Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 8 Nov 1928, p. 7

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ice Buréau, New York. { 8 printed in newspaper of over circulation: ity 0 for September Dallies Dailies Sundays 30 108 30 103 oerires Then my quiet little toad showed how wise he was. He gently and carefully pulled -off his outer skin. took it off the body and his legs first, and then, blinking over his eyes, till where had it gone? He had roll it into a ball and swallowéd it mia _ Sea Birds The questidh fis often asked, ~ "Where do sea birds obtain fresh water to slake their thirst?' But it has never "been satisfas g 2 Se at sea, far from any land that cou furnish them water, hovering around and under a storm-cloud, clattering "+. lke ducks on a hot day at a pond, © and drinking in the drops of rain as they fell. They will smell a rain squall a hundred miles pdistant, or even further off, and s for it with almost inconceivable swiftness. i In a Japanese temple od a wooden frame fil mails. When a man is anyone, instead of going 5 person, he pays the Pry sum of money hail a it into the e. Ty certain : rives 3 n this way he Hleves his temper without -- Ce harm. It would be a good idea to have similar frames fixed up in our nurseries, so that when little ho and girls were inclined to be a tri naughty they could take some Is and hammer them Into these frAmes Hil all the bad temper disappeared. ---- The longer I live, the more deeply am I convinced that that which makes the difference between One man and another, between the weak and pow- erful, the great and insignificant, is energy, invincible determination, a purpose once formed, and then death or victory--Fowell Buxton. mee fp en Belief in Self To believe in oneself is the mark of ® wise man. To belleve only in one- self is the mark of a bore. To bélieve only in others is the mark of a futile idealist. To believe neither in one- Gy . Seas sn Lp. "self nor in others is the mark of a \ g| don' Mrs, White: Have yg m =) predicament, Mrs. = dob for a Virtuoso An evangelist and violinist wishe Dosition as caretaker for a city keeps the plugs in the same perfect ~ condition as they were when they left the factory, Chew Sw Save the "Poker Han If your wife has always wanted a genuine Waest~ inghouse Electric Iron, here js your opportunity to obtain a fine one for her, FREE. A "Poker "Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco, Enjoy this rich, full-flavoured chew--save only ten sets of "Poker Hands "--and the Electric Iron is yours. Why that carried should be completed in five months, when the iw end On all the levels the zone can largely "on fribited tol De looked for less than 100 tuet from tidon. A pd 175, ng up Xi * J ant, may be thin Suppo hat whe the mea thai better than 43. The matter of a basis for the mer- Mond Up carried Mgnd Nick In view of and they! y¥ere iff n fooled, the unsaid. the basis is annoudced it was foun ond shareholders would be giffén 1% shares in the holdin pany for each share held and national shareholders 1 split: share. |! This -would mean that Mond shares should have a valuation of sometys ger raises another question. ternational Nickel as it stands to-day 'worth 6 times as much Nickel, haying regard to physical as- sets, earning power net current: as- sets, plant and capital, etc. The London Hunt and Country Club is widely "MII stocks of newsprint at US. known for the ex dence of and Canadian, points amounted-to 5.2 al this : ive days' average production on Septem- olub sien Pr tes | ver 30th, 1928, and 45 days on Sep- t Red Rose Orange Pekoe bt blend that leads all others in flavor and full- bodied richness. Put up only in bright, clean aluminum packages. ing to the Northern Miner. Pa the shaft. of present central shaft. Newsprint Statistics com- nipe months of 1927. Is In-|first 8 months of 1927. Mond for the first 8 months of 1927. 8 months of 1927 tember 30th, 1927. on August 31, 1927. 18EW we G BEN Teck Deep Program/Well Advanced It will be about six months before Teck-Hughes starts the actual open- ing up of its ore zone on the-six new levels, 20th to 25th, inclusive, accord- The shaft is now down below the 21st level, large 40-foot stations have been cut at the 20th and 21st levels and at the present rite of progress the first stage of the present shaft sinking program AT the 19th level the ore was 90 feet from the shaft and it is Pth level a crushing sta- |, facilities were - It ds] bird of 'the work th to 25th level "or the mew shaft, 600 odd | yor. of uth of the present central shaft, | y04 ow going ahead at a good rate.|,nn.o0 first level of this will be the 25th |, id the second the 30th, 3,600 feet. |, rom the 25th level and inclined shaft | iq is to follow the zone to the 30th, be- |, ing more or less a continuation of thet "Imports of newsprint into the U. were 9 per cent. more than for the "Exports of newsprint from the U.S. amofinted to 7,406 tons for the first 8 months of 1928 and 9,686 tons "Exports of newsprint from Canada for the first 8 months of 1928 were 17 per cent, more than for the first "Publishers stocks on hand and in transit amounted to 37 days' supply on August 81st, 1928, and 43 days' "Newspaper advertising in 30 lead- ing. cities for the first 9 months of 5 are oe oa were it is only a _ | Chadwick recites his one "and only "| elephant charge encounter in the No-|. vember issue of "Fleld and Stream." "Then the native behind_us care lessly trod upon a rotten stick," says this article, "and at the sound the two bulls and five cows came intl line, facing us. A moment they .stood with lifted trunks searching for our scent, and then with screams of rage they started toward us. "'Stand steady," I heard Ben say. 'Alm at the centre bull and give him all you've got! Work your bolt lke hell!' el. - + &From behind us I heard the native call: 'Look out, master. They're going to flight' " and the sound of run- ning. feet showed his effort to efface himself. "The next two minutes are rather blurred in my recollection, I felt as a beetle might in th shadow of a great boot, or a man bound to the rails in front of an express train. It seemed impossible to stop that mighty on- coming force. But I' worked my, rifle bolt desperately and placed shot after shot in the chest of the centre animal of the line, while beside me Ben's ex- press roared unceasingly. At perhaps thirty yards, the two centre animals--a young bull and a cow--Ileaned drunkenly against the animals on their right. The two on the outside left closed in, and like a troop of soldiers on parade they wheeled to the right into the forest, the left flank animals passing within twenty-five paces of us!" T0 THE MOTHERS OF Al. PALE GIRLS p ave) expected that it will be about 200|Jf Ygf#& SMughter Shows Signs oOo | feet on the 26th Jevel. The 25th will : os R over 3,000 feet verticat|..0f By mia a Tonic is Needed. | fo» one of the most common and at same time most dangerous trou- from which growing girls suffer. 'common because the blood so i becomes impoverished during when girls often over- overstudy, It is dangerous altho palthiness of Tis ch and because of its tendency v steadily worse. Every grow- should occasionally take a to ward off this insidious trouble. ibecause of their powerful action ding the blood that Dr. Pink Pills have made a The case of [1t | oftel | devel Willia ih world-widé reputation. "Newsprint production in the U. S.|Miss Claire Sullivan, Pincher Creek, gil, Canada and Newfoundland dur- he first nine months of 1928 was cent. more than for the: first Alta, amply proves the value of this medicine. Miss Sullivan says: "Dur- ing my school days I suffered a great de' from thin and watery blood. I { was continually weak and tired; my setite was poor, my sleep unrefresh: ing and I was troubled with backaches. '0 make matters worse I was attacked ith acute appendicitis and the oper- ation left me in a very weakened gtate. My mother, learning of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, had me take them and after using them for some time I can say the result was simply wonderful, as they com- pletely health, and now when opportunity occurs I always recommend these pills to weak, pale girls suffering as I did." "You can get the pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Use Water to Remove Rust It's a fact. Gun dope from a marks- man. Edward H.. Proudman ran across an old Ballard rifle, It was in a terribly rusty condition, the action would 'not work. He proposed' to soak it in kerosene, but Joe sald no: | "Water put him on, water take him off; soak him in water for three " Fool advice, bul. joe knew his busi- in i the stock, "| will housé all state departments, even sandbags.--New York Times other people."--Kansas City Times. ' i esr ; another girl out riding." of transplanting Western ideas, cul ture and methods of living to his mountain § a modern palace, equipped with the latest, facilities, and a number of huge government buildings which A GREAT PUZZLE One of the greatest puzzles to the careful parent is"to know just what medicine ' to give the little ones. When the child falls {ll with gripping pains; is seized with cold or fever, refuses food or vomits what he has taken, whén he cries @ great deal and cannot get the sleep so necessary to, the growing child, the parent-is in a quandry, ' What is to be done on such occasions, As often as not there is not a suitable. medicine in the house. The puszle is what to give him to set him right quickly, It is to meet 'Buch emergencies thr! Baby's Own Tablets were designed. These pleasant little Tablets quickly reduce fever, break up colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and allay teethig pans. They quiet the nerves and promote restful 'health-restoring sleep. They are guaranteed abso- lutely harmless and safe for even the youngest and most delicate baby. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by -mail at 26 cents a box from The.Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. eX A A Boy and His Dog =~ A boy and his dog make a glorious pair: No better friendship where, For they talk and they walk and they run and they play. And they have their deep secrets for many a day; And that boy has a comrade wha thinks and who feels, 'Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels, He may go where he will and his dog will be there, May revel in mud and his dog will not care; Faithful he'll stay for the slightest command And bark with delight at the touch of his hand; Oh, he owns a treasure which nobody steals, Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels. No other can lure him away from his side; 'He's proof against riches and station and pride; | Fine dress does not charm him, and flattery's breath a is found any- kingdom. : The necleus of the new city is the | official yuarter. This will consist of| Pho Orange Polen Empire Settlement Gabriel Wells in the Spectator (London): (In a letter headed "Un- employment and Emigration.) New enterprise is an essential element of the problem. Employers are ded before employment can be had, To increase the number of 'employers is part of the transfer of labor. What I would suggest, then (speaking with deference--not being an Englishman), is that the English Government turn itself into an agricultural and indus- trial employer on an extensive s diversified scale, both in Canada an the other Dependencies. Let the Eng- lish Government in those places buy up tracts of uncultivated lands, and nate industries, even to the setting up of new centres of populations. Thé Government, like a father to his child- : ; is ; ae ] In clean, bright Aluminum establish thereon farms, mills and cog- |; at a little ~Sastifed AQvertimesits | RUG YARN PER POUND UP, $1.1 one samples free, Stocking & ar Miils, 'Dept. 1, Orillia. Ont. Probably Bacchus Btage Hand--"Shall I lower the. curtain?" Manager--*"Why 1" X Stage Hand--"Onu of the livin' statues has the hiccups."--Old Maid. mn pt Bloodletting cannot be healthy. It has been abandoned by the surgeons and let it be abandoned by the na- tions.--Field Marshal Lord Allenby. A ------ ASE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR Canadian Artist's Series Christmas Cards ren, ought to take its sons and daugh- ters by the hand and effectively help them to help themselves; and not set them adrift upon the uncharted seas of potentialities. ri - : Break Colds with Minard's Liniment. at ---- Firsts and Seconds Agents of good character and above the average in. ability, to sell an en-' tirely new and most liberal line of life-insurance policies for children be- tween ages one and sixty-five years. --Ad in an Arkansas paper. What Will When Wr Children Cry for It Is lost on the dog, for he's faithful , to death; | He sees the great soul which the body conceals-- Oh, it's great to be young with a dog | at your heels! --Rdgar A. Guest in "When Days is Done." m---- a -- 'Mistakes There are about three things a fel- low can do when he makes a mis- take. He can resolve that he will never make another, which is fine, but impracticable. He may let that mistake make a coward of him, which is foolish; or he can make up his mind that he will Jet it be is teacher and so profit by the experience that if the situation comes -his. way again, he will know just how to meet it. There is a real wisdom in this attitude. Think fit over. Bach of us must decide whether he will let his mistakes remain his en- emies or become his friends. Why should we let a mistake, or even two or three, brake our spirit and sap our fighting* strength ? A lad who showed that kind of dis- | position on the cricket fleld or on the football ground would never make! the team, We all make mistakes, but if we let them be our teachers, coun- selling us, advising us, admonishing us, in due' time we shall acquit our- selves all the better in the school of 1ife. errr fein Food for Heroes Women from the endangered com- the men, serving coffee and sand- wiches under great handicaps, and liad Proof of Valor Wife-- "When we were married, 1 thought you were a brave man. Husband -- "So did a good many Cg eer Heo hs 'ask to borrow my car 50 he could take " The prettiest women in the world seem to be in London--8ir William munities matched the herole work of |. the .nerve to, rl There is hardly a household that hasn't heard of Castoria! At least five million homes are never withofit it. If there are children in your family, there's almos® daily ey ol its com- fort. And any night may find you very thankful there's a bott!. in the hcuse. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipation is relieved; or diarrhoea checked. A vegetable pro- duct; a baby remedy meant for young folks, Castoria is about the only thing you have ever heard doctors advise giving to infants. Stronger medicines are dangerous to a tiny baby, however harmless they may be to grown-ups. Good old Castoria! Remember the name, and remember to buy it. It may spare you a sleepless, anxious night. It is always ready, always safe to use; in emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of the day cr night that Baby becomes fretful,, or restless. Castoria was never more pular with mothers than it is today. Foery druggist has it. Beautiful Hand-Coloured Christmas Cards designed by Canada's Leading Artists, Twelve-especlally attractive Cards with charming and appropriate sentiments may be purchased at a considerable saving in boxed assort- ments at 60c, $1.00, and $1.50, Published by ROUS & MANN, LIMITED 172 SIMCOE ST. TORONTO ATENTS list of "Wanted Inventions and Full lnforiaation Sent bree on Request, THE RAMEAY CO. Dept. W. 273 Bank Bt, Ottawa, Ont. uticurg SOAP fm om LIT RYT Fragrant, Antiseptic Cleansing and Beaulifying A Preventi reventive For preventing stiffness and further pain from sprains and hurts of ary kind use Minard's. WOMAN SO SICK COULD NT WORK | | Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Grainland, Sask,--"1 am glad that 1 heard of that good Lydia 1, Pinks " ham's medicine and I will not be with- "oa my friends how he . ; good it is and I will answer all letters I get from women." yr, Mary ScuuLTiEs, Grainlandg 3) '

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