Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 Jul 1927, p. 2

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mix salad dressing to form a mash them fine with This is especially oud, by ro ol aw ' for use with rye bread, \. a; Sardine Sandwiches Three parts of chopped hard-boiled eggs to 1-part of minoéd sardines, is delicious with brown bread. . . Cream Cheese Sandwiches Into cream cheese mix minced pimolas to suit the taste. Use with "brown bread. Mix finely chopped English walnuts with cream checse and season' with salad dréssing. x Into a ball of cream cheese werk a small onion chopped fine and 1 table- spoonful of minced green pepper. To a-cream cheese add 3% of a cup- full of chopped English 'walnut-meats, 1 green pepper--from which' the in- side has been removed--minced fine, 1 teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce and a few drops of lemon. juice, Spread between buttered slices of bread or be- tween thin unsweetened wafer crack- ers, English Luncheon Sandwich ~ Anchovy Rolls 'Boil 4 eggs for 15 minutes, then 2 tezepoonfuls of parsley and entugh enchovy paste to give the mixture a good pink color. Lay each slice of fresh bread on a! moist 'oclth, spread with soft butter, then 'with the pasts, "Roll the slice | from one corner to the opposite cor- ner, then roll the sandwich in oiled | paper and twist the ends. - Deviled Almond Sandwich Butter 'slices of bread and soar fhem with bits of cheese; bake in athe n ; ETIN hot oven until the cheese is melted. | Swans, Cranes, Curlew, Willets, God-| ~~ ATHAN, 18: i Have ready 1 cupful of blanched and | wits, Upland Plover, Black-bellied and | buck Sept. 1-Dec. 15, both 'dates inclusive, © or Jack Snipe--Sept. 1-Dec. | 15, both dates inclusive. : Woodcock--Sept. dates inclusive. the year in a Pigeons, Eider Duck the latter may be taken during the open season in that portion of Ontario, north of the | Quebee, Cochrane, Winnipeg line of Canadian National Railway), shredded almonds seasoned to taste' Golden Plover, Greater and Lesser with sak, snd fo this nad: 3 able Ve 1 spoonlils of minced vives or grelikins, 1 'tablespoonful of chill sauce and 1 teaspoonful each of French wustard Avocets, "Powitchers, Knots, Opyster-catchers, Phalaropes Stilts, Surf-birds, Turnstones, and all i the shorebirds not provided with s and Worcestersfiire sauce. Mix well { open season In above schedule; 15-Nov. 30, both fine 0! Ae 1 Rae -L. PIRST i H was "when David | Saul bearing the gr victory" over saw him an their first 1 together and spread on the hot cheese.| There is a closed season through->Saul's Put 'the sandwiches stogether quickly [out the year on the following non-. and wrap dn olled paper (6 enable the | game birds: Auks, Auklets, Bitterns, moisture to counteract the drying in| Fulmars, Gannets, Grebes, Guillemots, the oven. Piquant 'Beef Roll Gulls, Herons, Jaegers, Loons, Murres, Petrels, Puflins, Shearwaters, and [ Terns; and there is a closed season Butter lightly slices of whole-wheat or white bread and sprinkle with ca; ©] T. mba Foti bofled hani glazed with With 1 tegspconful of finely chopped, birds, Chickadees, Cuckoos, Flickers, } ing- lade. "This is u al, mustard pickle with which has been Flycatchers, Grosbeaks, umm! im a Io i wo mixed a elice of onion finely minced. | birds, Kinglets, Martins, Meadowlark, Spfead a very thin slice of fresh Lay on this a wafer-thin slice of cold Nighthawks or Bull Bats, Nuthatches, Honey Sandwiches roast beef and roll the sandwich from one corner to the other. Jf these are to be se held tcgether witha toothpick. for a picnic, roll them in Oiled paper. Piccadilly 'Filling i Chop "fine: enough .cold cooked chicken to make 1 _cupful. cooked chicken livers to make 1 tablespoon- ful, cold boiled ham to make % of a cupful, celery to make 2 tablespocn- fuls, 8 stuffed olives and a thin slice of green pepper. Mix all togzther with sufficient mayonnaice to produce a goed spreading consistency. Celery and Ham Roll Mix honey with lemon juice to. suit the taste, then add chopped nutmeats to make the paste quite stiff. This is good on brown or whole-wheat bagad. Rolled Celery Sandwiches Cut thin slices from fresh bread, remove the crusts and butter each slice, Lay a lettuce heart across one oorner of the bread and roll the slice toward the opposite corner. Sprinkle lightly. with salt gnd roll in oiled paper. The groove in a tender stalk of celery may be filled with cheese and the sandwich rolled as just described. Pimanto Cheese Filling Put through the food chopper 3 times; 1 pound of yellow cheese, 1 can of pimentoes from which the juice hzs been drained, and 1 teaspoonful of salt. Mix to spreading consistency and use as a filling for sandwiches with any kind of bread. Ham and Chicken Filling Put through thé food chopper 'en- tet = KITCHEN TIPS Creaming sugar and butter will be a much easter task if the bow! in ch they ave creamed is placed in a larger bowl containing hot water. The cream- ing 'will thus be expedited greatly. Linen will improve its looks and gloss if soapy water is used in making starch. The irons will not stick upon linen washed in this fashion. Try granulated sugar In rinsing water in washing laces instead of starch. The result will prove highly satisfactory. In ironing remember to iron with the thread of the goods and iron until the garment is dry, otherwise it will pucker, A satisfactory preportion for mak. ing jelly is three-fourths of a cup of sugar to one cup of fruit juice. ---- Bearing It Bravely. Despite the fact that an open safety- pin is gradually working fits wa through her sister, little Nell Clark, of Austinville, near here, to-day was apparently little worse for her ex- perience ~Vicksburg paper. a "Waiter 1'd like a good rare steak." "Good steaks are always rare here, sir" } : lee Bhe--"I'll never marry a man whose _ fortune hasn't at least. five ciphers in ®t" MUTT AND JEFF--By Bud Fisher. Through the food chopper put en-! cugh cold boiled ham to make kof a cupful, 1" hard boiled egg, 1 canned sweet pinierto and celery to make % of a cupful. Mix well together "and spread on buttered slices of fresh bread. Roll from one corner to the opposite corner and wrap in oiled paper. ee st-------------------------- LOOKING EM OVER France and Belgium Will In- vestigate Razed Fortifi- , cations on Eastern Border i Berlin--French and Belgian mill tary experts attached to their respec- ! tive diplomatic corps in Berlin have received instructions to accept the invitation of General von-Pawelsz to {inspect the destruction of the Eastern fortifications carried out by Germany in accordance with the decision of the Ambassadors' Council. ™ tour will begin early in July and is estimated that three weeks will be required to view the thirty- oight emplacemens ordered razed. ° German officials express confidence that the experts will find everything to their satisfaction and that when the trip is ended the entire question of Eastern armaments will be settled permanently. 'There is surprise ex- pressed here that three weeks should be necessary to view these points, but | the Government is determined to' al- low the Allies to satty themselves to the fullest rather than have the ac- cusation brought up that all facilities for thé investigation were not freely given. ep The marriage relation would be a success oftener if it were not for the relations by marriage. rved immediately, they may be! Vireos, Warblers, It, poor-wills, Woodpeckers, and Wrens, { Orioles, Robfns, Shrikes, Swallows, Swifts, Tanagers, Titmice, Thrushes, Waxwings, Whip- and all cther perching- birds which feed entirely or chiefly on insects. No person shall kill, hunt, capture, "injure, take or molest migratory game | birds during the close season. Sale ; of these birds is forbidden. | The killing, capturing, taking, in- juring or molesting of migratory insec- tivorous and migratcry non-game birds is prchibited. . ' The possession of legally takem migratory game birds is allowed uniil March 31st, following the open 'sea- son. In Ontario it is an offence to vkill or attempt to kill any migratory | game bird between sunset and sunriee. i Bag Limits Ducks 25, but not mcre than 200 in ia'season; Geese 15; Brant 15; Rails 25; Wilson's Snipe 25; Weodcock 10. Guns and Appliances The use of automatic (auto loading), swivel, or machine guns, or battery, cr any gin larger than number 10 gauge is prohibited, and the use of any aero- plane, power-bcat, sailboat, or night | Tight, and shooting from any horse- drawn cr motor vehicle is forbidden. «Penalty Every person who violates any provision of this Act or any regulation shall, fer each offence, be liable upon summary coaviction fo a fine of not more than three hundred dollars and not 'less than ten dollars, or to im- prisonment for a term not exceeding eix months, or to both fine and im- prisonment, : TT Any enquiries concerning this law may be addressed to the Commission- er of the Canadian National Parks, | Department of the Interior, Ottawa. Sl ve Cheerful Bystander. Badly Bruised Boxer -- "I can't ,'ardly see 'im, now." : Second--""Never, mind--'it im from . memory."--London Opinion. Ghostly Accuser. Forks Man Arrested. On Wite's Complaint. Following Her Death.-- Minot -(N. Dak.) paper. Vanishing Americans. There were no inhabitants east of the Pueblo of Pecos until 1794. West of the Rio Grande there were even less."--S8t. Louis Globe-Democrat. rp fl These Boys Were Hot. A petition singed by 1,200 under- graduates was presented to the cor poration--New York World throughout the year on the following. Lay 'between the Dread with soft butter, ther sprinkle] jngectivorous hirds: Bobolinks, Cat- and bow. They made a covenant of friendship which re- mained unbroken even when Jona- 'a captain in the 's army (18:5), II. JONATHAN 'AS TRUE FRIEND AND PEACEMAKER, 19:1-7. The inter paragraphs tell of David's rapid nee in popularity ith the in success in war, w the king's fits of violence, and in his frenzy of jea madness he scught to murder David, who was row | tom-in-law, 18:20, 27, 28. Saul ent co far as to instriet to kill David. friencship proved itself. First, ha ing warned David to hides hims:If, he found. guite simple for the home Were recorded in 6 periods total went to his father end 3 with him.- He bcldly dafended his] friend and maitained his innocence of any wrong toward tho king, resall- ing esvecially his victory over Goli and the Philistine army. rarcr moments Saul. .was eble to put irtereedad, aride his jealousy and his earlier Neck and is effectively trimmed with S9!ts of this test fs interesting parti affection for David revived. Now hs yielded to Jonathan's ing, de- ,clared that David should not be slain, {and Jonathan had the joy of seeing 'his father ard his friend reunited. II, THE COVENANT OF FRIENDSHIP, 20:1-42 and 23: 15-18. {| Saul's jealousy eson returned with the fame of David's further success in war ageinst the Philistines, and 'again he tried to kill him. Compelled | to flea for his life. Dayid took refuge for a while with his old Sam- uel, in Ramah. Together retired to a college or settlement of the pro- hets among whom Samuel had a ing plece. Pursued thither by Baus, Davia nad aoain, His, Sir itu 13 is friond, Jou Jing y asking, "What om What is | fining iniquity? and wi is my sin before thy father that life}" {pla cou! n and to make light of the danger. Fn- allv. he agreed to find out from his father on the occasion of the rew meon festival just what his disposi- ticn toward David was and to let him I know. Outside the city. in the quiet e Again Jorathan would have the part of % d bring rem hiding him news from the J bein? in peril of his 'own t ' iy thoy parted to meet | ty Sftorwand was still a 1(28:14-18). a -- | th my, wig king. | and in rank Saul's_ court, and of 5 A Fs A CHIC DAYTIME FROCK. . ~This smart onepieco frock will be modiste to fashion, There iy an in- verted plait: in each' side "séam and useful patch pockets. © View A is shown with a V neck, shaped collar, Siokisth and long sleeves attached to the short Pounds when kimono sleeved. View B has a round contrasting material. No. 1574 is in sizes 36, 88, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size '88 requires 8% yards b4-inch; % yard 86-inch additional contrast. ing material for View A; % yard for View B; % yard less. 36-inch ma= terial is required for dress with short sleeves, Price 20 cents the 'pattern. The secret of distinetive dress lies in good taste rather tha penditure of should want to make her own clothes; and the home dn.ssmaker will find the designs illustrated in our new: Fa- shion Boek to. be practical and simple, yet maintaining the spirit of the /mode of the moment. | Price of the book 10 cents HOW TO ORDER PATH te your name and address plain- ly, giving number and siz; of such He triad to defend his father FAtterns as you want. Enclose 20¢ in Sbiitles, The area = or coin {coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each. address your order to Wilson Pul ! ide St, Dept, blishing. Co., 78 West Ade- back news of Sauls gpg ued and deadly at $ 5 lor 'Horses t whether it 1s team ot! ived water { 'ment Hill one to the range of the m .némber and,' 4x6 out to make the show a = ot or to fit any parking space, - Body--Two stories, including kit chenotte and bath. In ding is car with an upper story Mi a8 rouhds, which in of " erughed oats were being gains Body 330 rounds, wijle during the other 6" periods the losses were shown totalling 305 pounds, ehowing a net gain for the full pericd of 25 pounds as against 45 whole oats were fed. An exhaustive table showing the re- % ig 5 5 gs--Much as the deviation from this policy whl pain him, Mr. Ford announces that the new car will cularly in the consistency of the re- really have them, ie ) i sults obtained with the two feeds in : Extras. i the same period." Any gains or losses | - Cigar Lighter -- Bvery small car made: were therefore attribifted. more {owner knows the yearning he. has to the work to which the horses were felt for = asi wun an Sladtrie subject rather than whethes the. oats | cigar lighter. . the. millenniu given were crushed or i age 'has come, The Ford engineers have = Imperial Frult-Sho not only put a cigar lighter in each perial Fru W 0 lofhe mew cars; but have equipped The Dominion Fruit Commission 'service stations with cigars to fit G. B. McIntosh, has been notified thi : the next Imperial Frult Show will be any held at Manchester, England, from October 28 to- November 5. Mr, Me- Intesh points out that . in Manchester are always iL Ts, oo » kop ao a io--The new model will be ~ 'wired for distant stations and will carry a twelvetube set' Complete progri A e recely le while the i | fea- holds unprecedented : the mest populotis in I ret, whole- | after three years: ap istrict; has perfected the to make "success, | Ford self-charging and among other attractions there is a ia the dashboard, STeRL TA et me mata es, ever) a sample of ] ¢| Bed.~--In th apples. It eons ae be a Murphy sale trade of 'the

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