over 200 STORES FRIDAY and SATURDAY i 'Silied Broaktaat Bacon. per 1 .®......4b6c. "Lard, Davies, I's ............ 2le. } Oranges, per dozer . 39c and 49c. 3 ess saanans .8 for 27c. : I a Poa sil .2 for 29¢ # Old Homestead Corn ...... : AY imer Boneless Chicken, 14's ...... seks anes Aylmer Pure Chicken Soup, per tn, oS : Shirrifi's Orange Marmalade, 4s ......69c. 'Singapore Sliced Pineapple, . 2 tins for 3b¢c Superior Mayonnaise........ per bottle 23c, Gruyere Cheese, 6 portions per box ., . .4bc. Superior Coffee ..1's 66c. 14's 83c. Dutch Tea Rusks, per pkg vais edle Creamettes ...................... 2 for 2lc. Walnuts, Manchurian halves, per Ib ....55¢c s 33c. January 21 and 22 Fenny's Chocolates, assorted, per 1b Tiger Cohoe Salmon, I's 3c. 15's Campbell's Tomato Soup ........2 for I Castile Soap, long bars wh ywkeninens + 1100.3 Superior Floor Wax ......w......18 4lc. § Snowbird Japan Rice ..,.....2 bs for 19¢. § Thompson's Seedless Raisins ,...2 Ibs 29¢. § ++....2 pkgs for 26c.- 8] .2 for 26c. § cor. ri8e, § Shredded Wheat *.... Olives, Queen No 5 Olives, Stuffed No. 5, per bottle ... Olives, Mason Jar, Queen Pinetree Matches, Old Dutch Cleanser Fruity Fig Bar Biscuits, per Ib . tae rasansenns Smyrna Cooking Figs, ......2 Ibs Jor 25. - 1868 --Wesleyan--David A. Johnston, minister. - Sa Christie's Christie's dy, 14 Zod. sails Beans, Butterscotch and Humbugs, per 1h ORI PE 19c. JAMES McKEE & SON Superior Store, St. Charles Building, Port Perry. Roger's D.L.&W. ABLACK BUSINESS ANDLED | COAL WHITE 'Susquehana 2000LBS-I TON coaL DISTRIBUTORS OF SCRANTON COAL GRUITTVTOTIRIYT) | Soft Coal W.G.W PVATT SOLVAY COKE We Cement Agents LIME WOOD When you are in need of Fuel give us a call. always have a supply on hand of SCRANTON HARD COAL--all required sizes. SOLVAY COKE--Nut and Pea sizes. SOFT COAL--for domestic use. STEAM COAL ; NOD. Body Hardwood, Hardwood Slabs, Soft Wood Slab: mI AND SERVICE: Our policy is to handle only the best grades obtainable, and give prompt and careful attention to all orders. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. GC. W. PYATT Yard Phone 94 Uptown Office 233 ------------ Scugog and its Environs (Continued from front page) 1846--Episcopal--Scugog Mission was in the Niagara District and J. W. Byam, was the Missionary, Wesleyan, G. W. Butcher, minister. 1847--Episcopal---No mention is made of Scugog but it"is stated in the pastoral address for this year that some work had been abandoned owing to lack of workers. Wesleyan--Wm. Steer, Missionary to the Indians lived on the Island. 1848--Episcopal--No mention is made of Scugog from 1846 to 1868, but apparently it was part of Whitby circuit and was supplied from there.. Wesleyan--Wm. Steer's health failed and he had to leave about the middle of the year. 1849--Wesleyan--The records say local supply ; probably this was when Joseph Shilling was teacher and preacher. A 1850--Wesleyan--Scugog Mission is a part of the Cartwright work. Minister Stephen Miles. 1851-52--Wesleyan--Jno. Sanderson, minister. 1858 --Wesleyan--In this year Charles Fish from Bowmanville supplied the work. 1854-55--Wesleyan--Again work is supplied from Cartwright and Thomas Hapna is the Minister. 1856-57--Wesleyan--Wm. Richardson, minister. 1869 Sc Mission has now become a of Prince The SEE John Law, minister. pat 1862-64--Wesleyan--Charles Sylvester, minister. 1860-61--Wesleyan--John Law, minister. : 3, 1868.70. Wesleyan Houry Reid. : The Scugog Mission is a part of he Port Perry J. C. Pomeroy, is minister until 187 an--Alfred McCann, a C. Philp . T. Ferguson and a supply. . Abbe. Episcopal--David B. Madden, Episeopal, G.T. Richardson, Wesley hs 'Campbell. ik das... i. ulk Sodas, per ib bag 19¢. § .2 pkgs for 28¢ .18c. Phone 152 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of "Alberta Gillespie, Deceased Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Alberta Gilles. pie late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, widow, who died on or about the fourth day of January A.D, 1927, are, on or before 17th day of February A.D. 1927, to send by post, prepaid, to William H. Harris, Barrister, Port Perry, Ont., administrator with Will annexed, of the Egtate of the said deceased their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by. them and that after the day last aforesaid | the said William' H. Harris will pro- seed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said William H., Harris will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or-elaims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 17th day of January A.D, 1927. HARRIS & HARRIS, Barristers, etc. Port Perry, Ont. e000 YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE Litter of ten Yorkshire Whites. Ready to wean. Apply H. L. Mitchell, Phone 123 r 3-3-Seagrave, Ont. av, | CN PRINCE ALBERT Mr. Ed. Philp's and family are moving into the village and are oc- cupying the residence that he pur- chased from Major Campbell. The farmers of the district were pleased to see the recent snow fall as it made the roads better for hauling wood. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, of Brooklin, were week end visitors at Mr. Chas. Hall's. Mr. Archie Parrinder was in the village on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Jas.' Ashton, Epsom, were visitors in the vilage on Tues- day. Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Hubbard were in Oshawa last week. Mr. Frank Bailey has the contract for shingling the church, Mr. Herb. Strong, of Western Caii- ada, is visiting with his father and other friends. The ladies of the village are work- "ling on a quilt to be sold in aid of the Ladies' Aid, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunter have ar- rived home from Waterloo. We hear the dim sound of wedding bells. ---- OP -- MYRTLE . a, hat Miss Daisy Rodd is taking a busi- ness course in Toronto. Success. H followed shortly after by two more. |# | Scott in the nets for Sonya seemed to | | be glued to the ice, Spparently from |§ B | fear of shots of his old teams mates. |§ After the. fist stanza was over the ! Hawks seemed to steady away and : held the Maroons to a lone tally in|$H the last 20 minutes, but could not|H solve the sturdy defence of the Ma-|H roons, Moon and King. The Black|#" Hawks were lacking . condition, an will make them all step before the |§ season is over. Maroons 4 Sonya 0. The second game was a hectic bat- | § tle between Homeydale Congers and |# Port Perry Bankers (mostly penny |H This gdme was replete |# bankers.) with thrills from start to finish, Sometimes there was hockey and|$ sometimes . considerable choppi (force of habit) but by very capabl handling of the bell by Ricky De-|$# shane who kept the boys playing the 3 The boys from the land of | # Milk and Money, made the money |H jugglers pay up to the tune of 3-0.|H Ingram in the goal for the losers : played a stellar 'game it being his|H second for the evening (played with : Seagrave) with Tommy Harris, the |§ game. star for the losers forwards. (Tubby Abel) Hal. Honey was the |# pick of the winners with the rest all playing a good steady game. Let's all turn out and give these fellows a little encouragement, some of them drive ten to twelve miles to play here. It will help foster the spirit between town and country. Another double; header is due for Thursday night of this week. Admission 26¢c. Children fre under 12. ee (J serene PROPERTIES FOR SALE Adults 180. = Popular lines. Regular Women's Jiffy Overshoes, in an best gradi Cuban and low heels, sles 4 107 Re "Regular 5 10% discount on Men's 'and Boys' Rubbers re SHAKER. FLANNEL, 190. Yd. This Shaker would make good lini or underwear, 'Width 30 inches. Colors in blue and pink 'stripes. Regular 25c. line. CONGOLEUM:RUGS--REDUCED © We want to clear out all last season's Patterns before the new Spring stock arrives. 3 only Rugs, ns ft. x 9 ft. regular $9.25 , Sale price $8.25. 4 only Rugs, 9 ft x'9 ft. regular'$11.25. Sale Price $9.95 4 only Rugs, 9 ft. x 1014 ft. regular $13.25. Sale price $11.95 3 only Rugs, 9 ft. x 12 ft., regular $14.75. Sale price $13.50 WALL PAPERS FOR SPRING We have our full stock of wall papers, one of the best we have ever shown, and any last season's papers will be sold at 20% . reduction. Paper early and save money. Agents for Butterick Patterns. Subscribe for the Delineator, the¥best Fashion Magazine|Printed. $1.85 per year, or 2 years for;$3.00. © GROCERIES A «Bt. Lawrence Granulated Sug, per ewt. ....:......... ..$7.85 St. Lawrence Brown Sugar, per wt. .................. ...$6.85 10 pound pail Bee Hive Syrup ........ . 5 pound pail Bee Hive Syrup Pure Lard, 20 pound pail, each Good Fresh Prunes, per pound . Cut Macaroni, per pound . Aroma Orange Pekoe Tea, Black or Mixed, per pound 5 pounds of Corn Meal for PORT PERRY Every: BEST P JCTURE HOUSE Tuesd'y TOWN HALL Thuis. Adults 25¢. * Children 15¢. | Saturd'y Doors Open 7.30 p.m, Tuesday J anuary 25 Doris Kenyon & Warriner Baxter. Saturday, January 22 - REGINALD DENNY in Where was I? He wasn't married but he couldn't prove he wasn't, and that's where his troubles began MISMATES One of the finest dramas ever produced Thursday, January 27 The Amazing Dramatic ~ = rc ; Spectacle Two Shows Every Seturdey Night. | Lopraine of the Loins SATURDAY MATINEE 2 ith NORMAN KERRY and PATSY Children 100. RUTH MILLER \