beautiful "selection was. a at the United . Church Sanday Shen" Anniversary by Enid Wallace counts for more than the deeds-- "As's nan thinketh i in his heart, "The Spirit of Christmas in our- hearts will joy and happiness; to iy, and to others, bring Jo Christmas season; for the spirit of Christmas is one of unselfish Nove and Pleasure in making others happy.- irth of Christ ushered in a new era. trine was forgiveness in place of re- ge; willing service instead of self-seeking pride. He ruled in. men's hearts by love, - fear. No uniform distinguished his lowers: they were recognized only by their love one to another. The Golden Rule wag 'to be their motto: "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so. to " them." Tne message of the shell on that first Christmas morning. was: "Peace on earth; dwill to men." © Away with strife and rness! ! Let us take into our hearts the spirit of Christmas, the Christian spirit: "Peace on earth, goodwill to men." a Ta a Messages from our Ministers . By Rev. T. A. Nind, Rector of the Church of the Ascension, Christmas is a birthday, and we all like keeping birthdays; especially when they are our own and we are the eentre of attraction and the re- ++ cipients of many nice presents. It is the birthday of our greatest Bene- factor. Without its influence the world would be a very terrible place %to live in these days. In Russia and China today, for instance, where 8 is influence has either been rejected or is unknown, safety of life and | roperty is not so secure as it is here in Canada, and life is cruel and hard. ow much we owe to Him who was born on Christmas Day. £0, what birthday present are we going to give Him? ises of our thankful hearts, ng." 7 +* 'Let us oh | Christmas Day join in our corporate acts of worship, of } Kol and thanksgiving. It is a birthday present to Him. There is still 'more we can give--deeds of loving service to others. "Inasmuch as ye did it"--we know the rest--"Ye did it unto Me." This winter theré will be many opportunities of doing the deed of kindness to those suffering from want or sickness. Let us not forget "such birthday presents to Him. 'The Christmas Febtival is: marked too, by many parties and home gatherings. There are parties held because of His birthday. (Are we going. to invite Him? or are we going to leave him ouside?) If we do in- vite Him, He will be sure to come, and the joy and the merriment of our atherings will be all the greater and brighter. = So let us on our knees on A Eve or Christmas Morn invite Him--the little Child of Beth- Jehem---to be our guest at all our festivities. we this year, 1929, so soon drawing to an end, bring Him many His birthday, and ave, by His presence with us, a very This being There are the "0 Come let us adore Him, Christ the _ ; Christmas tree; and cards, and it is over, and many grown up LH the birth of Jesus their heads-and say Banish hard feelings and selfish- | to be Ce Mr. A Fenelon Falls, being unable ugh with his car, the snow tied the motor traffie up. A numbe: of others were not'able to attend and are looking forward to this banquet in the near future, . Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding and Mrs. C. W. Moon were recent visitors to Torontg. Mrs. A. L. Orchard, Grant and Mrs, J, Shunk, in Lindsay one day last week. Mraand Mrs. N. Eagleson visiting with relatives at Pleasant Point on * | "Sunday. 'Mr, M. McMillan visiting at Utica "| over the week end. _ Mr.-and Mrs, H. Short, Mr, and Mrs; H. Copeland, in Toronto last week, 4 The little son of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Mark, we are glad to report, is improving nicely after the recent operation. 4 Mr. W. / MoPherson; of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | J. Mark. ; Mr. and Mrs, F. Harrison and son Gordon, and Mrs R. 8, Long, of Myrtle, visited the latter's daughter Mrs, R. Scott, on Sunday. {| Mr, and Mrs. J. H, Brown and son , Will, of Toronto, visiting with re- latives on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs, H. Short accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shunk spent } Sunday afternoon in Port Perry and Oshawa. |". Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Holdershaw visifing with relatives in Sonya, one day last week. Mr. Tamblyn, of Oshawa, visiting his sister Mrs. Eagleson, on Monday. Mrs, J. Rogers left on Sunday to "spend the winter in Toronto with her daughter Mrs. Brown: Mr. and Mrs. J. Frink, Mr. Walter | Frink, of Napanee and Mrs. Thomas, "of Wisconsin, Visiting their cousins Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon and family ast week. RE WotNHE ASROCTRtION WIN; through the press, to thank all who helped to make their bazaar such a succesf. ~ The donation of Mr. and Mrs. T. Druean was greatly appre- | ciated. - Mr. and Mrs: Orr Bhunk-and little daughter, of Port Perry, visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Rogers, on Sunday. Mr. J. Short is confined to his home through illness There was an attendance of 88-at Sunday school on Sunday. morning, showing the interest taken in Sunday' School work. The service in the evening was in charge of our pastor Rev. Mr. Green and was fairly well attended. -- Don't forget the Seagrave annual Christmas entertainment which is to be held in the United Chiirch on Mon- day evening, Dec. 23rd. A fine pro- gram is being prepared. Don't miss this one. Adults 2bc., children of the Sunday School free. Everybody wel- come, Quite a number attended the wood bee last week and Monday afternoon _ in connection with our church. A full supply of wood for the year is the | result and very encouraging to all | concerned. Mrs, S. McFarlane, Mrs, A. L. | Orchard, Mr. J. Mark, and Mr. G. Stone, are on the sick list. Friends {hope for a speedy. recovery. Mr. L. Scott spend the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Short in Toronto one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Copeland, of Oak: wood, visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Short, last. week. Mr. A. Mark and Mr. 8. J. Wool- dridge, in Toronto, on Sotorday. Many are looking forward to the Annual Port Perry Fair this week. Born--To 'Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Brice, on Tuesday, December 10th, r. and Mrs. E. and Mrs. Jas. E. Motor Accident On Thursday night of last week as ithe five o'clock bus was returning from Lindsay it was struck by a Maunders truck going north on the highway. The accident took place about the 9th' concession of Reach. The result of the crash was that the bus was badly damaged and Mrs, E. C. Burton and a lady from Bowman- ville were seriously injured. It is difficult to secure an authentic story of the accident because the night was foggy and the-road was in a very rough condition. It would appear that both the truck and the bus hugged the centre of the road too much. After investigation the traffic officer said that the accident was due to fog and slippery roads. No blame was attached to either party. Mrs. Burton is doing as well as can be expected but is suffering with a broken shoulder blade. The lady from Bowmanville is said to be injured in- ternally. nme) mins Hydro Cham nd The large transfo:Sts and technies J bank 'has' been m¢®h no matter what Ler oil b; and installed. at "whether ne ener Fair Grounds; Andjeryige, aus} size has b beep of Empire taps Hem of the Ene his' completes ""ots to be cons 'strengthenifig the system which nas been going on for some menths back. By means of this installation 22,000 volts are now carmied to the local transformer, and stepped down to 4,300 volts or about 450 h.p. Our local consumption is between 280 and 300 h.p. or over two hundred h.p. plore than the amount with which. we started out. Indeed, the original estimate was only 650 h.p. for Port Perry réquirements. With this great- ly incremsed power service we should have a stesidy voltage all the time. No There -is "current now availible 1087 Blackstock, Caesarea, Nestleton, Wil- liam's Point, Scugog, Manchester, Prince Albert. There are about 200 rural consumers. Pinedale sub station feeds Little Britain, Mariposa Township," Sonya, Seagrave and Greenbank. The Hydro development in Tosa " rural districts-is becoming very rapid', of late. ipernity Opes Annual Meeting The anual meeting of the W. M. 8. of the Port Perry United Shure was held in the Sunday Schtsle Wednesday afternoon last meeting was well attended," encouraging reports of last" work given, #ne especially pleasing foatury 3 the year's work was the fact that the allocation of $600 was exceeded by over $28. The nominating committee felt that with a record like this, the officers should be re-elected, and the meeting agreed unanimously, This idea could not be carried out entirely and it was Fe found that: two changes had to be. made--Mrs. Orchard takes charge of the Missionary Monthly in place of Miss M. Parish; and Mrs. Farmer takes Mrs. Jeffrey's place: as Press Superintendent. Mr. McClintock read an appeal Christmas story, and Mrs. Sa sang a solo accompaning herself o the auto harp. Both selections were very much' appreciated. en OO: 5 Christmas Tree Remember the Christmas . Tree. Entertainment at the United Chu on the evening of Monday, Dee: 28rd. 'There will be something in the pro- gram for everybody. I addy the interesting numbers by the