meee & Transportation Bullding dhe avigiual Investment has the 4 An interest in one of the most prominent corners fn ihe City of Toronto, rapidly Increasing in value and importance. For further particulars All In the attached coupon and mall to GASTINSONGG |Z on . and added a majestic succession oi. LIMITED The Ol EST. 1883 ~~~} new ones such us their predecessors las} ¢ never conceived. Bond House inCanada | The Ming dynasty covers 17 periods $00 BAY ST. TORONTO and the pordelain of each period may For 44 years every Bond Issue recommended and sold by G. A. [edly be determined by its form, Stimson & Co. Ltd, glaze, degree of finish and the poculis -~ -- 1.50, 1 td, has Paid _inferest ¢ and ud_principal when dup. arities of decoration and color. Without obligation send me further particulars, The first period was celebrated fos the brilliancy of its underglaze cope NAME .. per-reds, and the depth of its blua usually & pale tone. The second was ADDRESS . famous for its decorations in colors, , The cobalt blue of this epoch was made from native ores. The rich dark blue of the third period is so distine- REPUDIATES WAR GUILT tive that's conf secomitad where EE ite sath vin - management of one of OF THE GERMAN NATION i bir tv mo ote mio {double gourd and the broad jar-shaped i vase. The large jars and vases of the ; : classes of German people unanimously fourth period, while not so dark a ==% | Hindenburg Declares Father- repudiate it. It was riot because of blue, are of a rich deep tone, and land Unsheathed Sword our envy or hate or desire for "on-, Painted with the mel Jowes; or wild in Se efence quest that we drew swords. On the Plum, known as the hawthorn pattern, An Open Letter to Gene Tunn y contrary, the war with all the terrible and are among the most beautiful ex- sacrifices it demanded from the whole @mples of blue and white known in UNMITIGATED NERVE | omntry was an otrome. moasire. ro- decoration. Man Grasps But Once the Opportunity that Lies in Hands| 15 it to be wondered at that we sorted to for the preservation of our| Two famous green enamel colors, existence against a host of enemies.! which are highly prized both when A of the Worlds Champion mistrust such people as the militant | "With tlean hearts we marched oil they. occur on singieenlored plots oF My Dear Tunney:-- world, insert a clause whereby you |German. The blood of our boys cries | to defend the fatherland; with clean are used as the ground-color of an im: You have not only achieved your | Will b& permitted to talk to the boys of jout at the flaunting of such charac: hands the German army wielded the portant group of painted vases, are | ambition in what a to Jour your own country and of ours and | teristics as the following: | sword: Germany is ready at any distinguished as "cucumber-green" been an epochal ring battle, but you| teach them that the manly art of | Tannenberg, East Prussia.--Un- moment to prove this fact before im- and "apple-green"; while the tur- have acquired a responsibility which 0 aa Joes ot necapsarily need veiling'a monument in commemoration | partial judges." |quotse-blue of the Ming ware is with- am sure you will a associated wr pug. you appreciate. and Your country has recently been|in August, 1914, President Von Hin-| forbid. * And Agnes MacPhail eays | The names of "Harlequin" and of the famous battle of Tannenberg,| Clean hearts! Clean hands! God out comparison. F f=. | develop, and Quebec Owe a Debt of Grati- slop. on, glorified by the diccovering of one of | denburg, who was victorious in that|4do away with military training." "Tiger Skin" have been applied to otors, Canadian National Railway s Rk Sanaa love fighters, ithe. world's greatest popular herpes-- | battle, delivered a speech repudiating |g, long as such a spirit is alive and 'those pieces with variegated colorings 48:30 Col. Chas, aborts. He is using his | Germany's war guilt. ithe Japan-Russian situation exists as --red, blue, purple and green--applied ) and Treas dy Ster {€RCa) for a Won. with atte r man bi BCE success for the national good. With-| Tt was in self-defence and with a it does, we must all live in fear and In dappling spots over white glaze. To gratulations, hut a true regard dmpos- out dispa¥aging the Col, you' have! pure conscience, he declared, that the trembling or "gird up our loins." The the same group belong those speci sible. to express in_ print an opportunity to do more good as|sword was unsheathed by Germany. thinking men must admit that British mens which are colored in imitation y the school boys! Dera than any man|"Phe accusation that Germany was statesmen know their business, even ©f ate, marble, tortolseshell or ever hid before, trust you will take | responsible for this greatest of all [if our American friedns do criticize STained wood. . make you a national figure as well as ny guggestions as a sincere compli- wars we repudiate" he said. "All their action. | Later appeared the handled or 3 ampion heavy-weight pugilist| ment to your m ificent performance stemmed cups decorated with red fish, we were not at Chi go for the big of. the ye Re Ca Near t world. which we saw gh Graham Mac- d H P ide F des ah [the color being made from rod preci- Eve wrathi ng Beart air t thi Wing, Interest. eS Character, clean living, a desire for | namee's incomparable eyes, You have a as riage In ear ess istics gue stones reduced to powder. The learning, the perseverance to carry | gone far, but no matter. what pugi- forms of the fish emerged from the namee's fra matic description of. the World's Fistic Title Contest a fine sensibility encaged in a superb ' listic successes your' future may have Evil Doers Will He Will Have Catiae) hie. ashamod of the eecirante in Pic. Paste during the firing, and stood out From: the first deep throated lin sto ou have an opportunity in in rellef as brilliant as rubles. It is physique, such as yours, to success in|in re, you ha pportunity ton, A money fine levied b friend- | Field, Chie e Bell" until the last high pitehed vibrant the moat heart-breaking contest in| teaching our boys by example, pre-| tO Think of Sentences Wi pony ort n "ME La t the Called the "sacrificial" red, and rose Meted Out to Sarnia y gt mister o in relief because the glaze was as I thins ene ele: the radio fans were held in the most gri the world marks you as an extra-|cept and personal contact to love their grip- gospel, a hypocrite too base to be : The wri ordinary man. Do not let your uc- | count. reverence their bodies, and t transparent and thick as a mass of ter, Ey old fight fan, was Ty y 8 ry, Fiends spoken to by decent men, a man who tard, while its surface became marked down from the high pedestal you have manly'sports as Gene Tunney. ' 2 he kne : hewed for yourself. Remain modest,| "Because Gene told us" can be and SP. ARED NOT THE LASH es gf venile Judge when "i Saute Hime are Snrivatied S04 are marvelous pro- uctions, peculiar to 8 re lv RIES. - _ {stinted and hearty tympathy went out cultivate poise and when you sign! should be the boys' guiding phrase. BY R. E. G. sa allow such a man to remain at)' w. the earlier & the cleah-living and modest Tun- your vaudeville of. Whatever contracts | "The torch is' yours, hold it high." Canadians can well be proud of the | large will always remain a blot on pr Tnoleling Baye the from the intensity of the reaction to Mae- |c¢s and 'affluence bring you tumbling endeavor to become as proficient in rr p---- brazenly worked to secure a position like the peel of an orange. The cups $e 28 he, out-generalled Dempsey. you propose to enter into. to tour the ' Yours most cordially, R. E. G. | fearless severity of pur justice in our escutcheon. Nothing but the lash Ming "potters. Onee again one may 'was the ¢75ig of the fight. Un-| ' o handling the Sarnia fields. land imprisonment or incarceration in . . affected by Dempsey's taunts of the' 'France Hono Rural PM. 8 s Pay We in Canada have been d Isgusted an asylum for life, is he is proved to song Baza atthe} igor um Vorsas > aff cries of the taunting, fight mad Edmonton Journal (Ind. Cons.)--In {ith the mawkish methods of court [be as mentally deranged (as it would a. ace ch Ce throng (all distinctly heard). Tunney American Dead one fairsized Alberta community the | proceedure acress the line, and we' appear he is from his actions), is the sized. figures. and also. small oles, | postmaster received $84.35 per month |£ometimes wonder if we are following anly thing that will clear the air. I which compare not' unfavorably: with War-time Leaders Pay Tribute in 1926 and 79.75 in the previous year. as ob] Ho eT Ta hear THE MAGISTRATE. the sculptured marble mastorpioces re e 5 w > 'we saw Dempsey attack; eyes at Soldier Cemetery Out. of these amounts he has expenses adding of the best of all deterrants| A man who would be paity to such Ne ot Grad Datiods, nd a ie now; we could feel him make in Suresnes to meet for the upkeep of the office | tho lash--unhesitatingly handed to, 18 white-washing is not fit to be re- te »rness in every line and contour. stupendous effort to hold his' Suresnes, France--Thirty thousand 118d to be on the job from seven |thess unspeakable creatures gives us. (tained in office. We do not want,! First, for their delicate and exquis- u 's better condition is' American soldiers who dfed in France in the morning until seven at night, | cause for pride in our. couris. nor will we tolerate, the permitting of ite beauty, one may consider the ex- that the ridiculed; were honored. recently by their war- | while his hours were often longer in | = ACTION LOOKED FOR. "Elmer Gantrys" to remain on our amples, often quite smal land general- * man than the "Ma- | timo leader and high officers of rush periods. Acigrmanent adjust- I. On the other hand, we can not but! "Main Streets." : |ly of modest size, fashioned in pure L eo dogged deter- France and the' American Legidn. ment upwai 1s clearly demanded in (7° white or amy porcelain, which is for us with They gathered in the American Ceme. fairness to these public servants and , A | frequently left in the "biscuit" state, 1 "In a West End Bar there arose a Find Lake Levels | though it is usually clothed with a 3 cextraong ' where . it should be brought about without Ta - he 091, 'mthle head {further delay. It Is a false economy ¢'scussion between an Englishman and rich white glaze, soft and tender both We were 'gtones lie row on Tow. " i b 'to maintain the present scale. |& Scot upon a perennial topic. "Look | to the eye and to the touch. Such ally a ad Rersiting wud Puch, who. oreted i in the final Higher ir mn August porcelains, generally known among the arzuge: Dlayed, his own game; and this is here, said the former orward ai AR y "Bab at. an dor og felt Inst oeht; tone of one concluding the argument, connoisseurs as "Blancs de Chine," ' q Le "Phe newspaper is a poor man's unt- "Scotland fs noted for whiskey and | Water in St. Lawrence High- have ranked for many centuries | "| mander. of Arica glon; Gen-1, iv says a speaker. Then it be- nothing else." "Ah, weel, does any- tinTenY among the choicest treasures of Euro- | : 1t was infinitely-bet- Sale Guy aud, Da Baney, gn hooves the publishers to give the best thing else matter?" asked the Scot | ' est in Ten Years, is | peon collectors, . One is apt to think | A marvelous Mart he tribute to the A Sa educatibu possible; vith a smirk. Report of Chinese figures as embodying | \ "to be PR Tn Nn OR One, ee - Ottawa.--The levels of all of the ideals of strength and virility, even of | of Sova hp 5 Great Lakes and of the St. Lawrence |the grotesque or the terrible, but fn | river for the month of August last [these white figures of "Kuan-yin" is were appreciably higher than those [found the most gracious and loving for the corresponding month of Igst tenderness such as is associated chief- year, according to figures compiled by 1¥ with happy motherhood. Europeans ( the Canadian Hydrographer's Office, |bave bestowed upoi them the opel As was natural, however, largely be- lation, "The Chinése Madonna." i cguse of lesser precipitation on ail of 5 I of the lakes with the exception of Lake Superior, the levels were lower in Loew Will Said ht August than in July last. The same 18 true of/the St. Lawrence river. Over $35,000,000, On Lake Superior the levels were 03 foot higher . than in July, 1927; + 1.164 feet higher than in August, 1926, Last Testament « of Theatrical and .44 foot higher than the average Magnate to Be Filed for val stage of August for the last 10 years. ~ Probate \. 1 For Lake Huron the. figures were: 08] . "Sr so foot lower, 1.05 feet higher, and 78] New ¥York--The will of Marcus, toot lower; on Lake Erle they were: {Loew; theatrical magnate, was filed 19 foot lower, .71 foot higher, 38 foot 'for Probate is 'the Surrogate Court flower; Lake Ontatlo 33 font lower, | Sua EAN "foot higher, and .33 foot lower. On the St. Lawrence river, .76 goat ~ |lower, '1.19 feet higher, 63 foot In this respect it is t onthe St. Lawrence during last ten years" August level } ayeraged 1.05 foet lower than nth lave a midi have to a a pao