"Don't Magonty capping his tly 'honored," responded the Grand Vizier. t Is the signal to ras now mee pein Shepherd John. 'hut beside the fold shepherd John, when cold nights are, and he must keep atch upod his gentle sheep. He khows the stars, and where they rise Each eveniag in the ia skies, And if the moon is full he needs No lantern when his psalm he reads. And 'when the drifting snow descends, His baby lambe the old man tends Around. his Jogwood- fire, and spreads Soft hay to make them cosy beds. "In epringkiias who = proud as he- - His flock in meadows green to ey The ewés rest while the Jlambkins stray, i; _ And Tedp and frolic all the day. ~--Edith BE. Lamb. passin Puzzling the Colonel. In ils book of reminiscence called 'Everywhere, Mr. Savage Landor, the and explorer; tells of a funny, ¢ that occurred when he was gre he could receive the necessary pS. . amusing jncident happened, In 'Boy Scouts are called "explorers" ratori). The colonel who drew p documents, 'says Mr, Landor, d my name, age and profession. n he heard "explorer" he looked with curiosity. ther old for an extiloney! joking," he said, dropping hie pen. ," 1 said, realizing the double of the word In ItaMan, "but an 'explorer' of Uentral Asia and Africa, not of Florence." "I had no idea they had Boy Scouts p those faraway places, too!" he grumbled, more puzzled than ever. The papers were eventually handed me, with the profession omitted. mete lpr en. In AD. 2000. J @ivé mb a spoon of 'oles, Ma, And the sodium alkali, For I'm going to make a pie, Mamma! I'm going to make a pie. . For Dad will be hungry and tired, Ma, g r+» And his Uidsies 'W ll decompose; he 80 give me a gram of phosphate, And the carbon and cellulose. Now. sive me a chunk of , Ma, To shorten the thermic And give me the oxygen es Ma, And look at the thermostat. And if the electric oven is cold Just turn it on half an ohm, For 1 want to have supper ready As soon as Dad comes home. lp co-- More "than 80,000 ee A ce every year in Coun! ndon," England. 19-Having mutual agreement 21<Pronoun 22-Topographlical engineer (abbr,) 23-Trustee (abbr) 24-A measure of - welght (abbr.) 26-Conjunction 27-8ooner than 20-A tropleal fruit 81-A popular game 84-A light fall, as of snow 86-Latin for "by way of" 87-A brownish color 88-Call of the cow 89-The existing universe goin og 'to by ' 18-Prefix--Hthrice" 63-Sigle 65-A" pastry 66~An abusive or 'personal satire 67-A country of Europe VERTICAL 1-A war vehicle of ancient times 2-Pronoun 8-A color 4-Prefix--"with"" s-Triangular yacht pen 6-To appoint as an agent 8-Frequently (poet.) 9-And not 10-In the manner of a 7-Part of verb "to be" 40-Prefix--"aga 3 42-A division of the 'Bible (abbr.) 43-A common weed 45-A tyrant of Syracuse (467 B, C.) 46-The Mohammedan messiah 49-Part of a circle 51-Part of the foot B4-A celestial body | 66-A constellation 167-Preclous stone | honey drizzle 18-A title 41-In England, a high silk hat 44-Time -period 45-To shut in " 47-Article (abbr.) Would He Remember? Mother (at zoo)--'Now, Jimmie, we will go look at the stork." Jimmie--"Oh, mother, do you think he'll remember me?" plates There are depths in man that go the lengths of lowest hell, as there are | heights that reach highest heaven; for |. are not both heaven and hell made out of him; made by him, everlasting mir- acle and mystery that he is?--Carlyle. An accumulator small enough to be carried in the waistcoat pocket, and yet with sufficient power to drive a motor-car for ten days has been in- vented by a Russian scientist; as yet it is only in the experimental Stage. Toads, bats, and shakes live longer without food than any other creatures. 4 meen WE WANT CHURNING We -supoly cans and pay "ex charges, We pay dally by express money orders, which can be cashed apywhere without any charge. To obtain the top price, Cream || must be free from bad Savon, aad, ! 16-An- explosive 17-Ever (poet.) ~ | SAVED BABY'S LIFE 59-A watering place 60-Gernman for. "ons" - 62-Behold | 64-Argentum (chem. sym.) Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne, St. Michel des Saintes, Que., writes: -- "Baby's Own, Tablets are an excellent medicine, They saved my baby's life 'and I can highly recommend them to {ant mothers." Mrs. Tranclieman- tagne's 'experience is -that of thous- ands of other mothers who 'have test. ed the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a sure 'and safe medi oine for little ones and never. fail to regulate the bowels and sfomach, thus relieving all the mingr ills from which children - suffer. They w@re sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ots, a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brociwille, Ont. 1st Fly--"What Kind. of folks live in that house?" even keep the 1d; on Ws he Nua We sugar; howl." Passing of Victorian Era. With Queen Alexandra - of England died the last-of "the great Victorian tradition; It was a +difterent | : ye first pA ° > A Wrdng Impression, AAaveling 'salesman was in the | habit © of stopping at ome. hotel 'where they always had very fine the table. . The salesman of the honey and told his day he wanted her to go along with him, so she too could have some Gf that 10Vely homey. wns When they were seated at the table was 1 wife on .| at the hotel, the salesman. said' to the waiter: : "Where's my honey to-day?" "Oh!" said the waiter, "she don't work here any more." 2 rfp The Boy's Advice. A small boy~ stood fh troft of beautiful residence when the minister "came along. The small boy stepped fup the steps 'and said to the minister, "Will you please ring the bell.for me?" The minister stepped up and rang {the doorbell and then said, "now what can I do for you, my little man?" "Run like Hell," sald the small boy, "that's the way I do," and Ie. quickly ran out orient. Age "Naming ¢ fre : Ina Srepbeed system of cloud names more than forty-five: species of cirrus clouds are recognized. roms. Gas, biliousnéss, heartburn, dyspepsia, and similiar fils will not trouble you if you take Selgel's Syrup. Any drug store. "Food for Walrus. Walrus feed-on star fish and mol- lusks. : Minard's Cinimont relieves headache. inline ~ The earliest military book in the War Office library is dated 1578. It is entitled: "Certayne Wayes for the Ordering of Souldiers, in Battleray, +| and Setting of Battayles, after Divers Fashions, with Their Maner of March- ing; 'and also Figures of Certayne Newe_ Plattes for rersifiestion of Towns, ete. Ya gl pe -- \ We are all prepared to' do. what we think good for the cduntry, 'but 'we are| Toe ido the same. for | "| not always 2nd Fly--"The meanest ever. They, {the man next door.--S8ir - "William " [SoynsondHhicks. is' rR {who says: of All] s found Jn B ews. > paral or A lotion or linament : {can do more than this. TH "| poison 1s rooted in the blood rid of it you must: treat it through LEK plood. Any doctor will tell you that trouble. in the blood, tak a po fi J to purity and the |! blood, and when they do this a : oubles including rheumatism, die | r. Among those who have proved : _~ value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills"ls Mrs, Annie Wright, Woolchester, Alta. "I was a sufferer from rheu- matism for six years, and during most of that time my life was one of misery. | 1 tried several doctors, und 'many rem- 'elles recommended, but never got 'more than temporary relief. The trou- |' | Ble seemed to-affect-my whole system. "P and Twas badly rupdown, and suffered trom headaches as well. Finally 1 was "advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, | and through these I found complete relief and to-day 1 feel ltke a new | person. I can therefore stronglv re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ca | A anyone suffering as I. did' trom, this trouble." You, can get these pills rom any '| medicine dealer, ry Lat 00 conta a box from The Dr. Williams® Meat) Se Co, Brockville, (Ont: : ; : They Nest High 'Three of the six existing species flamingoes nest Minard's Liniment -------- There is no more pk Munderer than he. who consumes the his 'life getting his wi sore throat part of Thoreau. The behavior of men to the lo animals and their behavior to other doa constant relations