Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 3 Apr 1930, p. 4

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Mr, R. Pike of Toronto, was in town - on Sunday. Messrs. Frank and George Dawes, of Toronto, were in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R, Doubt, of Toronto, were week end visitors in town. Mr. Boynton has sold the Sollowing properties; Ten acres bel Mr. D. Lyle to Mr. Philp, Prince - bert; and the Foley property at Borelia, to Mrs. C. P. Donner, of Florida. . Save Friday, May 2nd, for the play, "Dust of the Earth"--United Church. Mrs. R.F. Tomlinson, St. Catharines, daughter of Mrs. C. L. Vickery, was in town attending the funeral of the late Mr. C. L. Vickery. Miss Mayrene Shert spent the week end with her parents, M. and Mrs. W. 8. Short. PRESERVE FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, for the first annual Dance and Euchre given under the auspices of the Can- adian Legion. The local military platoon go to the armouries at Oshawa on Friday, where Pte. John Marsden, will be given a prize for shooting at the range. Miss Bessie Crozier spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, dno. W. Crozier. Mr. Allin Doubt was in town on Sunday. Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.P., of Oshawa, was in town on Sunday. aie Oli CARD OF THANKS Mrs. C. L. Vickery and family wisn to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during their recent be- reavement, rine an HIGH SHOOL NOTES The High School Glee Club and the Public School, under the leadership of | Mr. on the evening of April 9th, at 8 p.m. 'I'he concert will be composed most- ly of musical selections by the various classes. The admission fee is 3bc. For two years now, Mr. Lynde has been teaching singing to any school pupils who wish to study it. work has certainly been a success. This was shown by the concert last year, and, according to the sounds emitting from the Assembly Hall dur- ing practices, the entertainment this year is going to be as good, or even better than last year. a DOO ---- ALLEGED THIEF CAPTURED IN WINNIPEG James Coulter and other aliases-- real name uncertain--was captured in Winnipeg and is to be brought to To- ronto for trial on a charge of robbery. He is said to be the man who com- mitted a number of thefts in Port Perry on the night"of December 8th, 1929, A quantity of loot has been regain- ed. Beare Bros. will get back their car. Mr. Harold Archer will have his silverware returned. Of course no money will be returned. It is said that this prisoner was travelling with a woman who later disclosed his whereabouts, and led to his arrest. The man seems to have a long catalogue of charges against him, and will likely have ample time to think over the folly of his actions. It is expected that when "Coulter" arrives in Toronto, he will be brought fo Port Perry to face the charges pre- ferred against him on local thefts. eminem A PRACTICAL ADDRESS One of the best addresses ever de- livered before our local Horticultural Society was given by Mr. John Hall, of Toronto, at the Parish Hall, on Thursday evening of last week. - His instructjons as to sowing and planting were very practical, and easily followed by any person inter- ested enough to do the work. The diagrams made everything clear, and the beautiful colored pictures showed the wonderful results that may be secured by flower growers. Options for the Port Perry Horti- cultural Society should be in the hands of Miss Alexander, the Secretary, by as (rms CARD OF THANKS A. Lynde, are holding a concert}. auspices of the Sons of England of Evans. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA 'Service at 2.30 pm. Mr. C. L. Vickery In the death of Mr. C. L. Vickery which occurred suddenly Saturday, March 29th, Port Perry suffered the and most highly esteemed business men. He was born between Raglan and farm which his grandfather had re- ceived as an original grant from the government of Upper Canada in 1800. His father died when he was a boy of twelve, leaving him the head of a family of six. Charles Vickery came to Port Perry almost sixty years ago and during those sixty years proved his sterling worth by his actions. It was a com- mon saying that "Charlie Vickery's ward is as good as his bond," and such proved to be the case. His actual business career commenced about forty-five years ago, and he has oc- cupied the same premises since that time. His keenest interest was in his home and his business, In 1880 he married Emma Warkup, of Whitby, who predeceased his some thirteen years ago. Subsequently he married Mrs. S. Ewers of Markham. He is survived by his widow; three daughters, Mrs, E. S. Baker, and Mrs. L. E. Dobson, 'of. Toronto, Mrs. A, L. Crumpton, of North Bay; one son, C. A. Vickery, Principal of Balmy Beach School, Toronto; ohe sister, Mrs, 'S, Kyle, of Port Perry. The funeral, which was largely at- tended, 'was conducted (under--the which Mr. Vickery had been a mem- ber for fifty years) by Reverend Mr: Nind, of the Church of the Ascension, was held from his late residence on Sunday, March 30th, 1930. RA L O. D. E. The regular meeting of the Scugog Chapter 1.O.D.E. will meet in the rooms of the Order on Monday, April th, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Nind has kind- ly consented to address the meeting. OO L O. D. E. BAZAAR The 1.0.D.E. Bazaar was held last Friday, and a large number of ladies attended. The articles for sale were of fine character, and those who bought the cooking were delighted. ------) ears CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, April 6th-- 11' a.m.--Holy Communion. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Friday, 7.46 p.m.--Lenten Week-night service. ens MARRIED TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ayres Celebrate Silver Wedding At their home 304 Green street, "Tipton, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ayres, quietly celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary having as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Cary C. Ayres, parents of Mr, Ayres, who resides at Red Key, Harold Ayres, of Red Key, a foster son, Mrs. Martha Bradley, mother of Mrs. Ayres, and Katherine Ayres, a foster daughter, the latter two mak- ing their home with the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Ayres were united in marriage at Indianapolis on March 4, 1905, Rev, C. E. Bacon, at that time superintendent of the Indianapolis district of Methodist churches per- formed the ceremony at the parson- age. The bride's home at that time was at Port Perry, Ont. Following their marriage they went to housekeeping in Red Key, residing there several years and then removing to Summitville, where Mr. Ayres was engaged in the lumber business, From Summitville they moved to Tipton on December 10th, 1925, since which time they have been among the popular residents of this city. Mr. Ayres is manager of the I P. fmunity. Mrs. Ayres is an active !| member of several women's clubs and. loss of ome of its oldest, best known | Columbus, March 28th, 1866, on the] Smith Lumber Company of Tipton and} active in civic affairs of this com-| ~ School Assembly the Public School. Instrumental numbers. ADMISSION: I, E. GALE, Principal. ander the a atispices: 0 Society of the PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL} "Assisted by the Public WILL BE HELD IN THE ON THE EVENING OF oe Wednesday, April 9th THE PROGRAM consists of Choruses by each form of Among the selections by the Glee Club will be-- "Spring," "Old King Cole," "Come to the Fair, and "Barcarole."' The program will-be given 'under the direction of Mr. Arthur Lynde, Musical Director of the Schools. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS TOM HARRIS, Pres, Lit. See. the Literary School ; 2 bs for 26¢. tr Palmolive Soap, Hall, Port Perry, STANDARD CORN, per por ti 1 LYNN VALLEY PEAS, ho 3, 2's ..tin 15¢ : SONERA pa OATS, large : Blue Boy Cros Pack Sardines a Sree ases BREAKFAST FOOD, pkg. ..23c. | 'SPEP ..........2 pkgs for 25c. ¥ 2 tins for 330. Readings and NUJELL SHIRRIFF'S TRUE VANILLA GRIMSBY SWEBT BICRLES 35 oz. ...43c. JELLY POWDER ....3 for 25¢. ST. CHARLES i tall BORDEN'S CHOCOLATE MALTED | SURPRISE SOAP... CASTILE SOAP . | tins Ta .7 cakes for 25c. . «+. bot. 23e. ciara 240 Aylmer Peach Jam, 40 0z.j. lec. Creams, Weston's Biscuits, arrow- root, peach blossom coated, . creamo per Ib. 24c¢. C. & B. BRANSTON PICKLES, 8 oz. . - Manchester Mr. Charlie Munro, manager of the Crystal Spring Farm, near Montreal, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, pure bred Holsteins and 600 acres of land. Mr. Fred Masters has returned to his summer home in the village. Mr. Walter Greenwood, "who has been working on a dairy farm dewn in Quebéc for the past winter months, has returned to work for Mr. Jaék Masters during the summer, with whom he was employed before, 3 Mr. Fred Lamb recéntly motored to Markham to visit with friends. Mrs. James Mitchell presented the choir and Sunday School with some new song books, which are greatly appreciated. If you wish to hear Ralph Conner (Dr. Gordon) of Winnipeg, the famous writer and preacher, attend the Whitby, United Church evangelistic meetings which are being held every evening this week. Services com- mence at 7 o'clock. Miss Jean Ferguson, who has been spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. White, of Toronto, was home for a few days last week. Miss Hattie Lamb, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Vyrtle Crosier, who has been taking a business course in typewrit- ing at at business college in Toronto, has completed his course. About 25 milk shippers met at the home of Mr. W. W. Holtby last Fri- day evening to talk over the milk shipping situation with Mr. Newton, who has been Hauling milk for the farmers to Toronto. There is a large surplus of milk going to Toronto at present and a number of shippers BS ration to generation: engaged in charitable and social ser. vise work at. this. time } chairman { made arrangements for disposing of Howard Franklin, | Mrs. Holtby provided lunch, and the where he was formerly employed. The | meeting closed with singing "He's a Crystal Spring Farm is owned by Mr. | Jolly Good Fellow." " Donald McFee, who has 85 head of | 'held on April 10th, in the Town Hall. ACK of every irclistry--- buck of every busi- ness--back of every individual from guardian of money, an agent of ally of progress of a nation and. have been.cut off. Mr, Newton has the milk until fall through other AUNT DINAH MOLARS: 11's, tin 10e. CREAMETTES, per 19c. GOOD COOKING A APPLES. 11 'qt LUX... .25¢. hek. 35e. CHIPSO, large pkg ............ev....21c. BABBITT'S CLEANSER, .... HAWES EZMON OIL 12 oz. bottle FINEST SHRIMP, per tin ..... ......3 packages 25¢. .3 tins 25c¢. ciao 23e. Vyas ne 230 sources, The milk has to be in To- ronto by ten o'clock each morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Meee ani daughter- Joyce and Mr. and rMs. T. McKee visited in Raglan recently. Miss L. Thompson was in Whitby one day this week. The Fowlie brothers have sold their farm and haye rented Mr. Daniel ing i the gets the Overalls FREE. * Contest wi Shoe, Rubber, and Gents' Furnishing Department BARGAINS IN ALL LINES, We are overstocked and will reduce at bargain prices. ents for J. A. Hangh"s well known garmenis, and we are specializ- Bothing at Price, Fit, and Quality that will pay you to look over be- fore purchasing. e have a Guessing Contest on a pair of Men's Overalls. The person guessin, rane (or the nearest to corect number We are in Boys' correct number of stitches in the run to April Beh. Christie's farm for the ensuing year. Mr. and 'Mrs. Christie will remain in their own home and the Fowlie Bros. will occupy their new _house nearby. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKee and daughter and Mrs, Thos. MrKee were in Oshawa one day last week. Miss Irene James has recovered nicely and was able to leave the Port Pery Hospital and go to the home of her parents at Manchester Station. PORT Sunday, Bradley hquse in Port Perry and rented it to M#. O. Shunk. Miss Blanche Reesor, we are pleas: to report has been able to leave the hospital this week and return to her home in Stougville, where she will re- main until after the Easter holidays, when she efpects to resume her duties JAS. McKEE & SON, 11 a.m.--The Christ Within Us. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--The Fool Among Sins. The choir will be assisted by the Mr. Fred Masters has hought the | orchestra at the evening service, Sunday, April 13, Special Woman's Missionary Society service at 11 a.m. ed! Miss Maxwell, of Toronto, will be the special speaker. Prince Albert Church-- 1.45 Sabbath School. 3 p.m. DIED BRIMACOMBE--In Brock Township, lot 18, con. 1, on Friday, March 28th, 1930, Annie Pearce, beloved wife of Francis T. Brimacombe, in her 63rd year. CARNEGIE--In Reach Township, lot 18, con 9, on Sunday, March 30, 1930, Annie Ross, widow of the late Joseph Carnegie, in her 84th year. FINCHAM---A¢t Port Perry, on Mon- day, March 81, 1930, Charles Fincham, aged 86 years, 5 months. PERRY UNITED CHURCH April 6th-- ~--Worship Service. 'at the school her, Mrs. L. James was taken to Toronto General Hospital this week and we understand she Is in a critical condi- tion. The Community Club play will be Admission 25c and 16¢. Mr. Fred Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. F. Johnson were in Mount Dennis on Saturday. Mrs. Dave Lyle, mother of Mr. Fred Lyle, was taken suddenly ill last week and is i in a serious' condition. 1 TRUCK SERVICE Crosier Transport--daily - trips to. and from Toronto. Prompe service. All loads insured. F. Crosier & Son, F orWashing y : and "Dry Gleaning Oshawalaundry Dry Cleaning Co.itd R 1113611011 Y H, H. STONE PHONE 221 J stands On and after March 1st, this Company will con- duct its business on a bases of Cash at time of 'sale, or credit of not over 30 days. On all ac- counts not paid in 30 days from date of sale 2% per month interest will be added. Interest. from dsl se 10 be args 5 wing PORT PERRY Ai os ---- 3 We Sell the Youthful NO KROME BI FOCAL also recommend ORTHOGON LENSES. - Eyes examined by the most modern methods. Glass eyes fitted. - F. E. LUKE Optometrists 164-167 Yonge St, TORONTO 3 Tern: Sa J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 258 ABLACK BUSINESS BUTORS OF By: V.GCW PYAry A fall supply on hand of all sizes §) HARD COAL COKE = WOOD CANNEL COAL ~ STEAM COAL The Port Perry Coal Yard W. GW. Pyate

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