Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 20 Jan 1927, p. 4

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. Special music by the choir. en OO Ore SALE oF HOME-MADE COOKING The ladies of Port Perry W.C.T.U. 819.6 pm: EE BAND AT RINK ON FRIDAY "NIGHT * On account of the Hockey Match on Wednesday night, arrangements have been made to have the Band at the Rink on Friday night of this week. Remember the date and come and bring your friends with you and en- Joy, a skate, : e--( (renee SPECIAL TRAIN For the benefit of hockey en- thusiasts a special train will be run from Lindsay to Whitby on Friday night, January 21st. The train will leave Port Perry at 7.33 p.m. and ar- rives in Whitby at 8.30, returning 'at 11.30 or after the game, The return fare will be 80c. for adults and 40c. for children. reas) () (Pree. FOR SALE One Aberdeen Angus bull calf, six months old, or will exchange for a dairy bull. Apply to Frank Johnston, Manchester. RATERASEINEY, 1. 1 Sh CSR TO THE LADIES OF PORT PERRY AND VICINITY: The Travellers' Aid Department of the Women's Christian. Temperance Union, would again take the privilege of reminding the ladies of the good work done by this department. No doubt it is generally known that the work of the Travellers' Aid is the safe guarding of travellers, giving information, helping parents to find runaway children, and reséuing girls from those who would entrap and de- stroy them. Standing at the gate. way of our cities noble work is being done, Travellers' Aid has become a servicable haven for the immigrant girl travelling west. Public agencies have recognized the importance of . this work and have asked for. their assistance more this year than in pre- vious years. All this work entails considerable expense and the W.C.T.U. has made arrangements with the Gillett Cos, and coupons are accepted and the money received from the following go to help carry on the work. Gillett's Clenzer, Gillett"s Cream of Tartar, Gillett's Lye, Magic Baking Powder, Magic Soda. Surprise Sea- foam Soap, Chip Soap Coupons and Surprise Soap Wrapper are also ac- cepted. If you have any of these coupons or wrappers and would like to help, send them to Mrs. Bradley or Mrs. Baird. Donations of money are also accepted. Eh" HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Society held on Thursday. 'evening of last week, was not largely attended. How- | ever, there seemed to be no value in again postponing the meeting, as this business has to be carried through be- fore the 16th of- January. So the work was carried through the officers being re-elected with but few changes. The are: President--Samuel Farmer 1st Vice President--Mrs, A. J. Davis. 2nd Vice President--W. H. Clark. Sec'y-Treas.--Miss E. Alexander. Two new directors were elected-- Mrs. Geo, A. Rose, Mrs. Geo. Coates. ; "Material is now being gathered to make out the option list for 1927, and at an early date the Directors will «meet to look after the matter. In the meantime, Mr. W. H. Clark -_has been authorized to secure the re- ~ newal of membership, and any new members available. At a later date further announce- ment will be made of the work of the will hold a sale of home-made cook- ing in Mr. Hare's Store, Leonard Block, on Friday, Jamuayy 21st, from annual business, Thursday, January 27th, at 8 p.m. Breadalbane, Utica. "Notice is hereby | given Charles Garrow, K.C., Official Re: ceiver has appointed me to be cus- todian of the estate of the debtor un- til the first meeting of creditors. Notice is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at the office of the Custodian, William Ross, 28 Scott St., Toronto, on the 4th day of February, 1927, at eleven viclock in the fore: noon. "~~ of your-elaim must be lodged with me before the meeting is held. Proxies tobe used at the meeting must be lodged with me prior thereto. And further take notice that at each meeting the creditors will elect the permanent trustee. And further take notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with me, or with the trustee when appointed otherwise the procceds of the debtor's estate will be distributed among the parties entitled therelp without re- gard to your claim, Dated at Toronto, this 20th day of January, 1927. WILLIAM ROSS, 28 Scott Street, Custodian eee 00- CELEBRATE 25th ANNIVERSARY OF WEDDING 'Dr. and Mrs. David Archer re- ceived hosts of their friends at their home on Queen St. on Saturday afternoon, January "15th. The re- ception marked the twenty-fifth an- niversary of their marriage and good wishes aplenty were showered upon the happy couple. Mrs. Archer was attired in a gown of black crepe satin with gold and silver lace. Mrs. I. R. Bentley, neice of the bride, assisted in looking after the guests. The de- corations of the tearoom were taste- fully carried out in silver and presid- ing at the tea table were Mrs, Edward H. Purdy, sister of the bride and Mrs. Jack Ross, of Beaverton. Those who assisted in serving tea were Mrs. Harold Archer, Miss Annie Archer and Miss Leilla McMillan, nieces of the bride. The guest book was super- vised by Miss Dorothea Nasmith and the little Misses Beth Archer and Virginia Nasmith, officiated at the door. A pleasing event of the after. noon was a solo by the bride, given in her usual charming manner, In the evening dinner was served to some twenty guests. Mr. E. H. Purdy, the efficient toastmaster, made the presentation of handsome giffs of silver to the bride and groom. The toast to the host and hostess was re- sponded to by Mr. Cecil Pufdy and Dr. David Archer and the toast to the ladies by Mr. I. R. Bentley. After the singing of Auld Lang Syne the guests departed having spent a most delightful evening, OO ern oor: CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday--Evensong and sermon at 7 pm, Wednesday, Junior W. A. at 4.15. Thursday, Evensong and sermon at 7.80 p.m. Monday next, Annual Vestry Meet- ing at Parish Hall at 8 p.m, BL] { Sr -- . FOR SALE 2 upholstered wicker chairs, 1 oak dresser with bevelled platy mirror, 2 oak rockers, 2 small tables. -Apply at Star Office. ----_-ala be PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES January 23rd, 1927 St. John's Church, Port Perry. 1, Ppblic Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 8 p.m. 2.. Y. P. Guild, Monday, at-8 p.m. 3. Prayer Service, Thursday, at 7.30 p.m. Justification and Adoption. 4. Congregational' meeting for Sunday School at 2 p.m. Communion Service at 8 p.m. ! Lite Girls Game evening with St. John's young, people 18th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur x Hon (os (nee Myrtle Goode) of Saint- ~ Bell Organ, light oak piafo case in | good condition, 'also bedroom suite. Cheap for cash. Apply at Star Offies | ------000-- ee Preparitory Service, Friday, 8 p.m. The Youny people spent a pleasant on Monday evening. ~----------Q00------ BORN At Port Perry, on ' Tuesday, Jan, \ i daughter. FOR SALE the mail route to-Scugog' Island. --. Pollard, of Bowmanville, Mrs. Mason, of Dalton, Sask., and Miss Maud at home, I charge of the funeral céremonies, Rev. Wm. Higgs, being the ofisiating minister. 000 UNITED CHURCH, PORT "PERRY. Anniversary amt-Thank Offering Ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Rev. Dr. E. B. Lanceley, assistant minister at Timothy Eaton Memorial i , will they piled win the group sooner as held, | S. Short, Merchant, Port Perry, ov up the score, ui "at 11] did on the th day of Jan: The evening started ynauspiciously, i E. 'B.|uary, 1927, 'make an authorized| Roach and MacGregor were stuck inf Assistant of | assignment of all his property for the|a snow drift at Prospect. By h; Eaton. Memorial Church, will benefit of his "¢reditors and that | suasion the referee held the game "until they 'arrived and then as soon as we felt easy on that score Doc Cowie bounced a hard one off the boards which Jackson started to clear, but which Cowie shoves into the corner of the net so easy that we all wonder whether the Port Perry team were frozen to the ice. This got Guy's dander up and after we thought he had lost the puck 'at the Markham "| défence he turns around and flips it| To entifle" you to vol thereat ploot in backhand. Jackson rushed with 2 Commencing Jon vd urin one u will hd many Bargains | in our windows. watch ere. MécGregor and makes a neat pass to him and Layt finds the corner of the net as he rounds the defence. Jack- son got the next goal when he picked up his own rebound. MacGregor scored the fourth and last of the 1st period, when he made a nice solo rush, The fans were badly fooled if they thought Port Perry were through A the second period. Things looked that way for a while as Raines and Mac- Gregor went off in turn and Markham kept up a steady bombardment of Deshane, passing well, shooting hard, and coming right in. Deshane, how- ever, saved with his usual coolness and precission, and his defence cover- ed up well. Ab. Walter got a richly earned goal when he walked around the wrongside of the Markham de- fence bounced a back hand shot off Lenan's pads and knocked in his re- bound. Jackson handed MacGregor a long pass a few minutes later and he made the count six to one. Boe hdded the final goal for Port Perry when he took Walter's pass, shot into the goaler's pads and batted in the rebound. ' The third period was not so inter- esting." Markham pressed, Port Perry appeared to be more or less resting on. their oars. Cowie took a pass from Reesor and finally fooled Rickey by sticking the puck between his. legs instead of shooting. Port Perry got two or three good attempts at scoring before the period closed as a result of combination, but the score remained at 7-2. ur old favorites Max Reesor and Doc. Cowie were with Markham. As far as shots on goal were concerned the teams were about even. Markham excelled in their combination--they always, were the best team in the group in this respect. Walters and MacGregor out skated their best bets~Deshane was easily the best in goal, and although Reesor was good on defence for Markham, Jackson and Raines as a pair were stronger than the former with Cooper. The line up: Markham -- Goal, Lense sifents, Reesor and Cooper, wings, H. and R. Crosby, centre Cowie, subs, William: son and Johnston, Port Perry--goal, Deshane, defence Raines and Jackson, wings, MacGreg- or and Boe, centre, Walter, subs, Roach and Welsh. Referee--Lou Walker. MR. JOSEPH BRITTON After an illness of several months Mr. Joseph Britton died at his home in Port Perry, on Thursday, January 13thy» 1927, Mr. Britton has been a resident of Port ry for the greater part of his life, and was highly respected as a good citizen. He was very unas- suming in his conduct, and his in- dustry and trustworthiness set a fine example to those about him. Mr. Britton was born in Hartland, England, 76 years ago last April. He came to Canada as a young man, and married Miss Martha Reynolds of Cartwright when he was 27 years of age. Had Mr. Britton lived until April he would have celebrated his golden wedding. For many years Mr. Britton con- ducted a blacksmith shop on the corner lot where his house is now situated. Of late years he has taken 4 Deceased is survived by Mrs, Britton and three daughters--Mrs. The Loyal Orange Lodge took scoring, when they took the ice for || sense of humor, Mabel Harbron. to her name, Norene Cawker. * has an eye for Jimmie, Norma Moray the Auntie Doleful School, Farmer. fever, Jean Coates. fortune,to be born without a sense of humor, t chronic dyspepsia and her physician places the case with his nephew St. Geo. Carey who prescribes "one laugh regularly every thirty minutes." Her difficulties in taking the treatment A.|are gradually overcome, the story spreads through the town, until every m with her. The treatment concludes in triumph by the doctor's approval of the results obtained. He who laughs most laughs best." ment (and there was a large aud- ience) enjoyed the play very much. The characters took their parts well, and Miss Stovin and Mr. J. O. Scott are to be congratulated upon the re- including selections 'by Mrs. H. W. Emmerson, Mrs. D. Carnegie, Mrs. J. E, Jackson, Miss Marion Goode, Miss Vera Miller 'and Mr, V. P. Stouffer. Their numbers were most pleasing. Particular praise iz due to Miss M. Goode on her character ed music during the _ The regular monthly meeting of The Women's Christian Temperance Union, will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Rose, 'on Wednesday, January] 26th, at three o'clocks Renewals for | membership will be in order. A good program is being prepared. We hope for a full attendance at this meeting and everybody. wilf be wel- come. I. R. BENTLEY Optometrist Jeweller and Stationer PORT PERRY 7 L CARD OF THANKS thank their friends, also the Loyal Orange Lodge for their kindness during their recent bereavement. BE 1 1 tn PIANO TUNING Neil Yellowlees, Piano Tuner, will be in Port Perry next week. Orders left rat Davis' Drugstore will be at- tended to. BR a THE LAUGHING CURE The Young People's _Society of the United , presented The, Laugh- ing Cure, & play in two acts, in the town hall, on Wednesday, January 12, 1927, with the following cast of characters: vention who turns the trick, Forbes Nasmith, Jimmie Mason, Mrs. Hanson's brother who knows his sister, George Palmer, old school, Jos. Baird. Clarke Hanson, A man of business, useful but not important, Robert Harris. Laura Hanson, his wife with no Gay Hanson, his sister who lives up Kitty Clyde, his stenographer, who Mary Ellen Perry, a neighbour of Marian Nora, the maid who catches the Synopsis Laura Hanson has had the mis. Her mental attitude leads to , woman and child is laughing Those who attended the entertain- ults obtained. An intermission program was given ding. "Mr. AH. Andrus' lh provid: evening. e000 W.C.T. U. B: our ey Jewelery re: | i airs to us--work done Mrs. J. Britton and family wish to Dr. St. George Carey, a modern in-4 Dr. Whitcomb, a pyhsician of the] good state of repair, Apply to F. g McClintock, Port Perry, Spanish Oniois, ¥ reg. 3 | Mixed iy reg . 9c. Ib x Maple Buds, a '50c. 1b., WHY PAY, You should order : your NOW See our attractive "line of OVERCOATINGS We have special lines in blues and greys, also in fancy tweeds. We will be pleased to have you call and i] sie our goods. \ The Solution To Your Fuel Worries There are dollars lying about your farm in waste wood which a Toroute Saw will readily turn into coal-saving fuel. It's one We Do All Our Own Work. of the best money-makers I know of and I can recommend it Cleaning lorie Pressing highly as a profitable solution of your fuel worries. All-steel Done. with a TORONTO The Toronto Saw is only one of the many jmsy making propos tions in the Toronto Farm 's aking Propose ly braced--built to last. Will operate best Engine--built to run efficiently on gasoline or W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry -- COMING A. J. Davis, Druggist, Port Petry, has arranged with Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto, to be at his store, Thursday, Dec. 16. He has been coming here for over 26 years. Don't forget the date. F. E. Luke (Upstairs opposite Simpson's) 163-167 YONGE ST. TORONTO Voz Only /; lve : | ethers when you' town. or write to me for li / MILTON STONE SEAGRAVE The Victoria Shorthorn Association will hold their Annual Consignment | SALE OF SHORTHORNS pa | Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 1927 at 1.00 p.m. at F. STINSON'S STABLES, rear of Ford Garage: | | | LEN D SAY 7 A Graduate Opomeit IS nere ; Catalogues furnished on application to the Secrctaiy <5 Geo. E 'Day, Secreta of the Dominion Shorthorn hal your service : Breeders will open the sale. . pnd no fee is charged for President v Secretary. /. examination or vice X Fred Stacey, M. H. /inters, : W. A HARE sswell KN Bet, of Agr, Optomerist : . Ye 8 King Street, Oshawa «gor Leonard Blk, Port Perry, Auctionee: 4 every THURSDAY Business Taken Over "WW. R. WILLAN Merchant Tailor : Wishes to announce that he has taken over the . W. H. Doubt tailor business and is Prepared to 3 look files { Joe Jeuins of the men OF is Vieiniy. £3 Geo. J Schoen & Son, FARM FOR SALE | 150 acres adjoining village of Port Perr, 7 roomed: house, bank barn 87 x 40, pig pen, hen house and drive shed, Hydro installed, 1 acres of orchard. Possession March 1st, 1927. Never failing creek. Suitable for dairying or mixed farming. All in | County Council { tho 25th day of JAN the hour the Corporation of the County of | Ontario 'for the year 1927, will be | i held pursuant to statute in the Coun-1{ cil Chamber in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on TUESDAY, County of Ontario The first meeting of the Council of |. i hack for yo your ; Prices ts low. UARY, 1927, at} the after- |

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