"carbite lamp, ; pump 'and a few other things. ¢ up, male, very "gentle, pe ce, smooth hair, small, ck with four white feet and te tip on tail, A real town Also a' "bicycle 'equipped parcel ~ carrier, Vill sell very cheap for quick sale. Very easy running and in 'good running order. - Apply to Gordon Cumming, Manchester, Bell phone 190-5. J | epee 000 - DRY "HARDWOOD FOR SALE 12 inch, $3.50 ssingle cord. Apply to Alex. Lee, Phone 115 r 2-2., or Uxbridge R.R. 3. A---- Ys ss FOR SALE DeLaval Cream Separator No. 17, late model, good as new, power atachments, Apply to D. C. Leask, Greenbank, Phone 51r 2-4 orblra3. isn) (J Orn. Sale 'Bills promptly printed. at the Star Office. EIQ Ormmsmmtmt Port Perry + CAFE " Modern Service _ low St. Port Perry. Meals and Lunches at all hour. Ice Cream Served. Price Reasonable Give ue trial. We will please you Everything new. Tobacco for Sale. , FONG SOY, Proprietor. You should order your "SUIT NOW "See our attractive - line of OVERCOATINGS We have:special-lines in blues and greys, also in fancy tweeds. We should be pleased to haveyou - call and see our goods. WE DO ALL OUR OWN WORK Cleaning and Pressing Done. 'W. T. Rodman . Merchant Tailor Over Tel, Office, Port Perry COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE Brown pups about 8 weeks old $2.00 each. Apply to John Bea- + "cock, phone 192 r 4, Port Perry. re LOST. "Between Port Perry and Sun- derland, on.Octobgy. 21st, grey ~ summer overcoat and rug. Will finder please notify Mr. S. K. Graham, Sunderland. LOT FOR SALE ~ Excellent lot, best of soil, on Bige- Apply to John © Bradley, Port Perry. "FOR SALE Fresh 'Durham Cow; - also - York- very much enjoyed. All the | characters "played their: pari, 'Special mention might well. ig The-pla Aunt 'Susan' Visit, pril, | given in the town hall, on Wed- nesday 'evening, Nov. 11th, by the Scugog Dramatic Club, was made of Aunt Susan herself, who played the leading role. |. 'Whatever she may be in other rojes she is excellent as Aunt 'Susan; 'We enjoyed her visit 'and nope that she will come again, Given a little encouragement rate Dramatic Ciub, Musical numbers were rendered by Miss Mary Pearce and Mr. Weir Muss Studdatord, teacher of No. J school, gave a very fine read- ng. Lhere was a very pleasant feature adaed to the program: uamely the presentation by the people of the oot Church, of an address and present to Mr. and Mrs. John Ploughman, and Miss Myrtle. Mr. and vrs. Ploughman were presented with a beautiful electri' table lamp and Miss Myrtie with a pair of candle sticks. The address was read by Mrs. C. Fralick and the presentations were made by Mr. H Fralick and Miss Myrtle Jeftrey. Mr. Ploughman replied on behalf of himself, wife and daughter. We are sorry to lose these good folk, but we wish them many happy days in their riew home, At the meeting of the Union Ladies' Aid on Tuesday, Nov. 10th, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ploughman, a very enjoyable time was Spent. Mrs. Plough- man, who has been president of the 'Aid for several years, was presented with an address and present. Thé address was read by Mrs. John Joblin. The ladies, it would seem, acted shrewdly in the choice of +h~ rracants g teapot "and meat fork, which were presented by Mrs. Hiram Fralick, Mrs. Ploughman replied feel- ingly, ez Xpressing her apprecia- tion." 4 The mantle of Mrs. Plough- man falls upon the shoulders of Mrs. Geo. Jackson, who was elected president at the October meeting: 000 PRINCE ALBERT "Mums" the word at Mr. W. Ettey's greenhouse. You should see these beautiful flowers to appreciate them. . . Some one has said" You should see the cars slipping up and. down the Avenuer= Not al- ways under their own power. We are 'pleased. to repdrt that Mr. Fred McKay has recovered from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Savage, of Brooklin, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. I. Bailey. Mr. Heayn's Hunt Club re- turned. home with. their fleet- footed animals on November 10, having secured all their dee¥ in record time. The Club consist- ed of R. Heayn, Cecil Heayn, J Moase, Rev. Mr. Swayne, Wm, Burkett. ' - - Mr. Norman Heayn, of Camp- bellford,. motored home and spent Thanksgiving with his parents. A number from Here have at- tended the Royal Fair this week We. were. pleaged fo. see our friends~ -R.--Vernon and Son, | among the winners in the team class for heavy horses. Money talks, but we so little little of it we cannot even hear | a whisper. ~The village has been very quiet since the election. x Miss Irene James, of Toronto, was a recent guest of Mrs. B. of 'Raglan, i ly, of Toronto, s fecently at t We are pleased to report that I Mis, Forsester is [proving in health. o Scugog may yet possess a first |. . Mr. and Mrs, Foster and fam- | pent a few days heir summer home } N are SOrTy that Mr. Fred | Geo {Williams is laid up for a-time. Mr. Webster, who has 'been visiti bi ister, Mrs. Jewel, Yist ing his R iy home, J in Fenelon Falls. Ed The | just Prince / 'Whena 'me has b driving OD miles an hour. 1 always say "not on the avenue to the south 'east." We notice our sports came home with the usual deer each. rege) QQ. 'REACH COUNCIL * Met at Manchester on Satur- day, the 14th inst. at one "clock. All members present. Minptes of last meeting read and approved. Communications From Mrs. Leask and family, thanking the Council for the sympathy shown in their be- reavement. From the Clerk of the Peace, advising that the selectors of jurors for Reach have duly per- formed their duties as Selectors or Jurors, competent and liable to serve to serve in the County of Ontario during the year 1926. From Leslie Beare re assess- ment of dog. } Reports were received from W. D. Munro, Frank. Watson, Alvin Hunter, and Henry Davis, Sheep Valuators, re sheep own- ed by Arthur Hunter, Dan. Mec- Taggart, Geo. Clements, R. B. Jones and Russell' Harper, re- spectively being killed by dogs. Mr. Richard Cragg requested the council to, endorse his ap- plication for the installation of Hydro, which was granted. The following committees were appointed to meet and adjust townline expendityres for 1925, with neighboring municipalities viz. Messrs. McBonald and Me- Farlane, Brock Tp., Messrs. Till and McDonald, Uxbridge Tp. Messrs: ~Thompson and 'Christie Whitby Tp. A by-law was introduced and carried through appointing the following persons as D.R.O. and Poll Clerks for the approaching Municipal Elections in the event of -a- poll being required-to form the Council for 1926. s Div, No. 1, John Sutherland, D.R.O,; M, Christie, P. Clerk. Div. No. 2, Roy Hart, D. R.O., Wm. Asling, Poll Clerk. Div. No. 8, Wilmét Gregg, D. R.O., Wardell White, P.-Clerk. Div. No. 4, Ernest Lee, D. R. O., Fred Real, Poll Clerk. Div. No. 5, H. Wanamaker, D. . R.O., Frank Watson, P. Clerk. Div. No. 6, W. Tummonds, D. R.O., W. J. Martyn, P. Clerk. Div. No. 7, Allen. Moore. D.™ 2. Frank Harris, Poll Clerk. Div. No. 8, Howard Dobson, D. R.O, Alex. Johns, Poll Clerk. Div. No. 7, Gordon Fishley, D. R.O., M. Truax, Poll Clerk. Accounts Passed L. G. Brown, gravel, $2.20. Est. J. H. Leask, $150. on acct. Geo, Kight, drawing engine out of culvert, $15.00. Jas. Lee, labor, $5. 00. Ray McDonald, labor, $2.50. Hugh Leask, teaming, $4.00. Mr. Simpson, rep. chimney on hall, $6.00. W. Stabback, dragging, $9.35. J. E."Mitchell, w.f. bonus, $8.75. Norman Midgley, lamb killed by/ dogs, $12.00 A. - Hunter, lamb killed by dogs, BR. "Jones, sheep killed by dogs, $30.00, Russell Harper, 2 sheep killed by dogs, $32.00. Geo. Clements, lamb Killed 'by dogs, 12.00. Dan. McTaggart, 3 sheep killed by dogs, 42. 00: W. D. Munro, F. . Watson, Alvin] Hunter, H.. 'Davis, one dollar each, as valuators. : {'W. Thomas, $7.20 gravel. - J. Kean, r : November 7th, IVEN AWAY The Mail and Empire, Puzzle Game. who can find the most. game, ers. and even one: solving game. ea () () Oe iiis MANCHESTER day .evening, LOST between Whitby and . via Port Perry," on 1925. iis Go Sm Nk ~ Mrs. F. e, | opposite T. Cools, on November Mrs. R. "Wilson, Port Perry, re QO rm $8,000. IN cash' 'PRIZES TO BE |! pife to Yasnaotate Fifth .Picture .Puzzle .Game--To| Distribute One Hundred Cash Prizes--Everybody can Participate. ind Toronto, | Ontario, "will 'publish today in the columns of this newspaper an an- nouncement of a C-wopd Picture The Picture Puzzle will contain a number of objects and articles beginning with the letter 'The idea of the game will be to see One hundred cash prizes totaling something over $8,000 will: be offered for the one hundred best answers submitted ac- cording to the. rules of the puzzle 2d All cash prizes offered in edunec: tion with the picture puzzle game will be awarded in time to reach the successful participants by Christmas day. Any one 'of the prizes offered ranging from a First Prize of $2,000. down to the 100th prize of $15.00 will make a handsome Christmas present for the successful puzzle "fans." Everybody likes puzzles, and the Mail and Empiré's new Puzzle Pic- ture will be a real treat for our read- All can participate in the game, from the us child to Pa'and Ma, randpa and Grandma. Baby has a block puzzle, Young Folks have Chinese ring puzzles, and you Older Folks, all sorts of puzzles. But our readers will find this new puzzle picture equally tantalizing te every- You'll have a mighty good 'time it--because its -everybody's And the puzzle will be easy | to solve, as a large picture. will be published with the objects showing clearly without any effort to disguise them, Don't fail to look for the an- nouncement in this paper on another page and when you see it--start right in making up your list of "C- Words" and try for one of the big cash prizes, The Sunday School Christmas "|'Tree of the United Church at * | Manchester will be held on Mon-| December 21st. Admission, Adults 25c. Children 16c. Everybody welcome.-- Airdale male dog, from truck eagrave turday, Black at 2d suppe; 'bn Tuesday evening. later. Watch for bills Keep in mind, Monda, Christmas Tree inl the United Church. 'Mr. ni 'Mrs, WG. Henderson of Torongo, with Mr. and od % C. W. y, aver the holidays - Launt, Mrs. Mervin Christie. Mrs. Hortop. ronto, last week. Mrs. Wakeford, of Washburn, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Manuel, Miss Anty Manuel with her sister Mrs. Knox, Oshawa. Miss Gladys Hickling at. her home in Barrie over the holi- day. Mr: and Hrs. J. Wagg, of Kin- sale, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagg Migs Edith Lakey, Toroiito, with Mrs. H. Davis. Myr:-and Mrs. Robert Goose, of Ashburn, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bentley. Mr. A. E. Spencer has been north hunting for the last week. Mr. Roy Sutcliffe has gone to Oshawa to work. Mrs. Geo. Aird has left for Florida where she will spend the winter. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall have returned home. Mr. Chas. Lakey has installed a new visible gasoline pump. On Wednesday evening the, villagers held a bee"and pumpe out the well at the store, . After time was spent with music and a lunch. cards, turned after spending a few weeks with, her grandghildren, Mrs. - Chas. - Webster: and Mrs. Chas. Dalton. . Mr. A. Stevens has. purchased the property of the late Mrs. W. Stone. 9th, 1925, by Rev. Mr. Watch, Iola Christie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Christie, to Mr. C. W. Hurd, of Uxbridge. 'Mr. and Mrs. Hurd will reside in Uxbridge. : Completdly Encloded Flywheel and Disc : Dec. | 21st, 1926, the date of the 8. 8. Mr. Elnier Tennyson, of To-|H ronto, with his grandmother, [§# Mr. Harold 'Aird was'in To- : the work was done an enjoyable H Mrs. Thos. Lakey Sr.-has re- |# Married in Toronto, on Nov. |H Mrs. Geo. Lynde with--her |§# 80200 Ie tts tet testis aLe: e bes : ~All you. Se to do we. to | : > you will have a better and cheaper stocking than you can "buy any other Way. Price per yard 5¢ Boys' Natural Wool Drawers, Half Price Boy's natural Wool Drawers at half price. Sizes 2, 30 and 32 only. Rela $1.85 value. For 5c. § - ~ Fancy Check: Ginghams, 19¢ yard = In this lot we Tide a good assortment of small and large patterns, 27 inches wide. Regular value 25¢, yard. Special at 19¢. yard. ; 'Ladies' Undervests at 59¢, i These vests ate a good fine quality, lightly fleeced inside, 'strap over the shoulder. Regular Thc. value For 59c. Rubbers for all the Family : We handle the _-- Brand. i z ¥ Grocery Specials __ 10 pounds- White Sugar for .. iba % «.87¢. AEs ease Coffee, Ladies Delight, regular 70c., for........58¢c. Ib Shredded Wheat, ...... REE sven for abc; .. Pure Honey, 5 Ib pail for ....:. Sanaa yrs naan ADCs Rolled Oats, 81% pounds for... 4 ..... 5h has Li20E Sunflower Salmon ..%......... Pl va ..18¢. can. New Dates, 2 pounds for........ 2... uuu... 280 "Comfort Soap, 10 bars 'for . srs imeliBer Seedless Raisins, Buy your Christmas supply. and save money. These will look cheap later on. 2 bs. for 25c.: 5 The Suitable Christmas Gift "for the Business Man-- Printed Stationery. ns i Have it printed at ._ the Star Office. i i . rd Sale k Serta 1.79, Men' a Filn, % wool,