwood Slabs, $8.50 % cord; Body -- | Hardwood, $4.00 % cord. " "and 'will receive our best attention. * ?