Perry. Mr. Benson was formerly a member of the Observer staff, At present he is in the printing plant of the Eastman Kodak Company, He has been having an interesting time renewing old acquaintances. "Mr. Wm. Benson and Miss Nellie Benson, also of Rochester, were in town during the week end. Preparations are being made for a corn roast under the auspices of the Young People's societies of the town. Mrs. Ada Wickett, of Whitby, is visiting friends in Port Perry. Mr. Ernest Gerrow, who has been on the Public School teaching staff in Toronto, will attend Queen's Uni- versity and take an honour course in mathematics and physics. ' At the Exhibition in Toronto, a student of Earl Grey School won the prize for writing. This girl was in the class taught by our young towns- man, Mr. Wm, Nesbitt, Jr. See W. A. Hare about your eyes. Leonard Block, Port Perry, Wednes- day, September 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Roberts and family, of Forest, Ont., spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, H. Roberts, . 'Mr. Wm, Nesbitt, Sr., has returned home after spending a "week on a motor trip around Lake Erie visiting the principal places of interest on the way. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Jos. Philp, of Hamilton ar@ visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Henders. Mr. Ralph Wallace has entered the law office of Messrs. Harris & Harris, Barristers, Solicitors, and Notaries Public, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Black, of Port Perry, visited with friends in Cannington, last Thursday. Mr. Morley Doubt, of Toronto, is holidaying in town. ,Edna, of Toronto, are visiting at the- Aa irondacks, dl Miss Marion Goode is attending the Shaw Business College, Toronto. : - Mrs. (Dr) Lundy, who has been THACHERS' seriously ill for some weeks is im- Preparations are now proving slightly. for holding a convention of the I Miss Hazel McKay, Ford Hospital, School teachers of South Ontario | Detroit, has been. "her holi- Port, Perry about the middle of Oe- days with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Letcher tober, Mr. T. W. is fcLean sident | of the South Ontario Public Sehool | Mr..and Mrs. J. Gauld and daughter Teathers' Amsorintion.. . home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Miss Helen Lucas has returned lve Sour. 30s stietded 10... To from her holidays at Toronto and : : Niagara and reports a most enjoyable A: Hare, Optometrist. time, : a PRA The many friends of Mrs. Britton PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH will be glad to hear that she is im- The services of next Sunday, Sept. proving after her recent illness, Her 18th, will be of a ~special 'character. | daughter Miss Britton, of Woodstock, Rev, Geo. Williams, B:A., returned is remaining with her at present, . Missionary from Formosa, will speak hs "at both services. All should avail Dr. and Mrs. Morley Honey, of themselves. of - the opportunity. of Schumacker have rettirned home searing Ms. William as he will have after their visit with Mrs. Honey's cial mem p #) ral parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCaw. 2 special m ' of inte ust, fo Master Bobbie Carnegie is spending Aon Trae the winter with Dr. and Mrs. Honey. o --eacocK ALLACE 1000 We hear he will join the Scout Traop . 7 SOReRdays SOP oaks ' at 'Port Perry, by Rev. W. P. Brown, up there Which: Dr, Hetey of "® Nora Edith, youngest daughter of Mr, Scout Master. Best wishes for:a . ; yys Robert Wallace, to William happy time Bobbie, Ellsworth Beacock, of Detroit, son of Miss Mayrenne Short has returned Mr. and Mrs, William T. Beacock, of to her duties in the hospital at Cleve- Orono. ; land after spending several months 'at ee YQ the home of her parents. APPLES FOR SALE Miss Lucille Leask has resigned her from 20¢ to 50c a basket at the or- duties in Port Perry to attend the chard. Bring your basket. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, this Geo. Mills, Port Perry. coming year. We wish her every : nn UM ins success in her new work. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION : i Sunday next--Sunday School at 10 Mr. W. H. Harris will be absent ,.. wating and Sermon at 11 am. for a time on an-extended sailing trip Harvest Thankgiving service 'will spending most of the time on Lake 1. 1014 in the above church as usual SH ment in ; + poduge men fe Bn (HN ERRY COAL YARDH® Mr. Wm. H. Doubt and son Allan Dntasie, 7 the first Sunday in October~Dgt, 2nd. {. X a) y : ? SRT . an 3 . Miss Hilda Wallace is visiting her Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Matins : BAY. Xan . : ry a 5 Jit ve Fg o Toronto, spent Sunday with friends sister in Detroit. and sermon. at-11- am. Children's PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED YOUR NEXT WINTER'S COAL WILL COST 2 service at'8 p.m. Evensong and ser- NOTICE TO CREDITORS rate 5 vy J You LESS JF--YOU ORDER NOW Mrs. Nicholls, of Port Perry, is 'Mrs. J. Hall has returned to Jahet- = 7 pm. Special music' in 3 : : : "Have you placed your order for your next Winter's Coal supply? visiting her sister Mrs. Beckett, at Ville after a short visit in Port Perry. ..iine with the season will be the| Of Elizabeth. Graham, Secedted, 5 good Columbus. Miss Grace Rose leaves at the end feature of the occasion. Pursuant 10:8ec. 56 of Chapter a Tan If not NOW is the proper time to do so. At present we have a full ' g : : * stock on hand of-- LA a Gal aon i : : ro pena | : : J . of the month to take a position on ----000- nes of, the Revised Statutes of ; howe : : ; 3 hous. goo e| SCRANTON COAL in STOVE, NUT and PEA sizes. : 3 1914, notice is hereby given that all the teaching. staff in the Household FOR SALE Sb > Science Department of Toronto Umi- 1926 Chevrolet Touring 'Car in creditors and others having claims io : : SC \ } beantiful situated. Good terms | SOLVAY COKE, in NUT and FURNACE sizes. Mrs. Chas. McLean, of Port Perry, versity. first class condition, new tires. Will against the estate of Elizgbeth 'Gra- oy ham, late of the village of Port Perry vigiting her son Mr. Gordon McLean : be sold cheap. Can be seen Satur- , in Uxbridge. Miss, Elsie 'Rose has, returned to day afternoons or evenings. Apply in the County of Ontario, widow, who take up her teaching duties at Mark- § Offi died on or about the twenty-seventh Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Clark and sons dale. at Star: Office: 500 day of June A.D, 1927, are, on or be- of Pine Grove, in Port Perry over AMI wn FOR SALE : fore the Eighth day of September . He week 0d, HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE = Portable Bath Tub, lawn wire for|A-D: 1927, to send By post, to Thomas Mr. and Mrs. N. J. McNair, of ~ Oshawa High School has opened Plots, refrigerator, clothes press, Cok, Port RE Exseytor Trenton, were week end guests of Mr, with 750 students, Whitby has 121; large trunk. Apply at Star Office. names and surnames, addresses a and Mrs, F. C. Ta, % EI EAS , sgatt und Fort Perry 100. A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. | descriptions, the. full -particulars Mrs. McKenzie, of Akron, Ohio, | their claims, a statement PORT PERRY DOMINION ST daughter of Dr. J. A. Murray, Port| counts and the nature of the i i . J ORE Perry, had a miraculous escape from ties Ut any} eld by them, and t death by electrocution a short time T the day - aforesaid BARGAINS FOR END OF THIS WEEK ago. While walking along the street | Thomas Cook will 0 School Children's Clothes a guy wire broke and a ball of fire | tribute the assets of the said decer Boys' Good Bloomers, sizes 24 £082 ...............$1.10 || flew through a window. The elec- {among the parties entitled Boys' Good Blouses, sizes 8 years to 14 years ..,.....50c. || tricity scorched Mrs, McKenzie very | having regard only to sue Boys' Sweaters, at a bargain .....................$1.19 || badly on the shoulder and burned her | which notice shall have bee Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes and Stockings at clothing partly. For some unaccount- | above required, and : reduced prices. || able reason she escaped death, but| Cook will not Boys' Good Qveralls, heavy cloth, sizes 28 to 34 $1.29 || has received a severe nervous shock, We have a good selection of Ladies' and Men's Felt Hats at ~The doctor said that enough elec- very reasonable prices. tricity had entered her body to kill Si th ; We are getting in our Fall and Winter stock which is of . oman No. 1 quality and has been bought very carefully so we will .~ BORN be able to sell at very reasonable prices. If you are in need At Port Perry, on Saturday, Sept. of winter goods at lo wprices call 'on Port Pérry Dominion 10th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jack- Store and you will got Shem, } Money zefunded 'or goods ex- son (nee Gertrude Elliott), a son-~ I not satisfactory. you would like any informa- 4 : tion regarding our new goods call Tey ; Seorne Wesley ; NOTICE Mr. and Mrs. Walter McLean were a in Omemee last week. in all if g CEMENT and 3 ok ie job. We : hd Hime 0 on We . Ln get busy Ss CE, Se ERIE BO BARB, HakoWoS SLR ne Whe Wabi Hi. cha "0 J, | our prompt and carefl attention. | aod we will give same w| For Sale--Goal Range with Reservoir. Ee =p E I I il n el ih ijt I i EE 1 ge Alb i if SE is 2. 2 Leia GIRL WANTED FOR STORE, $25.00 REWARD for information [| pic iu mie a ae leading to the conviction of the person or I into and robbed this store on Sanday ee foro, Broke : - Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, Port Perry WANTED--Girl for light house work. | Queen street, and one not doing so, is