a complete wreck, and would ; : Papers. "Denmark is washed by the catty | omar 10 waned ty 10 cut English boy at a geography In the slightest degree by | language or threat th hat may be used." Such was the ideal , servantissimus aequl, though he were the Lord Chancelior himself, . What is Free is Freedom? The Beatitude for the will ts obedi- ence to the truth as the final form of the Rocides, RE D ROSE | . within the last few weeks has scor an extraordinary increase in sales. Itis because we have stopped using paper picks ages, and are again packing this finest of teas in the old, familiar Aluminym package of years go. The reception it has been given demonstrates faint it 1 orossed the room. I was "go. | examination. Other gems embalmed " lewder ballads." ea A Mantle of Mercy. White-mantled lle the flelds 'beneath the snow, - Lighteifted from the deep compan. sionate eky; ' The restless leaves that drifted to and fro In dark forehoding now contented lie; The faded grass, wind. 'trampled, dead ' and' 'The wanton: "weeds that bow repent: ant heads, And 'whithing bones that still for ven, Are hidden where he its re Ww the snow' man: the spreads. o., . So in my life, now patent in review, What scars of failure, waste and false desire, 'What beauty missed, that now too late I rue! How 'shall 1, Lord, to peace of soul Unlegs Thou, pardoning my humanity Thy kindly mantle spread of mercy over me? --W. Clark Sandercock. eo 'Birds That Need U Umbrellas. ng through the change of life, and was sos weak I could not do my work. I went to Toronto, when my folks said nothing but an operation would help). ime." But I said: 'No, Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pills helped me in girlhood, and assumed name taken by L "of 1 am to give:them a trial! 1 Misrula who directed old-time Ohrist- Sotug 10 & om mas revels. A book 'published in 1696 'describes them as "very apes, coining horrid jests, end singing lewd songs took the pills steadily for a month, when I returned home a well woman, able 'to do all my work with ease. Friends here say it's a wonder I am "alive after what I went through, and I am thankful to say I helieve Dr. Willams' Pink Pills saved my life." Try Dr. Willlams® Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumstism, neuralgia, ner: Yousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical cond "| dition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and. strong. 'You | can get these pills through any medi- cine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - ---- The Folding Tune. And I first played the tune all our sheep know, ae, one after one, Bo docile they come fo the pen-deor till folding be dot They are white and untorn by the bushes, for lo, they have fed Where the long *grasses stifle the water within the stream's oe WHI And now one after one seeks its ing, as star follows star Into eve and the blue far above us,-- #0 blue and so far! ~-Browning, "Saul." There are six heron runs in France, the most important at Chirnmarais, which contains more than 700 adult in the examination papers included: "Ihe highest peaks In thes Alps is Biane Mange." "Amongst the islands of the West Indies * are the Pyjamas, noted for toilet sponges." : "Ceylon is joined to India by a chain of coral wreaths," "A focus is a thing like a mushroom, but if you eat it you will feel differently from a mushroom, focuses is poison. "Habeau Corpus is what the people use to say to the undertakers at the time of the great plague of London. It means, 'You ma have the body.'" "Louis XVI. was gelatined during the French revolution" "Chaplets are small places of wor- ship." IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Is there a baby or young children in your home? If there is you should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tab- lets. Childhood ailments come quick- ly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them. Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal home Tomeds, They regulate the bowels; en the stomach; banigh consti: pationand indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers--in fact they relieve all the minor ills of little ones. Con- corning them Mrs. Moise Cadotte, Makamik, Que. writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best remedy in the world for little ones. My baby suffer- ed terribly from indigestion and vomit- ing, but the Tablets soon set her right and now she is in berfect health." The Tablets are sold by medicine good. Outside of the truth beheld as good there is no such thing as free- dom. The freedom of the earth, the freedom of the the freedom of every star that burns in the firma ment, is in fidelity to law. Truth is finally a revelation of the moral order of our human, world and universe; this moral order is finally the supreme good matched to the Inevitable desire and love of mankind; and in obedience to this view of ultimate eternal good lies all genuine Buman freedom. It is not freedom to break from the path that leads from the mountain gummit to the plain; it js madness. It is not freedom for the navigator to steer his ship from the great lanes clear of ice bergs and shaols into the uncharted sea; It is a criminal mistake. It Is not freedom to do as one pleases when one pleases to run {n courses of crime, vice, and blasphemy; It is to run against the demonstration of right and good delivered by the sound moral ex- perience of mankind. To be a Mberal does not settle the question of a man's freedom or slavery; to be a modernist or a fundamentalist settles nothing as to the same question, The truth that is moral order, the moral order that is good, is the final judge here. Obedience to the highest and best 1s freedom, and nothing else Is or can be other than slavery.---The Christian Leader. beyond all doubt that housewives of Canada recog- nize Aluminum as the perfect container. Saint Jokn aioe foe omria eons ntotion Rec fet soa mr Toronto For more than thirty years we have been experi- But it was only after Red . to the public in all these packages--first lead, then Aluminum, then paper--that the great advantages of Aluminum were proven. Aluminum keeps out moisture, preserves the flavor and protects the quality. Paper packages, on the contrary, absorb moisture which occasionally impairs the quality. So now and in the future RED ROSE TEA will be packed in the Aluminum package, as it was .in years gone by. T. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited Calgary Winnipeg menting with packages -- trying lead, paper and Aluminum --seeking always a material that would protect and be worthy of Red Rose quality. Rose has been offered _ Edmonton JL dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont, Classified Advertisements. GRAMOPHONE. Pocket Sunrays. | BALDWIN, THE MAN. | So small that # can be slipped into | an overcoat pocket, a portable arti-| After Reading Américan Views of the | EN a TEI Ne I) the C ough a A pair of birds from Abyssinia Donaldson's : A Real Cosmopolitan, first of their kind 2 pe. Instead of the point: of typical Touracous, the new- mors have a rounded one which they ct when excited. ving among the tree tops in the epth of the African forests, Toufa-| '¢ous manage to keep well out of the n, for it has been found that their 'An' African visitor to the 200 told] 0 eer at a wi dv + ows ey _~ Centenarian's Advice. "Keep cheerful, eat plenty of pork and potatoes, and drink plenty of good milk," was the recipe of longevity of Mrs. Ellen Parkin, 'who has died at Falmouth, aged 101. A es The bachelor, with his insistence that life is best without a wife, may be single, but just the same he's wedded to an idea. : those srha disagree with us.. : | That we are free to drive on the 4 /'He considers himself a real cos- mopolitan, eh?" "Oh, yes, he once spent a week in New York." ae "The Great Jullien" and . His Music: Louis Jullien was the most popular conductor of music in England in the middle of the nineteenth century. He was a man who believed'very firmly in adverti « Whether eriticism was goog or bad did not worry him as long as somebody said something. He. was full of little eccentricities such as con- ducting Beethoven 'with a jewelled baton, wearing a new pair of white 'kid gloves for each piece hé conducted, indulging In a prodigious display of diamonds, and so on. He was known, on account of his extravagances, as "The Great Julllen"" Nevertheless, he was a man of sound musical common- sense who started a séries of promen- ade concerts in London so that the public conld hear the great classics cheaply; who dreanred of founding an Znglish opera company in conpection with the Roya! Academy of Music, fvho, In short, spent a vast amount of energy in fostering a love of good music RIOVE. the Abe people of of England, Liberty J Doe] Not Mean-- ~That we are free to obey only those daws which we please. ~--=That we are frec to fgnore other people's rights. e's expense. - "rat we are free to impose on our. friends if we can get away with it. . --That 'we are free to denounce all ays as if we owned them. That we are free to live as if ® 0 Indgiion: wy: That we are free ta prosper. atl ficial sunlight generator weighing only | two pounds has been invented by al German scientist. The generator, which resembles a toy phonograph, can be plugged Inte} an ordinary electric lamp' socket. consists of a Httle nickel plated ra fitted to a circular metal case. Inside the horn are two specially prepared carbons, across which passes a epark giving out ultra-violet rays. A person sitting two feet away may have tha | whole body bathed in the rays. FARR When you Ke! et that tired, lay-fhe-Cown-and-die feeling take 15 to 30 drops of Scigel's Sy up in a lass of water. Does the trick and safely, You'll eet like new. Common Source of Rivers, Every river originating in the state of Arizona finds its source in "old | Baldy," a 13,000-foot peak in the north- ern part of the state. Doctors vouch for Minard's Liniment. tn i fle sin A Truth, os Nothing is easier than spending the public money. It does not appear to belong to anybody. The temptation is overwhelming to bestow it on some body.---Calvin Coolidge. In search of copper and other min- erals, thousands of square miles in Northern Rhodesia are to be explored by aeroplane. il a PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Pape's Diapepsin" Vn Indigestion or + Sour Stomach for never feel the slightést distress: trom indigestion British Prime Ministeer it is In-| teresting to See What the London! Sunday Times (Cons.) Says. "Mr. Baldwin a couple of yefirs ago | was hardly more to the majority of: Englishmen than a lay figure on which they hung whatever attributes they ' fancied. He has how become a singu- larly real and attractive personality, and if time has revealed faults as well as virtues, esteem hes not been lessen: ed thereby. Ie is distinguished per: hepe more than any other Prime Min- ister by a brad and tolerant humznlity, by willingness that amounts almost to anxiety to understand the other side, and by a singuler clarity of judg ment." A ae ------ The height of conceit: congratulat- ing your wife on her marriage. or Homer Last werd in builders' sid. Practical, | on planning, i = ee Pr usel illustrated, i "redone dle i, r Ji A Bulli Gude a 'can rely on SHILOH ovis | EARACHE. Don't let the children suffer, _Minard's with sweet ofl wil ly relieve the pain. Tnatantly! Stomach 'corrected! You th | stamp YICTROLA O3TYLE, FULL CAB INET, plays all records, 48 selec. | tions, automatic. Value $95.00 for | $86.00 guaranteed. Poisson, 340 Mount | Royal East, Montreal, | rrr -- ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN and light sewing at home, whole or spare. time. Good pay. Work sent any distance, charges paid. Send for particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. (I RATIS "LITTLE FRIEND" TO either sex; mailed in plain envel- ope. Paris Specialty Co., Montreal. JPARM ENGINES--USED, GOOD 'condition, cheap, 1% fo 15 h.p. Boat engines; 3 to 3b hp. Get lists, Engine repairing done. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canada. A newly patented aviator's suit made of rubber will support two per sons in water indefinitely. BAD COLD? TAKE "CASCARETS" FOR BOWELS TONIGHT No headache, constipation, bad cold or sour stomach by-morning Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, billonsness, coated tongue, head and nose clogged up with a cold----aiways trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in- testines, instead of being cast out of the system is resbsorbed into the blood. Whett this polscn reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes conges- tion and that dull, Abzobiog, sickens gases x bile from the liver and carey out all the constipated waste matter and "Dbolsons in the bowels. 3 A Cascaret to-night will' | straighten you out by Tioenisd sleep