jitle ty paclossly thy canal -- a floating under half-moon bridges and high groves and" . And all day long," lop-pa, lop-pa went the great, calm oar... , At night the anchor ie wag dropped in the shadéw of shoreside temple ~~ primitive, among her props and stays Z Blond, sand, band 'by: b : In Viking savagery mcross the hase; Along the half-sheather aides a pale light plays sChem 2 Prefiguring, lanned oe ak A All day the "sparmakers are sha fi 'Bhe ma ~ neath her keel! "+such + . The little farm- m to! Much of his comfort depends on tite. have a nasty taste In thelr mouth. 1 condition of his sk! and nothing What earthly geod can it do'to make makes for baby's happiness in the sum-. _ gan unpleasant noise, when by. ellence Mer as much as a warm bath morning. peace woud reign supreme? Nothing &nd evening, and on very hot days,' Is more annoyingahan to be compelled sponging before the afternoon sleep to live with people who take an Inter- also, *Keep the skin clean, dry and est in stroking cne the wrong way and | powdered and baby. will be less rest- probing at a sore place. Jf they know 'less. = 5 - of a weaknese of ours, sich people are| Baby needs fresh air quite as much continually exposing Jt or' reminding | as fresh food, Keep him out of doors § gly advised me to take Dr * Pink Pills, 1 began Pking fhese & with the Fool fom hop So an-lmprovement pila ola Pills. I am dow enjoying good 'health and am glad to give this stat other suf- , stons of the Cau | tralold, a primitive race found in Australia and New Guines. ent for the ig shows the Nordic and Mediterranean types, These are divi casian race. The sketch also shows types of two other rates --the American Indian, native of the North American continent, and the Aus. The sketch \ Secrets of Science. . By David Diets. _ One of the outstanding facts about man to-day is that he is divided up In- ito races, each possessicg distinguish. ing characteristics. . As we have seen, even several types of true men existed in the Old Stone bones. Most of the natives of southern Af- rica have black skins, flat noses, and thick Ips. = The scientist who studies races, the ethnologist, divides mankind up into races which he has-agsigned names: Thus the race which spread over Europe, the Mediterranean area, and western Asia, is known as Caucasian. e. Two great opposing forces have been "I It is far betterto smooth down the us of it as much asp "hut avoid the sul A lot of 'otherwisel Uarmless thins | In the middle of the day. In very hot will, If tampered with, give pain. If; weather, take him out early in the you knbg that nettles sting, why morning and. In the later afternoon. touch them? In a small boat we re-; Take the baby to the beach and the main still because there is danger in Country whenever you can. The change our movement. Then why irritate and Wil be good for him, provided you create temper by lingering upon those Watch his food and don't tire him too places of life which we know are sad«| much, ; . : dening and give rise to bad feeling? f Breast milk Is the best for the sum- Ic mer. Give cool boiled water frequent: rough places. Never argue with a ly between vursings-in--the summer. man about his faults. He knows them It {8 safer to postione weaning until much better than you do. TeH him, in| after the hot weather. kindness, about them, but be careful| Summer diarrhoea is easier to pre- not to trespass upon his own pre-|vent than to cure, and it can usualy 1 serves. Men do not require us to in-|be prevented by: (1) Boiling all milk form them of their Unhappy memories, | In summer; (2) Care in preparing But they do need someone who will| baby's food, and diluting it during' very hot spells; (3) Stopping all food if acute diarrhoea begins. = If the bowel movements are very frequent and the baby has vomiting and fever, stop all food, give only boiled water and call the doctor at once. The summer is the most wonderful time of the year for the baby and he will reap great benefit from his outings if care Is taken in regard to his care, particularly his food. point them to a loftier ideal. To. the mistakes of anothér it is kind to be blind and to look for the virtues, Never be a party to the digging up of old offences. It is cowardly and un- kind. If aman has paid the price for his offence it is not our job to remind him of that which is no longer a debt: Those who do most in fife to help others along are the ones whd can Eglve a cure for a wound; who will heal sore places and show big-heartedness. meme ps We are all too fond of recalling 2 ot the past. We find a spice in remem- The Jovial Frederick. bering the faults of others. During the Crusades of the thir- | "Sub Officer--"Here we "for the purpose of carrying - water, cm fen be cleaned with a pad of tissue paper sprinkled with methylated: spirit. PILES » We are, dragged ' four hundred miles noross the country to raid a gin house and ail there is in ii is a cotton gin." » i His Ohlef--"Leot's close Tt, anyway, These synthetic products are worse than the real thing." ns eimai. Invention of Treadmill. The. treadmill ix said to be the in. vention of the Chinese and used first Mirrors and plctube glasses should conquered by .PILE- FIX treatment. The world's greatest rem- at work throughout the story of man. ferer." . _ You can get these pills' from &DY kind. One has been the tend Ren i Bond) ward Aiteenter dency 10 Tt is divided into three main groups. The first include the northerm blonds or Nordics., The Scandinavians, Scots Keep the mud at the bottom of the pond. Plenty without your ald will do the miserable work of stirring it up and discoloring the purities of life, teenth century, when all Europe had' one idea in view, that of takifg Jerusa- lem from the heathen Turks, Emperor Frederick of Germany was what would to-day be called a good fellow, and a !edy. Gives Instant relief. The vafnletied schooner towers from | Fer ribs 'still show gaunt 'shadows | 'band © + v stamp down the storm be-| & box fromThe Dr. Williams Medicine th the | 81d northern Englishmen are Nordics. an on the shore, . . | Cow Brockville, Ont. : tar on aiilation; the The second division is the Alpine, Y 5 wi re: i - - a Thus passed these gentle days on the When Engine Sansa Baa Beivare. tng to bring about similarity. The third is the Mediterranean or Iberian. If the engine of the new car sudden: 1y starts a squeaking nolse that grows 'louder and lotder until it shows signs of developing into a genuine screech, and in Australla and New Guinea, a iby all means stop. Do not force the os Sosy Srout barsiere, such us black primitive race named the Aus- 'engine along in' the 'bel that the : tralotds. noise will "wear away." Stop, let the engine cool, put two quarts of ofl in 'the gas tank and 'proceed "slowly. {Chances are that a tight piston is star Ing to score its eylinder, "Then why dees it'say In the Prayer Book that he must take four bet four worse?" f+ use. start. . ; - , Three thousand years ago, as al- oo A Puzzle. | . Hixies Prevailing throughout great ready pointéd out, man learned to A ¥ * ¥ ely SUT 0 8078 My yh thant wtr | PA "That's all, my boy" : ope great numbers 4 of peoples are po . us) ® ter or. | "| that we ever heard is the definition of wiggle ts way into the corners and gathers of garments nas been invent: ed. _ Different varieties of men migrating about the world and intermingling with the types they met have tended to make for assimilation. In eastern Asia there is a second race known as the Mongolian. In Africa we find the Negro race, tended to preserve differentiations in certain great cases. _ These differentiations are thought to be the results of varying climates, foods, living conditions and the like. |. Therefore we find: certain character But we must remember that there are many groups of peoples which do not seem to fit well into any one of those group and others which are un- doubtedly the results of mixtures. the story of man to the historian. We started out with a general sur- vey of the universe. Then we narrow- ed our survey to the earth upon which we live. characterized by white skins, fair hair and blue eyes. About the Mediterraneaii we find people with white skins but dark hair and bldck eyes, : Let's all resolve to do our best to keep them separate. NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones [Whether it be for the newborn babe or | the growing-child the Tablets always do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Oat., jolly one at that. Frederick's religious views, however, were not suited to the spirit of the| day and finally ended in his being ex-! communicated from the church, ! Nevertheless, Frederick gathéred about him a few soldiers and started | on a private Crusade to take Jerusa- lem from the Arabs. | Arriving near the historical ity, | Frederick sent. a courfer to the Sultan | with a message which sald: "Out of the goodness of yolir heart surrender to me the city of Jerusalem! ----Let us now narrow our fleld to the specific phenomena of life. Next article-- What Is Life? In eastern Asia great numbers of people have yellowish skins, straight black hair and more or less high cheek = Garden Tragedy. One of 'the' best schoolboy howlers r Jealous of His Work. Many wives are jealous of their hus- " band's work and regard his job as a ghubarh ae--*'%i0d of celery. zone necessary evil---instead of as the goose % that lays the golden eggs of food and oo warmth, These wives arq jeaious of the time he spends at the office or shop, resent- ful of his enthusiasm for his job, jeal- , above all, of the women he en- -- ~"An-lron-That Wiggles. An electric iron specially shaped to as it is that I may be able to lift my | head among the kings of Christen- dom." | The Turks were ever and always 6éeeking wit and humor and this re-| quest struck the Sultan as being very, ' very humorous. The fact that the city | says: --""We have three fine, healthy | Was deemed absolutely safe, only made | children, to whom, when a medicine is | the Tequest funnfer. { needed, we have given only Baby's Accordingly the Sultan not only | Own Tablets. The Tablets are the |turned the city of Jerusalem over to | best medicine you can keep in any | Frederick, but sent him elephants and home where there are young children." | camels and food as well as a great Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but bevy of dancing women. thorough laxative which regulate the | Frederick crowned himself king, set stomach and bowels; banish constipa- | about to have a good time and after a tion and indigestion; break up colds | merry season personally thanked the and simple fever and make teething | Sultan for his goodness and went to easy. They are sold by medicine deal | Italy, gathered a great body of troops | ers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box | and for thirty years fought Rome, driv- | from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, |ID8 Popa Innocent into France, i Brockville, Ont. { In the end Frederick died w a - -- fortunes crowding about him, 'counters in his work--the typists at | the office, the girl assistants behind the counter. ~All this is very foolish and unjust. A wife who shares In her husband's Buceess {8 not playing the game if she falls to take an interest in the means by which he has attained it. sparking plugs, but the least she can do 1s to take an intelligent Interest in the things that mean bread and butter and the very roof over her head. " Defect slave to the! t ." j owing thelr existence to the fact that | all around Trieste the Adriatic Sea is | filled with small sardines. fhe may feel rather at sea when he | waxes eloquent over carburetters and |g the gigantic wharves of Trieste, and in ' an hour land at a elty built up for cen: ern Italy is the city of Pirano, a mat- mplajhe Hilda fretfully | ter of about fifteen cents steamer fare e doesn't get home | from Trieste. Sardines Build Cities. Definition. | Compound--and I took ip ata ily for Over in Italy, very close to the won-| | a year. During this time I was carry- derful city of Trieste, are & dozen | What do they mean by raining cats | 2y m Jupng baby and 1 felt real somewhat small cities which are stil) | 80d dogs?" | whl'all the time and did not have's | | bh "That's what yon call beastly weil: er." e B A Simple Beauty Secret That Every Woman Should Know : According to the old adage "beauty is only skin deep," but it would be a transient thing indeed if it did not have behind it a strong, healthy body with all of the organs functioning From Trieste one can take a Httle | eamer In almost any direction; such | eamers sail every few minutes from | urfes on the sardine industry, One of the quaintest cities in North. | It is built at the foot of DOCTOR ADVISED ! She Escaped It by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- my first baby I was'very fhuch run- ia in health and the doctor said T | must have an operation as [ was ith mis: | gyffering from a displacement. A | friend wanted me to try your medi- cine--Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve, Vegetable Compound did me a lot of sister in Leamington, Ontario, takes it, and both sisters praise it as a good medicine. with the result.'"' -- Mrs. W. PENN, Windsor, Ontario. ham's Vegetable Compound and I read about it in the Why suffer, send to-day for 6-day FREE treatment. THE PILE-FIX COMPANY 97 Dundas St. E. Toronto, Ont Bee Stings Minard's eases the pain and re- duces the swelling caused by stings and insect bites. Keep it handy. MINARD'S| re oc ur 3 STEN OPERATION FOR MRS. PENN table Compound Windsor, Ont. -- "After thebirthof ~ table ard confinement. I feel sure the ood, and all my people do, too. One I am more. than pleased Mrs. Corbin Relieved from Pain Stewiacke, N. S.-- "I had pains . cross my back and in my side Yor two ears after my first baby was born. y mother had taken Lydia E, Pink- rs, 80 I tried les in keeping the system free from However, sard! x : or, sardines are served there, those poisons that accumulate so 7 tnd them spends most a small but steep mountain, with old | properly. Just as warmth is radi- it and the pains all [eft me. L have of th 8 poring over books on | and strange buildings reaching to its sicd by niente fire so is beguty of 3 fami] ik Shees pogo || phgificering, or making experiments very top. Its streets are tiny thorough. | sace and figure the expression of 8, mecicine ig te . 2 my are I inyho ehed has fitted up at the fares running in any direction except | Blowing bcalih, Without good health jpaaths beforg hey yt bors, if Ree. breed in filth, feed on filth and bring filth in straight lines, and many of the very woman has an. inheresi = CARY W. Comnin, Wain Street. Sew ' : into your home. Siig = natural that Hilda | houses extend over the streets. It is | beauty, but so many unconsciously facke, Nova Scotis. 7 Cc ARVO YOUL 3 at of and lonely, but she] well worth seeing, as are the other | handicap Hieniscives in jhe effort i pe = 'your home 'ew minutes cities all around, for all of them lve look their best! Any physician wi : ) Hesan me in a fe It is ) oi sardines. tell you that the basis of good health a Hi fa in, a be lf | posal in the evenings, [terest In his work once out of the rut. | first, but as expenses increased without cause of an enthusiasm that will prob- bly save her from this unpleasant in every form, as they are In Trieste, | and it is certainly strange for a Cana- | "dian to get for his meal a plate of fresh 3 o factory | sardines fried just like any other fish, | "were shut, he would never rise, Thus it is learned that sardines do not always live in cans. The flesh tastes very good, equal to the average fish flesh, but what sur. prises the Canadian is to find no flavor of ofl or of smoke, not even of mustard, ' just plain sardine. } The towns all along the coast are" strewn with small" meshed nets, and | everywhere one sees women carrying huge baaskets on their heads, baskets filled with sardines being brought from They might jog along happily at" corresponding * increase in wages, | flda, as the housewife, would be ced with the thankless tgsk of mak- a dollar do the duty of a dollar and ir ! To find fault with her husband be- quickly if the body does not function naturally every day. Unfortunately, six out of ten women, it is estimated, are risking their good health con- stantly because of the fact that these toxic poisons do not naturally move out pF systems. And the result is that their health is im aired, not 1 to the extent of putting them into a sick bed, but through little head- aches, a constant feeling of fatigue i a heaviness that makes them dul and creates a spiriticss attitude to- ward life and its duties, Their beauty is seriously affected. The color of 'the skin becomes sallow be- cause of these poisons, circles appear = + | tate is, of course, to act ina v short-sighted manner.--D, R. ¥ ee ee { Minard's Liniment for Burns. Sit podbot xy Sel ee et tit ; Nose Painting for Sheep. | A sheep's nose, like a man's thumb, seems: to be its own: particular pro 80 the the Michigan Stats of 0 Bt the fishing boats to the canning fac! tories. Arotic Explorer----~"Yes, right In front zero! tp i oi mi Mamie--"Well, you didn't have to stay right by the stove, did you?" 2 : tite returns, that heavy feeling Aged 102, Mr, John Belster has ated} Sher ears, the cirgjca ynder theeyes ai , Com, hy Saliebury, England; of vitality, mind alert, one's erm re Minard's Liniment for all pains. under the eyes, the complexion goes. 0 overcome such a condition it is imperative to rid the body of this waste material. For over twenty rs women have been aided by Sal Yittiofos, a gentle cleanser and plea- sant laxative which has been "stupid Fellow, that roaring stove It was 40 below nd ib -- en Passed the Century. . When a warm Cu Why Suffer With liching Rashes freien secaptured and enhanced;