Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Jul 1926, p. 4

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" of Ex-Service Comrades Mr. Leonard Burnett, of Toronto, was in town for a short time last week. He has been the guest of Mr, Wm. Phoenix, Greenbank. We are pleased to see him looking well. Messrs. Robert Somerville, A. P, Ingram, Merle Letcher and Ted Jackson, motored to Cobourg to at- tend a bowling tournament. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Christy and Miss Frances Christy, are holidaying at Batiste Lake. Last Sunday at the United Church excellent. sermons were delivered by Rev. R. Bamforth, a former pastor. In the absence of Miss Mellow, Mr. Follick presided at the organ in the morning and Miss Cockburn in the evening. . We are pleased to note that Mr. William Nesbitt has passed his ex- aminations giving him an Interim Pirst Class Certificate. The United Sunday School held their annual picnic to Steph 's Diamonds Watches Jewellery Silverware Stationery Get fhe prices oh Sur our goods ore gol where. . We give as good, if not better value for the money. Have that Watch or Clock repaired. : I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and Stationer. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday School at 10 a.m. Matins and Sermon at 11 am, The Ex-Service Men's Church 'Parade at 2.30 p.m. on Surmday. The Military Band of the 84th Ontario 'Regiment will supply Church Music in the Church at this service. Thursday, Evensong at 7.30 p.m. ---- Qs PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister. St. John's, Port Perry-- Public Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 10 am. Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday W. M. S,, on Thursday at 3.30 p.m. | Mrs. Atkinson will give a report of (the W:M.S. work from the Assembly. Breadalb: Utica-- Point on Wednesday afternoon. -------- ANGLICAN GARDEN PARTY" In spite of the very threatening weather the Anglican Garden: Party, held at the beautiful home of Mrs. Geo, Woods, was well attended. The proceeds amounted to about $120.00. The ladies provided an excellent sup- | per. The programme consisted of selections by thq Port Perry Band and the String Quartette, solos by Rev. 8. C. Jarrett, instrumental by , Miss Miller, of Ashburn, and recita- tions by Miss Marion Goode. 1 WAR VETERANS TO ATTEND SERVICE. Under the auspices of The Port Perry Ex-Service Men's Social Club, the Ex-Service men of Port Perry and district will attend divine service at 2 o'clock p.m., standard time, on Sunday next, 18th of July. Padre, the Rev. 8S. C. Jarrett, President of the Club and Chaplain to the 34th} Ontario Regiment will be in charge of the service. The order of service will be: Opening Hymn Prayer Reading of Lesson Apostles Creed Solo " Hymn Address "God Save the King. _ The Comrades will asgemble at the Armouries, Port Office Building, Port Perry, at Major Oliver M, Maitland, D.8.0,, will marshall the parade. Mufti will be worn. The wearing of mojals and decorations is optional. Col. Frank Chappel, Officer Gone manding the 34th Ontario Regiment, has kindly consented to the Regi- mental Band being present and, with the Port Perry Citizens' Band, pro- vide music for the occasion: i All visiting Comrades are cordially invited to join with the Club miem- bers. It is expected that.a number : from Osh- awa and Whitby will join in the 2 pm, standard time,]|. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Friday at 8 p.m. The Young Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Presbyterian Church will hold their July meeting at the home of Mrs, W. Day, on Friday afternoon, when they will quilt ard finish other 'sewing to have ready for the packing of the bale. All members are re- quested to come early and bring any unfinished, article they may have. The Young Women's Auxiliary and the Mission Band spent a very pleas- ant afternoon on the lawn ,of The Manse, on Saturday, July 9th. In the ab of the president, Master Douglas Nasmith, Mrs. Atkinson, Superintendent, presided," and Mrs. Willis, of Uxbridge, gave an interest- ing. talk to the children, after which refreshments were served and social time spent. ree Orr ereneem House for Rent Apply Star Office BL ARIES YS H-- BAND. STAND TO BE BUILT | A band stand is to be built at once | just east of the town weigh scales. The structure will be octagonal in shape, 17 feet in diameter, and de- signed after the one at Oshawa Park. Three hundred dollars of the money required has been contributed from the Chautauqua funds, Announcement as to the source Zt the balance of the cost will be made later. We are pleased to hear that the work is to proceed immediately. man AO FOUND .. Last Fall a row boat on Lake Scugog. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- 'penses, Apply to H. King, R.R.2, Seagrave, between 10th and 11th, 'on Seagrave road. HO a poo - 'PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. William Higgs, Minister. JULY 18th, 1926 Public Service at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Prince Albert Appointment at 8 p.m. Rey. J. W, Davidson, M.A, B.D, will preach. Prayer ar. Prayer Moning, Thursday, at 7.80... Worship at 2.45. Choir Practice on 8 BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Boe, of Seagrave, on July th, 1 1926, a son. (still born.) y mime QU enn | | ALFRED SMITHERS, < OF CAN- ELECTROCUTED ON FRIDAY NINGTON, JA sad fatality occurred at the| 'village of Cannington on Friday, at 8 pm, when Alfred &mithers, aged 38 years, Supt. of the Canning- ton Electric Utilities was electro- 'cuted. The deceased was assisting in the installation of a transformer near the, C. N. R. Station when his body came in contact with a ground or 'live wire, causing instant death. It is believed that his left thumb first came in contact with the wire as it was completely shattered. A hole was also burned in his left leg. ' The untimely death of Mr. Smithers cast a gloom over the en- tire community. The deceased leaves ta mourn his loss his sorrowing wife, a son, aged fourteen and &n infant girl. The remains were taken to Toronto for interment in' Norway Cemetery. --Lindsay Post. BR a CONGRATULATIONS TO MANCHESTER Mr. Roswell Dobson had four pupils pass their examinations in piano at Whitby--Verna. Bell, Ux- bridge, introductory, grade, honors; |p... Iva Cafe, introductory piano, honors, Maudie Smith, High Point, Element- ary grade, pass; Nona Hogarth, Utica, Primary grade, pass; Mr. Roswell Dobson also passed his™examination--el ST. MARY'S Pyramid brand CEMENT ; EPSOM 5 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogeds: and were visiting with friends at Raglan on Sunday. "Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sonley of Pine- dale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe] Luke last week. ; Miss Verna Bailey of Toronto, | spont, the week end at Jobn Bailey's. 7 NOW IS THE TIME 'to do that cement work you have been] thinking about. A good ever- lasting job demands the best cement. NUFF SAID We hava it. Port Perry Coal Yard AGENTS og New car on hand. Yard Phone Uptown Office| «Of 2 233 PROPERTIES FOR SALE 6 acres good for market garden or chicken ranch, 8 roomed frame house in good repair, stone foundation, all ted and painted, good newly decorated "iy well, drive shed, hen house, kinds of choice fruit, Good tabl, goragh all' ully situated. terms to Joo holy a foundation, cement floor in large cement shelf and cistern, newly decorated and painted, § in first repair, good barn, s e, n pen floor, garage, 2-5 acres land, ----r---- PROPERTY FOR SALE Building and lot on North Street, formerly the old" foundry, for im- mediate sale. Will be sold separately or together. Building 60' x 22' Suit- able for storage or workshop, also a quantity of lumber for salé. Apply Mrs. C. A. Rundle, phone 66, Port Perry. Ra FOR SALE A. W. Allin offers for sale his house and large lot now occupied o Mr. Morrison, Druggist, on Shanley St., House in first class diti ted it tary violin, 'taking first class honors. Mr. Dob- al Minds of rit, lige straw in the son is a pupil of Mr. Victor Stouffer. | village of e Britain. . For sale very reasonable. 100 acres, more or less, situate near |' Lake "8 roomed house, | barn 42 x 70 two drive ways, stone Eile cement floor, water in stables, Her carrier, cement silo, hay fork, 5 acres mixed wi water, acres ably land. * $8,000 cash. | Balance easy terms. 50 acres more or less bordering on Lake Scugog | 5 Joumed frame house, stone d 30 x: 50, good well, spring fruit. trees, all front. « $1600 cash, balance II lie fro Seven roomed frame house on stone foundation in repair, good well, small fruit, also large stable, drive shed, hen ny 3 acre choice land, Union Ave. $1,000, good terms for balance at 5%. three blocks south from Queen St., South, P ion first of September, price reasonable. : COMING--Dr. F, E. Luké, Opto- metrist may bg consulted" about your eyes for glasses at A. J. Davis' store, Port Perry, Thursday, July 15th. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Why take the risk of paying for damages, Have your auto insured. n= We can look after your particular needs. GEO. R.. DAVEY Phone 249 Port Perry ¢ ' . . Shoe Repairing The undersigned has opened a shoe repairing and 'shoe-making shop in the Leonard Block, at the rear of A. Prentice's Barber Shop. Prompt expert service given. Bring in your orders, JOHN BEST. --------() (emai FOUND--Man's suit coat. Apply at Star Office. Only Have Vou ; We Jib be ERE goods, _ Six Toomed bungalow, cement] dation and cellar whole size of house in 'good re, 1% acre choice arden land, some fruit, on Queen St. fi cash, balance 6% easy terms. Diriek store on Queen St., 2 stories stone basement, well rented. ih for quick sale $900 if sold at once, Good eight roomed house at Epsom, two acres choice garden soil, new stable, hen house, .drive shed, fruit ot all descriptions, good water, on main highway. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. Scugog Island, 74 acre farm, on 9th concession, good house, hiproof barn, new drive shed and hog pen, well fenced, good water, A very desirable farm for little. money. $1000 cash, balance easy terms. For further information sob A. W. MORLEY CAMPBELL Estate : 1 8, - : PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 183w "Mr, and Mrs, W, Luke, son and 'with Mr. and Mrs, P. Luke. '| Toronto, visited recently with friends 8 roomed frame house, good stone | clags | at Lindsay. Miss Gladys Luke of Toronto spent the week end at: Pascoe Luke's. i Miss Leola Luke of Sunderland is spending-a few days, with her parents] here, daughter, of Sonya, visited recently Mr, and Mrs. H. Lakey and son of here, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Wilson, of To- ronto alsp visited recently at Jos. Wilson's. Mr. and Mrs. Quant, Miss F. Quant and Mrs. R. Watson, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mts. Ed. McCulloch, Congratulations to Walter Asling and Elsie Gibson on successfully passing their Entrance examinations, Rev. Mr. Denny and Mr. Edward Pomery attended the Orange Walk The Ladies Aid of Epsom United Church intend holding a Lawn Social at the home of Mr, Alf. Claughton on Thursday evening,~July 22, Miss Marjorie Bailey of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her parents "here Miss Jean Coates and Mr. Walter] = Asling are visiting with friends near Madoc. Et SPECIAL ENTRANCE PRIZES The Board of Education offers a prize to the pupil making the high- est term marks for those candidates that are promoted to High School without writing on the Departmental examination. This is & much ap- preciated ion and only a Mrs, Prouse and daughter, | seazel a8s8s 258 NNN EOEP BD 4 ed 2h ing He the Sebert House corner. LINDSAY end. So call and leave Port Perry Yor Toronto and Lindsay. start- Rate from Port Perry to Toronto and return--$1.30 each way. re : Port Perry Dominion Store | Is announcing extra Special I prices, in' mid-summer goods fort get your share. pany PERRY DOMINION STORE nl with his fair offer. The pupil winning this ' B prize is Valde' Hortop. The pupil winning the prize given by the Board to the pupils who wrote on the En- trance, was won by Beverley Small- man, who has been but one year 'in the Fourth Class. When the best of the term work pupils are promoted ying in lin, preach Poti Church on Sunday morning. In the evening Mr. Geo. West and 1. Cutler, of Toronto, conducted the services, Mr, Richards sang a solo. Services next Sunday at 11 am. and 7 pa Sunday School 'at 10 a.m. ti are under way for a to High School without examination, the remaining portion of the class competes with all who write at this centre for the prizes and the handi- cap is too great--to obtain the first place. prove a stimulus worth-while and the two prizes that are given to Port Perry Entrance Class should satisfy for each year's work. i © Mrs. T. W, McLean donated two prizes for History, the announcément was made at the first of the school year, In the Seniors, the prize was captured by, Douglas Nasmith, and in The free promotion should} Pin Festival to be held under the auspices of Burns Church, at the ~home of Mr. and Mrs.'John 'Miller, on 'Thursday, July 22nd, 'A' happy reunion of old 'friends from far and near, a hearty good supper and a first class programme are~among the special features of the |. evening's program, : oy Congratulations to Misses Jean Parker and Doris West, on their successful Passing the Entrance Ex- aminations, Our Football team played at Pick: the Juniors by Rebert Moray. Rev. Robert Simpson, of Stirling, | le and family = ering on Thursday, score 0-0. Dry Goods :: Ready-to-wear :: Boots & Shoes ; ALIX GILBOORD : buy Phone 177 = Li ee -- ASHBURN PREMIER ARTHUR MEIGHEN ANNOUNCES ELECTION CABINET The following Ministers were tl eworn in at Government House at 7.30 on Tuesday night: Prime Minister--Right Hon. Arthur Meighen. Sir George Perley Hon. R. B. Bennett Hon. E. L. Patenaude Hon. Hugh Guthrie i Hon. H. H, Stevens + Hon. Dr. 8. F. Tolmie Hon. W. A. Black, ~ Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion Hon. Jas, D. Chaplin Hon. E. B. Ryckman Hon. Geo. B. Jones. - Sir. Henry Drayton, Hon. Donald 'Sutherland, Hon. Raymond Morand, Hon. John A. 'Macdonald, Without portfolio, There are six portfolios left » be filled, * Dr. J. L. Chabot will be sworn in as a Privy Councillor. : Date of election not fixed as yet. 11 You should order your SUI TH | OVERCOATINGS E bit poy pigs "examintion or advice. W. A 'HARE and no foo is- charged for 2 See our "attractive 1 eek £1 ~ Fo. d Dute wae Ideal

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