Fi It Keeps Him Fit. - From a Siren oi ming who Kioks ver} Mr. Thomas A. Edison weil, I learn thet the great inventor attributes his unfailing heaith to his diet, which 8 _ never varies. It spoonful of cooked oat, and ome sar dine. . The Prince as a Plumber. - At the recent dinner of the Institute of Civil Engineers . in London the Prince of Wales amused us when he stated that he is a 'mechanical en- gineer. "What is more," he exclaimed, "4 am proud of the fact--but don't. call on me if a gas pipe leaks or a water main bursts!" X All for Tw Two Fishl 1 'asked that great, Fslorgenersl Sir Desmond O'Caliag- . celebrated his ty fourth birthday, why at his ad- age he was setting off on a thousand "miles journey up the. River Amagon, miles in all. o "I want. to catch -a couple of fish," he rather sta .."Titles . are Jare_ rather a joke," - Lady " Oynthia Mosley; daughter of the late . Lord Curzon and wife of Mr. Oswald me tial Mosley, ex-M.P., Harrow, is veports] : ~~ &d to have remarked recently. : * _ Lady Cynthia and her husband; of course. are now working in the Social- ist cause, and have just retumed from | Who chant their heavenly psalms be- a tour of various foreign. industrial fore > oo iota God's fade With lindiscordant noise. "+ -u+. Not uncon vic Lady Crain : visit abroad, I believe, is the New arts shall bloom of loftier mould,' 5 lawsuit atime been raging sound rent ls And mightier music thrill skies, den "i. affairs of her garandfathoer, the latetAnd every life shall bea song : ; Mr. Levi Leiter, of Chicago, who left| When all the earth is paradise. 8 fortune' of £ 6,000,000. ean * Lord. Gurdon fell. tn love with hls When Thread Gives Out: beautiful Songer Mary, but the lat- tended over 'months and Is still 'unsettled; ts Hkely to rank as one of the © abst costly of vengnt yours. 7 Ant 10 1 make hls prayer at night; - "Lord, i al 'Some fact amid. o' doubt, But if with #in I stay behind, All hope must filcker out. | them - very long when I found they | were helping me: I then got a dozen -althou 'which a ACHE. Sn crac | Jotuta, ed; so that I could scarcely move them. | Finally as the result of a statement to try Dr. Williams®. 1 decided to Pink Pills, and 1 had not been taking boxes, and beforé they were all gone every trace of the trouble had disap- peared. 'Had I known of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills earlier I might have been spared the suffering I endured, and i explore the. 0 ane | valley--the: el was years and WV i tried many. rion 1 dia the permanent reltef until I used ; b. wi a} Hh an 6 lives and flourishes. to have gone dry motor-car Atlantic, [We We should start running smoothly down a gentle hill into a wide, shallow um- | 'Channel Valley--and 80. Jor miles we should travel a valleys on the northern slde-- | 's of England, until on our right we should discern the range of moun- tains which the southern coast of her land would present to us. Then as we travelled westward a | marvellous. view would spread. itself. at our feet, for the ground between us would be seen to shelve down into a vast counfry some four miles 'below our car. In four or five hours we should be on the floor of the Atlantic. Stopping the car and looking back, 'of the Norman tongue, there was a we should see vast mountains standing out against the skyline--Mount Ire- land and Mount England, and the con- tinent--Mountain Europe. consists exclusively | of dry toast, a glass of milk, a table: pe involving a trip ~of 14,0004. ments that did not relieve me. experience." sults, Brockville, Ont. H rere fp eee A Song of Hope. "Thése Things Shall Bel" at the age of fifty-three. Italian. and. English literature. 'These things shall be: a loftier race shall rise . With flame: of freedom dn their souls And light of knowledge in their eyes. To spill no drop of blood, but dare Nation with nation, land with land, ne Tree. 'In 'every heart and brain shall throb | The pulse of one fraternity. spodl saved the money spent for other treat I hope some other sufferer will benefit by my It your blood is out of order begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to-day and note thefr speedy beneficial re- Sold by medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box by writ ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. John Addington Symonds was a man "| of very high ideals, He died if 1893 He lived much in Italy and ie one of the great: est authorities on art, ag well as both Thane'er the. Moi bath known "They shall be gentle, brave; and strong All that may plant man's lordship firm | 'On earth, and fire, and sea, and air. -- Unarmed -shall--1ive- as comrades | Man shall love man with healt as pure And fervent as the youngeyed joys When using a sewing machine and the of thread of some special color * {ten inches of thread remains and it is glves out with just a few-more inches to be sewed, tie the end of the colored thread onto any other spool of thread, and sew slowly and carefully. With care the knot will pass through all the machine openings except the eye of the needle, so that practically every bit of the thread can be utflized. If tied as soon as it comes off the spool, one can do about five inches more sew- ing. Rt des. ts -- Gross Crossings Cautiously. tional Safety Counoil 2 To avold that run-down feeling, orobs- crossings cautiously, urges David Van Schaack, vice-president of the Na- There is a prevalent notion that the floor of the Atlantic is more or less flat. This is not so. If we cteer our car south we shall soon see on the horizon vast moun- tains, higher than any we have seen, rising from the undulating Sounuy about us. St. Helena and Ascension, to our vision to-day but little islands, will stand revealed as the tips of vast mountain ranges, so steep as to defy even a modern car and comparable to the vast ranges of the Himalayas. If we tiirn and travel north until we reach the northern Atlantic we shall see yet another vast range of moun- tains--the King Edward VII. range, only recently discovered by oceano- graphers, and so high that their sum- mits, if a little higher, would have been-islands and probably inhabited by the human Jase} ; + race! A MEDICINE THAT ALL MOTHERS PRAISE Baby's Own "Tablets Banish Babyhood and Childhood . Ailments... Mrs. H. Oakes, Sarnia, Ont, says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets in my home for the past fifteen years and I believe the good health my eshildren enjoy Is due entirely to this medicine. The Tablets are helpful at teething time; relieve colds and are always beneficial in the minor allments of little ones. I have recommended Baby's Own Tablets to other mothers whose experience with them has been as satisfactory as my own." only, but they do it well. They act as a gentle laxative wiiich thoroughly regulates the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus-banishing constipation and indigestion; colds and simple fevers and turn the cross, sickiy baby into a well, happy, laughing child. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. ot mem ------ Home Refrigerator to Make © "Its Own Icé A clever invention, by which the or- dinary household will be able to have its own refrigerating plant and pro- duce its own ice at a cost of a few pence per day, has just been placed on the London market. A Press repre- sentative was shown a handsome white enameled cabinet fitted 'with shelves like the, usual refrigerator. On one side was a tler of small troughs in which block ice could be made. All the machinery necessary 1s con- | tained in a small compartment, partly in and partly outside the cabinet. There are no levers, switches, valves or machinery to 'be. watched. One handle starts the necessary flow of water and turns on the heat, which | may be raised by electricty, gas or oll, whichever may be most convenient and economical. The cooling appar- atus is made of welded gteel, contain- ing compounds of Hquid and gases | hermetically sealed... The generation of cold is: evaporation of Hquid ammonia, and ~ | curiously enough, to -- unitiated, heat is used, to commence with, to ralse the strong liquid ammonia in the | apparatus. The heat transforms the Hquid into gas. =This later condenses | into }quid again after which hydrogen "|1s introduced to balance the high pres- _|sure evaporation. It is this evapora- | tion which _ causes the generation of |intense cold. The invention fs the work: of two 'students; ' Platen and Mun- 8, who s0ld the patent rights to one hciebotip ir who has, J tue, Selon sight fon + Baby's Own Tablets do one thing], by the | " Chilman, Kiet lish, German and | name which looks ght well have been de- ain vast con. rived from a word descriptive of an, Ifke' those: upon Occupation. So far ee nih do development is femen concerned, it traces back to the pre- i Norman period; and represents one of | the old Anglo-Saxon given names which menaged to survive the Norman! domination powerful influence which affected, nomenclature as well 'and political development. name was "Coelmund," the meaning of which was "ship-protector." : So many English and German names (just as-those endipg in "er" are com- terminating in "man" or "man" are really .compouds of the word "man" pounds of the anclent word "were" which also meant a "man'") that this Sort of ending ls one to which 'thes tongue naturally gravitates in pro- nouncing a given or a family name. Naturally, as Anglo-Saxon speech emerged finally through the overlayer tendency to spell this name as it wae pronounced, and it became Killman in- stead of "Coelmund." The doubled "n" termination; where found, indi- cates a German development, while the form Kielman comes from Holland. "Some say it's only the old birde who go in for 'face lifting.' Here's one only eighteen years old who's had her's lifted hundreds of times, and with no ll. effect." --t-------- nies "Cupid, R.A." The man who fell In love with the girl on a poster, and, after tracing the model from Europe to America, found her already married, has reason to feel disgruntled with Cupid, who, when he has turned artist before, has usual- ly arranged things better: There 1s the happier case of Carl Haag, one- Queen Victoria's favorite) painters. He was looking through the photograph album of a Bondon friend, and suddenly came across the picture | of a girl 'whose face fascinated him greatly. Haag obtained her address and a letter of introduction to her father, which he utilized at the first opportunity. Acquaintance only confirmed the at- traction ,which proved mutual, and within a year of his first sight of the photo the couple were married. A picture by G. ¥. Watts) that of Miss Virginia Pattle, as she then was, is also said to have led to wedding bells. Viscount Easton fell in love with the winsome face on the canvas, and he, too, found that the Fates were on his side. fr mat 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup relicves all forms of indigestion and dyspepsia. You'll swear by it once you have tried it. Any drug store. Should Easter Be Fixed? Since the opening of this century Easter Sunday has fallen six times in March and twenty times in April, and the question constantly arises wheth- er it would not be advisable to select @ convenient Sunday--preferably the gecond in April-- and 1 t Easter fall on that day every year, just as Christmas falls on December 26th. The controversy on -this subject: started as early as the close of the second century of the Christian era, and if the present generation, after peventeen centuries of argument and controversy, adopts the fixed Baster, neither Church nor la'ty will lay them- selves open to.the charge of having acted with unseemly haste, etm Minard's Liniment King of Pain. Future of Brazil. "The Germans, irritated at being blocked from the League of Nations by | Brazil's action, have ailugded scornfully to that country as a "jugle." There is now. an immense quantity of jungle within its boundaries, but a German geographer, Professor Penck. predicts that Brazil" will one day be the most populous country In the world. He says that the great Amazonian repub- lic can sustain a population of 1,200,- 000,000. almost as many people as there 'are in the whole world to-day. He believes that eventually Africa and South America will contain more than a | half the people of the globe. eee Qn She Alred Them. Why, ate They: atti, o for | "Norah, .did-I'net tell you: to a> ; cotton | these . inuketa? Raclal Orlgin--English. in Source--A locality. Here is a family nade, which, as you | ~ might suspect, is Merived from. the 'name ofa place. The principal question for: you, ut youf name happens to be Middleton, is i "which place?' "For it =o happens that there are places. called Middleton in Cumberland, Leicestershire, Stafford shire, Westmoreland and, in fact, vir tually every county in England. In the | southern part of England alone a study of the map reveals no less than thirty communities bearing this name. It is not strange, therefore, that the family name of Middleton, indicating that the original bearer came from.a place of that: infime, is a rather wide- spread 'one. Nor is it very difficult to see, in the light of English history, how so many different places came to bear this name. When the Saxons came to Eng- land and drove the Britons before them into. Wales, Cornwall: and Scot land, they came, not in a great united army of conquest, as did the 'Norman host, but in small bands for the most part, each clan operating separateely. It was some hundred years or more before they began to mix with one an- other to any great extent. It was most natural that nearly every one of these clans should name the central town in the territory in which it settled Mid- dleton. Bible Foundation of Christian Science Teaching The lecture on Christian Sclence given in Massey Music Hall, Toronto, last Sunday afternoon, and radio cast from station C.K.C.L. as 'advertised in these columns last week, reached a large audience. The lecturer, Mrs. Nelvia E. Ritchie, C.8, of Sewickley, Pa, a member of the Christian Sclence 'Board «of Lec- tureship, sald In part: In the Bible we are taught to work, watch, and pray, and Jesus sald, "The works that I do shall he do also." To work out the problems of life accord- ing to divine law and to be able to prove our way step by step, we must understand not only the law, but the divine Principle from which all real 3 | flinty snow; From coral-rocks-the-sea-plants lift Their bows, where tides nor billows flow; The water is calm and still below, For the winds and waves are absent there: And the sands are bright as the siare that glow In the motionless fields afr Lo. There, with a light and easy motion, The fan-coral sweeps through the olear deep sea; And the yellow and ecarlet tufts of ocean Are bending, like corn on the up- land lea. Then far below in the peaceful ses, The purple mullet and goldfish rove, 'Where the waters murmur tranquilly Through the bending twigs of the coral-grove. ' of upper --J. G. Percival. Use Minard's Liniment In the stables. A Difference. Little Johnny was just learning to read, and punctuation marks meant very Mttle in his young life. His fath- er was within earshot, and overheard the little chap reading aloud, slowly, "This 4s -a.warm-.doughnut"--themwr a And the pearlshells spangle the 3 UBBER---IF IT'S have it. Write us and MALE HELP WANTED, STRAWBERRY PLANTS. i. MIER," Dr. 'Senator Dunlap," 's Beauty," "Po Smoke, » "Glen Mary." Au 800, $4.00; 1.000, $7.00. "Progressive" Bverbesring Strawberries, 1% Janis, $1.00; 100, $8.75. *'Cuthe bert" R bushes, $1.00: 100, $3.00, Duivared, hates i, Cash with order. SIGE Tous freste-dug; will-yashad; Come plete oultural instructions supplied. appears but once. Shivpiag all theoueh Mey. Orden from om an Mutt pumsent, mention paper. Lome O Although it costs thousands of the Bishop of London's residence, only about two rooms are used by the Bish- op for his personal needs. @ gro gh pe SOLD E LET 3c. Norman 8. Wright & Ce., Hested, Bimbo i rSe ora. pause for breath--"step on it." On investigation, the sentence proved to be: "This is a worm. Do not step on it." arf smininens | The happiest people are those who are too busy to notice it. | law emanates. Christian Sel teaches that "the fundamental Prin: 'ciple, the first and only Cause, is God. In the Bible we read, in Genesis, "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." Does It not therefore follow that the law gov- erning God's perfect creation must, of necessity, be exact. unfailing good? Christian Science makes clear to us that God Is "the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever." It also makes clear to us the avallabllity of this changeless God who is Infinite good, this first Causeswho is the maker, sus- tainer, and ruler of the universe, for ever the same, bestowing all good up- on His perfect, spiritual creation: Now the question is, How may we understand man? We need only turn to the Bible to learn the truth about man, In the first chapter of Genesis we read, "God created man ih his own image, in the image of God created he hiw;" and that God gave gan do- minlon over ,all things, Reasoning from this true basis will disclose to you, and to all who seck salvation, that everything proceeding from God must be God-like, good, complete, and per- fect. The real man, the man of God's creating, must forever manifest all the eternal, spiritual qualities of his Maker, and can never be deprived of this rich inheritance. Then the natural conclusion from the correct view of man is that he is spiritual, because he is the reflection of his Father, Mother, Spirit. Manis intelligent, because the one Mind, God, is supreme and eternal, Man reflects health. happiness, and harmony, be cause he Is the infinite expression of {- Soul or substance, which does not sin, suffer, or cause discord of any kind. --TI "Promise. On a soaked fence-post a little blue- i backed bird, Opening her sweet throat, has stirred A million music-ripples in the air That curl and clrele everywhere. They break not shallow at my ear, But quiver far within. are near; ~~Max Eastman, in "March." . The Travellers' Tree. The travelers' tree is a palm, called because the traveler can get cool water to drink by tapping the! base of the leaf etalk | CHAMBERLAIN'S = bere new, compact | J For om it has been Bor wet S8tY GLE Era ts pals pes Genbious fade far 25 ea. a Warm days: | nearly 60 years. - Your favorite old A grateful user writes: "Your medi- LINIMENT J is a miracle to me. My weight + 1s now being offered in | was reduced from 157 to 114 pounds TUBE FORM | when 1.left the-hospital in despatr. 1 ! began to use Warner's Safe Kidney Better than before! and Liver Remedy and at once com- Easy to apply! :menced to improve. Now everyone 5 ! is saying to me that I look better than Tts well-known ever, Every word I have written is ni pereing CAN YOU BOLVE THIS? DIERFLAG The above letters when. properly arranged spell the name of a late President. Everyone sending in the correct solution will be awarded a beautiful lot 20x100 feet Free and Clear of All Encumbrances, In a sec: tion now open to colonization in New Jersey. Answer puzzle and mall to-day. This Offer Expires July 18, Beware of Imitators! We are the originators of this advertising plan. Maxim Development Corporation 110 West 40th Strect New York Dept. 1200 o_o Keeping Fit! A Matter of Habit! Good Health Is Within Reach Of All Who Observe This Healthful Habit There is a very good reason why so many people find themselves subject to listlessness, headaches, biliousness and weakened vitality. They have failed to acquire that healthful habit of regular daily bowel evacuation, with the result that they find themselves victims of constipation. Modern living conditions tend to decrease the amount of natural lubri- cant in the intestines, making regular easy elimination of the bowel contents ifhcult. Under such circumstances poisons from the waste matter that remains behind, are picked up by the blood and absorbed by the system, result undermining the general health and vitality. "Nujol, the scientific internal lubri- cant augments nature's Jubg Fs and makes elimination safe and Nujol softens the waste Sh and 'permits thorough and regular elimina- tion, without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. Nujol is not a laxative, and may be taken for any length of time without ill effects. At all druggists. Old Remedy Relieves Kidney Trouble. A Grateful User Tells of His Thank. fulness for Warner's. Wonderful results have been obtain- | ed in combating kidney trouble by fol- "ow ing certain rules of diet and the "ng of Warner's SaferKidney and Liver ! Remedy, a preparation on the market true and I can prove it by hundreds who knew of my condition." Warner's Safe Kidney : and Liver Remedy is made from herbs end has been gold for nearly 50 years, a true indication of its worth. gor a a bottle to-day. Co., Toronto, Ontario. Sald by all druggists. Price $1.25 pa per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies |. WARTS, Apply Minard's often. Also freely and splendid for corns and bunions. (LEG Eo oF a 3 Tread T0 WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Wilson's Experiencea Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario, -- oy have taken several bo thes of 1, dia E. Pinkham's "| Vegetable Com. {pound and I can- not speak too .. | highly of it as I wasat the Change 'fof Life and was all run-down and had no appetite. 1 was very weak und sick, and the were so couldhardlymove. M1 got very sad at times ons thou ht I had noty a friend on earth. I did not care if I lived or died. I was yery nervous, too, and did not go out very much. A friend advised me to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, so I1did. lam ett s wife, and al- ways worked hard until lately, and was in bed for two months. I began «to feel like a néw woman after the first bottle and I recommend it with greet success, also Lydia E.- Pink- am's Liver Pills, I am willin, answer letters from women es about your medicines, as I anno Speak too highly of them."--Mrs. MMA WILSON, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ontario. - Sold by druggists avery Wher; = CUTEIRATEALS EIEN IN ROS OnScalp Later on Limbs. | Caused Much Suffering. eri "1 had eczema which made its appearance on my-scalp in'a rash. It itched terribly und when I scratch ed it, blisters broke out. Later the eczema broke out on. my- limbs, which were badly swollen and Very red. It kept me awake at night and§ caused much pain and suffering. When | washed or went near the hot stove it was very painful. "I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soep and Ointment and sent for a free sample. 1 ' more: 'and in two or three months The Floor of the Sea. Classified Advertisements. The floor is of sand, like the mountain IRCTRIO MOJORS BOUGHT AND SOLD. drift; Toronte. Supply Co., Dept. W, Box 2704, Montreal. eee eee S TRAWBERRY PLANTS" KELLOGG'S PRB- | Healthy pounds to maintain Fulham Palace,