Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Nov 1928, p. 7

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B54 bay double ' may be brought about ff nce : of gover I as ever. He said that 4 Souble tazation rand ! occur between England) ory q 1 eqgue of Nations is success 1 States, Ireland's har "Interdependence," the monthly h naval bases for of Nations So-| rican commerce. "that the | sald, are still es- p principal seaports are garrisoned in} He pointed out was provided for y between England and the Free State. The same treaty pro- | vided that Ireland's coast defense would be undertaken by the British _| government until some other ar ; | rangement could be effected. ; \ He held that Ireiand would be con- : wR . sidered hostile territory b; . ne is your enjoyment of this a yt ¥ war, . fine, rich, full flavoured tobacco, Touching on the financial agree- The ofl Is ws FREE-- ment between Ireland and England, a handsome (Westinghouse) he said that the amount of money Ireland was obliged to pay each year Electric Toaster for 16 sets of ~ * Poker Hands", to England was more in proportion to) A "Poker Hand" is attached to Irish popdlation thar England pays to the United States on the war debt. every plug of Big Ben Chewing Tobacco. : eight countries participa conterence should be able to eventual- ly relieve and reform. the present vexed situation. Points being dealt with by the meeting in Geneva In. clude four draft conventions respec- tively on double taxation of income, double taxation of death duties, on ad- ministrative assistance in matters of and | assistance In ARTISTS' SUPPLIRS. P, etme A BRUSH! LC A THE aan © iT RL mas cards. for hand Soles 1386 St. Cal te R. Crowley Limit therine West, fron Foose = NY USHION AND tire buggl taxation; the collection of taxes, SOLID RUBBER auto seats leather up- pn CHILDHOOD AILYENTS Can be Quickly Banished With Baby's Own Tablets. The ailments of childhood are many but nine-tenths of them are due to one cause and one cause only--a dis- ordered condition of the stomach and bowels. To quickly banish any of the minor ailments of babyhood and child- hoed the bowels must be made to work regular and the stomach must be sweetened. No other medicine for little ones has had such success as has Baby's 8. They banish consti ea TIBeAL, ney break up Spa I'll never let that thought go free and simple fevers; correct diarrhoea | Of your sweet kiss. and colic and promote healthful sleep |\ ' by regulating the functions of the stomach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S, writes: --""I cannot speak too highly of Baby's Own Tablets as I have found them excellent for childhood ailments." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 351 cents a box from [The Dr. Williams | Medicine Co., Brockville, On.t Boosts Home Gee Gaws Persian Queen Bans Foreign Jewels as National "Naethin'," #eplied the canny old Canadian Ar'ist's Serics es aay k. Weakness doctor. "I dinna want a sair throat." $ Christmas Cards epepds upo J 7 Beautif d and nerves and the only London -- Hencefor*h no foreign | agin b get rid of Indigestion is to tone | ornaments or jewels or other articles the General } , 3 . i of luxury can be worn by the royal ed that t fer EE ian Show household of Teheran, according to on. SeptiFIEC. he the order just passed by the Zensen 29 HE A? "I AT FO Queen. This gives a direct blow to HN a iory. and the fashion of importing costly 0 : dresses by Persian women, started after Teheran was dazzled by the gowns worn by Queen Suraya of Afghanistan when her majesty lately passed through Persia on her return journey to Cabul, The Queen of Persia, however, holds different views, and at a public Durbar held for the ladies of the court she denounced this additional item to the household bill, calling it unnecessary and superfluous. "This extravagance," the Queen sald, "besides preventing us from at- tending to more important matters, will conduce to the weakness of the! country and augment national pover- I dream of your two lips so red, And those sweet words of love they |ncistered, four to} 'Write for re- said; duced pric. ho Po Net & Son, An more than words--what turns xy | SoT82 00 Bly 5 RUG YARN PER POUND UP. TWENTY- . one samples free. Stocking & Yurn Mis, Dept. 1, Orillia, Ont. ADIES WANTED: TO DO PLAIN and light sewingeat home; whole or e time; good pay; work ; charges paid. 'Se amp -- National Manufacturing Buy Big Ben by 'the Vacuum (air- tight) tin, which keeps the plugs in the same perfect condition as they were when they left the factory, Xia Is your sweet kiss. A dreamy night with mellow moon While sleepy sweet your voice does croon, Abdut a dream of love and June-- Then your sweet kiss. 8] ; togs were unnecessary and h AS. to keep her nose Avian plane which sho used for this flight now belongs to Miss Amelia Barhart, who recently completed a tour across the country and back in it. 3 + When Lady Heath owned it she had it painted a turquoise to match the stones in her ring, She made the en- tire flight without any" serious me- chanical trouble. ; But she did experience tropble with political authorities. Sudanese offi clals refused to permit her to cross their territory without an escort. "she | overcame this difficulty by flying her plane north in company with that § of Lieutenant Bentley of the South African Air Force. At Cairo, however, the British au- thorities locked her plane in an army shed atthe Heliopolia Airdrome and refused to let her fly the Mediterra- The amount is approximately $26, 000,000, Most of this represents an- nual installments, on woney advanced by Britain to help tenants become land owners. The Free State now collects these installments and turns them over to the British governmeat. TONIC TREATMENT FOR INDIGESTION Indigestion Comes With a Run- Down. Condition -- Relief Comes "Through Enriching the Blood -- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make New Blood. There are many symptoms of in- digestion such as acute pain after eating, belching of wind, nausea and vomiting, bloating and pains in' the region of the heart, a dread of food efy it causes.' Dieting and digested foods may give t is all, and meanwhile grows steadily weaker. Or maybe dusk in winter cold, When as we sit 'fore fire gold, You softly sigh, then we enfold With your sweet kiss. RATIS, (LITTLE FRIEND TO either sex) malled in plain envelope. Paris Specialty Co., Casler peas, Mont- real, Que, Death means nothing to me. If I am not shot after the jury's verdict [ am sure some private person who hates me for Obregon's death will kill me. The result would be just the same. --Jose de Leon-Toral. ATENTS List 'Wanted Inventions" and Full Inforiaation nent ¥'ree on Request. THE RAMSAY CO. Dept. W. Bt., Ottawa, Ont. Though we may part in times to be And you will have forgotten me, meeting with good dema larly in the Domjnion. a Drew a Blank The MacTavish was not a mean man. No, he just knew the value of money. So, when the MacTavish de- veloped a sore throat he meditated fearfully upon the expenditure of a doctor's fee.. .As an alternative he | hung about a day and a half outside = the local doctor's establishment. Fin- ally he managed to catch the great wan. " 'Say, doctor, hoo's beez-ness wi' ye the noo?" "Oh, feyr, feyr." "Al g'pose ye've a-deal-o' prescribin' 'tae dae fer colds an' sair throats?" "Ap." "An" what dae ya gin'rally gie fer a sair throat?" of and 'increakes the yearly capacity of Distillers plants in the Dominion|fo around four mil- lion gallons annually. ? Extensions to the La Salle and Mon- treal plants when completed will give the corporation a capacity of 10,000, 000 gallons. A new 50,000 barrel warehouse has been completed and the i foundations laid for a second unit of Limited, 'have been |similar capacity. Equipme.t installed large capital gXpendi- |is the most modern obtainable and the , B. Gland, an|new warehouse facilities will assure company. the aging of stocks properly and the older "of Hh Sons d keeping of a large inventory of ma- pigh Jump, rehab tured spirits on hand ut all times. mateur Attleti : ok ASSETS OF G. M. C. AT ' al $1,287,855,929, ui New York.--ghéfaile figures onthe balance shd d income account of { PLANT ALTERATIONS ONE OF MOST ATE PLANTS ONTINENT. bling the capacity of of Distillers Cor- 473 Bank L] TTY TTT TTT TTT Get Rid or Dandruff By using Cuticura Soap ssisted hy A: Cuticura Ointment Sold everywhere. Soap 25¢. Ointment 25 & S0e. Adhd do AM dd oo obod he Joseph llery at Wa- fated through- odlly is one of the ate on the 3 \ & ASK YOUR LOCAY DEALER TOR athlete, record fo of the WoméR sociation of Grea author of the "Stan Women's Athletics." 1 Hund-Coloured Chris Cards design.d by Canada's Artists, Twelve especially attr Cards with charming and apprupcla, senthnen may be purchased at uw considerable saving in boxed assori« ments at 50¢, $1.60, and $1.50 Published Ly ROUS & MANN, LIMITED 172 E1MCOE ST. TORONIJ started their tions on August D first four months pr good progress has | | First Humorist--"Do you read your jokes td your wife?" | Second Ditto--*Yes, and when she doesn't laugh, I know it's a good one.) 3 ¢ o sity, -- er to § are running very The itinerary of her / HTC : : _ products are has not been compl "te win 1 clude New ¥6F de n- , many of the larger Red "Ki Ti First Béy--""My father has just bought an upright piano." Second Boy--*"Yes, and my father says it's a downright nuisance." p do its work with ease and leglected Indigestion means cities east of Chicags-and Canada. Slow-Motion Films Kinship to ans Cambridge, Mass.--Tlie slow mo- tion picture has helped to clarify the relationship between the anthropoid ape and man. The important point disclosed is that the apes are untablé to stand wholly and total current liabilities| fre $144,705,288, as against $432. iin Tb $80,128 and $159,356,147, respectively, | 2 gry the bn. Dec. 81, 1027. ~eiliiams The statement, issaed in the form of a letter to stockholders from Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., showed thet in the thecg months ended Sepl. 30 the sales of cars and trucks by General Motors to ik dealers totalled 528,686 units and for the first nine months of this year ,902 units, compared with 438,120 _hird quarter of 1927 and 1,316,- 7 in the first nine months of 1927. M:asured in dollar value, the c Husband--*The doctor has ordered! me to keep to a diet of sea food." | Wife--"0Oh, fine! I'll bake you a sponge cake right away." | mong the many who have found health through the use of Dr. Pink Pills is Mrs. Ada Webb) R.R. No. 3, Prescott, Ont., who says:--"For a long time I went through the tortures of nervous indi- gestion; I call it torture because no other word can' describe what I en- dured. If my stomach was empty I blefnding rooms. days! Put up in the aluminum 2B Sunny says that he doesn't under- stand how you can describe a girl as having coarse features when you haven't seen her face. 12 brig BIMONDS CANADA SAW CO, LTD MONTREAL VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N.B.. TORONTO B Growing boys have but one fear and that is they'll starve to death. Cr rr CI erect, although they are more nearly able than any other animal. Man nlone possesses this attribute. The research which sefs defnite limits to the ability of the anthropoids in this respect was conducted by Dr. Edward Reynolds, director of the Department of Anthropology of Peabody Museum, Harvard: College. The camera caught the gibbon, smallest of anthropoids, while run- ning, when, to the eye, he has appear- ed to be almost completely erect. The _ camera "stopped" the gibbon's move- . ments sufficiently to show that he was actually but little more than half tion's net sales in the three ended Sept 80 amounted to $401,15 789, and for the first nine this year $1,210,408,566,-4s against $847,612,013 in the third quarter of 1927 and $1,028,181,492 in the first nine months of last year. As already announced, the corpora- tion's earnings for the .irst nine months of this : .ar not only exceeded any other nine months' period in its history, but also were greater than the previous record earnings for the en- tire year 1927. The ret earnings of the corporation for the nine months of this year were $240,534,618, compared hy gatohed: If1 took food I vomited. I .did not sleep, and I was steadily grow- ing weaker. I doctored for months but with no benefit. 'One day my hus- band said, as the treatment you have had has not helped you, why not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I consented and he got me a supply. After I had been taking the pills for a while I knew they were helping me as the pains and retching grew less -and I slept better. I gladly continued the use of the pills and in a few months I felt like a new woman, better than I had felt for years, and able to work for my husband and children again. ty. We lose little by leaving off the manner of adorning ourselvés and grasping the habits of robing in simple raiments and ornaments sup- plied by our country." DETESTED SALT MEAT ' The real movie hero is the man that goes every night with his wife and children. what keeps most men poor. stand boredom without complaining. Officer (examining recruit)--"'Have you any scars on you?" Recruit--"No, but I can give you a cigarette." ern How to get rich without working is A highbrow is a person who can Nut (at insane hospital)--"Oh, I An Old Reliable For fifty years Minard's has been effective for bruises, cuts, stiffness and other pains MINARD'S i KING OF PAIN® | eréct as to thigh position. The skele- _ tons of these animals, Dr. Reynolds #ays, are so shaped that the thigh can- not be extended and, in consequence, After such a wonderful experience how can I do anything else but recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills?" If you need a blood-building tonic begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to-day. Sold. by -all medicine dealers want a plece of toast. I'm a poached egg and want to sit down." {Ter with $198,758,302 in the similar per- jod of last year, while for the third quarter earnings were $79,266,639, against $64,608,006 for the three months ended Sept. 30, 1927. Sailor: Don't claw me like that just for trying to kiss you. Flapper: I'd bite you it I didn't detest salt meat. ere Abn A girl will lke any editor who prints a kiss on her lips. We take issue. Some girls prefer special edi- gn or sent by mail at 60 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. renee Psi Man May Smoke Eastwell, Kent.--Men smoking their pipes and women nursing their babies or rocking perambulators, while they listen to church services will be seen here soon. Canon Halloran, the rector of East- tha Break Colds with Minard's Liniment.| tions. is | usually excess | an {harmless and efficient way, is Phillips' "of Magnesia. It has remained lizes Many people, two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call it. It is acid. Correct it with alkali. THe best way, the quick, for 50 years the standard with physi- clans. One spoonful in water neutra- times. its volume in stom- acids, and at once. The symptoms "| disappear in five minutes. You will never use crude methods} REDICINE FOR bike BIRLS Mothers Endorse Lydia E. Pink-' ham's Vegetable Compound | , N. 8.--M:; seventeen ia E. ; s a the he girls when you know this better method. And you will never suffer from excess acid when you prove out this easy relief. Please do that--for your own | | sake--NOW. re ; Be sure to get Milk of Magnesia pre clans for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc: tions--any drugstore. v. = ts genuine Phillips' prescribed by physi- ISSUF. Na. 46--'28 bi AE kL aA A aa

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