Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 26 Apr 1928, p. 8

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. ~ QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICE Blackstock ) ONE WEEK OF SPECIALS beg ie Bra, . Forder. 1° di Easifirst and Domestic Shortening - - 180. Ib' Geo. Net tt, Who tndarwan tn : : t Peas, Corn, Tomatoes; Aylmer and Gold Medal Brands 180. oan ag dling wari Sg y CE 0 v ; "200 a bt Ds ind i Xo Brookfield Cheese, %s . - : o | Jt Ber parents, Mr ANG Th. fim, Smoked & Sugar cured Cottage Rolls & Picnic Hams 230. 1b, (ter ine of the Athled --- d Be ) Associati held HOME MADE --Head Cheese. Pressed Beef and Veal Loaf Ausouia jon was 2° Ne uaday 2s ABY BEEF YOUNG PORK VEAL gh tess were appointed f 4 . Cuts of any size to suit you. Hon. Preg----Mr. Creighton Devitt; Oo. Ib President, Wn. VanCamp; Vice Pres., Try our Famous Sausages . = 200. Ib. | Osmond Wright; Secretary, Miss M. Treas., Miss Leona Proutt; Weather- : CAWKER BROS. Butchers Eo We buy hides, Phone 2W up; Auditors, Miss Dorothy Bellman and Dr. McArthur. Committees--Boys' Baseball, Messrs. Cecil Hill, Norton VanCamp, John "Venning. Girls' Softball, Mrs. Art. OW, when all Nature is donning new and festive garb, when the whole world is vibrant with life and color, when READY new beauties spring up all around FOR us PROMPT DELIVERY Now, more than ever, people are turning to the car that carries the spirit of the Springtime . . . the "Bigger and Better" Chev- rolet. Now, more than ever, you will delight in the thrill of your first ride in this luxurious, low-priced car. raid Go to your Chevrolet Dealer! Let Pg Sh him arrange a demonstration for ~ Gi ARI you. Get behind the wheel of the +2 "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. Feel the happy miles sweep past share the care-free, joyous spirit i. of the Spring. C-21-4-20C The GM.A.C. oie General Motors' own deferred payment plan affords the most con- venient and economical way of buying your 'bevrolet on time. ; Roadster - : #62300 Gabelolet + + + + oo $833.00 : ouring + +» - A2% Imperiel Sedan : - + « : Coupe - =» «= 740.00 Commercial Chassis + + - 4 el - 7: Roadster Delivery « « 625.00 Bs . 833.00 Ton Truck Chassis - - - 635.00 Te Express + + + + $650.00 3 ariots it Factory, Othewe--Govermmens Tasss, Bumpers. ond Spore Tire Esiva. La BEARE BROS. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Let Us Make Your New SPRING SUIT or OVERCOAT _a nice variety to choose from--blues, grey and fancy at these goods before going elsewhere. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING DONE W. R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR BLONG BLOCK PORT PERRY With Spring goods arriving, we are able to offer tothe public We have a special low price in greys. It will pay you to look Bailey, Misses Lillian Venning, Mar- gavel Proutt. Hockey, Messrs. John enning, Norman McCurdy, Wallace Marlow. rk, Mrs. Arthur Bailey, Miss Proutt, Wm, VanCamp. Boys' Softball, Dr. McArthur, N. FicCuray, S. VanCamp. Social, Misses Kathleen Phoenix, G. Fowler, Messrs. Wright, Devitt, Bailey and VanCamp. The regular monthly meeti are to be held the last Friday of each month. Mrs. Francis Werry and daughter Jean are visiting with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bailey. Mr. Wallace Marlow has purchased a new gravel truck to draw gravel for the Council and has engaged Mr. Clifford Hyland to operate it. A new stone crushed has also made its ap- pestance in the township so we are ooking forward to good roads in the near future. We are sorry to hear of the recent illness of Mrs. Robt. Spinks and Mr. Jas. Willan and hope for a speedy Tesovery, Mr. Russell Willan of Port Pe: was in the village on Sunday last call- ing on his parents, iss Jennie Prout has returned home after spending some time with her sister. Congratulations to Mr. William Hamilton on being the lucky one to receive the tire at Beare Bros. Chev- rolet Demonstration last week. Mr. Robt. Parr met with a slight accident on Saturday afternoon while drawing wood." In some unknown manner he fell off the load striki his head and shoulders, the fall rend- ering him unconscious. Fortunatel his son Clarence Parr was behind wi another load and bqth teams were standing at the time. We are thank- ful to report that Mr. Parr was not seriously hurt and is able to be around again, . s The W. A. of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. Robt. Parr on Thursday evening last. The attend- ance was not large. The members are LET, 'Marie Proutt graduate of the Lindsay Fre fhe "Convention at Toronto on' the last of onvention oe, Powell, Mrs. R. Parr, Mrs. A. Edgerton, passed away at her home in a Edgerton was bo life in 0 ving d in lige of Bl ved So Nestiston Jus cea was a qualities, honored who knew her. ger d au ng that time her suffering was greatly alleviated by the kindly care of Miss Hospital. Friends of Miss Kate McLaughlin will be pleased to know that she is enjoying very much her training in the Peterboro Hospital. Mrs. Chas. Smith visited with Mrs, W. VanCamp, on Sunday. : Sri MR Manchester News The debate which was arranged by the Comm Club has not yet been given, Monday evening, April 30th is the date set mow, and unless further notice is given. All are invited to at- tend. No admission fee is charged. Collection taken to defray expenses. Mr. A. Crosier has purchased a Ford Coupe. . The Auxilliary of the W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs, F. Johnston last Friday with a fairly good attendance. Miss Aletha Barrett is visiting with friends in Oshawa. A ber in the confined to their homes with ity are 8) strain, and Eyesight Specialist Specialist Proper glasses are fitted to suit the person and the eyes. Science | : determines the correction. Art. istry places it becomingly. i Fr BYCH ST W.. Wyandotts; John M red to lay ks. gs for hatching at 76¢ per setting of 15. Also custom hatching. = Apply to Mrs. Fred Raines, Phone 189 r 4. RNERSANENERCORDENERAnRINE, COMING - -& A. J. Davis, Port Perry, has ar- B ranged with F. E. Luke, 1678 Yonge St., Toronto's able Optom- 3 etrist, tobe at his store, Thurs- day, April 26th, Come early. Eyes examined accurately. F. E. LUKE Optometrists 163-167 Yonge:Bt. TORONTO 2 a (Opposite Simpson's, upstairs) wg W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe Store. Miss Lottie Ackney has returned to the village for the Summer months. Provincial Government -surve; were surveying the Highway north of here last week. Paving is to begin as soon as the weather permits. Mr. Fred Lamb and Miss Reesor were in Oshawa on Saturday. Arrangements are being made for Mother's Day which is May 6th, and also for the annual Sunday School Anniversary which will be the Sun- day following the 24th of May. Wedding bells are ringing. an---- imi FOR SALE Choice grade Holstein Cow. Apply Frank 'Allin, R. R. 1, Port Perry. -- (wren x FOR SALE Governmént tested No. 2 Seed Grain. Ap to Mike Fetichshen, R. R. 2, Port Perry. . a ---- experience of disco made in the tories oo wire of ship developed ers . oo of and production ! miles of Grounds. "TEE vast resousces of General Motors made possible the : . high standards of Pontiac performance and value. ined in the building of milli General by the Genernt otors Fisher 4 M Fisher body build. the manifold jes in G 7 "the results of of cars . . . Motors ling and master craftsman. And, back of the New Series Pontiac : millions of Felonies Yate oo he et ions o _ Ask your dealer abowt the G.M.4.C. D. Payment Plan which makes buying fers - ving WHEEL BRAKES FLOUR, FEED, COAL, COKE, SALT for. sale. Highest price paid for all kinds of grain. We have installed a cleaner for grain and seeds. Carload of Millfeed for sale. All kinds of grain for sale. ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY. Chas. Pilkey, in charge Phone 120 r 6 SPECIAL bir © PRIC ON ENS. SUITS Our prices are tly reduced-- With the arrivel of new goods there Bas endid choice. Get your order early. \ W. T. Rodman 'Merchant Tailor ind Overcoats |i Myrtle, Ont. | == Over Tel. Office Port Perry Brogg* = Sy Ungro 4 ® sasasnsns Te Floor Oilcloth in ; 8 Printed Linoleum, 34. =} em $3.80yd. Inlaid Linoleum, 2 yagi¥ wide, suitable for bath room, kitchen or hal a $1.85 sq yd. Our stock of Con Rugs is complete. Sizes-- xT ox $0.50 9x10%4 $11.00 © 9x12 $13.60 BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME WITH "SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER It Will Not Fade rhe gr roms 4 beautital a and ha colors await you, in latest of iE Bar Sy tam y ow when exposed to the sun- Prices from 30c, 40c, 50c, to 60c. roll. unded ordinary" and ¢ papers from 8c to 80¢ per roll. _-------- Groce es at Special Prices Redpath GraWglated Sugar, cwt. $6.85 8 Ibs Icing Sugar .,........ for NEE. [ Prunes, good size". ..\.2 Ib for 230 Daf :P. & G. Soap ...... 22 bars fous | Ask for Demonstration CARNEGIE-DAY MOTORS FORD CARS FADA RADIO - Buy at ; your I "Buy in Canada WILLARD'S STORE t you supply your Em] fy and promote Canadian prosperi is the slogan this week. It has been proven that Can can compete in any world market with her In over 100 countries are to be found Canadi TRUCKS she has built up an export trade to 14 bil home and Qun4 s and will NEWS TRACTORS PHONE 2 " chandise. L

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