; ¥ ' 4 § the first time since her marriage on ~. Msr, Jack Carnegie will receiv Saturday, December 15th, between 8 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Miss Edith Lucas, of Whitby, was the guest of Miss Mary Walker, over the week end. Mr. Geo. Cawker of Toronto, spent Sunday with: relatives in town. Miss Louise Carnegie, of, Toronto. spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carnegie. -- OO SHIRLEY COMMUNITY 8. 8. The Shirley Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas Tree in the church on Thursday evening, Dec. 20. Admission 25c. . re (UH SUBSCRIBE HERE If you wish to subscribe for a periodical or magazine of any kind. consult the Port Perry Star. That is part of our business. ----ppD THANK YOU The ladies of Scugog Chapter of the I O. D. E. wish to thank all those who helped to make the play (Mr. Bob) and Mrs. Jarley's Waxworks. such a success, They algo thank the townspeople for their generous sup- port in this and other enterprises, OO RINK OFFICIALS ELECTED At the meeting of the rink commit. tee held in the town hall on Wednes- day, Dec. bth, officials for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President--Mr. E, H. Purdy Vice President--M¢. F. Shepherd. Sec'y-Treasurer--Mr. Arthur Brock. Board of Directors--Dr. McMaster John Harris, A. P. Ingram, Bert. MacGregor, Robt. Somerville, Mr. Norman DeShane was appoint- ed cavetaker of the rink. 000-- RESULT OF NOVEMBER EXAMS IN PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL FIRST BOOK 100% = 600. 75% =450. 60% =360 Ruth-Carnegle 5 Hn Bert. DeShane ............ Vv D0Y Norman Gilboord 4M Harry Carnegie ... 468 Bobby Jeffrey ..... ieee 402 Gordon Sutcliffe ... Waders 1439 Marian Brent ............ 00 4345 Billy. Beare ...... .. .. 0. .... 42 Rody Hayden 424 Dorothy Pyatt Mike Naple Bruce Beare June Dunsmore ..& ...oovviin. Charles Suteliffe .............. Burgess Beare .......... Constance Naple Norma Harrison ........ "a Vietor Read .,............ 0%. Muriel Willan * examinations missed. E. W. HARRIS; Teacher. 000 FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED Desirable tenant wishes to rent two bedrooms, sitting room and kitchen for the winter. Apply Star Office. sme J rman FOR SALE Driving cutter, light spring wagon, spray pump, small coal heater, 5 h.p. as, engine. Offers wanted. Apply A. Taylor, Corp Weigh Scales. NEW PRESIDENT SWORN IN Emilio Portes Gil, who has taken the oath as provisional President of Mexico. TOYS CANDIES. ~ Fancy China Novelties "| John's 5 | jewel. C. M.. and A. O. c Mo Teacher of Piano, Vocal and Theory mmr T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PORT PERRY. Sunday services--11 a.m, Com- munion, Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. livening service at 7 p.m. ing December 6tht at 7.30 p.m. Y. P. 8. on Monday evening. sr ein ENTERTAINMENT IN ANGLICAN PARISH HALL Friday, December 7th, at 8 p.m, presented by the members of the Junior Auxiliary, "A Lantern Trip to India" followed by a short play, en- titled "The Morning of the Sale" and other items. Admission 15c. re UH rrr CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT The Christmas Entertainment of St. Presbyterian Church, Port terry, is to be held on Friday evening December 21st. m0 mmen Christmas Cards made a personal card in 24 hours at $1.00, $1.50 and 1.75 dozen. See them at Bentley's. OOD : INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS HOLD SUCCESSFUL DANCE AND EUCHRE AT SCHOOL BUILDING Friday night was a gala night at the local high school when Warriner Lodge, 1.O.O.F., held their euchre and dance there. The event, socially and financially, was' a success. Some- where over two hundred were present and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. the dancing was held in the Assembly Hall, the Cannington orchestra sup- plying" the" music for the occasion. While the dance went on, the euchre players took possession of gymnasium and quite a number of games were in progress most of the evening. A pleasing feature of the event was the presentation of jewels to two of Ider members, Mr. W, H. Crosier, of Lindsay, who has been affiliated with varriner Lodge for over forty-seven years wa,s the recipient of the first Mr. E. H. Purdy, who pre- ented the jewel on behalf of the brethren, congratulated Mr. Crosier 3 on his long record of service and ex- pressed the hope that he would be ble(to continue for many years yet. Mr, Purdy was then in turn presented with a jewel, having been an Odd Fellow for over thirty-five years. Both gentlemen were agreeably sur- prised and thanked the brethren for the honour thus bestowed on them. The Assembly Hall has an excellent floor for dancing and the large num- ber of dancers enjoyed themselves horoughly. The lucky number dance was won by Miss Edna McKee and Mr. Edgar Ingram. uite a number played 'uchre in the gymnasium the winners being as follows: 1st lady, Mrs. Earl Beare; 1st gentleman, Mr. Armstrong McFarlane; 2nd lady ,Mrs. Grant Christie; 2nd Gentleman, Mr. Blake Pearsall. Later a spacious supper was served to' all in the gymnasium. The Odd Fellows are well pleased with the suc- cess of the event. During the past few weeks the Warriner Lodge has been especially active. On Tuesday, November 27th, thirty-six members journeyed to To- ronto where nine of them received the Third Degree at the hands of the Gerrard Lodge. On Tuesday last a number went to Oshawa and the Cor- inthian Lodge conferred: the First Degree on three members and on Thursday night when the Greenwood Lodge Toronto, visited the Corinthian Lodge, four Port Perry members re- ceived the Second Degree. ONO NOTICE Old England Lodge No. 9, Sons of England, will hold their annual in- stallation of officers on Tuesday, Dec. 18th, 1928. A good attendance is re- quested, Refreshments. Wm. Ettey, Secretary. House for Rent recently occupied by Mr. J. C Cockburn. Electric Light and will decorate to suit good tenant or will sell at a reasonable price. Apply to A. H. Rose, Port Perry. Preparatory service Thursday even- H Turkey, Male Turkey, H Displa; Pair o Pair of Ducks Tarkey, Male, - 2 By of Gs of Geese, '9 prs. $3, Display of eeks, 2 prs. Display of Chickens, 2 prs. $3. Pair of Spring Chickens ... EGGS (weight considered) Far 12 Fresh Eggs, brown . $1.50 12 Fresh Eggs, white = " -- 10 lbs. in Prints, plain Tees $3, BUTTER $6, HORSES 1st §8., No $5, Single Driver, Roadster, any size, Farmers only 1st $8.00 2nd $6.00 3rd $4. 00 Single Driver, open, any sige Agricultural Team in harnegist $12., 2nd $6., 3rd $4 - - DODO DOPOD ' : : bt hd ed pd pd pd pd o $4, 33 fnd $6., 3rd $4. FRED BROCK, Vice President. RULES AND REGU All entries should be made, and exhibits for all Wolace No duplicate entries can be made in any of rs, 8? Butter prints must be in plain wrappers, a An entry fee of 50¢ will permit you to An entry fee of $1.00 will be charged f .._ SPECUAL" To the farmer bringing~the largest quay TIONS " iii Overcoatings. quote prices. They are right. very low prices. are right in price and quality. MERCHANT TAILOR NEW SUITS AND OVERCO? We have a full range of Fall and Winter Suitings and. See these goods for yourself and let us Satisfaction guaranteed. We have a choice range of ready-to-wear Overcoats at We feel that these coats are worthy of--- your inspection. We have them because we know ll It pays to have your suit dry cleaned. Let us do it. W. R. WILLAN PORT PERRY line of holiday goods. PORT PERRY Dominion Store GREAT CHRISTMAS SALE will start on Saturday, Dec. 15th and will continue to Christmas, with a full Special bargains ste on Fair Day. Come in and make your- self at home. = 2 day of the Fair. ve 1st, 1928 a Mary Williams, US Mrs. E. M. Williams, Prince to_Mr. Lorne Thompson, son rs, W. F, Thompson, M mn. YH er FOGKEY SCHEDULE, GROUP 4 | Dee. 28--Stouffville at Lindsay Jan, 2--Port Perry at Whitby Jan, 7--Whitby at 'Stouffville Jan. 7--Lindsay at Port Perry Jan. 9--Lindsay at Whitby Jan, 11--Port Perry at Stouffville Jan, 15--Whitby at Lindsay Jan. ieStoutivile st Poct Peszy A Jan. 23--Stonffville at Whitby Jan, 26--Port Perry at Lindsay Jan. 28--Whitby at Port Perry - Jan. 20--Lindsay at Stouffville tne CHRISTMAS TREE AT UTICA The United. Church Christmas Tree will beheld in Memory Hall on Mon- day evening, December 17th. Frpra0teen LOST Durant Radiator Cap In Port Perry. Herbs o K CHOICE QUALITY B EF, LAMB, OF K, VEAL » ASIFIRST BACON .C( JTTACE Zn HAMS = ROLLS RED MEATS Fillup 3 esol this week. apply on band. ? "RECEIVE OUR BEST ATTENTION. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. C. W. PYATT Phones: Yard 94. Uptown Office 238. Pluie ser west Coma Bucher |. SHOP TAKING SOM . TO MAKE OID PERHAPS E LAST ? Madre