a bg xamir faa 3 or. : Ee tL I CHADBURN MOTOR CO., 9 Pris nb BB oe ; : 3 DIED CTE IRWIN-In Cartwright Township, : lot 17, con. 4, on Sunday, Octobag 28, ~---=" 1928, Jan¢ Gainer, widow of the Isaiah Irwin, in her 85th year. ~ __ PRENTICE--In Reach Township, lot 9, con 8, on Thursday, October 25,1 1928, George I vid Prentice in his 34th yeay, served caf A good ol great Peaut t is the t,, Oshawa, Phone 160 -| visited with their sons, Elmer and and up SAR visser 0. Is Windsor, == i Mr. and Mrs, T. C of Norwood, Fred, recently. | Mr. A. Martyn, son Harold, Mrs. W. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope, and son Leonard, visited with Mrs. | Savage's sister, Mrs. Johnston, of 'Cresswell, on Sunday, Mt. and Mrs. S. Ferguson, of Cart- wright, spent Sunday with relatives on the Island. Mr. Milton Demara spent Suey} with Mr. Glen Hood. We are glad to see Mr. G. Samells out again after his recent illness. =z Cat the home of Mrs. Stephenson, 8 d on Tuesday evening, a fia supper was served by the y of the church, which was fol- Ned by a play given by the Ennis- Dramatic Club. The entertain- listener during the evening. Needless the say it was very much enjoyed. The proceeds amounted to some- Union Ladies' Aid will be held November 6. All ladies welcome. stn pies . Seagrave The anniversary services of the United Church will be held on Thanks- giving Sunday and Monday, Nov. 11 and 12. For the morning service on Sunday, the Rev. A. P. Latter, of Oak- wood, will have charge and in the evening Rev. A. K. Edmison, M.A. B.D., chairman of the Lindsay Prghy. tery, will preach. = The choir render special music at both services. On Monday evening a hot fowl supper will be served from 5 until 8 p.m, after which a high class program will be given by talented artists of To- ronto, including Miss Margaret Boyle, Elocutionist, a graduate of Owen A. ers found the funny spot of many a| with friends here for a couple of weeks, : Mr. Orr Shunk and Mr, Wm, Keen, ess in Tarento.on Tuesday, on busi: and Mrs, 8. J. Wooldridge and family and Mr. Frank Smith, visited in Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. Elgin Frise and Miss Alma Frise, of Toronto, visited with their parents on Sunday. eee QQ Omer v Energy will do anything that can be done in this world; and no circum- stances, no opportunities, will make a man without it.--Goethe. a YOU HAD BETTER BE SURE. It does not always pay to speak odt of your turn, as there are times when silence is golden, as one rather fresh 'young man found out to his sorrow on Sunday night. One of our traffic of- ficers, who had been on the road all day endeavoring to induce motorists 'to observe the law, happened to take a few minutes rest and planked him- self down on the running board of a car that was parked by the side of the 'road and gaged in conv ion with the bwner of the car. Just then the fresh young man appeared on the scene and began to give a lecture to the highway officer for not attending to his duties instead of idling his time by the roadside. At first the officer thought his bose assailant was 'simply "joshing" him but finding that 'he meant e 'word he said, he took ] d his active official act was to ask the permit. The course, did not ap- g asked such an awkward ds a summons to appear 0 answer to a charge of ' ut eRaadinaly 'wrathy, had 1 no reason to find fault with officer for doing that which he that he should be doing. --Pickering News. ple Like to Shop." emma Ed Pyjama Cloth A real good" English Pyjama Cloth. 86 in. wide, comes in assortment of Just the proper weight wide stripes. for winter. Special 35¢. per yard Bed Comforters of Chintz, well filled With Dire cotton. A real good quality. Special at $2.39 Flannellettes White Flannellette suitable for children' 8 wear, 27 and 36 Ranging in price per yard from 18¢. to 3bc. ..the winter. in. wide, Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum Now is time to cover your floors for Our stock of floor cover- ings is complete. Linoleum at - Floor Oilcloth at 50¢. per sq.yd. 80c. per 8q. yd. _-- Ask for our prices on Congoleum rugs --they are the lowest. -- CURTAINS When covering your floor you will want new curtains for your windows. We have them in all styles from 9c. pair up SUNDERLAND SUTCLIFFE & SONS, L. PORT PERRY, : Phone 246 :: Headquarters Established over Thirty years ago in Lindsay ONTARIO BEAVERTON Will be at the Sebert House, on Thursday, November 8th, all day and evening, to give free advice to men, women and children, This treatment is guaranteed, that if used according to instructions, you ean be permanetn- ly healed of your rupture in from four to six months, He has in his posses- sion the latest and most comfortable appliance that can be obtained in America, no leg straps to chaf or gaul. You would be well paid to let your work stand for one day and make,a special effort to come in on the aboye | date. Interview this man when the opportunity is at hand. This support adjusts itself to every movement of the body, which allows circulation to all parts of the body. Remember you are not under any obligations what- ever by coming--to learn how you can | Blackstock [5% Don't forget the Bazaar to be in the armouries on Friday November 9th, under the suspic GIy W. A. of St. John's Church. 'x & pwill be" the usual sale of fancy Wor farm produce, candy, etc. Cafete supper will be served and a musical provided. Miss Grace Mountjoy spent Sunday with Miss Vera Powell. The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mra, Fred Willan on Wednesday afternoon, Noy. 7th, at 2.80 o'clock. : The A. Y. P. A. of 8t. John's Church held their October meeting on Wed- nesday evening last at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Parr, with an attendance of 456 members and visit- ors. The president, Mr. Fred Hamil- ton, presided and the meeting opened A 278%, & > @ 5 " yercome the danger of strangulation wost of an operation. Ask at the 1 office for the special apartments , ¥. Thompson, Thursday, Nov 8th. 3 4d what this lady says about her ' Deseronto, Ont., July 3rd, 1928. Ci. T. Thompson, Rupture Special- oo, oe oo > have run a or , Funning pressure. Keep an eye on your "Spare" WHATS the good of a "spare" if it won't take you home when youineed it? Just because it hasn't been on the road much is no guarantee that it is fit for work. The rain may The inside and rusted the rim. in, Tie tire may have p ts when you used few more miles will force them casing. It may not be inflated up to its correct RUPTURE EXPERT COMING TO PORT PERRY ist, Napanee, Ont. Dear Sir: I should have written you before but have been so busy. But this letter is to let you know of the wonderful results ob- tained from your special treatment for rupture, I cannot speak too highly of it. I was badly ruptured and an operation was of no avail. 1 suffered greatly until you fitted me with the most comfortable appliance that could be applied. At the end of six months I was completely cured. Now I am as strong as ever, and don't know. what it is to have a sick day. I am sure that anyone suffering from rupture, on stopping to think what a terrible affliction it is, and as con- sidering the time or the small cost of the appliance, would not hesitate to purehase. I sincerely hope this letter will be a guidance to anyone who suffer from rupture as I did. I am sending this letter for you to publish I will be glad to answer | if you wish. any inquiry as to your treatment, as your treatment is certainly wonderful and very easy to use, Mrs. Perry Park dust icked up it last, and a them through the 'the fire. FIRE. Fire destroyed the house occupied by Mrs. Druean last Friday morning. The fire gained a firm hold on the building before the alarm was sent in, so that there was no hope of saving the house or contents from the first. Everything was destroyed; and the firemen "centred their attention on saving the houses on either side of There was some insurance on the furniture. O00 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 4th-- 11 a.m. Communion service. All 'the members are urged to be present for this important service. 2.30 p.m. Sabbath School. 7 p.m., The Battle Nobody Saw. Monday evening, November 6th, Rev. F. J. Horwood, Mus. Doec., will lecture on the "Appreciation of Music." Everybody invited. All will be welcome. Prince Albert Church 2 p.m. Sabbath School. 3 p.m.' Communion service. sap---- -- AUCTION SALE OF FEEDING CATTLE AND HOGS Saturday, November 10th--Auction sale of Feeding cattle and hogs, the property of F. W. Bradley, lot 14, con 7, Reach, just west of Port Perry Fair Grounds, See bills for list and terms. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneer. Seman OL ne APPLES FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale, a quantity of good winter apples. Apply to Arthur Orchard, Port Perry Phone 119 r 2. 1 in ™Lp FOR SALE A number of small, neat picture frame (7 x 10), glass and back. Ap- ply at Star Office. ----eae (JOO mreree. CATTLE WANTED Young Cattle to. feed---straw, tur- nips and water in good stable. Apply to Bert. Dowson, lot 15, con 4, Reach, R.R4, Port Perry. rrr (Umer AUCTION SALE of accredited Holsteins, Horses, Im- plements, ete., on Tuesday, November 6th, 1928, at 1 p.m, at lot 32, con, 7, Uxbridge Township, the property of Norman-R. Phair. W. F. Marquis, Auctioneer. ----r) (Pst AUCTION SALE Wednesday, November 7th--Scoteh Shotthorns, Shropshire Sheep, Horses and Implements, the property of Mr. E. C. Batty, lot 28, Con. 8, Whitby Township. Sale at a pm, See bills Ve Ce Sr SH el ger Nl