| PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, x 2 Sgt rh 2 . Miss Elsie Jillard of Toronto, spent the week end Moore, y Colleges who spent the week end at their homes here were: Miss Isabel Lucas, Miss Miriam Harris, Miss E. Malcolm, Miss M. Forman, Mr. John Brock, Mr,/Wm. Nesbitt, Mr. Harold Jackson, Mr. Honey, Mr. G. Rundle, decided on for the induction service at the Church of the Ascension. Further particulars will follow. Mr, Gordon Martin of Fenelon Falls was home for the week end. Mr. Cline McKee, of Toronto, spent Easter with the parents. Mrs. J. T. Stansfield and two little sons are spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Town: Mrs. J. C. Dunlop, of Coldwater, is visiting with relatives in town. Cawker Bros. are moving their ~ Butcher Shop to the store next to Mr. Morrison's Drug Store. Miss May Farmer, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. S, Farmer. The Misses L. and N. Orchard are spending the Easter holidays with their father. Soo SE Miss Edith Peters of Peterboro is home for the holidays. Miss Greta Foster was home for the week end. 000 TOWN COUNCIL A meeting of the Town Council was held in the Treasurer's Office on Tuesday night with all members pre- Sa sent. we Mr, Maries and Mr. Ed. Brooks ap- £5 peared before the Council on behalf of the Horticultural Society re the co-operation of the Council in helping the Society in beautifying the town. The request was granted. Messrs. Geo. Stone and Mac. Beare appeared before the Council asking ' Rink. The request was granted. 3 The following pay sheets were : passed: Hydro. ........ cus. ...0n. $681.39 E Corporation... ............. $454.70 Light & Water ...........«.» $245.46 3 Rink Company ...... .... ui $166.04 i Agricultural Society re grand stand i $28.04 Mr. James Lucas gave notice that he: would. introduce. a by-law to re- peal by-law No. 894 re oiling of the streets. Mr. Swetman was authorized to se- cure an option on Mrs. Rundle's Bldg. known as the old market. The purchase of 6 water metres was authorized. (111) SUN Miss Elsie Bradley Word came to Port Perry on Sun- day last that Miss Elsie Bradley had died in Hamilton after a long illness. There is sincere sorrow because of the early death of Miss Bradley who was most highly respected by all who knew her. It is very sad to find a life cut short in the period of its greatest useful- ness, and many will feel the loss of a loved friend in the death of Elsie, as she was affectionately known. in Port Perry, was educated in the Public and High Schools hére, and received her first-class teacher's cer- tificate. After teaching for some years at Bethel and at Harriston, Qnt,, Miss Bradley entered the Canadian Bank of Commerce when the Great War broke out. A year or two was spent in the Bank, and then, school work was resumed, a position being taken on the Welland High School staff, where many new friendships were formed. During the later years, Miss Brad- ley was troubled with' an affliction which resulted in her death on April A 3rd, 1926. At home and in connection with the ¢hurch deceased was ever helpful, and gave splendid service as a Sunday School teacher for some years. Her unfailing kindness and thoughtfulness. her work effective. 'and five brothers, Ambrose, Norman, , Oliver and Gordon. 'With, Mr. and Mrs» Feed. : Amone the students of Toronto Friday May 14th is the date finally ; Mr. Karl Doubt, Mr. Douglas Lucas, for the usual grant to the Port Perry | Deceased spent nearly-all her life |' Mi adley is survived by her |tario County. by ather and mother, Mr. and Mrs: John ----000-- men ! Bradley, one sister Mrs, James Ayres, AUCTION SALE Y 'and implements, at his premises on -------- Diamonds Watches Tewellery Silverware Stationery Get the prices on our goods before going else- where. We give as good, if not better value for the money. Hive that Watch or. Clock repaired. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and Stationer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS | Of Robert James Fowler and of Catherine Ann, Fowler, deceased. Pusuant to J 'owler on or about the 25th day of November, 1921, and po Fowled on or Tenth day of January A. day of Apiil AD 505 to send b y of Ap h send by post, pre-paid, to Harris & Harrts, solicitors for Howard Brown, the ad- ministrator of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Howard Brown will proved to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to- such claims of which notice shall have been Fven as above required, and the said oward- Brown. will. not be liable for the said "assets or, any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have béeén réceived by Harris & Harris at the time of such distribution, * Dated at Port Perry this Twenty- Third day 6f March A.D. 1926. HARRIS & HARRIS, Solicitors for the Administrator ----() (rm £ HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR BORN To Mr, and Mrs. a son, EE Lunch will be served. invited. To Arrive This Week $16.00. Re Rt A CARD OF THANKS for their kindness tributes received. \ SRE NESS |v. 0 SE -- SECOND-HAND MACHINES Massey-Harris No. 4 Drill, 13 hoe, in good condition, cheap. Cultivator, Massey-Harris, 13 tooth. Massey- Harris Binder, 6 foot, Frost & Wood Binder, in real good condition, 6 foot. McCormick 7 foot Binder, Frost & Wood 7 foot Binder. 5 foot Mower. Special consideration will be given to customers giving their orders at the shop for new machines. Driving and time costs money. C. Switzer, Port Perry. I SSRI BABY CHICKS FOR SALE S.C. White Leghorns, Oldham Farm strain, at $18.00" per 100. $10.00 per 50. Hatched May 21. Also Barred Rock Cock bird, from 243 egg hen. Apply to Cliff Coulter, Port Perry, Phone 221. rs AO SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING The 'Women's Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension are holding a sale of home-made cooking and aprons, on April 9th in the Parish Hall. Tea will be served from 2 to 4 pm. Adults 15¢. Children 10c. HE EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Comb Anconas, the great winter layers. A limited number of setting at $1.50 per 15. Dr. J. D. McMaster, Port Perry. REA eX 1 -- FOR SALE 20 foot covered launch and a 14 ft. punt. Apply to Percy Hooey, Port Perry, Ont. AMAY 14 1 AA PROGRESSIVE MEETING A general convention, open to all, is being held in the Forrester's Hall, 22 College St., Toronto, on April 14th at 9 o'clock of the Progressive Party of Ontario. It is expected that there will be a good attendance from On- Mr. Ed. Coombe lot 18 Con. 2, is F. Duff, (nee Gertie Somerville), 93 Elmer Avenue, Toronto, on Monday, March 22, 1926, SHIRLEY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Shirley Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Moore, on Wednesday, April 14th at 2.30 p. m. A good programme will be given. Everybody A car of Stove Coal and a car of Nut Coal D. & H. Price delivered, C. L. VICKERY. Mr, Paul Hood and family wish to thank the many neighbors and friends and sympathy shown during the recent illness and death of a dear wife and kind, loving mother, also for the beautiful floral | We want our prices to be just, FOR RENT A house furnished or unfurnished, with a large fruit garden, to rent or sell. A bargain, Warren, Prince Albert, Ont. Bk PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Pastor. St, John's, Port Perry Apri 11th, 1926 Communion at 11 a.m." A preparatory service on Friday at 8 pm. Rev, Mr. Douglas of Sonya, willpreach. : Guild on Monday at 8 p.m. Breadalbane, Utica Sunday School at 2 p.m, Public Worship at 2.45 p.m, : Ni a CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. 8. C. Jarrett, Rector Sunday, April 11th--Evensong and sermon at 7 p.m. Thursday--Evensong at 7.80 p.m. followed by ¢hoir practise. Friday, April 9th--In the Parish Hall, Annual Easter Tea and Sale of Home Made Cooking and Aprons. In spite of the adverse conditions of the weather, and the unfortunate spread of measles in Port Perry, ser- iously handicapped much of the work of the church--the attendance at the Easter Services tinder such circum- stances was good. . rn (} ( ------ THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. William Higgs, Minister. April 11--Public worship at "11 a. m. and 7 pm. Rev. Dr. Geo.-Hanson will preach at both services, Sunday School at 3 p.m. The annual meeting of the congre- gation, on Thursday, April 8th, at 7.30 p.m. Special Evangelistic Services every night, but Saturday, from Monday, April 12th to April 20th. conducted by Rev. Geo. Hanson, D.D. The ser- vices will commence each evening at 7.45. THE MILL (Continued from last week) We will try and sell our doors and : sash, As cheap as any other mill for cash. We hope to bring the prices round, To meet you on a common ground. And if your friends will let us know, Just when our prices seem to go Beyond the price of other mills, For sash or doors or window sills. For them we will have keen respect, To help us overcome this bad defect, So that our business will not rust. And when you are buying at the yard, Our prices seem to you quite hard, Just tell us in a friendly way, The pricq you think you ought to pay. (to be continued) # [PORT PERRY MILLING| "~~ COMPANY | holding an auction sale of Farm Stock Friday, April 16th. Sale at 1 p.m. See large bills for: particulars. = Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers, "Deed, sas the reply JOHN BELDON LUNDY ae ps, Apply to John] Performance is a , Control " "running meliarely. exclusive ughlin-Buick the McLaughlin-Buick ges. as the engine starts. ' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO. - gasoline economy, automatically, and at all ficLa mechanical 4-wheel make secure, footing that is insecure. From e fence through winters and summers M Buicks have proved the.all-year dependability of type of brakes. . direct, mechanical action is not affected by weather AT sero, McLaughlin Buick Automatic Hot nl LR DI In every temperature, this McLaughlin-Buick feature insures . on And not even a blizzard will harm the McLaughlin- Buick Valve-in-Head engine. Every point where metal would rub metal is lubricated under pres- sure. A flood of oil is forced everywhere, as soon \ You will not find another car today, regardless of ite price, with its performance so per: tected. Winter or summer, a McLaughlin-Buick "The Unearthly Christ" I is better! "Whom having not seen ye love" The new low SMAC Snancing rates are available 7 pm. "Jesus and the Common- to purchasers of McLaughlin. Buck on rg TH place," BEARE BROS. DEALERS MSLAUGHLIN-BUICK ectly pro N heir CARLOAD OF ALSO CARLOAD Victor & Gibbs Taps 1203 dozen. Gibbs "Catch and Sap Splles and Pails, Garden ~ JUST ARRIVED CYPROC You get the advantage of our buying in, carload lots. Price $42.00 per 1000 ft., in 1000 ft. Lots Smallef lots 413¢, per foot. - OF ROOFING and a CARLOAD OF FENCING It will pay you to see our Roofing and Fencing, and get our prices before buying slsewhere. illem"" Traps $6.50 dozen. ools, Paint, ete. ur Prices will save you Real Money. Carnegie Hardware Co'y L Their width pe PORT PERRY PHONE 209 : PORT PERRY Drygoods you our new samples for Spring, p 7 cents, and upward. Pp A THE NEW MAXIMUR PAP ¥ or mdi | We are also stocking the new Maximur, 30 inch' the most modern and finest decorative h gs. ei rmits greater variety and grandeur-of design, besides showing fewer seams when hung, Ww. WALL PAPE Let us show L. PARRI -- i The Best the Meat Market - Affords. Cheap for Cash. = oC Phone Your Orders for Quick Delivery. : Cawker Bros. of Samples, at such prices, as théy are this 'year They are of the Best Quality ure, and the prioe will surprise you. "call and look them over: ~ W. WARD Port Perry Dominion Store ANNOUNCEMENT We received a lot of new Spring goods and we are going to sell them at very low prices and it will our store before you do your Spring shopping shopping. every week, ALIX. GILBOORD - Clothing - Boots & -- Bell Phone 177 -- Port Periy 1926 Wallpaper "Never before have we had such a fine lot Painter & Decorator ay you to visit Watch our advt. ONT,» = | oo x : ¢ 5 ¥ 3 7 Sg -- © hs Shoes XN EGGS FOR HATCHING Jersey Black Giant Eggs for hatch- ing' from choice stock, good laying | # strain, Price $1.50 per 15. Apply to: # Mrs. D. J. McTaggart, RR.2, tf. Seagrave, Ont. |% X \# FORSALE ~ Seed Grain--Sensation Oats and Manchurian 6 | barl, Apply to Albert Martin, R.R.1, ae ps Spe cials for Cen. .2 tins k Tea, 1 PERIOR OVER 200 STORES for 27c. B ST wo Raspbe 8 aie renee Sterling or Clark's Pure Catsup, Delta Pears, special value i "een 5 string or Crown Syrup Lois 16 : Ving y per | Ee tches ve hs rry Jam, 8's glass HOUSE CLEANING SPECI