Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 26 Apr 1928, p. 7

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ie in double boiler until it thickens, ool. Beat 8 egg whites until vel stiff, fold 1% cup sugar in very lightly and then add cooked mixture. Pour into shell and bake 7 minutes in a + slow oven. Date and Peanut Paste. | One cup stoned dates, % "cup pea nt butter, I' teaspoon galt, 14 cup con- "footioners 'sugar. Wash' and dry 8. Put through food chopper. Add nut butter and salt. Mix and roll into small balls, then cover with sugar. Lay on plate to dry. These are just a little different from stuffed dates an dare a change. Cut 3 strips of bacon in small pieces and fry until browned. Add I can sal- mon. or haddock which has been flaked into small pieces and 1 can of sucéotash, 1 tablespoon chopped onion and beat thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to taste.' Deviled Kidneys. Cup up fresh beef kidneys into small pleces, rejecting all the-fat. Soak over night in salt and waterif pos- "= Jeo gible, Inthe morning rinse. well and : pour boiling water over them. This is to prevent the strong taste. Into fry pan put 1 tablespoon butter, and when melted add 1 or 2 finely minced onions and fry a delicate brown. «Add _th kidneys (which have been draining), dredge well with flour, season with Pu and pepper and cover with cold Cook unt neys are tender gravy is rich brown. "Add a little a if liquid boils away taoo rapidly. Baked Hamburg With Potato Crust. Have ground 1 pound of top of round steak. About an hour and a me g start the pota- toes boiling. small plece and fry the 'red color. the steak | and butter, you usually do he the potato! to brown. browned, add 1 hat 3 corn. Stir until hot; eggs and stir rapidly, milk, 1 teaspoon of salt, and spoon of pepper. 14 over slices of buttered toast. needy . Disarmament and War "Truth (London)-- Disarmament, in we 4 there. London i tractor's tsetste fly that bothers r Au ho 4 Aviguotlle Bales to shy eas of the Congo Where mid-African food neces- 8 now require the "plough, Bel- | D has developed a rival to the gaso- farm tractor. Its motive power is gated by fifty grammes of salt a cassava stimulant and and plants as abound uch Tracy Haws, reporting to The from Api, says the val § immune from the domestic 2388 Dundas St. West Joronts: Canada. y Ltd. Th R elephant, | Basin, but further statistical details \indlcate that the effect on Detroit's annual output of 800,000 tractors is 'not immediately threatened. After forty-eight years of trial and experi- ment, there are available only about twenty-four trained or partly trained farm elephants in the region; they work but six hours a day; their stint of one and a quarter acres compares with twenty-five or more for the Commander Reports Teal ad farmer gl sing in the Congo _ Leeds Yorkshire" Post (Cons.): One {of the grave. dangers of a m g mocracy 18 that people on principl lo ov conven but on slo- gans, or al a superficial, : Coot in Labrador tion of facta which have been Thre radio messages from Capt. is Seuted ad Be Sanifoncs ot which Donald MacMillan, aboard the Bow-| danger equally obvious and equally doin anchored in Anatalok Bay, Ta, | Janke en they will be unduly rador, have been received by Rdward swayed by magnetic personalities, Howe Forbush, director of the divi-| me . professional 'demagogue -- the slon of ornithology for the Massachus- platform spell-binder--will play upon eis State Department of Agriculture. | the emotions of the voters in the sure a ihe Butsual Presents In} consciousness that his auditors' are § el dock Of | quite unacquainted with the realities Snoth EE et Un: 'of the problems upon which they are Hy! and a green: | goed to exercise not an emotional h birds hitherto total but an intel To to the Eskimos of that re-_ (hese twin dangers ed young women are as fit as young men to exercise the function of the elector. Indeed, it may be sald that in the late years of adolescence and of early adult lite the woman is probably more mature than the man. NEW BLOOD NEEDED IN THE SPRING TIME hird message inquires whether the invasio New England by horn- ed owls, arctic owls and goshawks can be attributed to a scarcity of food in Labrador which has caused a complete absence there during the last two years of the ptarmigans, are- tic hares and mice which were form- erly go common. Mr. Forbush sent a message to Captain MacMillan that the same cause was the reason for the phenomena. GSES ook until eggs are a little solid, then serve on hot dish draught animals, can pull stumps, turn a day, is operated by a mahout getting 24 cents a day, and is fourteen times less costly than ploughing by tractor." The Siege of Canada Ottawa Droit (Lib.): = Agriculture provides 30.51 per cent, while the wealth of our towns is calculated at 26.99 per cent. of our total wealth. At first sight we may be reassured for the future of our country when we consider that the highest percentage of 30.561 is in favor of agriculture, but on second thoughts, when we compare ¥ 'the world i ened the rich- and distinc quality of Red Rose e Pekoe is largely due Gne quality Assam ch it is chiefly Every package 7.E THOR-O-BRED' LIA TINA Our hwseders re heed for bigh tion, ut Lighor, Dried 3nd White Rok To. 4 conas, Orpingtons, Whi Wyandottes, 1 2¢ and uf op live delivery guaran Write today for FREE CHICK BOOK. 220 BUFFALO. MN. %e the 80d of one and one-quarter acres American machine, and they cost §$2,- 400 each against a price of about $400 F.,0.B. for the tractor, And the tractor, too, can pull stumps and is immune fo the tsetse fly. YOUNG MOTHERS Uses and Are Absolutely Harmless. enormous extent of our territory, we may fairly ask if Canada is not in pro- cess of changing from an agricultural to an industrial country. American capital besieges or solicits us without ceasing, without delay or discourage- mentt. It wishes to invest Canada and to capture it. The Americans long to subjjugate us economically as they have subjugated Cubg; San Dom- ingo, Haiti and Nicaraugt crease of urban wealth 8 of agricultural wealthy our ruin. It would be ty United States upon Cgndda: only remain for the Ameéricang-to dig the Nicaragua Canal and to canalize the St, Lawrence for them to impose their will on both the Americas and perhaps the entire world. -- Apr -- "There's a delicious sense of luxury when one is lying on one's bed and ringing one's bell for wme's valet." "Have you a valet?" "No, but I have To have In the house a simple, harmless remedy for the minor ills of babies. and little children is a great boon to young mothers, and this is exactly why Baby's Own Tablets have been found In thousands of house: holds. The Tablets regulate the stom- "lach and bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, allay the irritation of cutting teeth, yet they have no drug taste and the children like them. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Ruth- ven Crommiller, Ruthven, Ont; writes: --"Kindly send me your little book on the Care of the Baby. I have two children, one four years of age and the other a year and a half. Both are in excellent health and the only medicine they have had is Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep the Tablets in the house and am happy to recom- mend them to other mothers." a bell." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all written eecenermst medicine dealers or by mall at 26 cts. Page--"Your Majesty, a sailor|a box from The Dr, Willams' Medi- awaits without!" King--*"Without what " Page--"Without the dock." King--"Give him the &lip." Brockville, Ont. | cine Co, Comes omach, been over-stimulated, and food sours. at many people call indigestion jless alkali in water will neutralize in- vy uften means excess acid in the [stantly many times as much acid, and The stomach nerves have [the symptoms disappear at once. You remier's note BE been publish- : ritain's deter- S®On the discharge of oP Rgibilities under the declara- tion of 1922; ce the Egyptian Cov- ernment has rejected the tretay ne- gotiated by Sir Austen Chamberlain, British ¥oreign Minister, and the former Egyptian Premier, Sarwat Pasha. the 30 per cent. ot our ral wealth v,- rich, red blood at this time of with the 2 per cent. of our urban 9 new, xn "pl all, oe eo EO ora Baby's Own Tablets Have Many | the year. That is a scientific fact. All Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a Blood Improving, Health- Restoring Tonic. Every man, woman and child needs doctors know it. The blood grows thin and poor in the winter; there is not enough of it, and spring shows the effect. Take notice and see how many people are pale and sallow at this time of the year. They complain of being easily tired, their appetite is poor, and they are often depressed and low spirited. That is Mother Na- ture urging them to improve their blood supply; but often their diges- tion is weakened so that they cannot turn food into blood without help. Here 1s-where modern medical science comes to the rescue. Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills have a direct action on the blood and enable you to get full use of the blood-making elements in your meals. You soon feel thelr effect-- your appetite improves, your nerves are steadier, color returns to the cheeks and lips, you have more vim and energy, and can work with less fatigue. The value of Dr. Willlams"' Pink Pills to all who are in what is known as a run-down condition of health is proved by the experience of Mr. John A. O'Neil, Port Hood, N.S., who says: --*"It is not possible for me to recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too highly. I had been gradually growing weaker, and found it hard to do my work. I suffered from severe head- aches and pains in the back, I was nervous and easily irritated, and alto gether .my condition was deplorable. A friend urged me to take Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills, and I got a half dozen boxes, I had only taken them a short time when I found them help- ing me, and by the time I had taken the supply I got, I was again enjoying good health, Headaches and pains had disappeared, my nerves were strengthened and I had good reason to be thankful that I had followed the advice of my friend." Whether you are seriously {ll or merely feel easily tired and out-of- sorts, you should try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills this spring. They are sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or will be sent by mail at 60 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Med! | cine Co., Brockville, Ont. never use crude methods when Great Britains thus reserves the The corrective js an alkali, which spite of Soviet manifestos, has proved something like the mirage in the des- ert: it is always being "approached," Individually or collectively, but the oa is 5 approached the more it re- The more promising line o approach is by. sp agr have no more war, in removing -- is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. in the 50 years since its invention. neutralizes acids instantly. And the Go get a small bottle to try. best alkali known to medical science It has | Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phys remained the standard with physicians [cians for 50 years in correcting exc One spoonful of this harmless, taste- 0 ©_you learn the efficiency of this. right to protect its comomunications in Egypt; defend Egypt against for- eign aggression and care for the rights of foreign residents and minor- ities "in that country. acids. Each bottle contains full-d{¥ée: |" The note of the new Egyptian Pre- tions--any drugstore. inier, Nahas Pasha, which was also . made public by the Foreign Office, de- Be sure to get the genuine Phillips', raion d'etre of armaments and leav- ing them to die a natural death. ! wis a benevolent old gentleman, APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible in the Order in Which They Are Received OF AGR into the gutter and seize a lighted ¥ cigarette stump was quite unfelgned. "Throw it away, my little man," he urged, "throw it away!" But the lit- tle man appeared somewhat surprised , at what he evidently considered the number of coolness of the request. He took al Also Single Men. 1 € deep enjoyable puff, ahd then looked | 1 help will Le well | secur ity ad fanaa J of British pity in his Fae to og early application to Subjects and other foreigners in EYP File Your Application at Once ONTARIO DEPARTMENT Farm Help Supplied The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and Famities--Married Couples Without Children-- Geo. A. Elliot HON. JOHN 8S. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture clares that the British memorandum mr] Every timo we get ready to write a ringing and clarifying editiorial against capital punishment, somebody else does something that nothing else seems to fit, Charlie--"Why do youn call this a map of the world? I thought it was a APPLICATIONS 0) March 4 assumes an attitude un- Offering Annual |' acceptable to Egypt, which, it adds, | Work Are | "cannot without a complete change of Invariably haracted give to an intervenin LTURE characted gl ng oY) ad he stateh the right of control" over its, own acts. lhe Egyptian Government, says 'the note, "cannot admit tha principle (of intervention," which. would be | tantani ount t/ its veritabls abdication, and it furthermore declares that | Egypt is fully ready to watch over the | The British reply declines to accept Nahe's note as a correct exposition of the relations between Pritain and | Egypt or of their respective obliga- tione. It points out that following the declaration of 1922 recognizing Egyp- tion independence subject to reserved All Men Placed Subject to Trial Period terested child in iT class. know. At Le replied Bobby, "but no more of it is give i .. dirsatic of AN ADVISORY d by law to establish CLASSES : in accordance with the regulations lssued by Education. ERACTICAL INSTRUCTION for sttsndance should be made to the Principal of the points, Britain infoymed the foreion photograph of your sweetheart?" Clarence--"It is. She's all the world to me." Loan sharks rarely attack those who do not go out beyond their fin- aneial depth. ifm 4 | powers that the welfare and integrity 4 'of Fgypt was necessary tothe peace d Boards of Education . "and safety of the British Empive an 1 would be maintained. The puetinf relations between Pri- the noie continues, The schools and classes are under the COMMIT | thought provided a | reserved ts ool. feretion of his. Yuicer: Governmen its independent. satisfying his Maj on tl matters h | Use Minard's Liniment for Corns. TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD JRTICULTURE are provided : rate, Continuation and H High | School and inister of d Degartments: may be 3 Parliament Buildings, 'orohto. that this welfare and integrity always, a power in unfriendly act. that as Egyut "main reserved to the ute dis- ority subject to 's 'Government, | Luxuriously appointed, de- PR Berne and serviesrcompores fort- able as th: finest hotels. awerurn Fares, Cabin $290 up Tourist 'hurd Usoin 353. up. Third 55. Daybreak embark evening before. Consult our travel ax perts, No ol Call, phone or ap 17 oo me ie Whaler Brings Back 48,000 Barrels Said to 5 in Antarctic Seas of it, 48,000 barrels of it! But what's into a Staten Island port after a rec- ord voyage through the whaling grounds near the Antarctic ice bar- iy is consigned to a soap manufac- turer, Perhaps some of it may reach other the manufacture of cordage and lubri- cants, in screw-cutting and steel- tempering, and, yes, even candle mak- ing; but thebulk of it will ultimately produce lather. Soap made from whale gloss on innumerable leather novel- ties, and to wash automobiles. Capt. J. A. Thustersen, the whalers master, describes the trip as the most successful he ever had. The vessel's crew of 160 men will share in the pro- fits of the ise: The Gon! of Play Mrs. Lyttleton Gell in the National Review (London)--A solemn trust has |. been committed to our day and gen- 'eration, for the example of Great Bri- tain still carries great, if diminishing, welght both with our Dominions and the world. But with each year fresh blows are struck at our supremacy. The respect in. which we are held is! dwindling, and the pathos lies in the fact that with such splendid material, we are allowing the Gospel of Play to sap our foundations and weaken our resistance to foes who, whatever their misdoings, at any rate do not lack tenacity of purpose, and ave prepared to go to ahy length to compass our destruction. Minard's Liniment for TPackache. pe A tourist wh who was "traveling round Ireland was chatting one day with a tourist. "What do they manage to live on?" Quick as a flash came Pat's ready answer, "Pigs, sorr, in the win- ter, and tourists in the summer." Ma--"Daughter says she has noth- ing to wear to the dance to-night." |} Pa--""What became of the beadsl got her last week?" has turned me out and refuses to see me except through the window. un Corrugated Iron A thick, even, heavy spread of galvanizing over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies still open In some localities. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George Bt, Toronto 2 Alling Men and Women Need This Tonic Poets sing of Spring, but practical- minded people, everywhere, turn at this time to the Doctor and the Druggist for help to build up run-down constitutions. And no better remedy can be taken than Buckley's TRU-BLOOD. TRU-BLOOD, as its name implies, is a true blood tonic and a safe, sure, power- ful corrective for all blood disorders, and rheumatic conditions as well. But "TRU - BLOOD " is more than a blood purifier--its use eradicates the out- ward Sidences of impoverished blood, such as pim| les, poll, es Seema, blotches and all -- "skin" aff Buckley's OINTMENT, aed in con- junction with Buckley's TRU - BLOOD, heats magically and leaves the skin smooth and soft and Fain tom. fe scpions 18ey 13 appear. angul ambla TRU} 5001 and aud Buckley's OINTMENT treatment a jon and leaves the clear, Teen ad eaten B Rian ae han RoE 'Big Fortune i mn Oil Bil ndard Company, GR Sh oie i. Worth $2,500,000 Taken Jinarpassad Spxwhere. "8 free New York.--Whale oil--a boat load flfred Burley Co. Limited, Bt. et levery tr move, write | us or wir channels of usefulness, such' as in|charges. Cahada: Hn the livery Bos Hatchery, Beeland, Mich. BR. No, 20, etree rant ime------------ Distemper. i hero Do You Get Up need a stimulant diuretic than 50 years the best known remedy in this class has been Warner's Safe ney and phy sic fan's prescription, ture's herbs. it helps to - invigorated, BS 'joy. Your eye clears ance. Warner's Safe a supply you wis" the 5 IF you wot the very host, mab' fo Red Rose Orange Peo In clean, bright Aluminum Classified Advertisements QYS--HAVE YOUR OWN BUI NEW BRUNSWICK GRICULTURAL BXPERTS BAY, farming opportunities offered ers Anoth Hi i of Sy sie whale 1 CIEE air OTHER have gone out? One answer is--soap! A AND The full cargo, which the Norwegian | roses 8" dulivered, $5.00. Duniine es whaler, Sir James Clark Ross, brought | M. & O. ds, Sorrento, B.C. or skill an office Hamilton, On Mover. UALITY CLASS A ONIOKS B08 Q From healthy heavy layers of large eggs, 8.C. En Rocks, reasonable prices. money down. lish White Leghorns, Anconas, eds und Assorted chicks EH Also pullets, TE : Pay full amount ton, doy - oil is used as a base of a protective |phefore chicks Ye shipped or ob. spray for fruit trees; to add the fine | Special discounts. 100 per oent, 1 oD postpald. Catalogue free. CEN NN NR Cuticura Talcum _Unadulterated Exquisitely Scented AA Mix Minard's Liniment with Molasses and pour over a bran mash, Brings quick results. E---- MINARD NY Tired, Cross? jarvey whom he had engaged. «"Fhis {| ook out. It may be kidneys. Try is a very poor village, Pat," sald the| \arner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. PE says the kindly doctor, "yow " And for more "Yes," Kid- originally = made of Na- Liver Remedy, Safa, of course. But better than that, jireser ve your most precious asset, your health. Gently it stimulates Sel es rec! neve and liver to do thelr work of Woman at Willesden: My husband jelean aut plosons. With your blood-strea , and all or hould, sleep refreshed, takes on a new pe jin gelns ABSUre healthy color. You wa Kvery druggist knows pleasant tasting Kidney and Liver Rem- ASK FOR edy. 1t costs ioe, but it 2 worth un- told amounts to anyone who needs the WHEELER & BAIN help It gives. Buy your boltle, today. " a id Get back to health. Warner's Safe Rema 'Council Standard' ee Co.. Toronto, Ontario. Warner' 's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy T0O WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE 'Mrs. Wilson's | s Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. --*"I have taken. several bottles of Lydia E.Pinkham's egetable Come pound and I can- not speak too highly of it as I [ thou, on mes ui 1 di care if I five or died. Iwas very nervous, too, and did not go out very much. A friend advised me to try a bottle of Lydia i Pinkham's V sgetablg Com| to feel like a new woman after first bottle and I recommend it grat success, also Lydia E. Pin am's Liver Pills. 1 am wi ISSUE Na. You display an air Pes ehority and success. ™~ nhaunt $0 1 did. iy armer's wife, an al ways worked hard until latel Xs was in bed for two months. I a

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