: ere QO Or Electric Vacuum Cleaner, also ic Floor Polisher, for sale or for. rent, at Carnegie Hardware Store. T.F. COMING--Dr. F. E. Luke, Opto- metrist may be consulted about your eyes for glasses at A. J. Davis' store, Port Perry, Thursday, July 15th. Mrs, W. J. Brown, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brown and son, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wallace, Little Britain, and Mrs. Stevens, of Moose Jaw, Sask, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Reader. 'Miss Miriam Harris is spending some weeks at Chapleau, Quebec. She is acting as assistant leader at the Old Brewery Mission Camp, which is under the direction of the Social Ser- vice work of McGill University. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Bunner, of Frankford, are visiting in Prince Al- bert for a few days. Mr. Bunner is Diamonds Watches Tewellery Silverware Stationery Get the prices on our goods before going else- where. We give as good, if not better value for the money. : Have that Watch ; or Clock repaired. : I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and Stationer. {pretty and dainty. At the Danforth Avenue United Church, Toronto, on June 23rd, 1926, by Rev. J. J. Coultus, Edith R. Monet, Toronto, to Mr. Geo. A. Thomson, off} "Detroit. Eo | Miss Monet is the daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs, W. G. Monet, formerly of 'Port Perry. ! The bride wore a dress of white voile, ruffied and frilled, each hand & painted and hand embroidered--very Her travelling] dress was sand colored" silk crepe, "with black hat, black satin coat, trim- 'med with ripple cape and fur. Miss Agnes McKinney, of Toronto, was bridesmaid, and wore a dainty pink voile'costume. The best man was | Mr. Orval Thomson, brother of the groom. Upon return from their honey- 'moon which was spent at Niagara and Eastern points they will take up their residence in Detroit. FOR SALE Apply to Morley Campbell, Port Perry, Ont. SAM WARRINER LODGE 1.0. O. F. ATTEND SERVICE taking a year's leave of ab from the ministry on account of his health. He will reside at Bowmanville, Miss Isabel Lucas has been success- ful in passing the first year examina- tions in an honour course held recent- ly at the University of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H, Huff and children of Toronto are spending the week with Mrs. Huff's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) McMaster. Mrs. James McKee has been spend- ing the past week in Toronto. Don't forget the Decoration Ser- vices at Pine Grove Cemetery on, Sunday, July 4th, at 2.30 p.m. Mr. Clifford Vickery has accepted a position in Toronto. Mr. Ivan Spencer has bought the house and lot belonging to the estate of the late Wm. Campbell, on North Street, nM sta WINNERS AT CANNINGTON On Wednesday of last week three rinks from the Port Perry Bowling Club sttended the tournament at Can- nington and two of them brought home first prizes. The rink skipped by Mr. D. Carnegie won first in the Primary and that skipped by Mr. E. H, Purdy, won first in Consolation. There were 23 rinks in the tourna- ment, including six from Toronto. Congratulations. The Port Perry Tournament will be held on Wednesday, July 28th. iat Yess PROPERTY FOR SALE Building and lot on North Street, formerly the old foundry, for im- mediate sale. Will be sold separately or together. Building 60' x 22' Suit- able for storage or workshop, also a quantity of lumber for sale. Apply Mrs. C. A. Rundle, phone 66, Port Perry. Chosen to Press Button OnC.N.E. Opening Day LL Who represented All India at the British Empire Exhibition, and who will preside this year at the open- ing ceremonies of the Canadian Na- BORN McMillan--At Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Friday, June 18th, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McMillan, a son--Donald Wallace. ----000-- FOR SALE A. W. Allin offers for sale his house and large lot now occupied by Mr. Morrison, Druggist, on Shanley St. House in first class condition situated three blocks south from Queen St. South. Possession first of September, price. reasonable. a ---- ( ---- WANTED Child's Cot, white preferred. Ap- ply Mrs. Jas. Swan, Port Perry, phone 129. nen PEONIES--PEONIES Varied colors, in bloom by the week end. 2b6c. dozen. . Mrs, .C. H. Kellett ania OD imei GARDEN PARTY The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension will hold their an- nual Garden Party at the home. of Mrs. Geo. Woods, on Friday, July 9. Grounds open at 5.30, high tea at 6. Port Perry Band will play during the evening. The following artists will take part in the program: Messrs. R. Barker and Thompson, Brooklin; Miss Barbara Miller, Ashburn; Miss Marion Goode and other local talent. Admission 50c. Children 30c. Look for bills. er en QU LOST Lady's coat, on Friday night, be- tween Port Perry and Manilla, Find- ef please notify the Star Office: rere (me: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister. St. John's Church, Port Perry. Sunday Services, July 4th--Sunday School at 10 a.m. Communion Ser vice at 11 am. Special service under the auspices of the L. O. L. at-7 p.m. Ordination of Elders and prepara- tory service on Friday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. A. W. Hare, Beaverton will preach. All church members are requested to attend these services, Breadalbane Church, Utica Church service and Sunday School will be held jointly at 8 p.m, conduct- ed by Mr. Marshall Malcolm, Supt. of St. John's Sunday School. Next Saturday afternoon the Mis- sion Band of St. John's Presbyterian [ Church will meet at the Manse, a musical program will be given and there will be an address by Mrs. Willis, of Uxbridge.Refreshments will be served, the Young Women's Aux- iliary assisting, - Rev. W. L. and Mrs. Atkinson, ac- companied by Mrs, Harold Archer, motored to Glen Arm last Thursday, when Mrs, Archer gave the report of the Young Women's Auxiliary at the semi 1 ting of the W. M. 8. of the Lindsay Presbyterial. - The meeting was addressed by Mrs. D. T. L. McKerroll. Four young women's Hional Exhibition, Satugday, August auxiliaries were reported and four- teen Mision Bands. ; & ~ ROBT. BALFOUR & SON Sunday 27th inst, was a very pleas- ant day for the church parade held by Warriner Lodge of Oddfellows. The service was held at St. John's Presby- terian Church and a most appropriate 'and helpful sermon given by Rev. W. L. Atkinson, pastor of the Church; the choir contributed much to the enjoy- ment of the service. The parade was headed by the Port Perry Band, next followede Canton No.7 P. M. of Toronto in their natty uniforms and producing a number of military evolutions as they paraded. Then came the rank and file, who were added to by many visiting 'brethren of Oshawa, Whitby, Brook- lin, Uxbridge, and Little Britain, Beside the semi-military aspect which the Canton gave to the proces- sion of 160 Oddfellows, there was\the added color of the dress and the snap and precision of a trained corps. Capt. Sloan is to. be congratulated. There were two of the brethren that 'had been members of the order for a longer period than the "Golden Wed- ding" age. ~~ Warriner Lodge is to be congratu- lated on its march out to Divine Service. | a. OD ties PRESENTED WITH TESTIMONIAL . On Saturday afternoon at the Water Front the Royal Canadian Humane Association presented Chas. F. Schell, with a suitably framed testimonial. The testimonial reads: "Royal Canadian Humane Associa- tion. Patron--His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada. Honor- ary Testimonial. The Committee on Awards having considered and report- ed thereon, The Royal "Canadian Humane A has unani 1 resolved that Charles F. Schell is justly entitled to this Honorary Testi- monial of the Association, awarded for prompt action and presence of mind in the rescue of Robert Orval Powles from drowning in Lake Scu- gog, Ont, on the 20th day of July, 1925." . % Mr. Schell replied to the address of presentation made by the 'repre- sentative of the society, expressing his appreciation of the honour con- ferred on him. i is PROMOTIONS Prince Albert Public School Sr. III to Jr. IV--William Lyle, H; Donald Wauchope, Ross Murphy. Sr. IT to Jr. III--Ralph Lyle, H, Joy Smith, Grant Hunter, Kathleen 'Murphy. M. Madden, Teacher loa Only Fe tos ONE pair G J 1a rd BEA . b «3 Ee In the Village of Prince Albert, six|| roomed frame house with attached|; kitchen, half acre garden, small barn. | appeal both to the connoisseur and the Jayman. The one recognizes in tinguishes creative art; the other is " MILTON STONE, SEAGRAVE ST. MARY'S Pyramid biand CEMENT NOW IS THE TIME to do that cement work you have been thinking about. A good ever- lasting job demands the best cement. NUFF SAID We have it. - Port Perry Coal Yard : AGENTS New car 'op hand. Yard Phone Uptown Office 9 ~~ 283 : MANCHESTER Dr. and Mrs. C. Herbert Weagant' arrived last week from Winnipeg. After a brief visit Dr. Weagant left for the seaboard from where he sails to spend a few weeks on the contig ent. Mrs, Weagant will remain wi her sister Miss Allie Thompson at Manchester until his return. eee ODD J CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION The Junior W. A. will meet on Fri- day afternoon in the Parish Hall at 8 o'clock. As this will be the last meeting of the season they will serve afternoon tea, and cordially invite. all senior W. A. me 8 Thursday-- Eviaong and "Some impressions of ida" 'at 7.30. p.m. ' You should order your . SUIT See our attractive line of 'We have es in blues tweeds. | We should be ol ane call an goods. have you d see our goc : i |1oosestrife, hepatica, Canadian calla, OVERCOATINGS|| WE DO ALL OUR OWN WORK | spent in nature's solitudes, Mr. Holmes' flowers never look as if arranged in his studio. They have the appearance of being caught un- awares in the woods. This is indeed the case. He knows all the wooded nooks in and arotind Toronto for many miles, Between the gentle, shy artist and the shy flowers that hide affinity. Their coming together re- sults in pictures of unusual sympathy. | In searching for a pitcher-plant, arrowhead, bloodroot, lady's slipper, or any other wildling, Mr. Holmes 'passes by many specimens before he finds one that suits his purpose. It must be a characteristic member of its particular family, have decorative 'appeal, and be in surroundings that enhance its beauty. Henee this art- ist's paintings are noted for their fine design, And that brings to mind how Robert Holmes became a special- ist in this work. In his own words: "The way I got into the drawing of flowers was that being associated with the Art School, and having 1 in design, I wanted to give my students as much Canadian in- spiration as possible, and to have their work take on a distinctly Can- adian impress. So I early decided to 'have them base their designs on something native and characteristic of the country. Flowers lend them- selves excellently to this purpose. So 1 set to work and made drawings of a great number of our wild flowers. This resulted in designs that were distinctive and new, and not found in the regulation copy books. "With that as a start, I'concladed I might as well put a little more work in my sketches and make pictures of them. For anyone to achieve success, he must concentrate on one thing. So (as there was a distinct opening for 'me in this particular line, I abandoned everything else -in favor of wild flower. And I've been at it ever since. My work is essentially Canadian-- wild flowers as they grow on their native heath." Asked where he was born, Mr. 'Holmes in replying made a humorous allusion to his bachelorhood. He said "In the Village of Cannington, much longer ago than I care to recall. I do recall, though with considerable pride, that as long ago as 1879 I was per- mitted to figure in the main feature of the Queen's birthday celebration. It was a real Indian parade, ending with the capture of the White Rose of the Prairie. Someone else got that White Rosg,'and I have never succeed- them an intangible quality that dis-| - tenderly reminded of enchanted hours| in the forest there is a very real} Read up The bus will leave Port Perry ing from the Sebert House corner. TORO LINDSAY send away for their goods, and f Ladies' Lisle Stoc! Ladies' Fine Vests, 3 see them. Dry ALIX GILBOORD CANADIAN HORTICULTURIST Members of the Port Perry Horti- cultural Society who wish to renew their - subscription to the Canadian Horpculturist will please notify the Secretary. The price to members is 40c. per year. 3 rma (YY Pree. SOUTH ONTARIO FOOTBALL Resultg of games played in the S ed in capturing another." ~ SUPE SPECIALS Css es erases Lard, 5 Oranges, Sunkist, sweet ogg's Pep .... gry For ~ Dutch Tea Rusks Harvest or Aylmer Black Currant Jam, 12 oz Salmon..." Cleaning and Pressing || Horseshoe FRIDAY and ) SATURDAY 10 bs Granulated Sugar ..........:.. 's Harvest Pure Raspberry, Strawberry RIOR STO OVER 200 STORES 68c. 26¢c.. 3's 67c. pkgs for 25c. - Lindsa; PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE Goods HE Ready-to-y oots & July 2nd Horne's Custard Powder, 16 oz 27c. 5 uicy, per doz 86c. | Prin Lemons, ..................per dozen 2bc. ; Soperior Toast Com Flakes, 8 g K ...2 pkgs for y for Toronto and Lindsay, 45 ! 3.00 11. a Rate from Port\Perry to Toronto and NTO OSHAWA _ COBOURG Port Perry Dominion Store ANNOUNCEMENT : Our Mid-Summer Clearing Sale has given us good results and many people received their good bargains and they were surprised at the bargains we were giving. People came from 16 miles away and they said it paid them better to come to our store, than to or the convenience of the people that have been very busy and not able to come to our sale, we are extending the time of our sale to July 10th, in order to give everybody a chance to get their share of the bargains. In many line we are cleared out, so we are getting new stock and it will pay you to call in and see our first quality goods and low prices. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR SATURD. Ladies' Silk Dresses, beautiful shades and latest styles, only $8.96 Gingham House Dresses, regular $1.25, Sale Price 2 for $1.79 Ladies' Silk Stockings, to clear at 49c¢ pair. , regular 35c. . or 2 for 49c. Pure Linen Tewelling, good bargains, only 13c. yard. Special Bargain in Men's, Ladies' and Children's Running Shoes. , Special Bargains in Ladies' and Girl's Patent Leather Sandals. - We'will have a lot of good bargains on July 8rd. Come and AY, JULY 3rd. To clear at 2 pairs for 49c. 7" wear :: Boots & Shoes . Phone 177 ------ Claremont 8 Ashburn 0 Pickering defaulted to Cherrywood. Games this week, July 3rd, Cherry- wood at Ashburn, Goodwood at Clare- mont, Brooklin at Green River. : Sel p0si 3 FOR SALE J 156 Yorkshire sows due. to farrow in July and August, Prices | Apply to Jno. W. Crozier, Phone 98, 7 wisps "yr oi Xl! Port Perry, pi ' & n 2