Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 26 Apr 1928, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Personal Terms Mrs. R. B. Smallman will not re- ceive again this season. Mrs. Mellow will not receive again this season. Miss G. Ettey is visiting with her parents at Prince Albert. tn QU PORT PERRY PICTURE HOUSE Thursday, Friday and Sat At April 26, 27 and one show 'each night. Doors 10h: at 7.30. Admission 50c and 86c. Tuesday, May lst-- Milton Sills in "Burning Daylight" Thursday, May 3rd-- Buck Jones in "The Branded Som- brero" also the Trail of the Tiger. tere dH) tne SOFT BALL What about a Soft Ball Club for Port Perry in the year 1928? South Ontario League is being re-organized. Is Port Perry going to be in it? The re-organization meeting is to be held at Whitby to-night, April 26th. Has anybody any constructive sug- gestions to offer? If so, speak up. eee OOO en FACTORY GOING The Beacon Electric Company have | bought out the Raymore Company plant, and equipment and are now in| Mr, Hunt and Mr, Allan with this operation, Goode are operating the fac Mr. Hunt in charge. We wis firm every success. ee) QO SIGNS OF SPRING Navigation is again open on Coch- rane street, several boats have been towed through this week. A resident. Qn NEW RECTOR AT CHURCH OF. THE ASCENSION On Sunday Evening last the con- gregation of the Church of the Ascension, (Anglican) turned out in representative numbers to meet their new Rector, Rev. T. A. Nind, although the state of the country roads pre- vented those from a distance attend- ing: vuring the last 25 years this church has had many changes in ministers, suprisingly so when it is remembered that the Knglish Church system mili- tates against change, but they have been fortunate in being ably served, several of the incumbents have left a lasting impression in the village and have gone forward to take important posts in a larger field. It is believed and hoped by the congregation that the coming of Mr, Nind will end for a considerable period this era of change and that the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church will expand under his ministry, Mr. Nind comes here very highly recommended by Bishop Sweeney, from St. Dunstan's Parish, Toronto, but has also served in parishs nearby--Bowmanville, Bob- caygeon, Markham--so is not entirely a stranger. ing them in their studies the family will not move here till the examina- tion period has ended, though Mr. Nind expects to come himself at the end of this week. The Star welcomes Mr, Nind and his familv to Port Perry and hopes that his comin~ may prove a benefit, not only to his pastor- ate, but to the communitv. we ( am---- Husband (who during spring clean- ing has to shift for himself): "I say, dear, where can I find a knife and fork 7" Wife (from above): "Don't be silly, Harold. You know they are kept in the sideboard." Husband: "I know that, but where is the sideboard?" Wife: "Oh, it's in the garden." Hl PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH April 29th--10 a.m. service for praise g and-felolwship. ait 11 a.m.--The Master Force in Char- acter and Civilization. 3 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 pm.--Service on the Intimate Companions of Jesus. 3. Thomas, the Doubter. Monday at 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. Thursday at 8 p.m.--Mid-week ser vice for prayer, praise and Bible study. Prince Albert. 2 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. e-- ---- A HOT MEAT PIE SUPPER Two groups of the Ladies' Aid of the United Church, led by Mrs. Rich- ards and Mrs. Davis, in the basement of the church on Friday evening, April 27th, Supper from 6 o'clock until all are served. Admission 8b6c. . and 26c. emer) (premenaee DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST + Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 am. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PORT PERRY ONTARIO WE SELL Three of his family are still at school and to prevent disturb- GLASSES! Another opportunity to get a pair of Glasses [spheric lenses] at the very reason- able price of $6.00 com- plete with case. fe I. R. BENTLEY Optometrist PORT PERRY ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE EDUCATION Beare Bros. are to be congratulated upon the success of their Chevrolet demonstration in the Town Hall on Friday night of last week. Five films were shown by Mr. Irwin of General Motors, and those present had ample opportunity to see the inner workings of the Chevrolet and other General Motor cars and trucks of which there are some thirteen different kinds. This information is very valuable to any car owner. The manufacture and 'testing of stock cars were interesting- ly illustrated. Owen's Serenaders supplied suitable music. In the lucky number contest the winners were: Mr. Hamilton, of Cart- (tube); for 'the ladies, Miss Sadie Horlop, (2 1b box chocolates); 2nd, Miss Myrtle Ploughman, (1 Ib box chocolates.) Midnorth Mines, Limited. (No Personal Liability) Offers a wonderful opportunity to a limited number of shrewd investors who appreciate the possibilities of the Woman Lake District. It took several Jeers to develop Cobalt, Kirkland Lake and Porcupine, but look at the big profits the early investors have now made. WOMAN LAKE TODAY OFFERS THE SAME OPPORTUNITY. With capitalization of only $60,000 consisting of 12,000 shares of a par value of $5.00 each, you have an op- portunity to become associated with a mining development in a district in which few dollars may return you thousands. The properties of MIDNORTH MINES MITED immediately adjoin claims of the ONTARIO WOMAN LAKE GOLD MINES. For particulars and descriptive folder apply to MR. G. P. LYND, WHIBTY, ONT. or to INVESTMENT EXCHANGE LTD. Kent Bldg., Toronto, Ont. ern Unc. EGGS FOR HATCHING Bred to lay Barred Rock Eggs for hatching, 241 egg record, combining the strains of Webster and Fowler. Price $1.00 for 156 eggs. Apply Mrs. E. Jennings, Phone 189 r 8, Port Perry mien pen. PEKIN DUCK EGGS FOR SALE Apply to 8. E. Embury, Port Perry nmr petri. BARRED ROCK EGGS FOR HATCHING Eggs from bred-to-lay Barred Rocks at 50c per setting of 15. Apply Mrs, Frank Franklin, Port Perry. 3 pr FOR SALE My property on Union Avenue, Port Perry, on which is an eight roomed house, stable and driving shed, three quarters of an acre of land. Apply to Mrs. M. A. Hall, Cannington, Ont. 4 The Creamery is paying 44c, 43¢c, and 40c for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make niore money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors FOR LESS. Lower overhead charges enable us to sell our goods former! cheaper than : Oranges, Sunkist, sweet & juicy, per doz. 50e., 60¢c., & 70¢c, Grape Fruit, seedless, good value, 3 for 25c¢. ly. wright, (tire); Mr. Jennings, Reach, in the shades. - Showroom in the CHIROP Kindl PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey Mr. Wal- lace Jeffrey and Miss Kinsman, all of Toronto, were calling on Port Perry Prince Albert friends .on.. Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Craig, of Palmerston, spent Easter with Mrs. Craig's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Foley. Mrs. G. Northcote and daughter, Ruth, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Northcote's father, Dr. Campbell, re- cently. Leonard Foster and friend of To- ronto motored down Saturday to spend the week end at their summer home here. Mrs. Reuben Bond, who has been making an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Andrews, of Toronto, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt and son Donald, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. Bickel. Born--to Mr. and Mrs. Midgley on Sunday, April 22nd, a son. (Con- gratulations,) Mrs. W. Philp of Utica spent a few days with her father, Mr. Geo. Bond, recently. Mrs. Chas. Gordon entertained the Ladies' Aid for the April meeting. A most enjoyable - afternoon was spent.. attractively trimmed Tats for t matron or miss in novelty st; in a large and small head size. Canadian Made--New Hats and Tams in- Straws for children ever so jaunty and suitah The Rite Hat Sh days in Port Perry will be changed to day. Thuasday and Saturday, from 3-5 p.m. Phone 258 J. A. HETHERINGTON - Special $1.50 New Archer Block RACTIC ATTENTION! : take notice that after May 1st my to Tues- ALL HATS Reduced) for New Stock See our Display of FANCY WORK iA Rolph Block, Rev. W. L. Atkins St. John's Church, Pon B80 April 29th--Publie' Th am, and 7 pm. Sundug* Prayer Se Utica Church Sunday School at 1. Public Worshi; : C. E. on Wi summer cottage much able and fire-safe. perfect (GYPROC walls and partitions will make your A Gyproc 3 material with which to line your summes Waite for free back; *Walls That Reflect Godt For Sale By Carndgie Hardware Co. Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. more attractive, comfort- . takes any decoration--a hows planning with Gypees) 'Port, Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Ont. SHOES! SHOES! "SHOES! MADE-IN-CANADA Sold at McKee"s Store where you can fh anes od is the Ren n : i siete EGGS FOR H Select the kind M\Eg you want your future hens to lay, frégm FRANK ALLIN'S trap-nested, stand®%gd, pure- bred, high record layers, Regal-Dorcas White Wyand $1.25 and $1.50 per detid Silver Laced Wyand®W setting. Light and Dark Barred Rack: and $1.50 per settting. HING SCHOOL BOARD PAPER BECOMES OFFICIAL OF THE O. E. A. A working arrangement has been made by the directors of the Ontario Educational Association by which the Canadian School Board Journal, the property of the Ontario School Trus- tees' and Ratepayers' Association, be- comes the official organ of the O.E.A. for the publication of news matter of benefit to the teachers of the province. The Journal is to be enlarged to meet the needs of the wider constituency 'and Mr. A. E. Bryson, the permanent secretary of dhe O. E. A. becomes an ndlin der Wright Crosier, Gs 'doing of work on the front ni on a course of broken stone. is one of our town problems, and it is to be hoped that we shall be able to assistan this .25 per the diversion of traffic from the high- , will be a big test of the road, and Port Pel should not have to bear the cost alone; nor should Township be so taxed for the upkee; of the road between Manchester an Port Perry. $1.00 8) $1.00 hatch sed at half gn large SWEET PEAS BS Owing to the fact that the demand quantitie H The Journal will for the British Columbia Sweet Peas " " i fa by the trustees. exceeded our supply, we have sent for| It is " 2 ¥ publication and a further supply which should be here | corpo: Di forris, Toronto, fnext week. On its arrival, we can| the SchoolSge nd Samuel supply a few more customers, of stern d ? an "Establ, shing a New Greater 5 the news of o

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