THE 1LO.D.E. BANQUET The ladies of the I.O.D.E., some forty or more in number, enjoyed a thoroughy good evenings entertain- ment at the home of Mrs, A. H. Rose on Wednesday evening. The following was the program and toast list: TOAST LIST Toast Mistress--Mrs. W. H, Harris, OUR KING AND COUNTRY. Mrs. J. W. Crozier Mrs. G; Woods © "God Save the King." OUR ORDER ' 3 Mrs. W. M. Letcher Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Solo--Mrs. Emmerson OUR REGENT Mrs. W. A. Christy Mrs. A. H. Rose "SCUGOG" Mrs. E. H. Purdy. Mrs. H. Stone Solo--Miss Grace Davis, THE GENTLEMEN Mrs. Nasmith. Mrs. Bentley Piano Solo--Mrs. J. E. Jackson Conference Conducted by Mrs. A. H. Rose. 1. Purposes and Aspirations of the Order--Mrs. Robt. Archer. The Responsibilities of a member --Mrs. W. Cook. 8. What has the Order accomplish- ed ?7--Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. Mor- rison, Miss Glasgow. 4. The War Memorial--Mrs. George 4 Jackson, 5. The Organ of the Order--Mrs. Cecil Beare. 6. Links with one another--Mrs. Mac. Beare. meee (Prema FOR SALE Pair Rattan Wicker Chairs, uphol- stered in fancy tapestry, two oak Rockers. Apply Star Office. : ----() meee ~ RURAL HOCKEY Now the Rural Hockey players are carrying out their Thursday evening games, you can be sure of a royal good sport. Be on hand to see the double-header to-night. Two games for less than the price of one (25c.) ~and good games, too. t em----) () (psi HOLD ANNUAL MEETING At the annual meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class of the United Church, held at the home of Mrs. J. . F. McClintock, the following officers ~ Hon, President--Mrs. Baird, ~ President--Miss G. Stovin. ~ Vice President--Miss McDermott.' Treasurer--Mrs. A, Dowson. 2 Miss K. Widden. Teacher--Mrs. W. A. Christy. Ass't Teacher--Mrs. Geo. R. Davey. Convenor of Social Committee--Miss 2] and the choir excelled themselves in | brought down in the House until at was elected Warden of Ontario Coun- Charles F. Marselis. -Kent--T, E, Bateman. he anniversary services of Port i Church held last Sun- very successful. The Thank Offeriftg asked was of the best sermons ever heard here, their rendering of some old-time favorites in church music. Somme) (sree LIQUOR CONTROL BILL UNLIKE- LY TO APPEAR AT FIRST SESSION It became "practically certain yes- terday that the Government's new Liquor Control Bill will not be least two weeks after the session opens, and that the measure will not become operative until May 1, at the earliest, with May 15 the Probable date. The bill itself, is still in a state of preparation. A number of clauses have been drafted, but a good many others have yet to be. While, ac- cording to Attorney-General Price, the Government is experiencing no difficulty in drafting the bill, it is giving every point careful consider- ation with a view to making it as adequate to the public needs as it is possible to do so. On completion it will have to go before the Cabinet for discussion, As a consequence the Legislature will be sitting two weeks or more before the measure comes in of rthe final analysis debate and its enactment, at the expense of the On- tario Temperance Act. Another important factor that may delay the placing in operation of the bill is the purchase of Government liquor stocks. It was learned yes- terday that liquor, in quantities suf- ficient to meet the public demand once the permit system stressed by Premier Ferguson comes into effect has yet to be ordered. Filling of these necessary orders will take con- siderable time, so it is hardly possible that May 1 will see the new law in operation. The question of cheaper liquor is much to the fore just now. Speaking at Leamington, during his campaign, Premier Ferguson inferred that a cut in the present prices in Government shops might be made with the in- auguration of the new law, with a view to increasing the bootlegger's difficulty of establishing a profitable trade. Karl Homuth, Independent Labor member for South Waterlqg, has aimed a similar blow at the boot- legger from another angle, Homuth yesterday filed with A. C. Lewis, Clerk of the Assembly, notice of the following resolution: "That in the opinion of this House and of the Government, reduction should be made in the Excise Tax and in the duty on all malt and spirituous liquors by the Dominion Government in order that there may be a sub- stantial cut in the retail price; and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Dominion Government in each Province that has inaugurated Gov- ernment sale of spirituous and malt- liquors, namely, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec." There has been considerable specu- lation regarding the nature of the Government's liquor bill. Definite announcement of the Prime Minister during the campaign will be fulfilled, it is understood, and incorporated in the measure. But the Government, apparently, will make no detailed an- nouncement on the completed bill un- til it is brought before the House. --Toronto Globe eee () (meee ELECTED WARDEN Reeve A. W. Jackson, of Whitby, ty, on Tuesday last. It is thirty years since Whitby had this honor before. The following is a list of the War- dens elected in the Province. Bruce--C. H. McLaren Brant--Allan Franklin Durham and Northumberland-- Milton J. Elliott." Dufferin--Wm. A. Donaldson. : Dundas, Stormont & Glengarry-- Elgin--David Crosson. Essex--William Clifford. Frontenac--E. Edward Freeman Grey--Charles Holm Halton--E, Agnew - Huron--E. F. Klopp Haldimand--Harcourt R. Kern Hastings--Harry Harryett ec Lambtop--Robert Rillet. Lincon--Harlan Strong. Se Middlesex--R. T. Reycraft . Norfolk--Roy Misner. x Ontario--A. W. Jackson. Oxford--William McIntosh. '| the London and Lancashire Co. Mr. January. "| thought. "| The love of man shall dwell upon Ennobled toil, thy great reward, months old, or will Re E dairy bull. Apply to Frank Soon Manchester, 2 Ae : a DIED ; At Mardella Farm, Scugog, on Tuesday, January 27th, 1927, Martha Ann Nesbitt, beloved wife of Thomas, Graham, in her 65th ye: r. In Port Perry, on Saturday, Jan- uary 22, 1927, Bridget Marie Meighen, widow of the late John McGlynn. mrs) remem CEMETERY MEETING The annual meeting of the Pine Grove Cemetery Company, Prince 'Albert, Ont., 'was held "in the office of the Treasurér, Port Perry, on the afternoon of Monday, 17th inst. The President, Mr, John Jeffrey, in the chair. The minutes of the annual meeting held January 21st, 1926, were read and adopted. The Auditors' Report for the year 1926 was read by Mr. Geo. R. Davey, showing a balance January 1, 1926, of $478.90 on general account and receipts for the year of $1807.28, making a total of $2286.18. A balance on hand Jan. 1st, 1926 of $1355.00 and receipts of $900 during the year on perpetual care account. Disbursements of the year were $2017.76, including the purchase of a C.N.R. 80 year bond for $953.94, The report was adopted. The caretaker, Mr. L. Bond also presented his report for 1926. Moved by S. Jeffrey, seconded by Mr, Morley Campbell that an invest- ment of $1,000 be made, payable in 1948, at 1.02. Moved by Mr. S. E. Allison, second- ed by Mr. H. Parsons, that the direct- ors of 1926 be re-appointed. Carried Moved by Mr, Peter Christie, and Mr. A. W. Allin, that the insurance on the caretakers home be renewed in Moved by Mr. Peter Christie and Mr. H. Parsons, that Messrs. W, F. Dobson and Geo. R. Davey be re-ap- pointed auditors. T. J. Widden, Secretary. Following are officers for 1927. President--John Jeffrey. Ses'y-Treas.--T. J. Widden. House and Grounds Committee--S. Jeffrey, Morley Campbell and Thos. Dobson. 000mm ROBERT BURNS 5 "Bobbie™" Burns, . the immortal Scoteh poet was born 168 years ago. His birthday was celebrated by his admirers last Tuesday, the 26th of This little poem, seldom quoted, will give an idea of Burns' wonderful com- mand of language to 'express his To a Kiss Humid seal of soft affections, Tenderest pledge of future bliss, Dearest tie of young connexions, Love's first snowdrop, virgin kiss! Speaking silence, dumb confession,- Passion's birth, and infant's play, Dove-like fondness, chaste concession, Glowing dawn of brighter day. Sorrowing joy, adieu's last action, When lingering lips no more must join, ! What.-words can ever speak affection, So thrilling and sincere as thine. me 00 "ROBERT BURNS" He came to-bless our common lot, This son of ancient coil, Who never for an hour forgot His ancestry of toil. / Blue blood forsooth has missed his veins, But in the scarlet stream Humanity had cleansed her brains, And made his gift supreme. Thy love of brotherhood of man, Lay near his honest heart; He reared his structure on a plan Devoid of gloss or art. The strength of labor's powerful arm, | A symbol 'was more dear Than all the ermined "robes that charm The coroneted peer. Vain titles, but the breath of kings, The passing of a day. He touched the chord of life that springs From manhood's purest ray. While Lugar's stream meanders on, To join the classic Ayr, The winsome lassies there, Shall notions yetenthrail, A heritage for all David Wr Purdie. ported Welsh, quick ; every way. Are A right goad' pony, w ers that counted four times and 'ed the Hawks back with ,| bulls eyes. The Bankers w assisted by Ike Turner who 13 Bring your wil clock i lio re- airs to us--work done ere. ib : ° I R. BENTLEY: Optometrist Jeweller and Stationer PORT PERRY Fire Insurance When you are looking for Fire Insurance on . GEO. R. DAVEY Agent Port Perry. ees) preen PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES St. John's, Port Perry-- Public worship at 11 a.m.~--Subject, "The City of God." At 7 p.m.--Peter penitent--a counterpart of Judas. Sunday School at 8 p.m. Attend- ance is increasing--keep the average high. Y. P. Guild, Monday, at 8 p.m. Congregational meeting, Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. The ladies of the church will serve refreshments. Come to hear a good report of your work for the year and enjoy a social evening with the congregation. # Breadalbane, Utica. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Worship at 3 p.m. Christian Endeavor meets Friday at 8 p.m, Choir. practice following. emt) (Yemen BANKERS -4--SONYA 3 SEAGRAVE 3--HONEYDALE 0 Whatta night. Two torrid battles on runners up at the old Arena last Thursday night between four hockey teams armed to the teeth with crook- ed hickory clubs and using an old rubber -biscuit for ammunition. The loyal fans that were out are still raving over the duel that'took place between the four teams of the Rural Hockey League. They sure know how to give a fellow that craves for ex- citement, his money's worth, with not a dull moment from gong to gong, with a little applesauce between acts, such as threatening protests, etc. which of course wouldn't occurr if the said protesters teams happen to win. The opening game of the double header was between Honeydale Cou- gars and Seagrave Maroons, which the latter won 8-0. The Cougars were out to break the Maroons win- ning streak and put up a dogged fight but the Maroons were holding up that song "They, shall not pass". With Ingram playing a great game in the nets they were unbeatable. He makes the Seagrave fans forget all about Scott, last year's goaler who is play- ing for Sonya Black Hawks. The Cougars sent up their whole team in an attempt to bulge the twine, with the result that the Maroons broke away and had only Cougar net tender to beat on all three goals. The Cou- gars surely miss their old goaler, Bob Wells, The three Kings on the forward line, each ace in the hole, the three brothers each getting a goal. . The second duel was a real Donny, brook, when the Sonya Black Hawks swooped down from the north in an from the shooting sticks of '| attempted holdup of The Bakers, ue ot eA were met with a fusillade of shots ave .. D. CORBMAN, P Port Perry | Business Taken Over [rites very low. _to your satisfaction. BLONG BLOCK t us do your tailoring. All work guaranteed W. R. WILLAN Merchant Tailor Wishes to announce that he has taken over the W. H. Doubt tailor business and is Prepared to look after the needs of the men of tnis vicinity. A 'good line of Suitings and Overcoatings on hand for your inspection, and you will find our PRESSING AND CLEANING DONE PORT PERRY The Best the Cawker Bros. Catalo, Geo, es President, Fred Stacey, Cresswell Sonya Black Hawks take on Honey- dale Cougars and John Harris' Bank- ers play Seagrave Maroons. First \ ; : League standing. ih iia scoring the first two ¢ 'unable to hold it, Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers game called at 8 p.m. sharp. Admis- | Meat Market Affords Cheap for Cash: Phone Your Orders for Quick Delivery to: Port Perry The Victoria Shorthorn Association ¥ will hold their Annual Consignmeni SALE OF SHORTHORNS Thursday, Feb. Srd, 1927 at 1.00 p.m. at F. STINSON'S STABLES, rear of Ford Garage LIND S A Y es furnished on application to the Secretary Secretary of the Dominion Shorthorn Sreeders will open the sale, Searetas HE Wikters, Na t. of A Ty g* You ould order your SULT: 1See. our. NR isciifs: line of OVERCOATINGS We have special lines in blues and greys, also in fancy tweeds. We will be pleased to have you "| call "and see our~goods." We Do All Our Own Work. Cleaning 2 Pressing Done. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor 'A. J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry, has arranged with Dr. F. . Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto, to be at his has been coming here for over 2b years. Don't forget the date. F. E. Luke i (Upstairs opposite Simpson's) | 163-167 YONGE ST., TORONTO Poe Only ane 'ONE pair of 4, o y pip nas them A Graduate Optomerist is here --at your service-- and no fee is charged for examination or advice . W. A HARE Optomerist 8 King Street, Oshawa CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION : Sunday--Evensong and Sermon at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. * Friday--Biblical Dramas and Tab- leaux by the Scholars of the Sunday 'School and" Bible Class, _commencing or Leonard BIk, Port Perry, every THURSDAY ; THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. William Higgs, Minister Jan. 30--Public Worship at 11 a.m. "The letter to the suffering church-- Smyria." 7 pam. Sunday School at 3 p.m. hy Y.P.L, Monday at 7.30 pm. ha Meeting, Thursday, at store, Thursday, Dec. 16. He Over Tel. Office Port Perry aa