Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 27 Mar 1930, p. 4

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PERSONAL 'RESERVE FRIDAY, APRIL 25th. for the first annual Dance and Euchte given under the auspices of the Can- dian Legion. Miss I. E. Downer and niece Miss Harriet Downer, visited relatives in Brighten over the week end. Dr. John Brock, of Oshawa, was vigiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Ww. Brock, on Sunday. Miss Enid Richardson, of the O.L.C., Whitby, was the guest of Mrs. W. H, Harris, for the week end. The Misses Cronk, of the O.L.C. Whitby, were the guests of Miss Frances Christy for the week end. Miss Olive Wallace, of McDonald Hall, Guelph, is visiting her parents, Muy. and Mrs. Allan Wallace, for a few days. ~ Miss Jean McMillan and Miss Frances Christy, of 'McDonald Hall, Guelph, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Christy. Mrs. Wesley Boynton has moved in- to Mrs. Rundle's house on Perry St. Mr. Boynton sold the John Bradley house to Mr. Fred Masters. Mr. Orr Shunk will occupy the house for the time being. Mr. Boynton also sold the Gerrow lot east of Beare Bros. Garage, to Beare Bros. Miss Ethelwyn Hutcheson, Miss Lillian Blong and Mrs. Henry Blong and her son Saston, who motored to Los Angeles are leaving for San Francisco where they will take the S. S. California, via the Panama canal, for New York, from whence they will motor to Toronto. in en CELEBRATE DIAMOND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Franklin, of Port Perry, celebrated their diamond wed- ding, on Friday, March 21st, 1980. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Franklin the affair was very quiet, but many friends and relatives called to offer congratulations. Mr. Franklin was born in Somerset, England, coming to Canada with his parents at thé age of ten years, living in Shirley until 1870 when he mar- ried Sarah Lambe, who was born in Shirley. After this marriage they lived in Darlington five years, Cart- wright, five years, Greenbank twenty- six years, Port Perry twenty-four years, Mrs. Franklin was 85 years old on old on Wednesday of the week. UTICA Miss Jean Miller and Miss Ander- son, of Newtonville, at the former's home, over the week end. Miss Nora Spencer spent last week in Toronto. Miss Edith Lakey, of Toronto, at Mr. Thomas Lakey's on Sunday. Mus. Denny took charge of the ser- vices at the different appointments on Sunday. Her message was much én- Jjoyed. A splendid crowd attended the shower presented to Miss Lillian Fielder last Thursday evening. Mr. H. B. McKercher was home over the week end. Masters Robert and Thomas Suther- land, are sporting a pony and cart these days. Mrs. Philp in Prince Albert visiting her father who is quite ill. Miss Elsie Gibson and Mr. Bruce Simpson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Benley, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spencer, and Mr, and Mrs. C. W, Lakey and Miss Hosie, spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hortop, last week. Sorry to report Mr. Wm. Christie is seriously ill with hardening of the arteries around the heart. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Winters at her home here on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey in Green- bank, on Sunday evening. Mr, J. Pickard is under the doctor's . care again. Miss Mildred Dunn has returned to her home in Oshawa. Pleased to report Rev. J. Denny is improving nicely. We hope to see him with us again soon. Through an error Miss Nora Spencer's name was omitted in the report of those who took part in our al evening program. Miss Spencer 'a good pianiste and always so will- Our orchestra did excellent work night. May it continue to pro- and grow in numbers as it #0 much in the Sunday School. Vanier mn for a Spring-time Sale of , fancy work, cooking It will be held in the rooms on Friday afternoon; Monday, and Mr. Franklin 84 years RE TRAIN SERVICE Town Clerk and Treasurer John R. Frost is in receipt of a letter from the Dominion Railway Board at Ot- tawa advising that the town's protest against the Canadian National Rail- way curtailing the service on the Whitby-Lindsay line to one train daily each way, and on a slower schedul will receive the Board's attention. There is a feeling locally that un- less the Board intervenes the morning train will be cancelled as advised by the Company in a letter to the Coun- cil. The Board of Education will then have to find some way of providing transportation for 26 or 30 pupils now attending the High School here from various parts of the north. In the past few years there have been several contemplated cancella- tions of this train but no action was ever taken. It is understood that it will not be included in the spring and summer time table now being printed. --Oshawa Daily Times. ein. A RED LETTER DAY. Last Sundhy was a red letter day in the United Church Sunday School. The attendance reached the high mark of 212. Rev. R. T. Richards was pre- sent and addressed the school. Another feature was the appearance of the bass viol in the orchestra. This instrument was made by Mr. Alfred Andrus, assisted by Mr. R. D. Woon and Mr, Bruce Snelgrove. It is a fine piece of workmanship and has a beautiful tone. It is being played by Mr. Woon and is adding greatly to the beauty of the orchestra music. This organization has recently been strengthened by a trombone played by Mr. Chris Nichols. The orchestra consists now of four violins, cello, bass viol, two cornets, mellophone, trombone, together with a number of young violinists and cornetist. BLACKSTOCK The March meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. D. Galbraith, en Wed- nesday afternoon, the 12th. A very interesting and helpful program- was given by the ladies of "blue group" as follows: A report of the evening ses- sion of the Presbyterial held at Whitby, by Mrs. Wilbur Archer. A talk on the "Life of David Livingston" by (Rev.) Mrs. Newell; a talk on 'Femperance by Miss K. Phoenix; and a reading by Mrs. Samells, "What Color do you give your day?" The St. Patrick's Supper and con- cert held in the township hall on Mon- day evening of last week under the auspices of the Victorian Women's Institute, was a splendid success. The proceeds amounting to $40. A very appetizing "Irish Supper" which every one thoroughly enjoyed a very fine program was put on as follows: Instrumental duet by Rev. and Mrs. Newell, reading by Mrs. Frey, an elocutionist from Weston; solos by Mr. John Smith, readings by Miss McFadden, piano and violin music by Mrs. F. A. Bailey and Mr. J. English, a paper on "St. Patrick" by Miss E. Kemp. The meeting of the Women's Aux- iliary of St. John's Church which was held at the home of Mrs. R. J. Mec- Laughlin, on Thursday evening last had an attendance of 80. The meet- ing opened with devotional exercises conducted by the president after which hymn 772 "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" was'sung in memory of the Hon. Pres. Miss Jennie Prout, who passed to Higher Service on March 7th. A re- port of the Board meeting was read by Miss L. Dempsey and the Bulletin Message taken by various members. A reading from the Living Message was given by Mrs. Robt. Parr. The meeting closed with the following pro- gram in charge of Mrs. T. Smith: readings by Mrs. C. Parr, Miss L. Dempsey and Mrs. T. Smith, a solo by Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Lunch was served and a vote of thanks tendered the hostess for her hospitality. Services in St. John's Church on Sunday next will be taken by Rev. C. E. Whittaker, of All Saints Church, Penetanguishene. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Jas. Byers is suffering from an attack of pleurisy. We hope for his speedy re- covery: Mr. Oakley Corley, of Toronto, was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S. Swain. wt Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Mrs. Robt. 'Mahood, visited with re- latives in Toronto recently. A very enjoyable evening was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Venning, on Friday last, when entertained a number of friends » THE ST. 3 : gs) 3 y RIAN ' = "he CHURCH Sunday, March 30th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 2.30 p.m~--~Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 pm. Again they rang on Wednesday, March 19, when Miss Evelyn Cowling became the bride of Mr. Freeman Hep- burn, of Bunker Hill. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Newell at the parsonage, Blackstock. We extend our congratulations to these young couples and wish them a long and prosperous journey through |in life, Mrs, John Jackson is visiting with Mrs. John Pearce, on Scugog. On Monday, March 17th, there | prices. passed away at the Port Perry Hos- pital, one of Blackstock's brightest and best loved little girls in the per- son of Aileen Agnes, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry, in her 9th year. Aileen was in the hospital for nearly two weeks suffering from ruptured appendix. All that the best medical skill and trained nursing could do was of no avail and after days of untold agony, death came as a wel- come release. Deceased was a pupil of good standing in the public school where she had endeared herself alike in the hearts of teach and class mates. She was algo a faithful little member of the United Church Sunday School. The funeral service was held at her home on Wednesday afternoon 19th, conducted by Rev. Mr. Newell and the little body in its white casket was laid to rest in the Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs, Carl Wright, Harry Sanderson, Harry VanCamp and Wilbert Werry. Among the beautiful floral offerings testifying so silently to the love and esteem in which the deceased and her family were held were: a pillow, Daddy and Mother; wreaths, Grandmother, Uncle and Aunts, Teacher and pupils of Sun- day Schol class; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry, Miss Marie Proutt, | Pearl Wright, Ross Bailey, teacher and pupils of Blackstock public school, who attended in a body. The follow- ing four girls acted as flower bearers: Hazel Wright, Jean Wright, Lulu Wright, and Marion Stinson. Aileen leaves to mourn her loss, a sorrowing mother and father, and three little brothers, Roy, Johnnie and Murray. "In that beautiful place He is gone to prepare For all who are washed and forgiven And many dear children are gathering there, For such is the kingdom of haeven." DIED At Prince Albert, on Tuesday, March 26th, 1930, Martha T. Knight, widow of the late Benjamin Smith, and mother of Mr. Jonas Smith, in her 83rd year. * HOLMES--At Oshawa Hospital on Saturday, March 22nd, 1930, William John Holmes, in his 73rd year. Interment was made at Cadmus Cemetery. Lopes se PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 30th-- 11 am.--Rev. D. G. Ridout, of To- ronto, assistant secretary of the Missionary and Maintenance Fund, will preach. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 pm.--Worship Service. Prince Albert Church-- 1.46 p.m--Sabbath School. 3 p.m. Worship Service. ON MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Bred-to-lay Rock Chicks, good winter layers. Large or small orders filled. Also custom hatching. Apply Mrs. Fred Raines, Phone 189 r 4, Port Perry. Aprd BABY CART Lloyd Loom Baby Cart for sale. Ivory color, in éxeellent condition as it was scarcely used. Original finish like new. Reasonable. Phone 25, Mrs. R. Collacutt; Port Perry. | r------ J enis HAY FOR SALE 1 Timothy and alfalfa. Apply to John Medd;~R.R.1 Port Perry, lot 8, N half, con 5., Reach. ee AUCTION SALE Friday, March 28th--Farm Stock and Implements belonging to Mrs. M. McMillan, lot 18, con 13, Reach. Mrs. McMillan has rented her farm and all will be sold. See bills for list and. terms. Sale at 1.80. ' Geo, Jackson & Son, intern AY FOUND | A ladies wrist watch on Queen St., Port Perry. Apply at Star Office. WANTED Farm in exchange for city property, Oshawa and Toronto. Apply to Far- row & Morden, No. 9 Bond St. East, ! Oshawa, Phone 869. apr3' 000 EGGS FOR HATCHING from Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. 50c. per setting of 13. Apply Mrs. Frank Franklin, Port Perry, Phone 1756 J. apr 3 a --.. "tts WORK WANTED A reliable person desires a position as housekeeper. Apply to Miss Alice! Howard, R.R.2 Nestleton, Ont. | -- OO FOR SALE Massey-Harris '8-hdrse cultivator, nearly new, also Cockshutt 2 furrow riding plow in good condition. Apply to Stanley Ward, Phone Uxbridge 99 r 2.2, % eee Oe AUCTION SALE Mr. Dan. Christie will sell-by public auction at his premises on the Man- chester-Port Perry Road, Reach Township, on Tuesday, April 1st, his farm stock and implements, including horses, cattle, swine, and implements. Sale at'1.80 p.m. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. Jee the a Sinan PEP NATIONAL are greatly reduced-- wa tl rivet of new goods there is 4 8h id choice. Get your order All kinds' of Dry Cleaning snd Press| done. Ladies' fine dresses| thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry wie Process at very moderate Eagle Wilk, x fins for 35c. CREAMERY BUTTER, 1 1b prints i Ale. JEWEL SHORTENING, . is .2 Ibs for 3lc. CHATEAU CHEESE, ¥; 1b pkg. ......18c. PASTRY FLOUR ........... 1b bags Sle. ROYAL YORK TEA .... V's 35¢. Is 70e. A. & H. Washing Soda, pkg. 5c. ROWNTREES COCOA. ......% 1b tin 25¢c. TODDY. .... ite inden iiani.S 08 330, MANYFLOWERS SOAP 2 cakes for 15¢. HANDY AMMONIA over. 1..2 pkgs for 15e, CASTILE FLOOR WAX........1Ib tin bc. Sugar Crisp Cornflakes, 3 p. 25¢. 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH. ......2 tins for 25c. BULK ROLLED OATS......4 Ibs for 2lc. SINGAPORE SLIC1D PIN, ATLE 2 for 25¢c. DELMONTE YELLOW CLIN PEACHES, 2's festa i tin 28¢. 1 DT LIBBY'S SOURKEAUT, 25's per Se. JANADEA SOLDEN WAY Xie ex COHOE SALMON, I's per tin ........82. BULK DAT Weston's Biscuits, arrowrool Peach Blossom coated, Cream Centres. : Per Ib. . 24c. ? LILY CHICKEN HADDIE, ... = tin 21c. CATELLIS MACARONI or SPA Te 14e SHIRRIFF'S PINEAPPLE PRESER SCOTCH DATE JAM COOKIES, per 1b 25. CROWN SYRUP, ..2's 17c..........5's 87¢. GRIMSBY SWEET PICKLES ..35 oz 45¢c. ff ~ GOOD COOKING "APPLES, 11 gt. bsk. 35c. Shoe, Rubber, and Gent's F urnishing Department. BARGAINS IN ALL LINES. We are overstocked and We are agents for J. A. Haugh's well ing in Boys' fore purchasing. e have a Guessing Contest on a pair of Men's Overalls. the correct number of stitches in the gets the Overalls FREE, Contest wi will reduce at bargain prices. known garments, and we are specializ- othing at Price, Fit, and Quality that will pay you to look over be- The person gusto Rerment (or the Nearest to corect numbe run to April 8th. JAS. McKEE & SON, TO-NIGHT (Thursday, March 27th) Speoclal lecture under the auspices of the Horticultural Society entitled "THE FLOWER GARDEN" will be held inthe PARISH HALL ADMISSION FREE . PORT PERRY | We Sell the Youthful NO KROME BI FOCAL also recommend ORTHOGON LENSES. Eyes examined by the most modern methods. Glass eyes fitted. F. E. LUKE Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St, TORONTO 8 TRUCK SERVICE and from Toronto. All loads insured. Crosier Transport--daily trips to Prompt service. F. Crosier & Son, PHONE 221J FerWashing and Dry Sleaning Oshawal amdry Dry Cleaning Co.Ltd R IIIISIRFLY | H. H. STONE "THE STORE FOR MEN" J. A. METHERINGTON NOTICE per month interest will be added. accounts if not paid by April 1st. Phone 26 On and after March 1st, this Company will con- - duct its business on a bases of Cash at time of * sale, or credit of not over 30 days. On all ac- counts not paid in 30 days from date of sale 2% 'Interest from date of sale will be charged on all outstanding Port Perry Milling and Lumber Company | OISTRIBUTC PORT PERRY CAL YARD KEW HIT Vas { A full supply on hand of all sizes HARD COAL COKE WOOD CANNEL COAL STEAM COAL The Port Perry Coal Yard W.G. W. Pratt

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