Bengali Hides so Seeking In- 'formation 'The London Morning Post, the editorial pages of The Lahore The of co-operation: partments of the Gove: has just come to light. , it reveals Rudyard Kip- The story deals with the adventures of K. C. Banerji, a Bengall youth of 22, who, two years ago, entered the service of the CQ Department of the United Provinces, with h ters at Allahabad, to tn-'™D vestigate cases of anarchy and con- spiracy among the Hindu organiza- tions. On April 24, 1927, having won the appreciation of his superior offi- cers, he was sent on a mission to Lahore and arrived there the same day, intending on the following day to proceed to Meerat. He was arrested on the train for carrying a concealed weapon--a OLD. service - revolver, which, however, meant nothing in par- ticular to the local police. Banerji, as a disciple of the re- doubtable Kim, had no objections to passing the expected six months in Jail, for there he would come in con- tact with all sorts of persons and would very likely obtain valuable in- formation. So he secretly destroyed his credentials, refused to reveal the source of his revolver and acknowl- edged that he was a revolutionist, trusting to his chief at Allahabad to make everything right and to vindi- cate him if circumstances should get beyond his control. Got Five-Year Term "But his confession #8 a revolution: ist gave a different turn to his case, and instead of being sent to jail for only six months he was sent to prison for five years and placed "incommuni- cado." At Allahabad they waited in vain for a report from their man, and after months of silence came to the conclusion that he was dead--as so many agents of the OID. had died. When he was given hp as dead he thought it about time to reveal his identity to the prison authorities. He did so in vain, They declined to com- municate with Allahabad, for the lat- ter had always been accustomed to inform the Punjab police of the dis- patch of agents to Lahore and had failed to do so in the case of Banerjl. The Lahore correspondent of The Post ends his brief dispatch with the words; "His story has now been made public and is being made great capital of in vernacular newspapers, which are always willing to attack authority. The case remains, how- ever, as one of the most outstanding cases of official blvndering on record." But neither the wernacular nor the Opposition press of India regards Banerji a hero, biit as an agent-provo- cateur who got only his deserts--"a spider caught in his own web, ' as, The Tribune calls him, Suspected in Prison. It seems that in prison Banerji soon became an object of suspicion--a revolutionist who wanted to turn in- formes--so his fellow-prisoners ig- nored him and his jailers declined to forward his letters: With the growling conviction that his stay in prison was becoming worse than useless, Banerji redoubled his efforts to get in touch with the au- thorities. All in vain, He then se- cured the services of a lawyer and asked, while still maintaining his loy- alty to the C.D. that an appeal be made in his case. The lawyer was pre- pared to do this and the day of the hearing was set, but. before it arrived, to use his own words: "I was sur- prised to receive a message from the Court that the prisoner was a CLD. 'man and had been released by order of the Government. The appeal, there- fore, was not pursued." Banerji had finally succeeded In getting into com- munication with Chunilal, the head of the Lahore branch of the C.ID. "Othello's occupation's gone," said The Tribune of Lahore, "for hence- forth this informer is a marked man." Nevertheless, within a week after his release and disappearance, ten import: ant arrests were made and over a ecore of houses were searched, in some of which arms and important docu- ments have bea discovered, mr----. 4 European Peace Truth (London): (Germany's swing ~~ tothe Left in the recent elections Jaugurs well for European peace.) For his welcome in the aspect "Buropeay affairs we have to thank "only M. Briand, but Herr Strese- of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The most a theumatio sufferer can hope for in rubbing. é the swollen, pening join _! relief, and all the is becoming more is now known ¢ rouble' the blo 'trouble goes on ble in the blood, Williams' Pink Pils eu 5 | beneNcial when taken" They make new, rich b we ex pels the poisonous 'acld . "the an __ There are thousands of former tic sufferers in Canada, now well and strong, who thank Dr, Wil llams' Pink Pills that they are now free from the aches and pains of this dreaded trouble. One of these, Mrs. W, F. Tait, McKellar, Ont, who | says: --"1 am one of the willing ones | to tell you of the great benefits I re. joelved from the use of Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills. After lying in bed for seven weeks suffering untold agony with inflammatory rheumatism, relief finally came through the use of this medicine; I could not move in bed only as they lifted 'me, and I could only sleep when opiates were given me. The medical treatment T was taking seemed of no avail. Then I was advised to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and soon I began to get relief. After taking six or eight boxes the rheumatism was banished and I had never felt better in my life. It js several years since this happened and I have had no return of the trouble since I may add that I recommend the pills to two of my friends who were suffering with rheumatism and cages." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, indi gestion or nervousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a re- sistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- llams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, sr fen nets The Neglected East Quebec Action Catholique (Ind.): The development of the young prov- inces bas made many people lose sight of the fact that Canada begins at the Atlantic, and that if it is a good plan to take care of these im- mense regions which are now bhecom- ing the granaries of the world, it is no less sensible to pay some attention tc the wealth of the sea, whieh has lost none of its importance, and in- deed is crying out for exploitation with modern methods. reper Franco-German Relations Bisley Huddleston in the New States- man (Londgn): M. Poincare stands for a rapproachement with Germany. Nobody any longer desires to create difficulties in Franco-German relations, "| Though there are still anomalies in those relations, the French have finally returned to normal sentiments about Germany, and would be impatient if anybody or anything raised again doubts = concerning Franco-German friendship. Don't Make aToy "Out sft Much of the nervousness in older children can be traced to the over stimulation during Infancy, caused by regarding baby as a sort of animated toy"for the amusement of parents, re- latives and 8. Baby may be played with, but not for more than a quarter of an hour to an hour daily. Beyond that; being bandled, tickled, caused to laugh or even scream, will sometimes result in vomiting, and in- variably causes irritability, crying or on: eeplessnens Fretfulness, crying and sl a Shr 8 by treating y Wi ore, considera- tion, but ion ya see mountain memorial to British Red Crom 50 the s 11,0. t. almost | in the shadow of the lofty Rocky Mountain peaks and fi g Lac Beauvert, which reflects in its listening water the towering peaks encircling it, is asper Park Lodge e and adjoining rustic upgalows. © Alt ; ough gid A a scenery no or its wild and ru beauty, the Lodge, and adjoinin bunga- lows which are operated by the Canadian National Railways, offer venience to the tourist. To those who love the beauties of nature and the great out-doors there is no place in the world which can surpass Jasper National Park. iy Tralls and roads, winding amid spruce ine through valleys, 3 rivers kes and ascending the slopes of Eri the Fie an rk have an aggre: are being ste EE don ay A: fur A on 4 Bh Goy may. have ide Pathye with | to mountains, valleys, | lakes, af dort other points of interest within the Park. Lakes--=turquoise, pphire, Smergld, amethyst, according he character of their environment, and mirroring ad- jacent mountain peaks on their placid surface--are scattered like jewels every. where. Glaciers, great and small, abound * while the Columbia ice field, just outside the park boundaries, out-rivals in vaste , ness and in beauty those found in any other part'of the continent, with the mum or Bossible except exception of the Mount Elias ice eld the pills were equally effective in both | -- = Heredity is what makes a three weeks' old baby kick like Sam Hill to get out of long dresses and wear short dresses like its mother. HOW TO CALL UP A DRUG STORE Or why the telephone girl now says "Thank you". "Hello! Give me, one tripple ought." "I beg pardon?' "Did! t you get it? Qne 2€r0, Zero, zero.' "I don't understand you." "I want one double nought, nought." "What?" "Ten and two noughts' "What number, please?" "One thousand. Ten hundred. Now do you get it?" "Oh, you mean one ought, double nought. © Why didn't you say so? Line's busy." People seem to be fonder of politl- cal bumbugery than any other kind. She was only 'an artist's daughter, but--boy!---~what a crowd she could draw. The handsomest woman is the one who doesn't know it. But,surely," urged Jones, is believing." "seeing "Not necessarily," replied Brown. "For instance, 1 see you every Gay." If you are really anxious to avold trouble; try this: Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. THE YEAR I8 AT JULY The rose is glowing pinkly, The year is at July; The poppy uncurls erinkly, The rose is glowing The fountain's cool and tinkly," Slow wings the butterfly, The rose is glowing pinkly, The year is at July. Yes, the rose is glowing pinkly, For the year is at July, And my eyes are batting blinkly, All things 'hazy are and inkly, Fast-asleep would soon be I; For that stagnent pool so stinkly Puts the damper on my blinkly Mood, and though sweet sleep. was - nigh, She had held her nose and slinkly Eh Scooted: Yes, It 1s July, ---- Mrs. Pankhurst Has Passed On First Militant Suffragist to En- gage in Struggle for Vote 'to. Women London--One of the most pie: turesque figures in the' woman suf- frage movement, Mrs, Emmeline; Pank- hurst, has passed on, Mrs. Pankhurst was the first mill: tant suffragist in efforts to obtain the vote for women, millions of whom enjoying the pifiviiige of cast- ing thelr ballots at t election because of the and' her ymilitant sup early work was often done sacrifice, After founding the Women's and Political Unfon with her da ters, ~Christabel and Sylvia, the House of Commons" vote, ~-Many members' ot were Jjalled. "Afterwards the Wome League came into being herents adopted milZgin Holloway Jail wasdf the authorities 46 attempt to check the activities of the women, Mrs. Pankhurst was often in and out of that 'institytion, and her last offense brought a sentence of penal servitude. She started a hunger strike, however, and was released before the sentence was completed. On the outbreak of the World War Mrs. Pankhurst and other militant suffragists joined Im 'supporting country. They spoke from recruitin| platforms and assisted ministers whom they 'had firmly opposed a few weeks previously. Suffrage was granted to wo above 30 in 1918 and since that # Mrs, Pankhurst had been a supporte of those urging that it be granted to women hetween the ages of 21 and 30. Mrs. Pankhurst visited America and léctured in behalf of her country. She resided in Toronte for some: time. Of late years, Mrs, Pankhurst had, been a constitutienalist, She was the Conservative candidate for the Com- mons from Whitechapel. Minard's Liniment for Insect Bites, | 0.--"Flapper' at Thin will or be the Tmperfal Coronation reno hy ? whith 9 will be held al op wonder if I couldn't get your not husband to make a speech at our b." : : ' _ |'week by/scientists {romrh rifts, |r maaoe rnt n e "prices, V YOUNG MOTHERS Baby's Own Tablets Have Many |, Uses and Are Absolutely babies a boon to Ypung mothers, and this is Baby's Own Tablets have 1! thousands of, house h ~ Tablets regulate the stomach and bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, allay the irritation of cutting teeth, yet they have no drug taste and the children like them | Concerning the Tabléts Mrs. Ruth ven Crommiller, Ruthven, Ont., writes --"Kindly send "me your little book on the Care:of the Baby. I have two children, one four years of age and the other. a year and a half, Both are in excellent health and the only medicine they have had is Baby's Own: Tablets, I always. keep the Tablets in 'the house and am happy to recom mend them to other mothers." ¥ y's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mall at26 cts a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co, Brocktille, Ont, - Frere ie------ Nisqually Glacier Grows ' f= Res "Was ~Nisq Lcier, Mount Rainier's low river, shares in the restlessned age and is making a rapid according to measurements ta J e Univ of Washington," In fact, the glae back many feet during the last r, melting ' beneath the snow- About forty years 'ago Nisqually Glacier was half a mile farther down the valley than at present. Year after year the mark was showing when the glacier's nose was on July 1 indicates its backsliding. In another years the great wall of unbr will be higher up on the sides mountain, and according to the formation beneath it, it: may form huge waterfall hundreds of feet bish r of .a mile wide. seme ffm: Hay Fever--use Minard's. sik lminibs ~~ Country Doctors" « Le Devolr (Ind.): (It 1s yearly be- coming more difficult to persuade] young doctors who have plenty of courage and are determined to suc- ceed and who go to settle in the coun- try and practice their calling there. in an intelligent manner make a guick- er and bigger success than three-| fourths of their colleagues who have settled in the cities, if they do not actually attain great fame, 'which is] 'reserved for a few. [Public life often takes hold of i, bringing honors with ft. 3 are crowded with shoppers among the d; them tactof n tall buildings, oo clean streets, el] stocked stores: * Brisbane's past is like that of some of the thoroughbreds that run on its fine race courses. 'to a bad Star as a convict whreakers. lo citizens tlement. for or, when the itnimbered the © a | city wall getting 0G leet, flood [ bane, urged by tL» progfassive obi: fof its settlers, has won its Fuge, (a mero village of Wooden huM Taree | years ago, it has become the fu [largest city in Austral with 1 than 250,000 imbabi and cffovers n area equal to fl WigAhipeg, Man. ad | As capital of Queen! ane has nu pub hich one would do credit to oury t Ottawa." The 8 Bullding, a Suge struc | with Daric and I onic Pilg fan impo: [ug bree AE CAs ous maa ih of praducts. ' Nip sugar Produced: comes from' Queenland: could as properly be called tralian '"Granany" or the "Pineapple State," for these products, ell as hides, tallow, wool and bore oi. Fa rag joslavia, apd Italy Spectator gy It seems to] be almost imposs| for the Belgrade ' Government to 'a calm in the! relations of Jugoslavia vith Italy, and. the whole story of" repeated failures is a perfect illustration of the fact that even a simple political object 1g unat-! talnable if a Government hag to deal at home with disco which porsistently Prefer ! ree Yeager greater ca useless f Jugoslavia to i a aaa and detached position so long ds she | operation against her" an isolating policy. 'When a ren he has ten. | "port" and "sta tested larrhoea. Tava per n "Left" and "Right" to Be Substituted for Nautical "Terms "Port" and : "Sterboard" © | London. -- The words "port" and board," in use or generatio oy unanimously recommended Yor deletion from the nautical or in favor of the prosaic "left" and Sxleht by the representatives of 14 a a session of the Interna ing Conference here. The She. not only the loss of two. historic words, but an alteration from" indirect to direct methods ot steering, for Whereas the orders " 'refer to the direction the steering tiller is to moved. : "left" and '"'right" will he direction fn wh lly turn. a 0 passed a res system of : omically une way of fle, and 1 orward last' ts._under ue of Nations Ents abolishing a In dnclude rea 8 aatoss usiute Finland, * Germany, Holland, Norway, Spain, Sweden dhtitath and United' States. - is certainly taking a wise L&Y ing its army and navy In following out its program of of decreasing the nt employees. gives Italy excuses for putting eth