Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 8 Nov 1928, p. 4

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will follow his profession business. last' week, where the Dr,|mo Mr, Maclver was | minister of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry and Breadalbane entirely. | Presbyterian Church, Utica. At the Sun her will be Jemeimhered with pleasure both for her sociability and the beautiful songs she to sing. We trust that Dr, and Mrs. (Archer will be happy and prosperous in theirnew home. Mr. E. B. Walker will 'occupy the house vacated by Dr. Archer, Mr, and Mrs. W. H, McCaw left last week for Florida,. where they will spend the winter. We wish them a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Kingston, of Camp- bellford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Harris, last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Roberts, of Otterville, motored to Port Perry, and spent the week end with Mr. Robert's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Roberts. Dr. Clarence Henders, of Toronto, was in town Sunday, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Henders. Miss Beatrice Snell, of Toronto, was the guest of her brother, Mr. I. R. Bentley, on Sunday. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal with its wonderful improvements is recognized as the greatest money maker for farmers in Canada, while it magazine section is a gem unrivalled, Mr. and Mrs. J, Jakes and daughter Gwen. paid a visit to Mrs. E. B. Walker, on Sunday. Mr. D. A. Grey, of Dunvegan, Ont, and Misses Elizabeth and Molly Me- Leod, of Toronto, spent Sunday here, the guests of Rev.-and Mrs. Maclver, (the Manse;) and Dr. and Mrs. Me- Master. OPENS NEW DEPARTMENT Mr. James McKee & Son, of the Superior. Store, are to be congratu~ lated on the enlargement of their store. They now occupy the entire St. Charles Hotel Block, giving them much more room to display their goods. It will be much more con- venient for their customers, having the shoes and groceries in "separate departments. This is only following the motto of this business--to serve the public well. sd ----_-- DIED At Caesarea, on Tuesday, November 6th, +1928, Sarah Elizabeth Alldred, widow of the late Geo. Lansing, in her 65th year. reel} Oia It is expected that "Wings" the aviation spectacle by John Monk Saunders, 'which will open at the Town Hall Theatre on Friday, Nov. 16th, (matinee and night) will es- tablish several innovations tending to- ward realism in motion pictures, In the first place'none of the players (including Clara Bow, Jobyna Rals- ton, Arlette Marchal, and other women in the cast) uses any makeup, Second, parchromatic film has been used exclusively in photographing ex- terior scenes, thus reproducing the fleecy clouds which form an impres- sive background for many duels ip the air, \ All stunts were actually performed. Dick Grace, Hawaii flyer, broke his neck, it is said, while cracking a plane for one of the big scenes in "Wings". The movie was directed by William Wellman, himself an aviator during the War. Richard Arlen, one of the featured players served in the Royal Flying Corps, and hundreds of other real aviators take part in the picture. een 00 Oren "ANNUAL"RINK MEETING The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Port Perry Rink Com- pany will be held in the Town Hall, on the evening of Wednesday, November 21st, A. P, INGRAM, Secretary, Armistice Day Service. As Armistice Day comes on Sunday this year, arrangements have been made for a community service in the United Church. Service will start at 10.50, so that the two minutes silence: may be observed at 11 o'clock. All} churches are uniting in this service, and every in invited to be of | animals into meat cts. In | afternoon of the shoe on in conclusion of the induction services, a social hour was spent, when the | members of the congregation met their new minister and his family. ~ We welcome Mr, and Mis. Maclver to Port Perry, and trust they will be able to make themselves happily at home here, eemeene() () Qn CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION _ November 11--Sunday School "at 8 pm. Evening service at 7 p.m. Friday evening, service at 7.30 p.m. During the winter months the ser- vice each Sunday will be in the even- ing, except the first Sunday of each 'month, (ire The members of the Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension held their annual Hallowe'en Bazaar and supper last Wednesday. The hall was prettily decorated for the occasion and the stalls were covered with tasty and useful articles. A sumptious supper was served and was much appreciated by those who partook of it. The proceeds amounted to $225. The ladies wish to thank all who so kindly came and helped to make it such a success. eee 00ers CONFECTIONERY AND SMALL- WARES STORE FOR PORT PERRY It is reported that a confectionery and smallwares store is to be opened in the Blong Block, in the store formerly occupied by Mr. W. S. Short. The new store is to be in operation we are informed by the end of the month. Bank Merger Approved On Monday morning the daily papers carried the news that the pro- posed amalgamation of the Standard Bank with the Bank of Commerce had been approved by the Governor General, following the unanimous vote of the shareholders given some weeks before and the merger was therefore consumated. As both institutions have been re- presented in Port Perry for "many years there was some speculation as to how the local situation would be dealt with. There was surprisingly little overlapping despite the 800 branches, but this district contained a fest of them, Lindsay, -Port Perry, Whitby and Oshawa, all having both Banks. ~ On enquiry at the Standard Bank, | the institution to be absorbed, Mr. Hutcheson stated that both offices would be kept open indefinitely and as far as the customers of his office were concerned neither depositors mor borrowers need concern themselves in any degree as the merger would not make a ripple on the surface, all that the depositors would observe would be that a new label would be gummed on their pass-books on their next pre- sentation at the wicket and as for the borrowers their requirements would receive the same attention and liberal treatment as formerly, Ore EVERY HOUR FILLED FOR "ROYAL" VISITORS Five hundred farm boys will have no idle moments during Toronto trip. If any of the five hundred Ontario farm boys who are to visit the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto this morith, have any time on their hands an which to be home-sick, it will not be the fault of those who have arranged the programme for their visit. Starting off with a bang-up dinner at Hart House, the famous social centre of the University of Toronto, on the night of their arrival, the boys will have three days crowded with interest, enter- tainment and instruction, Hon, John 8. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, will be the chairman at the banquet, and the boys will hear addresses by Premier Howard Ferguson and Dr. H. J. Cody, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the University. On Wednesday, November the 21st, the Boys will be taken for a tour of the Union Stock Yards and the Pack- whole process of marketing livestock and the ultimate mai r he ing Plants where they will see the; of the |} Overcoatings. See these quote prices. We have a choice range of . MERCHANT TAILOR NEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS We have a full range of Fall and Winter Suitings and = goods for yourself and let us They are right. Satisfaction guaranteed. : ready-to-wear Overcoats at very low prices. We feel that these coats are worthy of your inspection. ~ We have them because we know they are right in price and quality. It pays to have your suit dry cleaned. Let us do it. W. R. WILLAN PORT PERRY Men's Overcoats, blue and other only $17.25, with a $2.00 cap Men's Fleece-lined Underwear, 2 man's make. Per suit $1.75. Men's Fleece-lined combinations, quality, only $1.69 per suit. Men's Working Socks, only . =... Men's lined working mitts, only All kinds of Children's Underwes We hape just received a fresh sh: in the Port Perry Do: ALIX GILBOORD ronto stores, but the greater part of the day will be spent in inspection of exhibits and studying the judging of Live Stock at the Royal Winter Fair. In the evening they will be guests of the T. Eaton Company at a banquet. On Friday the last day, the boys will be taken through the Ontario given a motor drive around the Cap- ital City as guests of the City of To- Tonto: - More: time will "be spent "in inspecting exhibits at the Fair, and i the evening those boys that have gur- are now overcome by the pangs of in- digestion, will be treated to another banquet by The Robert Simpson Co. They will leave for home the fol- lowing Morning. 8-8.8.8 The Wizard of the Alphabet The twelve-year-old Marion Faist of 143 Box Ave. Buffalo, contributed | this unusual story, ~~ ° Did you ever think what a strange letter "S" is? It {8 a serpent in dis- | It is the wizard of the alphabet, It| gives possession orgie finitely, by changes and double lined. Regular $23.95. For this week end only, we offering them at $19.95, and will $2.00 cap free with each coat. Men's nice suits, latest styles, regular $20.00 for in Men's, Women's and Childpen' Parliament Buildings and will hel vived three dayd of high living, and = Jo guise. Listen--you can hear it hiss. | : PORT PERRY Dominion Store A $2.00 CAP FREE shades; made of good cloth, give you a Don't miss this chance. free with each suj Men's Good Heavy Working Shirts, flannelette, dou pieces, heavy wei heavy weight and g Men's All Wool Sweaters, only -.... A lot of Dressgoods to clear at cost. Ladies' pure wool stockings, only .. All kinds of Ladies Underwear at reduced prices, ipmg be J at reasonable goods at low ake yourself at Our careful buying of and small expenses are your benefit. All our prices are Phone 177 On Thursday will visit large To- let the serpent glide OT0- hair: horses, The team will turn to steam. If ever you get hurt, ca 3 (Arthur W. Lynde City of , 3 ind "Few Ontario) 1: . GOOD FARM FOR RENT Immediate possession, 100 acres on Scugog Island. Apply to D. M. Jack- son, R.R. 8, Port Perry. : _40e., 'and 87¢, for "You can save labor @ more money by send- tothe: . °° DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Se Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PORT PERRY' ONTARIO TEACHER OF BINGING. - Studio at the home of Mrs. H. H. Stone. Phone 77 Friday Afterno- fs NOTICE OF Al PLIC. bd .€4 Ontario, Ch Parliament of Ob E810" "vACT ED) re 2) his wife, Irene + this 28th d P. MANG Solicitor for App en) Qe NOTICE TQ CREDITORS anal 56 ci Chaptaeia1 Y ec. ap! of the Statutes of ih rio 1914, notice is hereby given pthat all creditors and others having! claims nst the estate of Samuel M ell, late of the Township of R 5 the County of F pent to your aid. Instantly your pd will be in Spain. Be sure to take with you the next time you climb mountain. If you desire to witn i marvel; it makes the peak speak, rete) 0 Oris: CARD OF THANKS chester, wish to thank the neighbors and friends who have been go and helpful, during the illness of Lamb. y FOR SALE . Quebec Heater, with oven; = and other articles. Apply to Mrs. E. B. Walker, Port Perry. nov 8 THE HUNTERS ARE OFF The following g or cured licenses from Mr. G. J. to hunt deer, and the most of them ave on the trail of the big game: ~Arthur Sweetman, McBrien, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Lamb, Man- dresses and d claims, En th 8 Morrish, | On 'armer, ict hy ol cg we y y , y on or Pathe 6th day of Di os AD, ong en thereto having d' to such elaima of which notice shall have been as a ui nd the 2 | Choice Yorkshire Sow, due to far-| '| row the last of November. Apply to} | Jefferson Whitter, Seagrave P.O. WOOD. Always E QUALITY LAMB, rOR Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, al - PURE LARD EASIFIRST - 22¢. Ib, y TER. . Fill up i stock on hand sizes, 3 iH RIVE OUR BEST ATTENT ION. PERRY COAL YARD W. G.-W, PYATT : i Phones: Yard 84, Ustows Office 218. OUR ORDERS - PORT

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