| Sou BUYING DIRECTORY AND B E the Sosivess Hen Hated bolo: we will 5 Dea the co-opera 8 about a better id Jeproduce 8 seria u community in which' "A. J. DAVIS cxalls Store DRUGS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS CONFECTIONERY TOILETRIES KODAKS and DEVELOPING Telephone 49 Residence 134 BROCK & SON -DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BBOTS & SHOES. WALL WALL PAPER A SPECIALTY. Telephone 43 "W. R. 'WILLAN THE MERCHANT TAILOR Clothes Made to Your Measure Telepone 45 Morrison' s Drug Store KODAKS, FILMS AND DEVELOPING MOIR'S CONFECTIONERY COMPLETE NYAL LINE Telephone 16 I R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & STATIONER Our Values are Equal to Anywhere EYES TESTED FREE, J Fl McClintock DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED. Telephone 36 Sm E. H. GERROW BAKED GOODS AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM & SOFT DRINKS Telephone 8 32. Port Perry i Lumber & Milling COMPANY ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER HARDWOOD FLOORING SHINGLES, LATH DOORS and SASH CUSTOM CHOPPING, FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS. Telephone 26. CHANGE OF ADDRESS The Port Perry Branch o this Bank will move next month to the Ferguson Block, East of the Post Office. You are invited to can at, our premises, where we shall have every for serving you. The Royal Bank of Canada PORT PERRY BRANCH IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH A community i is as big as the faith of the residents make it. This faith is evident in the unity which exists between merchant and buyer. and the people go to nearby cities to purchase their goods the growth of the town is retarded and it is ultimately rele- gated to the "has-been" class. When the merchant and the resident forget personal differences and unite their purposes for common trade, it is a certain sign that that community is listed among the "boom Think in terms of your local merchant, and decide to buy in Port Perry. Petty personal grievances are things of too little significance to let them interfere with the progress of the town which you call home. If you trust your merchant he will prove himself loyal to you. The decision is yours to make. Shall you buy outside Port Perry and see the town fall behind, or will you buy at home and 'Witness this com- munity advance? Your patronage spells your confidence i in your merchants who are responsible for the leading position your town en- joys. If you give them your support, merchant and resident will unite for the good if this town, and the result will prove that the only true way to success is by united effort. Your dollars which you pay to your local grocer, butcher, clothier or milkman, will stay in Port Perry and will ultimately come back to you. Ww. L Parrish HARDWARE TINWARE PLUMBING, and HEATING Telephone 8 55. oo F. McCLINTOCK In groceries, fruits, crockery, boots, overalls, work shirts, etc, the housekeeper can always find a good selection at McClintock's. Reasonable prices, ready delivery, courteous service, and dependable goods are assured. Another important line handled by Mr. McClintock is seeds--Clover, red and alsike; Timothy, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover. In buying or selling, it will be well to consult him. Fair dealing characterizes this business. It is a real buy- at-home store, where values warrant the patronage. The Canadian Bank of Commerce PORT PERRY BRANCH Equipped for service--Following the tion of the two local brnehes, increased facilities to serve the public have been introduced. MAKE THIS YOUR BANK E. B. Walker, Associate Manager. H. G. Hutch M CARNEGIE HARDWARE Let us give you an estimate on Plumbing and Furnace Work. HARDWARE PLUMBING ::' FURNACES Willard & Co. General Merchants FRUITS, VEGETABLES. Telephone 46 r 2. B. D. HENRY, Manager : If dissension invades the community Telephone 152. GROCERIES, DRYGOODS | - Draperie Home ons Phone 246 Bert MacGregor ||| FOR QUALITY MEATS CANNED GOODS BUTTER AND EGGS Telephone 2r2 : McKEE & SON GENTS' FURNISHINGS BOOTS & SHOES GROCE & FRUITS FLOUR & FEEDS BE TE Hall's Restaurant - "A Good Place to EAT" \ ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY W. T. RODMAN MERCHANT TAILOR Made-to-Measure Clothes Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing W. A. BEATTY HARNESS, LEATHER GOODS, | SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS TRUNKS, RO : BLANKETS J ry AND W Ser 152 eth g at her home here. = Mrs, O'Brien, of Port. Perky, is stay- ing for a few days with Miss Marion BEARE BROS. McLAUGHLIN AND CHEVROLET MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 130 W. CARNEGIE-DAY MOTORS This is "EXIDE" BATTERY WEEK. No where can you Beat Our Prices. Buy your BATTERY in our town. Phone 61 EE SEAGRAVE + The monthly meeting "of the Woman's Association and W.M.S, was held at the Home of Mrs. M. McMillan | on Wednesday afternoon, July 10th. 'There were 'about twenty-five mem bers and visitors present. "The presi- | dent, Mrs. J. Shunk, was in the chair. 5 roll and the business were over, 'button-hole contest, was held, which! : "caused a great deal of merry-making; ten minutes being given for the mak- || ing of the button-hole. Mrs. C, w. | p were Me. and Mrs, 8. Reynolds and family, Mr, and Mrs. A. Short and "family#Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk, Mr, "and Mrs. H. Short, Mr. and Mrs. D, Martin, Mr. and Mre: H, Wanamaker and family, Mrs. J. Wanamaker and Mis Ruth Stone. Everyone reports a very enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and family Land Mrs. T. Couch visited with re- latives in Bowmanville recently, Mr. and Mrs, T. Atkins, of Toronto, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A Dow- | son, on Sunday. 0. ° Mr. Sidney Webb and boy chum; c Tot Toronto, spent Stmday: with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. McFad-| Mr den ahd son, of Islay, at the Home of | her Mr, and Mrs, J. Harding, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark accompanied | by Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk, spent Sun-| day afternoon n Lindsay, where they| 'visited Mr. _R. Copeland in the hos-| pital. Mr, Copeland is doing as well |* as can be expected from injuried sus- gemini 'weeks ¥ ent in' V-Neck Sweaters and Coat Sweaters: All wool SAL ; 1.89, - with tw colle i fine broadeloh ens sens me _ Choi $148 fe - mes » Fiver COTTON HOSE, 20c. The hose and good quality. | LADIES i FARIS SHOE: tot ol es a : CHILDRENS BATHING SHOES provera five ele oie hes 10 S AtROVpCS to ig customers in Port P hia : » ADE-TO- MEASURE 'CLOTHING rg ubmit i d Cleaning, riven and 1 ig Men's