2 .00, for 314. 95 15. 50 for PANT NEU-TONE [Ez i ; \| 4! the flat wesh- Oilclot Write qa? Gresierer inferior, j able pv W. L. PARRISH Port Perry there is an more outstanding than the value offered by the " Bigger and Better" Chevrolet, it is the extraordinary value of the Used Cars which Chev- rolet buyers have traded in. Your dollars never went so far before, as they will now go in the purchase of a "really fine Used Car, Never before werg Used Cars such undeniably ood value. Here are a few samples from our stock o! cu-sase G for last week) 'wmanville; spent a est of Mrs, Earl Tum- Edna McKee has returned to Manchester, after spending ime with her sister, Mrs. Evans. Norman Hughson spent Sunday | mother at Myrtle. Mr. ke and-J, Latimer, of To- ronto, é former's mother, Mrs. Wj Luke, on Sunday. Mr, Mrs. Roy Brawn maved to week where they will make theif future home. The croljinole contest held under the auspices of*the Ladies' Aid last week was a decided and greatly en- foxed by all present. Rey. Mr. ayne was fortunate in winning the gentlemen's prize and Mrs, E. Avery, the lady's prize, while the consolation rizes went to Charles Brawn and rs, Albert Slute. Mr. Hugh Strong. of Manchester, and Roy Medd, of Epsom, visited at Earl Tummond's on Sunday. Mpz, and Mrs. Earl pi i of Osh- with eC Hazel Ackney visited in Bow- manville on Sunday. There was no*school on Wednesday of last week as the teacher, Miss Gil- bank, went to Kingston, to attend the graduation of her brother Mr. Percy Gilbank, of Bowmanville, Mrs. J. Latimer of Toronto, is visit- ing her mother Mrs. W, Luke. r. and Mrs. Albert Slute and Will Slute, spent Sunday with relatives in Oshawa, and Bowmanville, The Ladies' Aid will hold their next business meeting at the | of Miss Rose Brent on Wednesday afternoon, May 16th. The members are all re- quested to be present and all others who desire to become members. Miss Irene Barker spent the week end with her parents at High Point. Mr. Charlie Harnden, of Toronto, visited his home here on Sunday. A few from the vicinity attended the dance in Port Perry Hall Wed- nesday evening. Mr. Harry Bianchatg, of Whitby, called on friends in the village on Sunday. i Mr, "Ro Brawn of Oshawa vilited relatives ere on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bliigoyne e and Oscar, Mr. Jack Alexander, of North Powells," spent Sunday at Mrs. Harold ~ safety it is possible to bu VC AvSHLIN-BUlcE owners enjoy the highest degree of into a motor car-- because today's Mc- Laughlin - Buick embodies every recognized safety factor, developed to a unique degree of efficiency. The double-drop frame--pioneered by McLaughlin- -Buick--provides a lower center of gravity, as well as maximum headroom, road-clearance and all-around roadability. McLaughlin-Buick mechanical, ex- The Safest ca tities all to drive and Soundest of all to ternal- -contracting four-wheel brakes -- the world's safest type -- act instantly, release instantly, are always ready for any emergency. The famous McLaughlin-Buick Valve- in-Head six-cylinder engine surpasses all others in flashing pick-up and tremen- dous power reserve--assuring constant safety in touring, in traffic and on the hills. McLaughlin-Buick is soundly built, thor- oughly dependable, unrivaled in value-- the safest car of them all to drive and the soundest of all to buy. / v ited over the week end at uelsh's, We are sorry to report that Mrs.| ® m. Luke has been under the doctor's he| Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 M-12-5-288 . The GM.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan offers many advantages to buyers of McLaughlin-Buick cars. BEARE BROS. | Port Perry, Ont. MCLAUGHLIN -~BUICK~1928 WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT=McLAUGHLIN.BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Mr. Lachlan MacPhail has gone to Claremont, where he has taken a position vith the Standard Bank. NOTICE - Parties owning or harboring dogs from this date are hereby given ; -- |notice that they must procure a Mr. and Mrs. David Beecroft were |jcense at once or costs will be in- in Lindsay recently. curred. 3 By order of the Council, E. H. PURDY, Clerk. eB FINAL NOTICE Mr, and Mrs, Stewart MacFarlane Notice to those in arrear with and son Reid; were in Toronto one | l8Xes, due the village of Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Moase and family, Mrs. Beatty and Mrs. Coombs, at the home of Mrs. D. L. MacTag- gart, on Sunday. legal proceedings as provided by the Roor day last k. 3 ) ur house or co ay a3. Yee statutes will be enforced against all pith i Roll: Handsome: We are pleased to see a larger con~ properties and persons whose arrears propery. . lastin . col gregation than usual at the Special | of {,ves are not paid on or before the loctaclear rainwater, babishes Service for Mothers! Day. 28th of May, 1928. Burma, sheds, Xarehouses, ols, ¢ Miss Lorna Dure visited Miss Mary E. H. PURDY, buildings. Give size ot foof for Watson and Mrs. S. A. Acres, during Collector of Taxes, free estumute. the week end. Port Perry, Ont. Bester Stee Products i Miss Gladys Doan and friend were i the guests of Mrs. J. S. MacFarlane Nie V hin SALE ke ala PRESTON, ONT recently. ine Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. Mota) Sa sssor d Co. y Apply to Cecil King, R.R.2, Seagrave. s "Limited. BI a POTATOES FOR SALE TE plies antics of od Spinel. p ABLACK SCRANTON Apply to Arthur Orchard, High Point, PG BUSINESS O.L.&W. Phone 119 r 2. O0GE| : COAL HANDLED | Aces TheCreamery Agents WHITE | Susquehana i i 42¢, 41c, d 38c f - COAL Butter Fa. "You can save labor LIME asi 00L8s TON oA Soft Coal and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY COAL YARD SOLVAY PORT PERRY ckEAMERY | WOOD wow airy S0VAY COKE mn Ose. FOR SALE My property on Union Avenue, Port D. L. & w. SCRAN TON COAL Perry, en which is an eight roomed| NOW is the best time to stock up your Coal bin for next winter. house, stable and driving shed, three| Prices are the cheapest they will be, We are exclusive agents in off rm. of an acre of land. Apply to | Port Perry for genuine SCRANTON D. L. & W. COAL. For this Mrs. M. A. Hall, Cannington, Ont. 4 | month prices are: poet . STOVE COAL ........ Eh re $15.50 per on ERAT NUT:COAL.......... RARER «3 per ton MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE PEACOAL ............: vv: ....$12.00 +20 foot motor beat, with 4 eylinder engine, in a-1 condition. Apply at Star Office. SOLVAY COKE, Nut size... $12.00 i] WOOD: We have a good supply on hand of Body Hardwood, Apr. 19 | Hardwood Slabs and Softwood Slabs. CEMENT. A good stock of St. Mary's Portland Cement on hand. DR. J. A. MURRAY PI a a, Cerny Eire sane bur sus) Office upstates In Lonard Blok] PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. CGC. W. PYATT Be ONTARIO Phones: Yard 94. Uptown Office nm Ee PORT PERRY