Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 1 Nov 1928, p. 4

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r. Arthur Somerville ond Miss "Evelyn 'Somerville, have returned after spending Some months in Star with its wonderful improvemetns is now: regarded as the great Agri- cultural Paper of Canada and the Family Circle's best magazine, Mr. E. S. (Hi) Meehan of the - Academy of Music of Lindsay attend- ed the Sutcliffe Fashion Show in Port Perry, on Friday, October 26th. (Lindsay papers please copy.) Mr. Leaitch, Mr. Cardwell, and Mrs. Warr, of Westwood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. (Rev.) R. T. Richards, on Wednesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MacKenzie spent the week end in Toronto. A number of Port Perry people at- tended the Queens-Varsity game on Saturday. - Mrs. E. B. Walker, who underwent an operation for appendicitis last week, is recovering nicely. Mr. J. C. Cockburn has bought the Bates property at the back of the school, and will move there shortly. Mr, Bert MacGregor has bought Mr, Jas MeHoull's house, on North street, Port Perry. Don't forget the Rupture Expert at Sebert House, Thursday, November 8. Mrs. Leaitch and Miss Dorothy "Cardwell have been visiting Mrs. R. T. Richards, during the past week. a CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, November 4--" a.m., Holy Communion. 38 p.m.,. Sunday School. Friday, at 7.30 p.m., Weeknight service. mina) Ppecsetamianien SALE OF HOME MADE COOKING The Young Women's Auxiliary of S. John's Presbyerian Church will hold a sale of home-made cooking at Mr, H. R. Archer's Garage from 8.30 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, November 10. A HP sm THE UNITED CHURCH ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday, November 24th, was a gala day in the United Church. Fully five hundred people enjoyed the very excellent chicken pie supper, and the ladies well sustained their high re- putation for cooking an appetizing meal. The program that followed the sup- per was rendered by the Ariol Male Chorus, and for vairety and excel- lence has not frequently been equalled. The following is the program given 1. Choruses-- Men Mr. Irwin. 3. Contralto solos, Miss Hamilton. 4. Reader, My Financial Career, Leetle Bateese, Mr. Lyle Benson, 5. Male Quartette, The Old Woman, Thomas, Kentucky Babe, Messrs. Thomas, Berry and Turner. 6. Organ Solos, Miss W. Thomas.* Drink to 7. Choruses--John Peel, me Only, Sweet and Low. 8. Baritone Solos--Floral Dance, Tommy Lad, Mr. Turner. 9. Soprano Solo--Caller Herrin', Caller On, Miss Bell. 10.*Duct--Watchman, What of the Night?, Messrs. Thomas and Turner. 11. Reader -- Uncle Eph's Hebben, Love Talk in Disguise, Lyle Benson. 12. Choruses, Holy Night, A Little Close Harmony, Comrades in Arms. Rev. R. T. Richards, acted as chair- man in his usual happy manner. United Church Last Sunday morning Mr. Beatty and Miss Graham, of the Yonge St. United Church Choir, (Toronto), rendered several excellent musical numbers in the Port Perry United Church, Their visit was much ap- preciated by music lovers. o 6 0 EXCHANGE OF CHOIRS The choirs and ministers of the United Churches at Bowmanville and Port Perry made an exchange last Sunday evening. A choir of some fifty-five voices came from Bowman- ville and rendered very pleasing choral numbers. Rev. J. U, Robins preached and his address was most thoroughly enjoyed. At the conclusion of the * sérvice the visitors were entertained J by the ladies of the church. The Port Perry choir and minister every garment, but of Harlech, Hoby Deri Dando, Lullaby, the choir. 2. Tenor solo--God Touch the Rose, were most happily received in Bow-| LT i all' on - Friday evening last, to witness Suteliffe's Fashion Review. The first The evening opened with a short motion picture, then came the Review of Fine Garments. The very latest. in style, color 'and materials. These were shown by the Regular staff of Sutcliffe and Sons, Ltd, Lindsay, assisted by Miss Edna Allin, who was a clever mannequin for the clothes for the Junior Miss, It would be impossible to describe there were some outstanding styles worth men- tioning. For the rainy day there was a very smart coat of black Rain Shine Satin, 'and a trim little stubby um- brella, The garments were shown in rotation, one mode appearing on the 'stage, as the preceeding one was go- ing off. The lavish use of furs on coats of broadcloth and Amazons by Blin & Blin, Ebeauf, France, was quite noticeable, some of the collars coming to a graceful point at the back or a long point coming almost to the elbow on the sleeve. One of the smartest of these coats was a navy Amazon cloth with long collar and cuffs of natural sable. The coats showed a pleasing variety of color, from the very popular Brown to the rich Blues, Reds, 'Greens and staple navys and blacks. Beige Popular Many types and colors of dresses were shown and the most popular for afternoon wear appeared to be the Beige shade. One of the outstanding features was the presence of the semi line. Crepe 'was used alone and in combination with Georgette and the increased use of velvet in brown and black was quite noticeable, Some jaunty sport dresses were shown, most of them with pleats to give fulness and freedom and some with inverted tucks. One three-piece model was of knitted material with sleeveless under jacket. This was ex- pressed in a shade of blue. Evening Gowns For evening wear the dresses were quite elaborate and in a variety of styles and colorings including some very new lace creations. Georgette was used in a delicate pink shade with bands of lace. A pretty blue taffeta showed the importance of the back of the dress this season by a large bow of self material with long ties which foremd a short trdin. Among all the evening dresses shown most of them were * slightly longer than dresses shown for afternoon wear, and were longer at the back than in front. Fur Coats A splendid array of those fine coats of Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal, French Seal and Muskrat, were shown from the Matronly styles to the Misses. Misses Muskrat coats were shown in many styles and colors, also sport fur coats of Goat and Caracul Before the last scene of the fashion review, Mr. W. J. Ferguson, Manager of Lindsay store, on behalf of the firm thanked the audience for the splendid attention and appreciation they had shown. He explained that there were over one hundred changes and only one garment appeared twice on the stage. He also explained that there was over one thousand dollars worth of neck pieces worn in the show. Then came the final scene, 'the models entered the door of the hall, one by one and paraded up the aisle onto the stage. As each proceded up the aisle, an amber -spoflight was thrown upon them, giving added charm to the garments - When all had congregated on the stage, Miss Edna Allin, gave an exhibition of fancy dancing, which pleased the audience very much. After the show the mannequins and staff from Lindsay were entertained to a banquet irr the new Sutcliffe store by the Port Perry staff. After a very enjoyable evening, the Lindsay staff, motored home. Among those accompanying the mannequins and staff of the Lindsay store, were Miss Crowley, pianiste, "Mr. Chas. Piercy and Mr, Hi Meighen, OBITUARY Mrs. Thomas McBurnie Smith's Falls, Oct 25th.--One of Smith's Falls most highly esteemed residents in the person of Mrs, Thos. MecBurnie;, Passed away at | | of its kind to be held in Port Perry.| AMPLES, autumn shades will ~ Wine, Green, Beige, Grey, Black metallic. Head sizes to 8 ft everyone i Corsage Flowers Sees 6be. and 95c. We specialize in marcelling, Tair water waving, finger waving, sealp, trea and facials. Phone 260 for appointment. The Rite Bat Shoppe flare forming a graceful uneven hem-|- 'Little Britain, and Whitby Lodges, Showroom in the New Avcler Blork We have a full range of Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings. quote prices. They are right. We have a choice range. of ready-to-wear Overcoats at very low prices. We feel that these coats are worthy of your inspection. We have them because we know 'they are right in price and quality. It pays to have your suit dry cleaned. Tet us do it. W. R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY PORT PERRY Dominion Store FALL OPENING SALE Fe This Sale started Oe agery and has been very, Ses! giving the public 20: at low prices. @ SE Many people 59% bargains they recet' of during the first days vfs Our Sale continuestor 15 4a so come and get your share of th good things. You will not be sorry | cash. Apply to Mn. E.G NEW SUITS AND a | See these goods for yourself and let us Satisfaction guaranteed. Port Perry... {vou wiLL NEVER GET coup #| J YOU BURN OUR We sell the best--Lehigh Valley Coat |= and Solvay Coke. We can deliver it to 'your residence if desired. S Myrtle Elevator Phone 120 r 5 Myrtle Station, Ont. } Lucile B. Leask A. T.C. M. and A. 0. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory classes now forming for Fall term. sept 20. Phone 241j Port Perry FOR SALE Lot 18 7 Reach, 100 acres more on main highway, 1 mile ba Spring creek run- ning. through property. Good build- -- and in id state of cultivation. For full particulars apply to Richard Real, R.R.8, Uxbridge, Ont. tf. The Creamery is paying 4lc., 40¢, and 87c. for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- our-cream to the RT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors TT DR. J. A. MURRAY. + DENTIST Office. upstairs ig Leonard Block Phone 98 am, wh 'ARIO | LO.D.E Bring your friends and n eighix ' The November meeting of Scugog | Chapter.of the I. O .D. E. will be held with you. yi Men's Overcoats, very special, SERS AE valle aieie Men's Beautiful Suits, 8 pieces, special to cleartat ...... Men's All Wool Sweaters, to clear at ........: Ba Ladies' All Wool Sweaters .................. Vids Ladies' Fall Hats, half price, ................ WER Ladies' Fine Shoes, special at Che cost price. Many more bargains are waiting for you in our store. Wel, SEN Cesar eile WueEey Caw NEB LN weg Mie Aly ALIX GILBOORD : WARRINER LODGE NO. 75 LO.O.F. On Wednesday evening of last week, Warriner Lodge No. 75, entertained a number of visiting brethren from the surrounding districts, and every mem- ber reports a real gay night. Brethren were present from Lind- say, Oshawa, Toronto, Cannington, very enjoyable hour was spent. Lodge were visitors Oshawa, last we future, the whole 'to Toronto, to visig dodges. and among them were: Bro. Anderson Grand Lodge of Ontario; Bro, Keele, | of Oshawa, P.D.D.G.M., Bro. M : of Myrtle, P.D.DGM, Bro. Baldwin, Bro. Li EXTRA SPECIALS--FOR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th. Double Bed, large size Blankets, one pair to a customer, 31. 99 pair, All kinds of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, to clear at } Phone 177 Every one seenied ta enjoy the good eats and after this, all the brethren |* returned to the Lodge Room, wher A number of rigmiers. of Warri n their rooms at 8 p.m. on Monday, November bth. The meeting will take the form of a talent tea and mye 'are requested to "bring in theiX money. Guests are invited. talent x J anty: Council ounty of Ontario A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County |. of Ontario will be held pursuant to adjournment in iy Council Chamber in the Court House in the town of Whitby, on rlcslay; the 18th day of NOVEMBE: at the hour of ten o'clock in the to be laid before the Council should be forwarded io foe ie properly certified, a ! CAWKER B ' CHOICE QUALITY BEEF LAMB, rORK, VEAL Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, at - - PURE LARD EASIFISST BACON "eortaos oD pestic Shortening HAMS : COOKED MEATS BELL PHONE 29w Ly pal f:Y, GET Rig TER. Fill up A stock on hand } W. COAL, Nut, YOUR ORDERS ECEIVE OUR 'BEST. ATTENTION. PORT COAL YARD -W. G. Ww. PYATT bE Uptown Oe 1.

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