Clearing Sale of Footwear We are going to sacrifice on a lot of lines of Shoes and Rubbers to clear. away below cost. Qur new lines of Goodrich Rubbers are in stock and will be sold with the usual guarantee. No better rubber goods made in Canada. We have a big range of Mitts and Gloves to choose from. Now is the time you need them. We have splendid values in M overalls, en's- Dress and work socks; also and mackinaw coats at popular prices. Our Holeproof Hosiery lines are of the latest fall shades and priced at 98c, $1.49 and $1.98. These noted lines of hosiery speak for themselves the world over. If we please you, tell your friends. will ro any mistakes cheerfully and If we do riot; tell us, prompty. We JAS. McKEE & SON S-------- REAL ESTATE I wish to draw your attention to a few special bargains in and around rort Perry. 98 acres close to Port Perry, on one of the main highways, good buildi and well fenced, good water. Can bought as a going concern. Two good b0 acre farms both close to school and in a good state of re- pair and first class soil. One of the best established &irages, well located on Queen street doi good business. Can be bought or less than half what it would cost to build the same building to-day. Act quick if interested. Beautiful brick residence, with all modern sonyeniences, hardwood throughout, on one of the best resi- dental streets in Port-Perry. You really have to see these properties to appreciate them. 1 also have for sale an up-to-date chicken farm with new modern build- ing, good brick house and well lo- cated. Hydro installed. 1 would consider it a pleasure to show any of the above properties to a prospective buyer. MORLEY CAMPBELL Port Perry Real Estate Man Phone 183W ----000-------- THANKSGIVING SERVICES AND CHICKEN PIE SUPPER AT GREENBANK On Sunday, November 11, services Will be conducted at 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m. In morning by Rev. C. E, Dyer, in Evening by Rev. C. D. Daniels, of Sunderland. v Monday, Nov. 12, a chicken ple supper will be served from 6 to 8 p.m. This will be followed by an entertain- ment given by the Trafalgar Quartet, assisted by Mrs, Wells, Reader. ren QO Ore NO CUT IN 1929 AUTOMOBILE LICENSES, EXCEPT X CLASS. Premier Fergusen stated definitely on Tuesday night that there would be no general reduction this year in the price of motor licenses. The Government intends, he stated, to place "two-purpose" vehicles in the same cateory as the small pas- senger car, but outside of the license reductions. involved in this transfer no cuts are contemplated by the Cabinet. The X type licenses will likely be $9 instead of $11 as formerly. rr LQ mre ANNIVERSARY SKRVICES AT SEAGRAVE Sunday, November 11, services will be conducted at 11 a.m. by Rev. A. P. Latter, and at 7 p.m. by Rev. A. K. Edmison, B.A, B.D. Special music. Monday, Nov. 12th--Supper served from 5 to 8 p.m., followed by a de- lightful programme by Margaret Boyle, Elocutionist, and Thomas Mec- Lay, Scotish Tenor. See 'bills' for particulars. eee 00 Oe NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of William Brent, Deceased, Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of William Brent late of the Township of Bast Whitby, in the County of Ontdrio, Farmer, who died on or about the 9th day of July A.D. 1928, ate, on or before the 156th day of November A.D. 1928, to send by post, prepaid, to Harris Harris, Poit Perry, Ont. zoliciton for Norman Hughiton, 4d r of the estate of the said nist thelr a tial ns, par- ticulars of their claims, a statement of 'their accounts and dhe, nature of the Hccurities. (if ig any). I _ that afte Blackstock Miss Kathleen Phoenix, our Public School teacher, spent the week end at her home in Greenbank. Miss Lillian. Venning is spending some time with her sister in Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. Graham and Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Parr, of Toronto, were visiting in our village on Sunday last. Miss Margaret Swain and Miss Susie VanCamp spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sanderson, of Birch Cliff. Mrs. Jas. Marlow has returned home from a trip to Ottawa. A very successful dance was held in the community hall on Friday even- ing of last week under the auspices of the Athletic Association. The Can- nington Orchestra was in attendance and furnished splendid music. ' On Wednesday evening of last week the young people of the ' United Church held a Hallowe'en "Party in the basement of the church. The even- ing was spent in games and story- telling. Prizes were awarded the following costumes: - Miss Margaret Swain, the funniest; Misses Ann Griffith and Thelma Miles, as the Gold Dust Twins, being the most original; Miss Margaret Proutt, "Old Witch", being the most like Hallowe'en. We are glad to see Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy out again after his recent illness. Mr. Alvin Bell, of the Toronto Uni- versity, spent the week end with his parents. A very pretty double wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Henry, on Wednesday, Oct. 81st, when their twin daughters Ferne and Faye became brides, Rev. J. E. Griffith officiated at the cere- mony, which made Miss Ferne Henry the bride of Mr. John Wilson, son of Mr. Hugh Wilson, and the late Mrs, Wilson, of Nestleton; and Miss Faye Henry became the bride of Mr. Francis Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Wilson, Myrtle. Given in marriage by their father, the brides looked charming dressed alike in chin chin blue crepe with blonde hose and shoes. The bride's were attended by their sisters, Misses Rossie and Mary, who were also dressed in blue. Mr. Grant Wilson was best man for his brother Francis, while Mr. Larne McKee ably support- ed Mr, John Wilson. The bridal party remained under the arch of evergreens after the ceremony to re- ceive the good wishes of their many friends. After the signing of the register a baptismal service wags held when Merril Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Henry and William Robert Roy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henry, nephews of the brides, were baptized, A very dainty wédding supper was then served to eighty guests. After supper the happy couples left amid showers of confetti and good wishes on a motor trip to Toronto and other points, On their return home, Mr, and Mrs, Francis Wilson will reside near Myrtle and Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson at Nestleton. The deep sympathy of the com- munity goes out to Mrs. Jos. Ginn in the death of her mother, Mrs, Isaiah Irwin, who passed away on Sunday, October 28th, at Mrs, Ginn's home, at Cadmus. The funeral seryice held &|on Tuesday was conducted by Rev. J. E, Griffith, assisted by 'Rev. P. G. Laughlin, Robert Parr, Gibson Hooey, John Larmer, James Byers and Daniel Powell, and the remains were laid to ad-| rest in St. John's Cemete; ; pall bearers were Messrs, John Mec<| ey EE Milling Company, house wives of Mazolo Oil at JAS. McKEE & 2 ~ OF THE PRODUCTS OF Canada Starch Co., Lu. Crown Brand Starch Benson's Corn Syrup Benson's Corn Starch, etc. Week of November 12th Ladies Specially Invited For Pastry, or Lily White for Brend;: 'daily. Our custop our, Mr. William Causley, recently with the Galt is anxious to have the ort Perry use his flour. Good Mixed wood for sale, Try it: be cc and district to SON'S, Port Perry Mrs. D. Walker, of Woodville, was a guest at the home W. Graham on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Burkett and family spent Sunday at Mount Zion. Mrs. Hughson has returned from a three weeks visit with her son at Oak- ville. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson, on their recent marriage. Mrs. Elmer Cook and Miss Vera Coon motored to Barrie one day last week, : Remember Mrs. Tordiff's recital on Friday evening in Myrtle Church, at 8.16 o'clock sharp. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Municipal Corpora- tion of the Township of Scugog on the 6th day of October, 1928, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $5,500.00, for the purpose of repairing a Public School and pur- chasing land to be used in connection therewith, and that such by-law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Ontario, on the 15th day of October, 1928. Any motion to quash or set aside OF ~---- made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. 4 Dated the 18th day of October, 1928. THOMAS GRAHAM, the same or any part thereof must be | _ Clerks Myrtle Mr, Baker, of Oshawa, has moved into Mr. W. J. Lawrie's house south of the village. Mr. and Mrs, Fring Duff and family of Toronto, visited Jee on Sunday. Congratulations & h and Mrs. Joe Johnson, who ré h their honeymoon, last week & tin settled in their'home. t to report tha ] Tarvis was removed to hospital last week where operated on for a4 growth in Mr. Andrew Lawrence of lege of Pharmacy, Toronied week end at his home M¢ Mr. W. J. Cook attended the re- n gular meeting of the Whitby Town- ship Council, in Brooklin, on Monday. Hallowe'en passed off very qui here except for a few bo; one would hardly realize "spooks' night out." Some of the farmers throug! lw are getting stock ready to show ' Royal Winter Fair. Mr. G. Hahn and daughter spent the week end at their summer home here. I you can y a1 prasiise ft makes power a Ge separator, washing Let This Engine Pump Your Water By simply attaching a Tosaute Puuping Saying ge the time nd hbor aved-oshe FL =a de tirespme pump- Pronto Engines with direct comnected Jack are easily, but securely ly attached to bot Ear to i to dere. Think Specially designed for 2rd tort laden J. A. HETHERINGT 'DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER in Port P Tuesday, Thursday, and Seay from to pn sud by 2 N 0 Ki R OME Bifocal Lenses These lenses are the latest § i Consult me and have your eyes § i examined, : F. E. LUKE Bu Qptometrists # § 163-167 Yonge St, TORONTO 2 § ELEVATOR FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, POULTRY FEEDS, SALT. Highest prices paid for Grain and Seeds. Let us clean your grain and seeds and pay you the better price. ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY. Chas. Pilkey, in charge Phone 120-r 65 Myrtle, Ont. SPE @ w Mucha Tailor" Over Tel. Office Port Perry i LE if achievement of optical selence., §| G: 20 Heavy quality mapped. A quali womEn} 100 pairs, ( These hose aje $1.25 pair. 3 - ta "or Fis In: 8 : roidery, © One dome fastener, Prd SP WOMEN'S WATSON'S UNDERWEAR Vests, Drawers and Bloomers in Fall and Winter weight in high grade spring-needle - 5 'knit. Vests in low neck, sleeveless; low' _neck with short sleeves; drawers in ankle length." Bloomers o fsame fine quality in -good assortment of colors, SPECIAL PRICE PER GARMENT 65¢. «Other lines priced from 90c. to all Wool qualities at $1.75 to $2.25. MEN'S STANFIELD NATURAL WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS RS AND nforfably underclothed during eafyrer is to have a set of these ergarments. The famous Stah Brand is spring needle knit and will r and fit better than all others. pinations, priced at $3. 00, $3.75, $4.50 Drawers, at $2.00 per garment, g and $5.00. rey. : For Sale By. -Samegie Hardware Co. Port Perry, Ont. f Hoss & Lytle, Ltd. ; "Port. Perry, Ont. The consumption greatly increased are realizing the importance of such int of Fresh Fruits od Vegetables has during the past few yRars. People : containing, as they do, those most vj health, minerals, vitamines, etc. i 48