Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 20 Mar 1930, p. 4

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PERSONAL Reserve Friday, April 26th, for the first annual Dance and Euchre given under the auspices of the Canadian - Legion. Miss Isabel Lucas, B.A. has ac- cepted a position with the Manufact- urers Life Insurancé Company, in their Head Office at Toronto. . Mrs. W. M. Cutts will not receive 'again this season. Miss Helen Anderson entertained her friends to a St. Patrick's party one evening last week. Some twenty guests enjoyed a very happy evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Asselstine, of Carman, Manitoba, and Mr. James Joy, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Rose, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robinson, of Toronto, were guests of the Misses Harris, for the week end. Watch for a Spring-time Sale of useful articles, fancy work, cooking and candy. It will be held in the LO.D.E. rooms on Friday afternoon, March 28th, at 38 o'clock. Afternoon tea will be served. On Tuesday afternoon the Bank of Commerce Managers from the ad- jacent villages, viz. Nestleton, Black- stock, Brooklin, Uxbridge, Sunderland, and Little Britain, met at the local Branch for an exchange of views and a discussion of local conditions. At six o'clock, accompanied by their ac- countants, the Managers repaired fo the "White Kitchen" for a chicken dinner. Gatherings of this kind should be helpful to the Managers, and result in increased service to the public. i) st \ ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT The ladies of St. John's Presbyter- ian Church gave a good supper in the basement of the church, and there was a large attendance. The St. Patrick's Suppers have been an anticipated event for a number of years. The en- tertainment was given by Lindsay Young People at the Town Hall. Their play, "Apple Blossom Time" was well received, but the players gave evi- dence that it was a "First Night". Outstanding characters were Betty Ann, Micky, and Polly. There were many humorous situations, and at the end of the play they all "lived happy ever after." Even Micky picked a fine looking girl. OO FOUND A ladies wrist watch on Queen St., Port Perry. Apply at Star Office. -- ri LOST An eversharp pencil. leave at Star Office. ---- iis WANTED Farm in exchange for city property, Oshawa and Toronto. Apply to Far- row & Morden, No. 9 Bond St. East, Oshawa, Phone 869. aprd Ti 0 ren EGGS FOR HATCHING from Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. 50c. per setting of 13. Apply Mrs. Frank Franklin, Port Perry, Phone 176 J. apr 8 Finder please O00 DIED WERRY--At Port Perry, on Mon- day, March 17th, 1930, Aileen Agnes, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Rupert Werry, of Cartwright, aged 8 years, 2 months, 1 day. vinta} Greta PORT PERRY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Flower lovers and Gardeners are invited to atend a meeting of the Port Perry Horticultural Society, at the Parish Hall, Port Perry, on the even- ing of Thursday, March 27th, 1980. The meeting will be addressed by Mr. John 8. Hall, of Toronto, who will give an illustrated lecture on "The Flower Garden." Everybody who is interested in Flowers or gardening is welcome to this meeting. Admission free. Dr, J. B. Lundy, Evelyn Alexander, President. Secreta ry. ~ Your Eyes and Our Service ASHBURN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horne left for their home in Saskatchewan yester- 'day, after spending two months with Mr. Horne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Horne. Mr. D. Parrott is busy doing some repairing at the Manse. Mr, Everett Leach is spending a few day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Leach. The young people will not meet this week on account of local engagements. Services at the Presbyterian church were well attended, on Sunday, it be- ing Mr. Stevenson's first Sunday in charge of the congregation. As a suggestion--Every person to church-- a service of this kind might be of great value. The induction service on March 18, was well attended. Ministers from Toronto, Bolton, Oshawa, Whitby, and Myrtle, were present, Mr. Hiltz, the Moderator of the Presbytery, had charge of the service. Mr. Robertson of Bolton preached the sermon, Mr. Munroe, of Oshawa, addressed the minister, Mr. Lindsay, Whitby, the people, These addresses were all of the highest order and Avere much en- joyed by the congregation. The reception in the lecture room of the church was a very enjoyable affair, Clergy and people were in the best of spirits, and it gave the people an op- portunity of meeting the minister and his wife in a social way. Mrs. Steven- son is a very charming lady. The coming of these good people will tend to do much good for the community. "Mr. J. G. Barton spent Sunday with his parents, at Uxbridge. We are glad to see Mr. Innis Grant able to be out again as he has been confined to his home for nine months. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Parker are visit- ing with Mr. James Russell, Havelock, for a few days. Mr. A. A. Knight is spending the week in Bruce County: and 'Mrs. 'Knight is visiting in Toronto. Under the auspices of the Young People of the Presbyterian Church, the young people of Audley are giving their drama "Nancy 'Ann Brown's Folk" on Friday night, March 21st, in the lecture room of the church. Mr. Harold Ballard, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. Frank Fisher, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Johnstone, at- tended the Farmers' Banquet, at Osh- awa, March 18th, also Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Richardson. OO UXBRIDGE PAPERS AMALGAMATE After serving the Uxbridge com- munity for 61 years, the Uxbridge Journal has been bought by the North Ontario Times, and another weekly newspaper that has given fine service to its readers ends an honourable and useful career. The name of Mr. W. H. Keller will always be associated with the Journal~ He was a splendid citizen, and conducted a paper of which he might well be proud. Con- gratulations to Mr. Cave on his pur- chase. He is an enterprising news- paper man and will do his best to give good service to his people. Word has also gone out that the Cobourg Sentinel-Star has been pur- chased by the Mundy-Goodfellow Com- pany. These are the days of amal- gamations. CANCELLATION OF THE C. N. R. TRAIN TO BE PROTESTED (Oshawa Daily Times) A vigorous protest will be lodged by Whitby Town Council with the Do- minion Railway Board, at Ottawa, a- gainst the decision of the Canadian National Railways to curtail the train service on the Whitby-Lindsay branch commencing on April 27th. The Council on Monday night heard and read a letter from the superin- tendent at Belleville, advising that on that date the early morning train train from Lindsay, which brings to Whitby about twenty-five High School pupils from various parts of the north, would be cancelled, likewise the after- noon train which takes them home. In other words, the passenger train service will be reduced to one train each way daily, except Sunday, and that train will be used largely for freight service. It will leave Lindsay at 9.46 am. and arrive in Whitby at 2 p.m., leaving Whitby at 2.50 and ar- rive in Lindsay at 6 p.m. A resolution is being forwarded to the Dominion Railway Board in pro- test of the cancellation of the early ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 5 Sunday, March 23-- 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. DIED SARVIS--On Saturday, March 15, 1390, at his residence, 772 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto, Inspector Albert E. Sarvis, beloved husband of Mary Charlotte Sarvis, in his 66th year. BLACKSTOCK £ (Continued from Front Page) Misses Florence Proutt, Florence McLaughlin, Laura Proutt, Mrs. Jas. ronto, were in Blackstock attending | pp the funeral of the late Miss Jennie Proutt. Miss Marjorie Nesbitt, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Nesbitt. Mrs. (Rev.) Milton Sanderson and son have returned home to Toronto, after a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain. Miss Vera Forder, of Toronto, spent the week end with her mother Mrs. John Forder. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Newton, Miss May Mec- Lean, Mr. Albert McLean, Lona and Harry, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- son Dunn, Oshawa, attended the fun- eral of the late Matthew McMinn, Mr. Norton VanCamp, of Elmira, and Miss Bates, of Toronto, spent Sunday recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Camp. The March meeting of the A. Y.P.A. of St. John's Church, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey on Wednesday evening, the 26th. The program is Lenten and will be in charge of Mrs. F. Hamilton and Miss L. Dempsey. The croKinole party held in the U nited Church School Room by the young people on Tuesday evening of last wek was enjoyed by all. The prizes were won by Mre G, Bowers agd Mr. Ray Bradburn, The Euchre and Basket Social held in the town hall on Thursday evening of last week under the auspices of the Orange Lodge had an attendance of 85. The prizes were won by: ladies' first, Mrs. T. Venning; ladies' second, Mrs. Ira Argue; gentlemen's first, Mr. L. Mountjoy; second, Mr. O. Wright. The baskets under the ham- mer of an auctioneer from Lindsay, sold well. The evening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan, Mrs. R. Spinks, Mr. and Mrs. W, A. VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, and Mr. Jack Smith, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright and Edith spent Saturday svening ) at the home of Smith Bros. ml) ---- WORK "WANTED A reliable person desires a position as housekeeper. Apply to Miss Alice Howard, R.R.2 Nestleton, Ont. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. - ag Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Joll, of To-|* Tan-{ at very W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry ES IN MEMORIAM GAMBLE--In loving memory of our dear sister Effie, who passed away, March 16th, 1927. Gone but loving memories, Death can never take away, Meemories that will always linger, While upon this earth we stay. Her loving way, and smiling face Is a pleasure to recall, She had a kindly word for each, And passed beloved by all. Sadly mised by sisters and brother. sti ss HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The hockey teams luck seems to have deserted theem at the most crucial time--the final game in the series. They were defeated in the last game with Orono Jniors, 2-0, and they must now relinquish all hope of obtaining the Sheriff Paxton Trophy. This game concluded the hockey sea- son, and now the pupils are beginning to hunt for last year's old battered baseball and bat, for baseball games come next in the programme of the schol sports. The debate, at the Literary meeting on Friday, the 14th inst, proved en- tertaining and enlightening to the majority of the pupils, who knew very little of the 'subject which was "Re- solved that total disarmnament is pos- sible at the present stage of the world's development." = The affirm- ative side won. If British statesmen should be greatly startled, one of these fine spring days by a feasible plan, of two Canadian youths, to in- stitute total disarmament; -you will know that these two youths are form- er supporters of the affirmative side of the above debate, and pupils of Port Perry High School. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 23rd-- 11 am.--The God Fight. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Special Song Service. "An evening with old hymns and » their authors." Prince Albert-- 1.46 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. TRUCK "1 1b print 42c. Dey oar Hrs per 1 ......35c. : ETA Lh 21c, PASTRY FLOUR .. 1 Th kg. 21. ST. CHARLES MILK, tall +++... 2 ting 25c. JIF SOAP FLAKES ............pkg. 18c. INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP ..7..4 for 25¢c. BABBITT'S CLEANSER ........3 for 25¢c. DAINTY LUNCH SALAD DRESSING Small 20c. Large .............32c. VI-TONE ..........8 oz 33c. 16 oz B55c. GRIMSBY SWEET PICKLES, 35 oz. for 45¢. HAWES FLOOR WAX I's per tin 43c. SEA KING LOBSTERS. . 1's 21¢. %'s 36c. P.& G. SOAP .............6 bars for 24c. AYLMER CHOICE CORN, ....per tin 13c. v are cheap. BENSON'S CORN STARCH .. _ LYNN VALLEY PEAS, No. 3, BULK CUT MACARONI, THOMPSON's (Seedless) BULK ROLLED OATS . PRUNES, medium ores ive va ad IDS fOP " SUNERA, per pkg . LEMONS, per dozen GOOD COCKING APPLES, basket ... .85¢. | Don't stop feeding Laying Mash when eggs Aiken & Burns Mash gives you COHOE SALMON... ...%" s 18. I's 32¢. 'GOLDEN REEF PINEAPPLE. . 2s s 3le. LYNN VALLEY ASPARAGUS ' ] Cuttings, 2's re pe Ra more eggs SHOE AND RUBBER DEPARTMENT A FEW SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK END Women's Splashers, to clear, Misses' Splashers, to clear Women's Shukuvers, : - -. Men's Hip Rubbers, special . $1.89 1.65 e115 5.75 JAS. McKEE & SON, A young man and his bride on their honeymoon arrived at Monte Carlo. Upon their first night they strollled down to the beach in the moonlight," The undersigned have been instruct- and sat there gazing out over the/ed by Ernest Harrison, to sell by water. Auction, at 'his premises lot 1, con. Presently the man quoted: "Roll | 3, Mariposa, % mile north of Sonya, on, thou dark and deep blue ocean | on Thursday, March 27th, all his farm roll!" stock, implements and some furniture. ereupon, the young bride gras The offering includes a number of De Ee i e Oe ramp fine horses and Registered Shorthorn "0, Richard dear, look--how won- Cattle. See bills for terms and list. derful you are--it's doing it." Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS AND FURNITURE. 3 ForWashing and Dry Cleaning try Oshawalaundry SERVICE Crosier Transport--daily trips to Anis wor Dry Cleaning Co.Ltd F. Crosier & Son, RINIITNIY ws Prone 22 J °% 1 H. H. STONE "THE STORE FOR MEN" supply Rank forms notes for you. Notes. This Bank .will be glad to and Jock: after the On and after March 1st, this Company will con- duct its business on a bases of Cash at time of sale, or credit of not over 30 days. On all ac- counts not paid in 30 days from date of sale 2% per month interest will be added. Interest from date of sale will be charged on all gutstanding accounts if not paid by April 1st. J Port Perry Milling and Lumber Company : Port Perry Phone 22, PORT PERRY seeve.4 Ths 2le methods. We Sell the Youthful NO KROME BI FOCAL also recommend ORTHOGON LENSES. Eyes examined by the most modern Glass eyes fitted. F. E. LUKE Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St, TORONTO 8 10 to 12 am. ABLACK BUSINESS + CAR AIT Vos A full supply on hand of all sizes HARD COAL WOoOoD CANNEL COAL STEAM COAL The Port Perry Coal Yard = W.GeW.Pyatt COKE Phones: Office 94 Re ; Tr _ APPLES First Class Spies and Greenings at 50c. 11 quart basket delivered in town. H. C.-Nasmith. = e in 4 of Port Perry, that they 1 ure a license at ee eee J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY , Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Phone 258 _----

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