to Protect the Performance of McLaughlin-Buick's Famous Engine N the Better McLaughlin-Buick you will find the most: important motor car improvement in recent years -- the "Triple-Sealed" Valve-in-Head engine. Dirt inside an engine destroys cylinder walls and bearings, causin "Triple Seal" Mel.aughlin-Buick's efficiency. It grinds away at g looseness and vibration, (air cleaner, oil filter and gasoline straine eT) pre vents this--halts dirt and grit at every péssible point of entry. McLaughlin-Buick leads in motor car advancement. Wherever there are motor cars, the McLaughlin-Buick Valve in-Head engine is known and highly regarded for its smoothness, its extra power, its economy and its stamina. places every operating part nse a4 Buick "Sealed Chassis" The McLaughlin. iron or steel housing to keep dirt out and lubrication in now the "Triple Sealed" engine further protects fon inca Buick performance from the destructive grit of the road. No other car, regardless of price, so comtpletel For more efficient service, for performance, safeguards its ner transporta- tion at lower cost, buy a McLaughlin-Buick. The Better McLaughlin-Buick leads in registration all cars in its price range. BEARE BROS. Port Perry, The new low GMAC financing rates are available to" Purchasers of MeLaupittins Buick on time, E-2418 :: DEALERS Ontario. MSLAUGHLIN-BUICK By-Law No. 896 (Copy) To, take the vote af the ratepayers of the village of Port Perry entitled to vote on money By-laws -on a question to be submitted whether the said ratepayers are in favour of the building of a High and Public School at an estimated cost of $65,000 in addition to the monies realized from the Insurance row. on hand. Wherdns the Municipal Council of the Corporalion of the Village of Port Perry deems it advisable to submit to the ratepayers of the sail Village of Port Perry entitled to vote on money By-laws a qgestion as to whether the said ratepayers are jn favour of the 'building of a High and Public School at an estimated cost & $65,000.00 in addition to the moni® realized from the Insurance now on hand. Therefore; the Council ofthe Cor- poration of the Village of Port Perry enacts as follows: 1. That the following question be submitted to the satepayers of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Port Perry entitled to vote on money By-laws, Are you in favour of building a High and Public School at an esti- mated cost of $65,000.00 in addition to the monies realized from the In- surance now on hand? 2. That the votes of the said rate- payers shall be taken on this question at the following time and places, and by the Députy Returning Officers and Poll © Clerks hereinafter mentioned, that is te say: The vote shall be taken on Friday, August 6th, 1926, between the hours of 9 am. and 5 p.m. Polling Subdivision One at the Treasurer's Office by Cecil Purdy, D.R.O.; No. Two atthe Town Hall by G. J. Morrish D.R.O.; No. Three at the School House by H. C. Nasmith D. R. O: 8. On the 5th day of August, 1926, in the Treasurer's Office, in the Vil- lage of Port Perry, at 10 o'clock a.m, the Reeve will, in writing, signed by kim, appoint. two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of this Corporation and one! persen to attend each polling: place on behalf of. the persons interested in and degirious of answering of thé said question in the affirmative, and a like number on 'behalf of the persons in- terested in and desirous of the an- swering of the said question 'in the negative respectively. correct statement of the question to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the 6th day of August A. D. 1926 between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon at the following places: Polling Subdivision One at the Treas- urer's Office by Cecil Purdy, D.R.O. Poling Subdivision Two at the Town Hall, by G. J. Morrish, D.R.O Polling Subdivision Three at - the School House by H. Nasmith, D.R.O. Aud that the bth day of August AD. 1926 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Treasurer's Office in the said municipality, I been fixed for the appointment. of arsons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clark, And that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the aforesaid question the following proposed By- law will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council 'of the said Corporation at a meeting théreof to be held after theexpiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, and that such first publication was made on the 156th day of July A.D. 1926. And Take Notice further that a tenant who desires to vote upon the aforesaid question must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote a declaration under The Can- ada Evidence Act, that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to-be created, or in which the money to be raised by the proposed By-law afore- said is payable, or for at least twenty- one years, and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all muriitipal s in respect of the property of which he is tenant other than local improvement rates. E, H. PURDY, Clerk. The following is a tyue a of the proposed By-law, By-Law No. 895 For borrowing the sum of $65,00.00. Whereas it is expedient to borrow for the purpose of erecting a" High School and' purchasing land to be used in connection therewith the sum of $40,000.00, and for the purpese of erecting 'a Public School and" pur- chasing land in connection therewith the sum of $25,000.00 and' these' two sums together make the sum of $65,000.00, and that is the amount of the debt intended to be created, ' And Whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Muni- cipality according to the last revised assessment roll is 709,344.00 dollars, And Whereas the amount of the ane Tth-day-of- August A.D. 1026 at said ein Office, in Vhs of Port' Per: ing Bp ark of this C or} ond tion. on of the: nuniber of votes give Ling in the Affirmativerand in the i Phong § 57 Hd and enacted this 8th 1926, , at. 10 orelock] pf debenture debt of the Corporation is} 61,742.51/100 dollars; no part of the ipal or interest of ing Be is therefore enacte Murticipal Corporation gf he Shinkge of Park tg SAR : % or the purpose mentioned n the preamble there shall hea 'borrowed | on the credit of the Corporation the sum of Sixty-five thousand dollars, "| and 'Debentures; shall be is ed thera for on th liment 7) oF a RE J. Holdershaw, | grading, ete 29. 3835.08 80. 4029.38 "8. The Debentures as to both prin- cipal and interest hall be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the Village of Port Perry, in the Village of Port Perry. 4. The Debentures shall be signed and issued by the Reeve, and shall be signed also by the Treasurer, and the Debentures shall Ye sealed with the seal of the Corpor ion. 5. During the currency of the Debentures there shall be raised in each year the amount of the instal- if REPORT OF 8..8. No. 1, SCUGOG Names in order of merit. IV to Sr. 1V-=Harold Burton. 5 HI to Jr. 1V-- Marjorie Wheatley, Flora Miller, Malcolm Black. ; Jr. 1H to Sr. lII--Leo. Sr. 1 to Jr. 111-- Jennie Leighton, Frank Reader. Jr. 11 to Sr. -- Robert Fowler, Lenn Hance, Jean Black, kavern Martyn. Jr. I to Sr. I-+Leonard Fowler Pr. to Jr.J--Aileen Reader, M. Miller, 2, SCUGOG Burton, Teacher. et = OO REPORT 8. S. No. Sr. IV---Marjorie Milner, (Hon); Florence Pettitt, Willie Miller, Kath- leen Hood," Donald Gerrow, (passed on year's work. Jr. IV--Milton Sweetman, Sr. IHI--Georgeen Hood, ner, Della Lee. Jr. III--Nellie Lee, Gordon Shunk, Roy Hope, Ralph Milner, (H), Grace Mark, (H), Aileen Sweetman, How- ard Lee. Sr. 1 Hazel Lee, Demera; . Amasa) ; Ivah Mil- --Tillie Lee; George Dodsley, Roy. Dodsley, V. Aldred. Jr. II--Harold Hood, Herbert Sweetman, Everett: Prentice. Jr. la--Alan Aldred Jr. Ib---Hattie Shunk. Primer--Leona Prentice, Sweetman, Lee, Hope, Edna Prentice, The indicates the grading for the coming year. Eugene L. Beech, Teacher. Hr 0 00 REACH COUNCIL Met at Manchester on Saturday, 10th inst at J o'clock. "All. members present except Mr, Christie, Minutes of last meeting read and approved, Communications Clerk, Z Norman Eunice Leonard class pupil's N From County. enclosing a copy of By-Law No. 1110, Equalizing the Assessment of the municipalities for County purposes for 1927, and also stating the amount levied against this. municipality for the year 1926 at follows: General Purposes, $16,- 641,12, County Roads, $6537.68, mak- ing at total of $23,178.70. minor istrate, Uxbridge, enclosing cheque $30.00 being for fines imposed during the 'month of June, under the Ontario Highway Traffie Act, due the Twp. of Reach. he i Accounts Passed. [3 "8. Reynolds, widening road ...$99.00 S. A. Wallace, cleaning ditch, and 'ment of prin | of From Wm. Hamilton, Police Mag-} 'merce is the latest 'to 'give considera- 18 4,029.38 sal and interest FI section 2; : 6. The Dibentures may contain any provision for, the registration of them Authorized by law, 7. This By-Law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof, subject to- its being assented to by the electors. Passed this able "in Sweetman, Reeve. E. H. Purdy, Clerk. W. Stabback, labor R. Rarpe, work on road, A. BE. Dobson, gravel, CG. Walk, cuting brush, god rk E. Watson, draggin, etc OC. Whitter, work on Blair St, . 8S. Gorrell, dragging ; Elgin White, gravel, dragging, 15.25 F. Harris, grading, ete F Haris, w.f, bonus . B Midgley, gravelling.. cr ow 6.75 a 00 pris dni WOULD TAX THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES "The Retail Merchants' Associa- tion," says the Gananoque Reporter, "has for some time been advocating the imposition of Provincial tax on large mail order houses doing busi- ness throughout Ontario. The small merchant has keenly felt his competi- tion, and in not a few cases it has resulted inadriving him to the wall, Recently at Belleville representatives Eastern Ontario municipalities met and organized an Eastern On- tario Chamber of Commerce, They adopted resolutions in favor of>good roads, St. Lawrence poyer, publicity and other matters dommon' to this part of the Provinge, ~~ Mail Order Houses and their. effects on the small trader were emphasized by several speakers. Mr. G. H. Leury, of Stir- ling, introduced the following reso- lution dealing with the matter; "Whereas at the present time mail order houses are doing a large vol- ume of business inleach municipality in the Province of Ontario and con- tributing: no tax, ticense fee or any other contribution to the municipal treasury for such, privilege; and whereas all local business men in every municipality compelled to pay a business, tax , 48 the privilege of doing business-in the municipality 'in_which they are situated, thus plac- ing them at a disadvantage with mail | order houses; therefore, be it resolv- ed that this convention memorialize the Onfario Government to enact such legislation as: will compel all mail order houses to pay a license or business tax to the treasurer of each municipality in which they do busi- ness." This resolution was referred to the executive Jtommittee with power to act, Somé redress is clear ly due the country and village mer- chants, and it is only a matter of time until it is effected. A number of organizations "are interesting themselves in the question, and the Eastern Ontario Chamber of Com-, tion to the problem." . gravelling road 17 R. J. Brown, grav. Road 14, R. Hunter, putting in culvert . 124.30: ..9.00 Geo, McMillan, stumping, ete.' 101.80 H. Davis, w.f. bonus i. iii... 5.25 E. Parish, ditching, ete. ....... 67.35 : Roy Gorbman, draw. gravel J. A. Blair, grading ida W. Frise, tractor ..... N. Prentice; Sho wmv ghee El H. B. McKercher, assessor ....150, J. Gibson, grading . a C. Blakely, gravel ... 'W.. Parrott, labor. a ee 1275 E. Langstaff, w. "f. bonus .....,10.00 WH. Walker, Ww. i. bonus iy W. H. Walker 8 ET. A Palmer, dragging, ete. lw Swanick, grave] a . Rogers, Clif Ward, rep. railing, drags... 13100 ~ Olga Lakey, Melville Lakey, Frank Ee OOO | REPORT -OF. 8. 8. No. 5 neach | Jr. IV to Sr. IV | McGregor, Edwin Margaret Jone: : Sr. 411 to Ir. Iv. | Jr. TH to Sr. HI Delza Lakey, | Bruce kN at Ballard, Bi day of July A.D. 1926 am FP ¥ 'more Wagg, Rec., Jack Butson, Hanford Wage, Rec,' Sr. I to Jr. 11 * One 14 quart galvanized iron pi i mes ry soap, choice of Ligh on hy ' Three pack re Sage ri orn Pk kT een ik = Wheat 25. Five: pail Gor Syram: DRY GOODS Dress Voiles at 59c. yard. Eight patterns of voiles in. ood in Pink, Blue 4) Black backg ole ie: value 75e. Clearing ats « per y floral des Regular Soe Child's Gingham Dresses 48. Each These dresses are nicely made of good quality gi and small plaids, sizes 3 to 6 years. Children' s White Canvas' Shoes 75¢c. Pair This lot consists of Oxfords and Strap Shoes with leather or rubber soles and regular Outing Shoes, sizes 8 to 2. = Price per pair 76e. We Close Wednesday afternoons from June 2, until further tie. ham in neat check Reg. 7 Sa ue for 48c. each, The PORT PERRY | Eyery BEST "PICTURE HOUSE. Tuesd'y Phtto TOWN HALL 1 Thurs. - Plays. Adults %c. * hire 156, Saturd'y passe: om Ten July 20th _ FEATURE SID CHAPLIN opts Open Saturday, J sly 17th FEATURE THE LIMITED MAIL > Comedy - > ' Lickety sir] THE M AN ON EE Thursday, July 22nd THE BOX : Funnier Tom Oharisy's Aunt FEATURE ~ STAGE STRUCK Comedy {Bam Cured A. J. Davis, Chemist, Port Perey.) c.| bas arranged with th Dr. F. alee able Optometrist; to