mber 16. Lesson XI--Paul and 2 Se and adi ember Lesson Al Re le. Wo! Slavery was a. tek m or vod salad 'His Friends--Philemon 821. ty orm Iv was, ona of the! Snough (hick croamor Any Sod selad den Text--A friend loveth at all yorst, features of the astient wetld | ls orough to: apredd BuMter-1 times.--Prdv. 17: 17, 'any pi ok Er of i ast ®t the thin slice of brown or bran bread, INTRODUCTION -- This Epistle to disposal of his owner. This was one Spread filling on thin slice o Philemon is the onl f white' purely personal of the blackest plagues in the Roman letter in the New Empire, and had much to do with its fall. One might naturally expect Christ to have some cure for this evil, However, we do not find in the New Testament any program for the libera- tion of the slave, But we do find that Christianity sought to change the heart. It preached the gospel of love to master and slave alike, and the new rm of this grace and truth worked fn the lives of men and women till the time came when it was made clear to all that it was intolerable that such a social worry should continue. Slav- ery was a sin against Christian bro- therhood. iid i Ee RA estameat, and 12 one of the most interesting, reflecting the tact and generosity of the great man It belongs to the letters Paul wrote from Rome, when he was a prisoner waiting for the result of his appeal. Here we have instruction on the place which friendship is meant to take in the Christian life. The letter may best be studied, not by tak- ing each verse in order, but by con- sidering "the three characters: (1) Philemon (2) Onesimus (3) Paul. 1. Philemon: belonged the the city of Colossae, and had been won to Christ by the efforts of Paul, likely during his Ephesian mission. In v. 19, we are told that Philemon owed his soul to Paul. He was apparently one of the leading supporters of the local church, was a man of means, and had given generously to the poor gaints, v. 6. He also took part in religious teaching, and was an evan- gelist as well. Paul referred to him as his "fellow-workman," v. 15. The --Christions - evidently -gatheved in his house for their regular worship, and we read in v. 1, of his wife, Apphia and of Archippus, who was possibly his son. This man is called a "fellow- goldier" of Paul, and may have had to pass through danger on behalf of Christ. See the roference to him in Colossians 4:17. From this it is clear that Philemon was a man of high standing, a man of means, a leader in the church, and a great personal friend of the apostle. ' 2. Onesimus was one of Philemon's slaves, and probably of a low and mean type. one of the lowest tvpe to be found in the Roman world." The slgve had sto'en some money from his master (v. 183, and had escaped to the city of Pome which was the refuge of criminals. In the narrow streets and dark cellars of that great capital it was not diffierlt for one of this class to escave detection. However, the eves of God were upon him, and by some unknown means this poor man wns hroucht into contact with Paul, where he learned to love Christ. The miracle of conversion was again en- acted. This weak, despised Oriental was brought to a new life, and his devotion to this man who had been the mears .of his salvation knew. no bounds. He became very useful to Paul, who would have liked to keep him with him, But evidently con- science had been.at work in this run- away slave, and after doubtless many conversations, they both decided that some attempt at revaration, or resti- tution, must be made. 3. Paul--The letter throws much light upon the love, justice and tact of Paul: He wished to retain the services of Onesimug, for it was very convenient for him to have one who would willingly run his errands, and do his biddine. But Paul's sense of justice urges him to acknowledge the claim of ownership and, accordingly, the decision has been reached to re- turn this man to Colossae. However, Paul writes a letter to go with One- gimus in order that the return may made as early as possible, First of all, Paul reminds his friend that a total change has taken place in the character of this former culprit, and he playfully refers to the name which the slave rries. Onesimus meant "profitable." Owes this poor slave was » from profitable, but now that ist has entered his heart, .the worthless heen made worthy. He is inde fitable, v. 11. Paul thus e ors to make up this amount out of his own pocket. He will ray over all that Onesimus stole, . 18. But most of all is it. Pauls i to his correspondent e in a total revolu- n between masters man, it is true, is a slave, but he i so a Christian and, therefore, a brother, and he must be taken hack into the household, not on the old footing only, but also as a brother for whom Christ died. This union in Christ is to change all other rélationshipe, vy, 16.- "Po- ¢rown the appeal, Panl reminds Philenion that his own Christian faith is the direct result of Paul's effort on his behalf, v. 19. In the closing sentomces, the apostle speaks of his entire confidence in the generosity of Philemon, and he requires him to get ready some place where he may stay, as the trial is likely to end in his release. (1) .There is no letter in which we ean better see the fine spirit of the tion in the 1 and slaves, "A Phrygian slave was Styles ANNETTE Slew York. Thana, Ema ung * PARIS CHIC A new slender type combinati fitted through the bodice and hipline, with lower part cut circular to pro- vide sufficient fulness to hemline, to | take the place of a slip. Touth of em- {Troidery gives it a real French ap- pearance. It is ideal to wear heneath the smart slender hipline frocks. Style No. 223 in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 86, 38,40 and 42 inches bust measure; and can be made as simple cr as ela- borate as one chooses. For everyday silk crepe or batiste is practical. Gecrgette crepe, ninon, flowered chif- fon voile and crepe satin are fascinat- ing fabrics. Size 36arequires 2 yards of 40-inch material. Price 20c in stamps or coin' (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Emb. No. 11119 (blue) 20c extra. fe HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your .2ame and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20¢ in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to. Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Torontn. Patterns sent by roturm mail. dm Anger is not sinful, because some degree of it, and on soms occasions, is inevitable--but it becomes siniul when it is conceived upon slight «nd inadequate provovation and when fit continues long.--Paley. occasions, washable silk radium, flat bread, and put' together, Porto Rican Roast ou 2 pounds round of beef, 1 small bot- + eo stuffed ofvies, % pound salt pork, | - 1 onion, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 pint can- ned tomatoes, % pint boiling water. Make small slits or holes in the meat with a sharp knife on each side of the roast. Cut the salt pork in small strips an inch long and stuff the holes alternately with these and with stuffed olives. Fry out the salt pork in a heavy - kettle, slice the onion, fry it in this, then remove all bits _of onion and salt pork, brown the roast on all sides and add one- half pint boiling water and the to- matoes. Simmer for three hours. Cardinal Punch 1 pint cranberries, 1 pint water, % cup orange juice, 13; tablespoons Season when half done.| lemon juice, 1 cup sugar syrup, 1} pint soda water. or_Apollinaris. Cook cranberries and water until {fruit is very soft; then strain through a double thickness of cheese- | cloth. When cool, add fruit juices, syrup and charged water; pour over a block of ice, or a mold of frozen orange or lemon ice. Makes 53% glasses; 16 punch glasses. i Quirled Potatoes Roil potatoes until tender, drain 1 mash. Add enough milk and a pinch of baking powder to make |fluft and then for each cupful of, | mashed potato allow one tabl { i ful butter, 1 teaspoonful honey and 1! teaspoonful Memon juice. oughly, spread in flat rectangular tin, brush top with butter and oven toast. Cut in two inch squares and serve at once. Orange Balls Soak orange peels three days in cold water changing the water daily; | then put in hot water, and boil until soft. Drain, wipe dry with cheese-| cloth, chop fine, and measure. Take an equa] amount of sugar, and for each one-third of a cup of sugar add two tablespoons each of water and butter, and boil until it will spin a thread, then add the chopped peel, boil about five minutes; cool; put on a board, sprinkle with granulated sugar and shape into small balls. These may be rolled in coarse sugar, and allowed to dry, or they may be dipped . in fondant, flavored with vanilla, They are delicious dipped in chocolate with a few grains of orange sugar sprinkled on the top of each chocolate before it hardens. Griddle Cakes 2 cups flour, 1 tablespoon baking: powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 table- spoons sugar, 1% cups milk, 1 egg 3 tablespoons melted butter, orange' marmalade, | Mix and sift dry ingredients; add beaten egg and milk; beat thorough- ly, and add butter. Drop, by large spoonfuls, on a hot griddle that has been rubbed over with a piece of raw turnip, which will prevent cakes from sticking without the use of but- ter or grease. When griddle-cake is puffed, full of bubbles, and cooked on edges, turn, and cook on other side. Spread cakes with orange marmal- aade; roll up like jelly-rolls; sprinkle with sugar, and serve at once. Fairy Fluff 4 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons sugar, 3 cup orange juice, grated rind 1 or- ange,, grated rind 1 lemon, juice 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons hot water, 4 |esg whites, 2 tablespoons sugar, ! lady-fingers. { Beat egg yolks - i with four table- | spoons, sugar; add orange juice and (grated. rind, lemon. juice and grated, rind, and hot water, and cook in double boiler until mixture thickens, stirring constantly. Beat egg Whites" until stiff, add two tablespoons su- gar, and fold into first mixture. Chill; line sherbet glasses with lady-fingers; | fill with orange mixture and serve, Tenderloin of Beef Stuffed with Oysters Large tenderloin, one pint oysters, in the hun ting field. Mix thor- One teacup cracker crumbs, galt, pep- per, celery salt. Split the tenderloin. salt and pepper. Make a dressing' with the oyster, crackers, and season with salt, pepper, and celery salt. Spread part of the one tenderloin with dressing. Put the other one- half tenderloin on top. Spread with more dressing. Tie together with string and bake. Baste often. | Honey Creme 2 tablespoons granulated tapioca, 1% cups boiling wafer, % cup strain- ed honey, 1 thin slif@Memon, rind in- cluded, % teaspoon 2 cups necn cluded, % teaspoon Je, 2 eggs, 1 cup nectars raisins, 2 e cubes.) Plump raisins, drain pl. Add tapioca to beiling water & ld lem- on, salt and heey: Cool t 'double boiler Remove from egg yolks a whites until mixture. Pla tered baking d over them. Bak moderate oven (3505 rve warm or cold. Rasberry Surprise "Put a layer of best preserves into a sherbet-glag? tablespoonful of French vani cream, then another of the ppfeses Top with sweetened Whippg colored green and flavored permint. : Mint Punch Melt 2 cupfuls of granulated sug- ar in the strained juice of 12 lemons then add 6 peeled and sliced lsmgp® (slive very thin). Leave all in a bowl set in ice until just before'g Ing as it cannot be too cold. Then transfer it to the punch-boivl and add to it 2 quarts of finely pounded ice. Stir and pour into it, from a height, 6 bottles of pale dry ginger ale. Last. ly add 2 dozen sprays of fresh greén | mint, washed and slightly bruised be-| tween the fingers. i iinet To Have a préat market, we neéd a nation with leisure.--C. F. Kittering. Little Johnny had never known his Uncle Toby to spend a few days with them before, and when he removed {his hat he started laughing because his uncle was bald. "What's the joke, Johnny?" asked his uncle. "Why, tee hee hee! mother's put a brush and comb in your room!" tittered Johnny. OUR ATTIC BED-RoOM 1S LIKE AN ice Bon So xt 60TTA LOAF HERE UNTIL WE 66T ENOUGH CoN To BUY SOME OIL FOR OUR Oi. STovG! AND CATCH coLb. IN THAT CHILLY Room? NIX: We GOTTA GGT Soe) ol' FIRST! CURL HEADED PRINCESS TAKING IN THE HUNT Princess Elizabeth, daughter of (he Duke and Duchess of York, with her mother and her nurse, at a meeting in Season wittiT oa commen esp sandw 'ch spréads. oney any , family digestio 'pudding recipe can good results bf Os honey or maybe to the Bdvantay Abigale i T! 5 ie good honey fruit pudding for winter dinners is made of dried fruits and tapioca. 7 Honey Fruit Pudding One 1b. dates, % cup raisins, 1% cup honey, % teaspoon salt, % cup wal tapioca, 1% cups pared and sliced apples. 3 NE dates and cut them up with raisins and nuts. Add honey, salt and half cup of water. minutes, stirring constantly so that the mixture is warmed through even- ly. Cook the tapioca in one cup water antil cle about ten minutes) and add with thé 8h pple to the first miture. Turn into aSgbuttered baking dish and bake in a' yg te oven (350 degrees) fozed'™ utes, or Juntil the appte 2 with re | , MS, BAL An unus an inexpensi. Half eng I tableapot™_ teaspoon Q Plum Pudding. Why not have a real old-fgshioned Christmas with a Yule 'log, flowing brew, plym pudding and all? It can be done easily with these two recipes for plum pudding and the wassail | soda, % t brew. Mix th! Here is the recipe just as my Eng- I given, cl 0 the & Heat for five| Datsy, Lincol Telephone, Champion of Pe tly Pt Dion, Quite or + | tent, Gladstone, Ne Plus Ultra, Melt- ing Sugar, Alaska, Advancer, Hors ford Market Garden, Green Seeded Admiral and Horal. In arriving at the standard descrip tions four strains of each variety were grown In order to secure typical = nuts, 1% cups water, % cup instant plants. The Vegetable Committee of the Canadian Seed Growars' Associa tion co-operated in thie work. LIME IN AGRICULTURE Lime or carbonate of lime has two outstanding uses im agriculture, the correction or neutralization of acidity or sourness and the improvement of tiith or mechanical condition of soils. These points are both recognized as of primary importance in the produc tion of maximum crops. or 165d low-lying 'and ill-drained soils a "A1ible 'to become sour, and soils known as mucks and peat loams are quite offen sour. Many Tight up land soils are slightly sour, due no = doubt. to a washing out and leaching away of the carbonate of lime. Li In testing for acidity or sourness paper may be bought at any druggist.' If the blue litmus paper is turned red togeAeT betore add spices and soda sift Ingo Sugar and butte! last, siRT well and pouy [buttered pan. Bake ip (325 degr Su LL lish friend gave it to me: well Christmas Plum Pudding Two boxes of seedless raisins, 2 Ibs. of brown sugar (we English call it foot sugar--it is very dark), % 1b. of blanched almonds, sliced thin, grated nutmeg, 1 lb. of bread crumbs . (white), 1 large carrot (grated), 1| Half'p 9 ful of salt, 1 large apple lb. straind ated), i lemon (juice : rants, mi Cover the 98 ded raisins, 3% 1p.| and let it SUARC oy i 5 4d | Strain before Uogp, | until it bollsAy,", Cook WX Epices | un Th ; the Co, iney best! £07" i hail it I NI 4 h ; t 1 Ft 2 hd gE pow veether | Whole: Ber, | fhe butter an ing over thé" TOE Yat again 6 hours; and wheu 3 for serving, another hour. Put a sprig of Lolly in the centre. Serve Ap slices n hot. bi would be delicious fun to have 1 bowl around your owh Christ- Bve, Just heat your cider, plump g apples into it and start it on round, owder. geernd must be kneaded smooth. Roll out thin and cut™'in rounds. Brushing over the tops of he cookies with slightly beaten white g. and sprinkle with finely chop- ped almonds and sugar. Bake in a moderate oven--350-degrees. Honey Walnut Brittle Perfectly delicious' and easy to its fo! Wassall m One gallon of sweet elder, 114 1bs. | of brown sugar, 6 2-inch pieces of stick cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful of whole cloves, 1 tablespoonful of whole all- spice, 2 large pieces of mace, 1% tea- spoonful of salt; few grains. of cays enne. 5 | Tie spices in cheesecloth. Bring to the boiling point slowly. Boil 156 min- utes. ake: One and one-half cups honey, ground black walnuts, Cook together in a rather heavy brown and the mixture gives a brittle test in cold water--270 'degrees F. Stir occasionally to" make sure that | the walnuts don't fall to the bottom {of the pan and burn. Turn out into a buttered pan and, when almost cool, cut into squares. The whole process takes less than thirty minutes.--L. G. My communication to Premier Bald- ssrrimbt------ $ win cannot justly be construed as a| If I had had $700,000 I would have diplomatic = gesture. -- Representative | kept it myself and not given it to any- Fred A. Britten. body.--Almee Semple McPherson. 1 cup efit ra ~ OUR OIL WORRIES ARS AT AN END! TE 607 TEN GALLONS OUTSIDE. when' put ox the soil, it is proof of sourness, and means that the Cal Rar Po of the. blue. ive for fifteen 4 loved if found to "$I needs treatment. This € simplest of tests. pnd its compound are useful Rims, to render them less Ll wet and more friable A light soils the lime pts the soil pare little heavier - closer in texture and less liable out. Dr. ¥. T. Shult, Dominion "deals very fully with this ect in Bulletin 86, entitled "Lime Agriculture," which may be had on application to the Publication Branch, in cla ¥ sticky wh ticl and to ted | Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. CLEANING UP CANADIAN HERDS Rapid progress is being made in clearing cattle on Canadian farms of the disease of tuberculosis. This dis ease is very common in practically every country where cattle are raised. For many years efforts have been made in Canada to control the disease with the ultimate objective in mind of complete eradication. The Depart ment of Agriculture at Ottawa has made wonderful progress in this work are in operation: the Accredited Herd Plan, which deals only with pure-bred herds, and- the Restricted cArea: Plan, . which undertakes to clean up and maintain in a clean condition whole districts rather than individual herds. In the report of the Veterinary Direc tor General for the past fiscal year, available at the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, it is shown that there are now approxi mato 500 fully accredited pure. b; p contained in 2,850 herds. Restrictedy in recent years. Two main policies = ' . | blue litmus paper may be used. This _ -